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Jimmy Page Arrives In Toronto


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Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they are more important, and just because you're normal doesn't mean you should be shielded from celebrities.

In the 40+ year since Jimmy has been in the public eye, what has been the biggest threat to his personage?

I'd suggest the person who was threatening to kill him n the 70s.

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I'd suggest the person who was threatening to kill him n the 70s.

We all know about the Manson family connection, and there certainly were a few crazies around in the 70s, can't dispute that.

However, that was some 30 years ago...

I am not saying that people with a profile should not be concerned for their personal safety. However, I would suggest the likelihood for Page being assaulted at a film premiere are far less than the odds of him being injured in a car accident, for example. It's called the availability heuristic, it's a common logical error which all humans are prone to, which is to overestimate the threat of something which is extremely uncommon, while dismissing the risk of something far more common.

If we were truly concerned for Jimmy's safety, we should be suggesting he cuts down his travel mileage, rather than beefs up his bodyguard detail.

I would also suggest that there may be a quality of life issue. If you had to travel everywhere with a 5 man security force, and insist that everybody entering a building you are in is screened for weapons, I imagine you would feel incredibly restricted, and probably not much safer. After all, if you require all those security measures, you would start to think there really is a danger.

Then again, as we all know, Jimmy sold his soul to the devil, so I guess he has nothing to worry about.

Edited by Cactus
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My point was that he has NOT been his own biggest threat as you suggested- someone DID try to get to him in the 70s, and although I am well aware of the theory that you speak of, I cannot agree with the way that you apply it - I think there are enough crazies on this forum alone to warrant Jimmy being VERY concious of his security - and to have him an the others use people to monitor that for them too.

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I was half-joking about Jimmy being his own biggest threat...

Jimmy, and all celebrities of a certain stature (he certainly is one of the biggest) need to think about these things, and put in place appropriate measures. However I would suggest that as nothing has ever happened to him, in the distant or recent past, that his security has always been adequite, and that any fears for him presently are unfounded.

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My point was that he has NOT been his own biggest threat as you suggested- someone DID try to get to him in the 70s, and although I am well aware of the theory that you speak of, I cannot agree with the way that you apply it - I think there are enough crazies on this forum alone to warrant Jimmy being VERY concious of his security - and to have him an the others use people to monitor that for them too.

Knebby, you are right on the money once again.

Look at the stalkerish behavior that is exhibited right in this forum, people wanting to know every tiny detail about Jimmy, meaning his daily routine, asking about his parents and other personal family issues, asking about his wife and kids. Unbelievable.

And didn't Jimmy have a nutcase with a knife backstage at a Firm concert? I seem to recall hearing about that.

I know I for one would not feel comfortable if there were a StringBender forum asking about my life and where I lived.

Not that anyone would care about a dope like me.....but you get the point! :blink:

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Yup, even on normal old .com . . . people taking pics of him on the street when he's going about his private business . . . people finding his house and throwing their CDs over his wall . . . people stalking Robert and posting pictures of his house . . . :whistling:

Imagine how much worse it could be for Stringy. :o

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Knebby, you are right on the money once again.

Look at the stalkerish behavior that is exhibited right in this forum, people wanting to know every tiny detail about Jimmy, meaning his daily routine, asking about his parents and other personal family issues, asking about his wife and kids. Unbelievable.

And didn't Jimmy have a nutcase with a knife backstage at a Firm concert? I seem to recall hearing about that.

I know I for one would not feel comfortable if there were a StringBender forum asking about my life and where I lived.

Not that anyone would care about a dope like me.....but you get the point! :blink:

speaking on behalf of myself only here, but i guess i fall into that category. i AM interested in some things that would be considered personal, but its only out of love. i would NEVER harm jimmy, or anyone else , for that matter. but i do see how people might read into it the wrong way. i just find the zep guys facinating, and back in the 70s and 80s you just couldnt go online and find out all this great stuff , like we can today. stuff like stories behind album covers, how songs were written and recorded, places they played and lived .........i knew none of this until i found this forum. i think the vast majority of members here are just loving fans. but i know " there is always one in every crowd " and i have read some fairly crazy and disturbing comments on here from time to time. so yes, there is a need for some caution and concern regarding some people. but im totally harmless. anyone else feel this way?

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" there is always one in every crowd " and i have read some fairly crazy and disturbing comments on here from time to time. so yes, there is a need for some caution and concern regarding some people. but im totally harmless. anyone else feel this way?

