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If it has already been determined independently, then why are you getting upset with Robert?

I think you are falsely deifying Robert Plant and Led Zeppelin to argue that if RP doesn't agree to tour it is some cosmic injustice that he has wrought upon the universe.

bis, etc.

It is rather an expression of my personal will, most of which is a velleity when it comes to execution... :(

But as for expressing my own opinion, it is not the case.

I also believe it is a reflection of the magnitude of what is at hand rather than an amplification of any man's ego or persona. Even if the essence of the subject has nothing to do with sales and money, it is nevertheless worth pondering how many albums would be sold, say in the first week. Just to get a crude scope on the level of intrerest and appreciation for the music out there. For myself, a very intuitive 'shitload beyond any record ever' figure comes to mind. Rarely is there something so intimately common to so many people on so profound a level - IN MUSIC. That's the gist of what I'm all up in knots about here. We all expect them to pioneer into uncharted land and come back to knock us back on our asses so hard we'll be putting our socks on wrong for a couple of years.

To answer your first question : because I, quite subjectively believing to be objective, feel that he is thus far not making the optimal choice corresponding to the predetermined best possible scenario, which would be a new zep album and tour. I am upset with him for not making a choice which would bring about more good, in my opinion and in that of many others. His choice is not what is predetermined. For example, civil and criminal law predetermines what is optimal in terms of behavioral choices. 'the law would not approve of Robert Plant slicing the head off a child', for example, whether or not the fatal occurrence was predetermined or not.

There are many clues which point to Led Zeppelin's reunion as being the right choice. Many REASONS.

Robert's reasons for not doing the Zep thing seem to be FAR MORE egocentric. They do not revolve around much else than trying to hum sounds with Krauss that should be put into lyrics and music with Led Zeppelin. He might be more intimidated by having to create something significant once more, reliving a baptism by fire. Is he afraid of holy water?

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What is with the army jacket JP? It looks cool but you seem to be wearing it everywhere lately. Also, who is the ditz at the end? Quite annoying and not as cute as she thinks she is! :blink:

Don't know what's up with JP but apparently JPJ has pledged to somebody that he fefuses to change his outfit until the next gig. Let's hope that Jimmy finds his new singer a.s.a.p.

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Robert's reasons for not doing the Zep thing seem to be FAR MORE egocentric. They do not revolve around much else than trying to hum sounds with Krauss that should be put into lyrics and music with Led Zeppelin. He might be more intimidated by having to create something significant once more, reliving a baptism by fire. Is he afraid of holy water?

You may be right that a reunion is the best thing to do. But one of the hardest things to come to terms with in life is that all things must die. Sometimes you have to let them go.

What is with the army jacket JP? It looks cool but you seem to be wearing it everywhere lately.

He obviously doesn't employ a stylist who makes him change clothes 3 times a day. If people were scrutinising my wardrobe they would make the same observation. Maybe he is making a statement of battle. Or he is hiding something in there. Travis Bickle?

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Robert's reasons for not doing the Zep thing seem to be FAR MORE egocentric. They do not revolve around much else than trying to hum sounds with Krauss that should be put into lyrics and music with Led Zeppelin. He might be more intimidated by having to create something significant once more, reliving a baptism by fire. Is he afraid of holy water?

Things are not alway's as they seem. If you were to meet RP in a pub somewhere and he told you that THIS is exactly what he wants to do and is no longer interested in Led Zeppelin, would you believe him?

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Helllllllllllll no.

None of their individual efforts has ever amounted to anything as significant as another Zeppelin album or tour.

This is undisputable fact.

I don't give two shits about bluegrass, which constitutes a glorification of humming.

Screw what Robert's doing. Andropause has done a number on him. Don't go Michael Douglas on us Robert. We just want you to SIGN WITH ZEPPELIN and do your best, screw the supposed persona or hype. The mirror will be easier to look into. BTW, I really like your singing, TODAY, just not without Zep anymore. You say the Zep stuff is old...your bullshit charade of pretending to find value and solace in new wonderful horizons with pastel colors and 'unassuming' assertiveness (the university student hypocrisy) IS GETTING EVEN OLDER. IT'S LIKE WHEN A CHILD DROPS DOWN TO MASTURBATE IN THE STORE AND THE SHOPKEEPERS PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE NOT TO EMBARRASS THE PARENTS.

