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Led Zeppelin owes us a tour!

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To begin with, absolutely they should play again. (specifically, in/around the Philadelphia area) But, only if they are up for it. I wouldn't go as far as to say they "owe" us anything. They've put out, for lack of a better word(s)...AMAZING! music. if anything, i feel as though I owe THEM...i posted this on a different forum, but it's my take on the band, Jason Bonham, the hypothetical tour, etc... :

As far as i'm concerned, yes, the music community has suffered a massive loss with the passing of John Bonham(he will be greatly missed). However, who better to stand in his place than his own son; who, judging by the recent tribute concert in London has proven himself at the very least, capable?

Because I cannot accurately sum up my feelings for this band and their music, i'm going to resort to being very cliche and quote a movie..."THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS TO BE A FAN, TO TRULY LOVE SOME SILLY PIECE OF MUSIC OR BAND SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS"-Almost Famous. (fyi-in no way do i mean to refer to zep or any of their songs as silly)

I am 20 years old, and I feel robbed and blessed at the same time. Blessed-because I have been raised on the gods of classic rock; Robbed-because i was born way after their "prime". It is my ultimate dream to be able to see Led Zeppelin in concert, with as much of the original band as possible-And, in lieu of Bonzo, i would welcome his son with open arms, because in my opinion that is the closest to the real thing as any of us can get.

This is my favorite band of all-time(tied with pink floyd, but we're comparing apples and oranges there). And, if for some reason i wouldn't be able to see them (tragedy!!!) i wish that awesome opportunity would be available to MANY MANY other fans; whether they were around at the beginning, or whether they are carrying the torch in us younger generations...because but legends never die.

P.S....to be a TRUE fan is to be there through thick and thin. (i'm an eagles fan, so trust me, i know about this). Hypothetically...they tour, and maybe they have a few bad shows. When the Hell's Angels caused a commotion at the Stones' show did that stop them? NO. If people stopped doing what they loved/believed in b/c something went wrong, where would this world be? I would be HONORED to see Led Zeppelin (or "3 members and a 'kid'") even if it were a sub-par performance. I tear up just listening to CD's driving in my car imagining what it must be like to stand in a crowd of like-minded people hearing those songs played live.

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There are two sides here, the way I see it.

ONE: Those that wear their heart on their sleeve, and are not afraid to voice their own desires, no matter what the cost. The raw honest emotions like children wanting more candy. I love that realness.

TWO: Those that secretly would love for LZ to tour, and wants Robert to finally stop this non-commital, wishy-washy talk he does, but need to be 'cool' and show that sophistication, that psychology of 'they don't owe us anything' means nothing more than I won't show my emotions and be disappointed. It's like- saying you would never want to win the lottery because money is the root of all evil, and you've seen or heard what happens to people when they do win. BUT, secretly, you would LOVE to win the lottery. Who wouldn't? Who would turn it down?

Be real. You wouldn't be on this board if you didn't want to see LZ tour or play live.

I, for one, am with BD.

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I guess the simple answer to that is because the LZ fans are the ones that have made them all multi, multi, millionaires.

No, what made them multi-millionaires is the fact that they put out a damned good product, and consumers choose to buy it. I seriously doubt that any of us strolled down to the record store thinking, "Geez...I gotta buy Zeppelin IV so Jimmy can get a bigger house."

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Well no shit theres money invauled all the time and effort put into their music, It just wasnt givin to them. The reason we shell out so much is because there are many companies in between looking for thier cuts to along with managers and road tech. Plus what else would you spend you money on your enjoyment right? w.e that may be for alot of people Zeppelin is their enjoyment and it always will be. No matter how mant peices of paper you have to hand in to see em in the end you trade a part of a tree for a part of your life.

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I'd love to Led Zeppelin tour again, even if it only on a Limited basis!

I know what it is to have never seen the band you love in concert.

So, while I got to see Zeppelin in the 70's.... I Feel Your Pain..

I never got to see The Beatles in 1964 (My Parents would Not allow me to go.)

I never got to see John Lennon.