I for one have to step up to the plate and confess that earlier in this same thread , it was my suggestion that we start a JP update thread.

I meant it to be out of interest and education of the latest news. Nothing more.

I was informed that it wouldn't be accepted . I think the online interpretation of people's intentions can be very misleading.

I don't want to know where Jimmy buys his groceries or what he's doing in his personal life.

It would be cool to have someone say " hey , we just saw JP and ?? coming out of the recording studio". With millions of people awaiting the tiniest shred of news it's not intrusive.

It's factual and relevant.

The only obsession many are guilty of is worrying about his well being and health.

And --

I just uploaded another video onto Y-tube here .

JP entering the theater for IMGL. It's short , but gives you a feel for the mood and atmosphere of that evening. Enjoy.


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I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to know more about the guys, because there is a specific and personal connection between every listener and the writers/performers of the music. I think a distinction should be made between 'obsessive fan' (harmless) and those who are mentally ill....

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society has just become too voyeuristic (with all of the cameras on cell phones, stalkerratzi, mainstream media now reporting more on Palin's fashion (hair, glasses, dress) than on important issues like how the Fed Reserve bought out/put a bandaid on/added to the US debt (economy) or how lives were lost in Hurricane Ike or something...

What goes on in private should remain that....

The element of mystery that Zeppelin had needs to remain the same.

R B)

Edited by reids
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speaking on behalf of myself only here, but i guess i fall into that category. i AM interested in some things that would be considered personal, but its only out of love. i would NEVER harm jimmy, or anyone else , for that matter. but i do see how people might read into it the wrong way. i just find the zep guys facinating, and back in the 70s and 80s you just couldnt go online and find out all this great stuff , like we can today. stuff like stories behind album covers, how songs were written and recorded, places they played and lived .........i knew none of this until i found this forum. i think the vast majority of members here are just loving fans. but i know " there is always one in every crowd " and i have read some fairly crazy and disturbing comments on here from time to time. so yes, there is a need for some caution and concern regarding some people. but im totally harmless. anyone else feel this way?

I think, for the most part, it is innocent. People want to put a face to the name, and if you're holding them in such high regard, sometimes people want to know what makes the person that person. Many people like to emulate their idol. I know I'm not completely innocent of it (the curiosity, not emulation). I'm sure many more people aren't either.

I'm not entirely comfortable when people speculate about his children or ex-wife/girlfriend's. There seems to be this sort of 'what-if' mentality and it comes across as a little creepy, not to mention upsetting if you should be a child of his present wife or even his wife, herself. I'm sure she's very proud that her husband has such a devoted fanbase. I'm sure she'd be less than thrilled to know that a small female portion of it believe he belongs with the mother of his first child - who he broke up with nearly 30 years ago. I know I wouldn't like it if people were constantly bringing up what a beautiful couple my boyfriend made with his ex-girlfriend. I think she (his wife) makes a beautiful couple with him and as long as they're happy, who am I to question it?

So, I think it is harmless. I'm well aware I'm not about to meet any of the boys in the near future, so when I ask how they're doing, or what inspired them, it's just my way of trying to understand and appreciate them all the more. I have no interest in visiting his house, seeing where he eats, or any of that crap.

I draw the line when it comes to info on his kids or wanting to see picture's of his newborn granddaughter. That's weird. She's a baby for frig sake!

Edited by longdistancewinner
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society has just become too voyeuristic (with all of the cameras on cell phones, stalkerratzi, mainstream media now reporting more on Palin's fashion (hair, glasses, dress) than on important issues like how the Fed Reserve bought out/put a bandaid on/added to the US debt (economy) or how lives were lost in Hurricane Ike or something...

What goes on in private should remain that....

The element of mystery that Zeppelin had needs to remain the same.

R B)

First paragraph... because it feeds the consumeristic socity and keeps the focus off the important issues... I don't even have a cell phone, but I see people attached to them, along with their blackberries. Caught up in a game.

2'nd. Mysteries usually exist for a reason. They help solve puzzles.

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I'm not entirely comfortable when people speculate about his children or ex-wife/girlfriend's. There seems to be this sort of 'what-if' mentality and it comes across as a little creepy, not to mention upsetting if you should be a child of his present wife or even his wife, herself. I'm sure she's very proud that her husband has such a devoted fanbase. I'm sure she'd be less than thrilled to know that a small female portion of it believe he belongs with the mother of his first child - who he broke up with nearly 30 years ago.

I have made this point before, and had my head bitten off because of it. I think you make a good point between those who search for information, and those who prefer to speculate and judge.

