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Obama is not Eligible to run for President - Lawsuit Filed

The Rover

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Here's a story for the Liberal Media to ignore or belittle......

After all... there are just too many other important political things to cover..... although, for the life of me, I do not know what they are......


Philip J. Berg, Esquire, of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit on Thursday, August 21st, seeking a Declaratory Judgement and Injunction that Barack Obama does not meet the qualifications to become President of the United States. In the lawsuit Berg alleges that Obama is not eligible for the presidency because he is not a naturalized citizen, and/or lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia, and/or has duel citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.

Berg said that he has filed the suit on behalf of the Democratic Party and citizens of the United States for their best interests. Berg, an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, filed the lawsuit, Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083, in Federal Court.

In the filing Berg says:

There have been numerous questions raised about Obama’s background with no satisfactory answers. The questions that I have addressed include, but are not limited to:

1. Where was Obama born? Hawaii; an island off of Hawaii; Kenya; Canada; or ?

2. Was he a citizen of Kenya, Indonesia and/or Canada?

3. What was the early childhood of Obama in Hawaii; in Kenya; in Indonesia when he was adopted; and later, back to Hawaii?

4. An explanation as to the various names utilized by Obama that include: Barack Hussein Obama; Barry Soetoro; Barry Obama; Barack Dunham; and Barry Dunham.

5. Illinois Bar Application – Obama fails to acknowledge use of names other than Barack Hussein Obama, a blatant lie.

If Obama can prove U.S. citizenship, we still have the issue of muti-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and allegance to other countries.

Berg goes on to make very direct accusations against Obama, stating that he "lied and cheated his way into a fraudulent candidacy and cheated legitimately eligible natural born citizens from competing in a fair process."

Interestingly, Obama isn't the only one who's citizenship has been questioned in this election. John McCain's citizenship was also questioned because he was born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone, which is not a US territory.

The full court filings and claims can be found at ObamaCrimes.com, Berg's website. Philip J. Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, former candidate for Govenor and US Senate in Democratic Primaries, former Chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County, and former member of the Democratic State Commitee.

This filing comes less than two weeks after an AP photo was revealed of the school register of a child then known as Barry Soetoro, now known as Barack Hussein Obama, whose citizenship was listed as "Indonesian" and whose religion was listed as "Islam." the photo strongly contradicts the Obama camp's claim that he was not a Muslim, and is said to confirm he is a national of at least one other country. The AP has confirmed the authenticity of the photograph.

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On Thursday, Augest 22nd, Obama's senate office and the Democratic National Committee in Washington were both served with legal papers in Berg vs. Obama, Berg said. The DNC and Federal Election Commission are co-defendants in the case.

The U.S. Attorney's Office in Philadelphia accepted service of legal documents on behalf of the FEC on Aug. 22, according to a press release issued by Berg's office.

After pouring over material and forensic analyses that supposedly back up the phony birth certificate charge, Berg was convinced the case had substance.

Next, he and his office staff researched legal statutes and put together the case.

Though Berg admits there are no sworn affidavits, he claims Obama's relatives in Kenya believe the Democratic candidate's mother, Ann Dunham, gave birth to him in the African country.

The suit alleges Dunham traveled to Kenya during her pregnancy at age 18 and was prevented from boarding an airline flight back to Hawaii because of the late stage of her pregnancy.

She reportedly gave birth to Obama in Kenya, then flew home to Hawaii and registered his birth there, according to a memo supporting the motion for the temporary restraining order.

Under U.S. law at the time of the Illinois lawmaker's birth, if he had been born abroad, and one parent was a U.S. citizen, his mother would have had to live ten years in the U.S., five of which after she reached 14 (years of age), according to court papers.

If Dunham was only 18 years old when she gave birth to her son, Berg says, her baby would not have met U.S. citizenship requirements.

"We're absolutely positively sure it's true," he said.

Given that Kenya was a British Colony in 1961, Obama might actually be a British citizen, he said.

To qualify to run as president, candidates must be natives of the United States. Many people born overseas to American parents, however, are U.S. citizens.

Though the immigration law Berg cites was revised in 1986, he insists Obama still has some explaining to do if his mother gave birth in Kenya, then registered his birth in Hawaii.

"(Obama) can't just go back and change history," the attorney said.

