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Del Zeppnile

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Fuckin' Keith Richards defender! What about Taylor? Who is gonna defend him? Nobody, so fuck 'em! :angry:

Although '59 has made me laugh my ass off a lot in the past when dealing with dumb people, so i might let it slide....OR WILL I!?

YOU can defend him.

And I'll give you a hug, Ricky, if that's what you want. :rolleyes:


*I forgot that stupid lol smilie doesn't move on this board. <_< *

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Of course, we could use less of '59. A lot less. >_>

What in the blue perpendicular fuck did I do !?


You're jealous because I hugged him, aren't you?


That has nothing to do with this!




Doesn't it? So, what's going on, then?

Don't let 'im fool ya,that's it...

Fuckin' Keith Richards defender! What about Taylor? Who is gonna defend him? Nobody, so fuck 'em! :angry:

Although '59 has made me laugh my ass off a lot in the past when dealing with dumb people, so i might let it slide....OR WILL I!?

Nobody yet,but then again,no one really trashes Mick Taylor,either.....

Slide........yet another thing overlooked about Keith's playing,he's good at that,too. B)

YOU can defend him.

And I'll give you a hug, Ricky, if that's what you want. :rolleyes:

Nyeh! I don't want a hug now. <_<

*sits in corner*

Yes,you dooooooooo :P

Cheer up, dude!

Here, have a drink on me. :D


"As she plied me with bourbon so souur...."


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Yep, it's been almost 40yrs and it still works for me.

BTW ,you got it Pontiac was a line from an old TV commercial. I'll take the AM as a compliment :D

Bwahahahahaha!! Well that went over my head, eh? Guess it was a little before my time :P

Nobody does it like mighty Zep!

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I listen to rightwing conservative radio every weekday afternoon and I'm surprised at some of the music they play.

Led Zeppelin among others of my favorites, I listen to the blabber for entertainment purposes and occasionally agree with the viewpoints. Some of these talkshow hosts were freakin' dope smokin', coke snortin' freaks in their youth, but now have pulled the "Winston Churchill" observation.

"Anyone who isn’t a liberal by age 20 has no heart. Anyone who isn’t a conservative by age 40 has no brain." <_<

250px-Churchill_portrait_NYP_45063.jpg Winston needs to smoke him one.

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^ Yeah, I just heard Good Times, Bad Times as bumper music for the NASCAR race today. I don't get the connection. While I do think of people with long hair when I think of Zep, mullets weren't the exact sort of long hair I was picturing...

Then again, here we are, two examples of what we're talking about, so there must be something to it, though you're not the typical conservative radio listener, and I doubt I'm your average NASCAR fan, so now I just don't know what to think, heh!

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Well, I now know why people are so afraid of ghosts. I just stepped into the dark hallway and saw a shape that looked like my cat (who passed away earlier this year :( ). I guess I wasn't thinking too well at first because my first reaction was, "Oh, hi there, kitty." About a half a second later, I realized that the cat shouldn't be there, but I hadn't had enough time to think about what it might actually be, so in a moment of total mind-warp I yelled out, "WHAT THE F*CK?!?!" (sorry for the language, but that's how surprised I was), half-thinking it was the ghost of my cat. Two seconds later, I realized that it was actually a paper bag (I don't know how it managed to look like a cat, either), and that I really needed to get a grip, lol.

But the moral of the story is, I never really thought ghosts were all that scary. As long as they're not chasing you down the hall, what's the big deal? Well, now I know. It's not the ghost itself that's so scary (in fact, I wouldn't mind if my cat haunted me...I'd like to see her again); it's the mind-warp that goes along with it. All these thoughts flew through my head, like, why are things coming back from the dead? Holy crap, there really is an afterlife! If there's an afterlife, then which religion was right and whose afterlife is this? My god, could there be vampires and aliens, too? Total trip, man. I'm glad it was just a paper bag because that's waaaay too much for my little brain to handle. I think I'd be okay if aliens existed, but the ghost thing is totally out of my league.

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We had a 3.0 earthquake last night. How strange is that..... of all places right in the center of where I live. I did not feel it though ......... not the first time.

What is your favorite Halloween Candy?

Does anyone remember those little colorful candies called "Smarties"? I miss those.

I will dump out daughters bag and pick out my favorites. Anyone else care to joint me?

Guess I better get my fat ass to gym.

Happy Halloween

I want Candy!!

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