Stop jerking off Robert, we can see you. NO. WRONG. This is NOT good. You are NOT doing the right for you, for history, for music, for anything. You can hum next to the machines in the heating room between rehearsals for Zeppelin if you wanna check for new harmonies. My washing machine sounds better than your Raising Sand crap. STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP



Do something significant, become the phoenix. What you will do with Zeppelin will be as magical as of old precisely because of the ominousness of the occasion. And we all expect more from you because there's 'a lot left where that came from'.

that's funny, right there.....

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You may be right that a reunion is the best thing to do. But one of the hardest things to come to terms with in life is that all things must die. Sometimes you have to let them go.

He obviously doesn't employ a stylist who makes him change clothes 3 times a day. If people were scrutinising my wardrobe they would make the same observation. Maybe he is making a statement of battle. Or he is hiding something in there. Travis Bickle?


Like the prayer of Serenity says in the AA/NA/etc.A meetings

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Well it's clear where Roberts current spirit lies. But no giving up hope.

"Great Spirit Come"

I'm wishing too! I agree that the spirit has to be there. If 3 out of the 4 members aren't into it, it would be somewhat obvious to the fans I would think. Wouldn't make for an enjoyable show for the rest of the guys, so the show wouldn't be up to par (even if it is Zeppelin) It was apparent at the 02 that all 4 were into it. I'd rather see them do a show where they all were into it.

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Please be patient... ;)

Page, JPJ and Jason, we all know want to play and have been together either recording new material, playing a few songs together and/or receiving awards recently. Plant is out with Alison on tour (for now, keeping his voice going) and exploring new directions with his creative juices. Who knows??? Maybe, Plant is writing new material (and Page and others are sending him the music regularly)...

Let's just all wait and see what happens in September. It's either going to be Page with Jones and Jason (and possibly with Plant). Either way, it's going to be incredible. :)

R B)

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Please be patient... ;)

Page, JPJ and Jason, we all know want to play and have been together either recording new material, playing a few songs together and/or receiving awards recently. Plant is out with Alison on tour (for now, keeping his voice going) and exploring new directions with his creative juices. Who knows??? Maybe, Plant is writing new material (and Page and others are sending him the music regularly)...

Let's just all wait and see what happens in September. It's either going to be Page with Jones and Jason (and possibly with Plant). Either way, it's going to be incredible. :)

R B)


It is that of which I am speaking

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Patients is a virtue which we all need to practice...something will pop up. We need to just bide our time. They know the world wants them to play again. I believe in Karma. I think they'll be drawn in eventually..

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Thank you! That was great to see. :D

The interplay there between Jimmy and Joneys is lovely to see. I hope it portends good things to come. :)

Me, too.

We'll all just keep our Collective Conscious positive, optimisitic, and without doubt...we'll do a little group majick on Jimmy :D I'm certain we'll be seeing his new projects soon. He has a new sense of youthful excitement and energy about him these days, loving it!!

Thanks everyone for sharing your pics, links, posts, and positive thoughts! Maybe we should start a new thread "Daily positive affirmations for 09' :lol:

Magick for Jimmy, and Daily Postiive Affirmations... lovely notion. Let's do it!

I will start with ten repetitions of Om Mani Padme Hum. :D

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Patients is a virtue which we all need to practice

Jason has been old enough to fill his Fathers shoes for about the past 15 years. So, it took Percy some 15 years to find a reason to do a true LZ show (the 02). How long should we wait, another 15 years? No, Plant needs to be called out this time and start thinking about all the fans that want him to do more LZ work. If not, fine...............then be honest enough to say it's over, not the maybe games so the rest of the band can hook up with someone that cares.

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Fardoche Mavusta, I agree totally with you. I too am sick and tired of Plants antics. What you will soon find out is that all the Plant apologist - kool aid drinkers out there will start to curse and ridicule you because you see through Plants rubish. Then, the next step will be that you are labeled a BIG BAD TROLL.

Of course you agree with him. That's because you're a couple of nitwits who should get married and live happily ever after. Labeling what Robert's doing now as "bluegrass" proves that you don't know what you're talking about. Do us all a favor. Take a quarter out of petty cash and go buy yourself a clue.