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I have made this point before, and had my head bitten off because of it. I think you make a good point between those who search for information, and those who prefer to speculate and judge.

But it's true though, isn't it? And anyone who bites your head off for simply saying how uncomfortable it makes you, is simply guilty of doing it, in my opinion.

There's no harm in finding a little info about Jimmy, or even his past relationship's. That's the beauty of biographies. I'm guilty of this - I have three of Miss Pamela's books, as well as Bebe Buell's - it's a fascinating topic for me. But I only find it acceptable because they have released these books themselves. If I aquired the information through stalking or whatever, it would be wrong.

What I don't like is when people start slagging off or giving preferential treatmeant just for the sake of it. I'm sure Jimmy doesn't appreciate, either.

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A video of the IMGL press conference:

IMGL Press Conference

You need to scroll down to box 6 on the left side - there's a photo of Jimmy, The Edge, and Jack that you need to click on in order to watch the video.

Enjoy! :D

That press conference was really interesting, thanks for the link! I couldn't get it to play beyond approx 35 mins., then it would stop abruptly, but what I did see was great. So fascinating, and warm (and cool). :) Cannot wait to see this film!!

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That press conference was really interesting, thanks for the link! I couldn't get it to play beyond approx 35 mins., then it would stop abruptly, but what I did see was great. So fascinating, and warm (and cool). :) Cannot wait to see this film!!

Yeah, I had the exact same problem. After pausing and playing several times, I was able to watch a few more minutes, but nothing after that. It was a great 35 min though!!!

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I went to the premiere. Huge turnout. But Jimmy, Edge and White did not sign or take pictures with anyone. Not at the event or at any time they were in town. I was a bit disappointed.

Jimmy is aging well though. It's good that he stopped dying his hair and let it grow out naturally.

Wow spats, I think this is the first time I have heard you mention anything about Zeppelin on this site. :D I'm glad you went to the premiere and trust that you had a good time.

Also....I'm surprised that SteveAJones hasn't posted in this thread, I thought he was going? Or maybe you (Steve) wrote a review that I have missed?

Anywho, I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie, probably on a cable channel first, eh.

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Wow spats, I think this is the first time I have heard you mention anything about Zeppelin on this site. :D I'm glad you went to the premiere and trust that you had a good time.

Also....I'm surprised that SteveAJones hasn't posted in this thread, I thought he was going? Or maybe you (Steve) wrote a review that I have missed?

Angel - I was thinking the exact same thing!

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society has just become too voyeuristic (with all of the cameras on cell phones, stalkerratzi, mainstream media now reporting more on Palin's fashion (hair, glasses, dress) than on important issues like how the Fed Reserve bought out/put a bandaid on/added to the US debt (economy) or how lives were lost in Hurricane Ike or something...

What goes on in private should remain that....

The element of mystery that Zeppelin had needs to remain the same.

R B)

So true. I really feel for these you hollywood celebrites. It's not like I'm a Britney Spears fan or anything but Jesus, that poor girl can NOT do a THING without hundreds of photogs stalking her. Didn't John Mayer run over someones foot trying to pull his car away from a curb? There are mob scenes!

On the other hand, people DO want to know things about people they are fans of. Why do you think the rags are so profitable. Curiosity is part of human nature and I really don't know anyone who doesn't like a little bit of gossip now and then.

And the fact that Jimmy IS so private just fuels the fires more I think. People hunger to know what lies beneath the mystique.

As someone else stated...there are uber fans....and then there are freaks. I would HOPE there a no freaks on this board but I haven't been around enough to have seen them. Yikes!!

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Knebby, you are right on the money once again.

Look at the stalkerish behavior that is exhibited right in this forum, people wanting to know every tiny detail about Jimmy, meaning his daily routine, asking about his parents and other personal family issues, asking about his wife and kids. Unbelievable.

And didn't Jimmy have a nutcase with a knife backstage at a Firm concert? I seem to recall hearing about that.

I know I for one would not feel comfortable if there were a StringBender forum asking about my life and where I lived.

Not that anyone would care about a dope like me.....but you get the point! :blink:

I probobly fall in that catagory as well. I am very interested in Jimmy, but it is also out of love. I do not want any harm to come to him. Far from it! I would not want to stalk him and bother him. Yes, I would love to get to meet him or see him in a concert of some capacity some day, but I want him to be happy and have his privacy. I respect that. I can't even think of how upset I will be when he evenutally does die when the time comes.

Edited by aen27
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