When the birth certificate rumors began swirling in June, the Obama campaign posted a "certification of live birth" document on a special section on its web site, "Fight the Smears," that debunks the many questionable stories that have circulated about the senator during the campaign.

Though he voted for Sen. Hillary Clinton during the presidential primary, Berg said he isn't one of her embittered diehard supporters.

"I'm not doing this for the Democratic or Republican parties," he said. "I'm doing this for the citizens of this country."

The case has critical constitutional significance, he said. American voters must not have lingering doubts about any candidate's eligibility to become president.

If it was determined after Obama was elected that he isn't a U.S. citizen, it would be an unprecedented case in American history.

"We could have a constitutional crisis," he said.

The next week, Berg petitionrd the court for "expedited discovery" in an effort to compel Obama to release the complete version of his birth records for examination.

He said Obama has 60 days to respond to the lawsuit.

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A comment rebutttal posted by an Obama supporter:

Posted by downeast_ggo on September 13, 2008 at 11:26 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Nice try, but here is an explanation from an article in the Times- Herald.

The Obama campaign has a special section on its Web site, "Fight the Smears," that debunks the birth certificate story and other reports that have circulated about him during the campaign.

"It's part of a smear campaign," said an Obama campaign volunteer who identified herself as Rachel. "There are just so many lies out there."

The lawsuit claims three "independent" document forensic experts performed extensive tests on the digitally-scanned image of Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth" posted on the campaign's site and found the document to be "a forgery."

Jerome Corsi, author of the book, "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," has also deemed the birth certificate phony, according to The Annenberg Political Fact Check, www.FactCheck.org.

The Annenberg Political Fact Check, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, aims to expose deception and confusion in U.S. politics.

Recently, FactCheck.org staffers "touched, examined and photographed" the original birth certificate kept at the Obama campaign headquarters in Chicago and concluded the document is genuine.

"The evidence is clear: Barack Obama was born in the U.S.A.," FactCheck.org staffers concluded.

Sean Smith, Obama's Pennsylvania communications director, was contacted Friday about the suit but declined comment.

The civil suit filed by Berg will be reviewed by the U.S. Federal Election Commission, according to Patty Hartman, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

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RICHARDSON, Texas (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful John McCain said Thursday the question of whether he can run for president, despite being born in the Panama Canal Zone, was put to rest 44 years ago in Barry Goldwater's run for the White House.


"Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona when it was a territory, Arizona was a territory, and it went all the way to the Supreme Court," McCain told reporters Thursday on his campaign plane. "And there's no doubt about that. And it was researched again in 2000."

The Panama Canal Zone was a U.S. territory at the time of McCain's birth on Aug. 29, 1936.


"It's very clear that (the idea that) an American born in a territory of the United States whose father is serving in the military would not be eligible for the presidency of the United States is certainly not something our founding fathers envisioned." McCain's father was stationed in the Canal Zone by the Navy at the time of his birth.


I have not yet seen any documentation that Obama's mother, Anne Dunham, ever lived in Kenya, although there are unproven allegations.

Obama's birth certificate shows Hawaii as his place of birth, and the history so far all indicates that his mother met, married and gave birth while she was living in Hawaii. She herself was born in Kansas.

I have not seen any documentation that Obama was adopted by his mother's second spouse, who was of Indonesian origin. All the evidence indicates that Obama lived with his grandparents in Hawaii during his mother's second marriage, even though he may have lived in Indonesia for a short time.

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You're no longer a "McCain supporter", eh Pipeboy?

Now you're a.. "Palin supporter"? :unsure:

Losing confidence in Johnny Mac, are ya?

Relying heavily on the #2 on the ticket nowadays, eh?

Or has Mac now become the #2 on the Palin-McCain ticket? :P


Maybe it's just that McCain's chances of dying within his term if he got elected (and hopefully he won't!) are so high that it's basically Palin running for president. :D

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ohh nooo..i'm changing my vote now!!

seriously...a u.s. military friend had her baby at a norwegian hospital because the base doesn't have one... we were discussing this because her son was issued a norwegian birth certificate... i was teasing her that she could never tell her son that he could one day be president...then we were wondering if the base in panama had a hospital on it??... :blink:

i'm pretty sure i remember reading somewhere that u.s. citizens having children abroad are awarded u.s. birth certificate qualifications even if they are physically born outside the border...

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This is low level politics... one of those desperate Republican email forwards.

