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so you don't have a small penis?

Im may be a conservative nutjob

but atleast Im not a liberal

With no nuts

or no job.

Why do you always imply that liberals have no jobs? If anyone read the post I added about the poll results on who won the debate it showed that more people with a college education thought that Obama won and more people without a college education thought that McCain won....hm...MOST people with college educations have jobs. A lot of people without a college education have jobs too...they just don't pay as well....that's what's always beffudled me about cheeto eating baby making machines on welfare living in a trailer voting republican...Whaaat?! It's called ignorance.

Not to insinuate it's the same on this board. Most of the republicans here are conservative for more insightful reasons than the people I mention above.

By the way, I am, as wannabe is a Libertarian. However, we know that a Libertarian isn't going to get voted in so I have to pick the lesser of two evils in my book. A democrat or a republican. I don't care what the hell they call themselves, I just happen to like Obama's projections for the future and how he plans to arrive there better than McCains.

Oh, I have a job too. And a good one. Though I'll admit, not good enough to have to pay more taxes under Obama's tax plan ; )

Night all! :hippy:

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My statement, "The only candidate in this campaign that has used the race card is Obama", wasn't referring to Rev. Wright. Obama himself made a statement about his color.

I don't go to church, I'm an atheist, but since you brought up the subject, I'm quite sure Sarah Palin's church does a much better job of teaching people how to coexist with others, than does Rev. Wright's church.

understood, but I was saying that it isn't him playing the "race card". Race is definitely an issue for many people. I've heard plenty of people say they wouldn't vote for a.... black person. I'm not sure which statement you are refering to that Barack made, but yes, he has had to address the issue.

I think Rev. Wright's church is about getting people to think. His methods do seem counterproductive. But he has a message that expresses how some people feel on a regular basis. I certainly understand his message.

As far as Sarah Palin's church(es) um.... have you been paying attention? Let me find you some interesting highlights...

be back soon....

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I don't go to church, I'm an atheist, but since you brought up the subject, I'm quite sure Sarah Palin's church does a much better job of teaching people how to coexist with others, than does Rev. Wright's church.


I'm still wondering why the whole Obama's church thing has not had more effect on the way people view him. And have you noticed that the McCain camp has been pretty silent on that for a long time too.

Looking forward to the "October Surprise" that will be coming out. I'm sure it will have something to do with Obama sitting in the Rev Wright church while those comments were being made.

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Why do you always imply that liberals have no jobs? If anyone read the post I added about the poll results on who won the debate it showed that more people with a college education thought that Obama won and more people without a college education thought that McCain won....hm...MOST people with college educations have jobs. A lot of people without a college education have jobs too...they just don't pay as well....that's what's always beffudled me about cheeto eating baby making machines on welfare living in a trailer voting republican...Whaaat?! It's called ignorance.

Interesting, however I would argue that many liberals who have gotten college educations end up working in government jobs or jobs associated with the government like education.

I personally don't consider those to be real jobs. They are a false economy that only bleeds the taxpayer.... a majority of which who have real jobs. Jobs that create prosperity and wealth instead of feeding off of working Americans.

Except for the military, I'm pretty much for privatizing just about everything else.

Not to insinuate it's the same on this board. Most of the republicans here are conservative for more insightful reasons than the people I mention above.

I was the first Republican in my family. My parents were Democrats as were my Grandparents. Although I would probably refer to them as "Truman Democrats" more than anything else.

My emergence as a Rebulican started at the tender age of around 10 years old. As I saw the types of people who were proud to be Democrats, mostly screaming crazies and hippies who hated Richard Nixon -- I naturally began to see myself as having more in common with conservatives. Even despite that fact that my family was much more of the 'working class' than anything else.

And by the time Ronald Reagan challenged Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination in 1976, the die was cast forever.

By the way, I am, as wannabe is a Libertarian. However, we know that a Libertarian isn't going to get voted in so I have to pick the lesser of two evils in my book. A democrat or a republican. I don't care what the hell they call themselves, I just happen to like Obama's projections for the future and how he plans to arrive there better than McCains.

I appreciate libertarian ideals, however, a vote for a libertarian is usually a wasted vote. And in this election year it would be a vote for Obama anyway.

Oh, I have a job too. And a good one. Though I'll admit, not good enough to have to pay more taxes under Obama's tax plan ; )

So basically you are saying you make less than $42,000 per year.


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Interesting, however I would argue that many liberals who have gotten college educations end up working in government jobs or jobs associated with the government like education.

I personally don't consider those to be real jobs. They are a false economy that only bleeds the taxpayer.... a majority of which who have real jobs. Jobs that create prosperity and wealth instead of feeding off of working Americans.

Except for the military, I'm pretty much for privatizing just about everything else.

I was the first Republican in my family. My parents were Democrats as were my Grandparents. Although I would probably refer to them as "Truman Democrats" more than anything else.

My emergence as a Rebulican started at the tender age of around 10 years old. As I saw the types of people who were proud to be Democrats, mostly screaming crazies and hippies who hated Richard Nixon -- I naturally began to see myself as having more in common with conservatives. Even despite that fact that my family was much more of the 'working class' than anything else.

And by the time Ronald Reagan challenged Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination in 1976, the die was cast forever.

I appreciate libertarian ideals, however, a vote for a libertarian is usually a wasted vote. And in this election year it would be a vote for Obama anyway.

So basically you are saying you make less than $42,000 per year.



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Interesting, however I would argue that many liberals who have gotten college educations end up working in government jobs or jobs associated with the government like education.

I personally don't consider those to be real jobs. They are a false economy that only bleeds the taxpayer.... a majority of which who have real jobs. Jobs that create prosperity and wealth instead of feeding off of working Americans.