I never got to see Jimi Hendrix, or Janis Joplin.

Or, Pink Floyd in the 70's...

I'd like for Zep to play all of cities where there concerts were cancelled after tickets had gone on sale. That would be fitting. ^_^

Edited by The Rover
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OK, fine.............they have put out our favorite music. This is true. But all this thinking that the fans owe them so much (IMHO) is a joke. Get a grip, the fans dont owe them anything and they dont owe us. If they never tour or play again, its their loss. Because each band member on thier own are no big deal. But together, they are LED ZEPPELIN.

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There are two sides here, the way I see it.

ONE: Those that wear their heart on their sleeve, and are not afraid to voice their own desires, no matter what the cost. The raw honest emotions like children wanting more candy. I love that realness.

TWO: Those that secretly would love for LZ to tour, and wants Robert to finally stop this non-commital, wishy-washy talk he does, but need to be 'cool' and show that sophistication, that psychology of 'they don't owe us anything' means nothing more than I won't show my emotions and be disappointed. It's like- saying you would never want to win the lottery because money is the root of all evil, and you've seen or heard what happens to people when they do win. BUT, secretly, you would LOVE to win the lottery. Who wouldn't? Who would turn it down?

Be real. You wouldn't be on this board if you didn't want to see LZ tour or play live.

I, for one, am with BD.

Sorry, this got posted before I even wrote anything!

Anyway, my point was going to be--^^ yes, I would, and I am. If they don't all WANT to tour, I don't want to see them--not just as some money-making, ego-enhancing juggernaut. And I genuinely DON'T think they owe us anything. And nobody ever accused me of being 'cool'! :lol:

Edited by Aquamarine
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Sorry, this got posted before I even wrote anything!

Anyway, my point was going to be--^^ yes, I would, and I am. If they don't all WANT to tour, I don't want to see them--not just as some money-making, ego-enhancing juggernaut. And I genuinely DON'T think they owe us anything. And nobody ever accused me of being 'cool'! :lol:

:huh: I've often accused you of being cool.

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I'm not hear either just in the hopes of a tour. It wasn't my reason for joining initially nor is it why I'm still here. I'm just as much a fan of the guys on their own and if they never tour or play one off dates, that's okay with me. It's THEIR choice. They gave us so much with their music that will live on forever and continues to touch people's lives. I'm happy Robert is still making music. I hope Jimmy will finally put out that solo album, Jonesy is actively involved in projects. I'm quite happy with that.

By the way Aqua, I think you're quite cool B):D

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There are two sides here, the way I see it.

ONE: Those that wear their heart on their sleeve, and are not afraid to voice their own desires, no matter what the cost. The raw honest emotions like children wanting more candy. I love that realness.

TWO: Those that secretly would love for LZ to tour, and wants Robert to finally stop this non-commital, wishy-washy talk he does, but need to be 'cool' and show that sophistication, that psychology of 'they don't owe us anything' means nothing more than I won't show my emotions and be disappointed. It's like- saying you would never want to win the lottery because money is the root of all evil, and you've seen or heard what happens to people when they do win. BUT, secretly, you would LOVE to win the lottery. Who wouldn't? Who would turn it down?

Be real. You wouldn't be on this board if you didn't want to see LZ tour or play live.

I, for one, am with BD.

Thank you,


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Jesus owes me a dime.

And Led Zeppelin died with Bonham...its something else now really. The "new' zeppelin i suppose....

Not according to those who were at the O2. While I would be the first to say John Bonham was the beating heart of the band, that's not to say it's completely gone.

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I just hope that Plant can do another stellar song like Ya La. I perfer it to Stairway. I sure hope that Ya La does not become a albatros around his neck. I sure would hate to stop hearing him sing it.

Lovely sarcastic comment, pity the song is called Yallah :blink:

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They dont owe us anything.. Anyways, i think that John Bonham wouldn't mind if they ever do any Tour. In my honest opinnion he wouldn't mind if they just continued after his death.. but, maybe I'm wrong and I still respect their act.

P.S.: Come to Portugal if you do that wished Tour! :)

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