Barack Hussien Obama is an American born in Hawaii, get over it Racists.

Four more years of Bush/McCain Policy?...

"Thanks but No Thanks"

on that Republican Bridge to Nowhere!

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Rover, all I do is talk politics... until I come here, to cool off. Led Zeppelin's music is about enjoying yourself. Politics is more appropriate on a Pink Floyd, CLash, or Stereolab forum, where the band themselves put forward political problems embedded in the music. Right now I'm so angry I can't think. Where were you when the Republicans stole the 2000 and 2004 elections?

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Typical liberal knee-jerk response. Pulling out the ol' "racist" bullshit.

Ok, and this type of crap about him not being a citizen is what? Yes, you guessed it! Bull$h*t.

Adds: Maybe you aren't a racist, I don't know, but I know PB is.

Nice try.

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Typical liberal knee-jerk response. Pulling out the ol' "racist" bullshit.

There will be more whites voting against him because he's black than blacks voting for him because he's black. I'd be willing to guarantee that. If you think something like that doesn't exist in this country, you're blind as a bat. I live in the South.....I hear him called many words every day, most of which I can't repeat here. Think about Appalachia, portions of the Rust Belt, most of the south, a good chunk of the Plains states.....you think some of those people are voting for McCain because of issues? Hell, there are portions of his own state that won't vote for him because he's black. You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.

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There will be more whites voting against him because he's black than blacks voting for him because he's black. I'd be willing to guarantee that. If you think something like that doesn't exist in this country, you're blind as a bat. I live in the South.....I hear him called many words every day, most of which I can't repeat here. Think about Appalachia, portions of the Rust Belt, most of the south, a good chunk of the Plains states.....you think some of those people are voting for McCain because of issues? Hell, there are portions of his own state that won't vote for him because he's black. You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.


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There will be more whites voting against him because he's black than blacks voting for him because he's black. I'd be willing to guarantee that. If you think something like that doesn't exist in this country, you're blind as a bat. I live in the South.....I hear him called many words every day, most of which I can't repeat here. Think about Appalachia, portions of the Rust Belt, most of the south, a good chunk of the Plains states.....you think some of those people are voting for McCain because of issues? Hell, there are portions of his own state that won't vote for him because he's black. You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.


Yeah ok.

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You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.


OK, whatever you say. Though I've done plenty of traveling over the years and must disagree to a large extent.

How about all the folks that are wasting a vote on Obama BECAUSE he's black? Works both ways. You'll eventually see that once you get to your middle aged years. ;)

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The "liberal" media??

Most media outlets in the U.S. are owned by conservatives.

Look into who owns the major networks. For example, GE owns NBC who owns MSNBC (the most 'liberal' of the media outlets). The president of GE is a Republican. GE makes money off the Iraq war.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, starch conservative.

He now owns the Wall Street Journal as well!

Those in charge will skew things the way they want to.

The middle class in the U.S. has been getting the shaft for decades. Hard work and education no longer guarantee a decent job in this country. Move to India or China for steady work.

And the lower middle class continues to buy into the fear mongerers ... ooooh, we're gonna all git blown up by the terr'ists ... oh George Bush, please protect us!!

McCain says Obama teaching sex ed to kindergarten students ... THE TRUTH IS Obama helped pass a bill in Illinois to help little children recognize inappropriate touching from pedeophiles (too lazy to look up the spelling). McCain also took a Katie Curic quote (about Hillary Clinton) about sexism in the campaign and made it applied to Sarah "Yee Haw" Palin until Katie Curic demanded they withdraw the quote used out of context. And don't get me started about Palin's supposed "bridge to nowhere" nonsense...


Elect another Republican for U.S. President?

Are you INSANE?!!!

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OK, whatever you say.

Dude, I'M FROM ILLINOIS. My grandmother and extended family live south of Chicago, you don't think I know what kind of stark difference exists between where they live and where I grew up? Hell, they still think it's acceptable to call black people "nigra"!

Chicago is Democratic. Everywhere else in the state, for the most part, is not. So save your fake laughter for someone else.

Edit: BTW, nowhere have I said voting for/against someone based on race is a good idea. If you use race as a reason to vote for someone you're as fucked up as the person who uses it as a reason NOT to vote for them. And if you REALLY think the results of racial voting will be skewed toward African-Americans, you're nuts.

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