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Plant Krauss to record follow-up to Raising Sand

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I initially wondered if the song would end up being done live but I was really happy they did In the Mood/Matty Groves - and a stellar version too!

I was thrilled about that too. I hope if they do tour again this summer that they pull out another Plant solo gem. Fingers crossed for 'Ship Of Fools'. :) I don't care how they change it up, I just want to see it performed live!

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I was thrilled about that too. I hope if they do tour again this summer that they pull out another Plant solo gem. Fingers crossed for 'Ship Of Fools'. :) I don't care how they change it up, I just want to see it performed live!

That would be great to hear too! B)

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I'm surprised nobody has suggested that this new album may not sound anything like Raising Sand. I could easily see Robert and Alison going in quite another direction from the country/folk/rockabilly sound they current have and going for something else. I think Robert is consciously trying to veer away from the blues at the moment, so I could see him diving into eastern music again, while I could see Krauss trying on her blues-belter persona which she only test drove on Raising Sand. Maybe they will actually compose some new material instead of just obscure songs.

I didn't know what to expect from Raising Sand and was blown away by the depth that was there. My only fear is now that I have high expectations that I'm expecting something that no second act could really accomplish.

They'll probably shock the world and do a rap album. :D

R B)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Country Standard Time reports that Friday, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss have started recording the follow-up to their Grammy Award-winning "Raising Sand" album, according to Ken Irwin of Rounder Records.

"Alison and Robert have been in the studio for about two weeks and although we haven't heard any of the music, we've been hearing good things from the musicians," said Irwin in an email.

As with "Raising Sand", T Bone Burnett is helming the current sessions. He also was the band leader during Plant and Krauss' 2008 tour.

Read more from Country Standard Time.

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While baby No. 2 is currently still in the works, proud "uncle" T-Bone is already hoping for even more offspring.... :D


“Alison and Robert have been in the studio for about two weeks and although we haven’t heard any of the music, we’ve been hearing good things from the musicians,” said Rounder Records’ Ken Irwin in an e-mail to Country Standard Time. Burnett recently spoke to Rolling Stone about Plant & Krauss for a story in the next issue (which hits stands next week). “The one thing we certainly can’t do is try and repeat [Raising Sand],” he told us. “That was a moment in time and a beautiful moment, so to try and do that sort of thing again would detract from that.” He adds, “Hopefully we have at least two more records in us.”

It’s kind of hard to be disappointed by news that the winners of the Album of the Year award are recording a follow-up, but this info likely doesn’t sit well with Led Zeppelin fans who were hoping that the group would finally reunite for a full-scale tour once Plant fulfilled his touring obligations with Krauss. A new album probably means another tour, even though Plant said he wouldn’t tour for “at least two years” after his first tour with Krauss ended.

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I think it's good that they aren't going to try and emulate what they've already done, but I think that stye of album was really good. It was something new for Robert, but yuo could still hear his roots in it. I just hope that he doesn't stray too far from his roots. I don't mean Zep I just mean that raw power he has, I hope that he doesn't go too bluegrass and lose his musical edge. I don't think he will though. And the same for Alison, she has a beautiful voice and I hope she doens't try anything that has too much rock in it for her voice.

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I think it's good that they aren't going to try and emulate what they've already done, but I think that stye of album was really good. It was something new for Robert, but yuo could still hear his roots in it. I just hope that he doesn't stray too far from his roots. I don't mean Zep I just mean that raw power he has, I hope that he doesn't go too bluegrass and lose his musical edge. I don't think he will though. And the same for Alison, she has a beautiful voice and I hope she doens't try anything that has too much rock in it for her voice.

I'm sure it will be in that style but not the exact same way as Raising Sand. Americana is a pretty broad genre and there's lots of room for them to explore :D

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While baby No. 2 is currently still in the works, proud "uncle" T-Bone is already hoping for even more offspring.... :D


“Alison and Robert have been in the studio for about two weeks and although we haven’t heard any of the music, we’ve been hearing good things from the musicians,” said Rounder Records’ Ken Irwin in an e-mail to Country Standard Time. Burnett recently spoke to Rolling Stone about Plant & Krauss for a story in the next issue (which hits stands next week). “The one thing we certainly can’t do is try and repeat [Raising Sand],” he told us. “That was a moment in time and a beautiful moment, so to try and do that sort of thing again would detract from that.” He adds, “Hopefully we have at least two more records in us.”

Mind you, Jimmy said he thought they had at least one more album in them after WIC.

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  • 2 months later...

I am probably the only person on earth who is disappointed that they're working together again. I'm just not a fan of Alison's voice. I prefer Robert singing alone, regardless. I've only been a fan of Robert's for a few years (don't know why it took me so long), so I haven't seen him live. I want to very much, but I probably wouldn't go to a Plant/Krauss concert.


I "hear" them together, when I listen to either of them, and it drives me nuts (Their last names even fit together perfectly: PLANdreTh!). I met Sonny in November after a concert and told him. He liked the idea (who WOULDN'T want to play with Robert?). Sonny's bass player, Dave Ranson was in Lil' Band O' Gold, so Robert's worked with Dave.

My 2nd choice for Plant would be a return to Strange Sensation. I'd like it if Nigel Kennedy joined them! Dreamland & Mighty Rearranger are probably my favorite albums Robert's done, including Zeppelin. Then the 2 with Jimmy in the 90's, and Fate of Nations.

Another collaboration I've wondered about is Robert & Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance).

More in terms of songwriting than singing together. Brendan's got that old Quivvy Church & all those instruments (at least he used to: I haven't heard anything about him for a long time). They both have an interest in early music, non western music, psychedelia (is that a genre?), & Tim Buckley. Brendan's material tends to be on the dark side, & Robert is bright, so they might complement each other well. I imagine them holed up in the church, cooking up some really funky musical stew!

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wow... I never heard this before. I actually like her version better than Robert's.

All I can say is WOW!!! :blink:

To each his own...I guess......

I couldn't even finish watching the whole video!!!! :(

It made me miss Robert more than ever!!!No soul in her version.......Sorry!!!JUst couldn't get into it....

Love Robert's version way better :rolleyes:

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