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Jason has been old enough to fill his Fathers shoes for about the past 15 years. So, it took Percy some 15 years to find a reason to do a true LZ show (the 02). How long should we wait, another 15 years? No, Plant needs to be called out this time and start thinking about all the fans that want him to do more LZ work. If not, fine...............then be honest enough to say it's over, not the maybe games so the rest of the band can hook up with someone that cares.

Jimmy is moving on, per Roberts choice. Riddle me this, what happens when Robert decides to change his mind, and do a Zep project? I will tell you, Jimmy will tell him, NO.

Game Over.

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Jimmy is moving on, per Roberts choice. Riddle me this, what happens when Robert decides to change his mind, and do a Zep project? I will tell you, Jimmy will tell him, NO.

Game Over.

I've got three things to say to that:




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Yeah, when you are done laughing at the truth, go act like a cool kid over at the big table where all the cool kids fight over what pants Jimmy was wearing at a show in 77.

You haven't a clue. :D

Interesting. I haven't a clue, eh?


Considering the number of times Page has wanted to restart Led Zeppelin in the last 30 years, with Robert always holding out, I have yet to see James Patrick do anything other than solo work. Plant walked away in '86 when they first tried to revive it, but Jimmy and he reconnected for the Atlantic birthday. Robert walked away from the Page/Plant venture, then Jimmy rejoined him again for O2.

Nowhere in those times did Jimmy Page restart Led Zeppelin. So you are going to tell me that NOW, at 64 years old, he is about to relaunch his band without the vocalist? And that after the David Coverdale Debacle (DCD) of 1993, he wants to bring another vocalist into the fold? Knowing the fans' and critics' negative reaction to that project?

This isn't Alice In Chains we're talking about. It's Led Zeppelin. The name itself is synonomous with the iconic image of Robert leaning backward, mic in the air in mid-"Ah-Ah" in Black Dog or Achilles Last Stand, with his long blond locks of hair draped over Jimmy's shoulder.

Yep, apparently I don't have a clue at all and you are the conduit of Jimmy's wonts and desires.

Edited by solar
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Interesting. I haven't a clue, eh?

Yep, apparently I don't have a clue at all and you are the conduit of Jimmy's wonts and desires.

Columbus, Magellan. History. Right now it all does not mean a thing. You are in a sense clueless in this instance. I am not willing to explain it to you, as it will play itself out here shortly, and at that point you can add to your history diatribe. It's over bud, no one, not even Robert can bring Led Zeppelin back.

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Columbus, Magellan. History. Right now it all does not mean a thing. You are in a sense clueless in this instance. I am not willing to explain it to you, as it will play itself out here shortly, and at that point you can add to your history diatribe. It's over bud, no one, not even Robert can bring Led Zeppelin back.

I think if you go back and look at that same history, you'll see that all involved said Led Zeppelin died with Bonzo.

And, so soothsayer and sage, let it play out.

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Interesting. I haven't a clue, eh?


Considering the number of times Page has wanted to restart Led Zeppelin in the last 30 years, with Robert always holding out, I have yet to see James Patrick do anything other than solo work. Plant walked away in '86 when they first tried to revive it, but Jimmy and he reconnected for the Atlantic birthday. Robert walked away from the Page/Plant venture, then Jimmy rejoined him again for O2.

Nowhere in those times did Jimmy Page restart Led Zeppelin. So you are going to tell me that NOW, at 64 years old, he is about to relaunch his band without the vocalist? And that after the David Coverdale Debacle (DCD) of 1993, he wants to bring another vocalist into the fold? Knowing the fans' and critics' negative reaction to that project?

This isn't Alice In Chains we're talking about. It's Led Zeppelin. The name itself is synonomous with the iconic image of Robert leaning backward, mic in the air in mid-"Ah-Ah" in Black Dog or Achilles Last Stand, with his long blond locks of hair draped over Jimmy's shoulder.

Yep, apparently I don't have a clue at all and you are the conduit of Jimmy's wonts and desires.

BTW, the points you use here, are both incorrect. Date wise, and what actually took place. Not that it matters.

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