The pit of stupidity is just getting deeper and deeper...

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Being a Senator is working for the government. Being a Representative is working for the government. Being a Governor, Mayor, Alderman, City Coucil chair.....all working for the government.

I guess those aren't "real" jobs.

Don't teachers work for the Government as well? I guess Del doesn't think they're real jobs either...What about Police and Firemen?

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Don't teachers work for the Government as well? I guess Del doesn't think they're real jobs either...What about Police and Firemen?

Government work is an oxymoron .

The correct term is government employee. As a gov't employee I can attest that no work is done.

The only work politicians do is to work us over.

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Government work is an oxymoron .

The correct term is government employee. As a gov't employee I can attest that no work is done.

The only work politicians do is to work us over.

Time to get rid of the police, firemen and teachers, then. Glad we got that taken care of. Now onto more important things.

Edited by Suz
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I personally don't consider those to be real jobs. They are a false economy that only bleeds the taxpayer.... a majority of which who have real jobs. Jobs that create prosperity and wealth instead of feeding off of working Americans.

This Government Agency takes no taxes from the people and is the only government entity that actually makes money for the Government B)


No! to privatization

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The purpose of posts is that their contents show the context. Thus, you are still incorrect.

This is a dumb conversation, I'm done on the subject

Ah, a Democrat that resorts to insults for no reason whatsoever. Someone tell Electricmage

And how does that matter? Should black racists be given a get-away-with-racism-free card simply because of race? MLK would be horrified if anyone suggested that.

I'm white, but my ancestors never had slaves nor were they racist. They were from Ireland and came here in the early 1900s, so have my people ever kept the black man down? No, not at all so your point is irrelevant.

That being said, have you ever seen a black racist facing a white man? You never answered.

Ok allow me to answer: Yes, I have.

However, unlike you, I understand that black people have good reasons to have suspicions about and hostility towards white people. Just 'cus your grand daddy didn't own slaves doesn't mean you're off the hook for knowing a little history.

To say that how African Americans feel about whites is no different than how European Americans feel about blacks is frankly absurd.

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Making a racism charge against John McCain is a very big thing. And you make this charge without any reservations at all. Your charge is only based on your personal interpretation of his body language, without any supporting comments or statements by McCain to suggest that he has a racial bias against Barrack Obama.

I find your reasoning in this to be obscene and discraceful. For you to make the racism charge so easily and based basically ON NOTHING, does not make you appear to be either progressive or intellligent in my opinion. I can only conclude that you are basically a kook... probably on some substance or needing "an adjusment" of a substance by a licenced professional.

I don't have to explain, it does not need "explaining" in my opinion. However, it is you who have made a charge of RACISM in this, so it is you who will need to prove that or just shut your mouth.

I asked the question because it is you who has made race the issue. And you have made it in such a way that is not supported by logic in my opinion. So I asked the question (since you opened the door on race) to try and see where you were coming from, but you did not answer my question. Are you African-American? Or are you Paiute living on the reservation?

Not that it should matter, and despite your experience with so called "red necks" at the Paiute Palace gas station, you still didn't answer the question.

Not to mention a small subculture of people, either living on or off the reservation, who themselves are very vocal in their own racial bias and anger towards white people in general.

Just wondering if there is a connection there with you -- just based on your biggoted remarks against John McCain.

But maybe you are really just a total kook as I suspect. That would be the simple answer I guess.

Congrats, you've picked up on the bullshit du jour... bring into question the sanity of anyone who disagrees with you. It's a very weak position chosen by people with nowhere else to go.

John McCain is a racist. I have no reservations about stating that now that I've seen his behavior towards Mr. Obama. It was beyond the pale, so to speak.

And it's not just the debate, and his cynical choice of a flaming right wing reactionary as running mate (to bring in the lily-white conservative base). Just in this last two days, the McCain camp has been trying to raise doubts about Gwen Ifill as the moderator for tonight's debate because she's a black journalist who's written a book about black politicians. Now, he was completely unconcerned when a white journalist who has spent a lifetime covering white politicians was the moderator for his debate. Love to hear your take on that, which I'm sure you will make without the slightest sense of irony.

There is nothing "so-called" about identifying a white man as a redneck when he is so enormously stupid as to think NATIVE AMERICANS should "go back where they came from." He would've been most surprised had he gotten home that night to find a bunch of Paiutes living on his property, since that is in fact where they came from... LOL!

Yes, I know that in conservative circles even mentioning things like slavery, murder, rape, theft, apartheid, and flat-out genocide is not politically correct, and furthermore, history is apparently no reason for anyone to be upset at the white people who perpetrated such things, and continue to perpetrate them.

If you don't see why the notion that history is meaningless is both ridiculous and self-serving, you're worse off than I thought.

BTW, I'm one of the few people I know who, like the Paiutes, has an unmixed racial lineage. Pure Dutch, back several generations. My skin couldn't be more white, in other words.

Now, why does that matter to you?

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You provided me with an interview, of Kissinger backing what McCain said, after a debate, in which a person he is advising was a part of...

Do you not get that? Kissinger obviously back tracked here. And the proof is on video.

You're asking them to think back past the last sound bite.

Good luck with that.

And, :beer:

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Congrats, you've picked up on the bullshit du jour... bring into question the sanity of anyone who disagrees with you. It's a very weak position chosen by people with nowhere else to go.

John McCain is a racist. I have no reservations about stating that now that I've seen his behavior towards Mr. Obama. It was beyond the pale, so to speak.

Prove that John McCain is a racist. Not just your "feelings" of him based on his body language. You made a very significant charge, so why don't you back it up?

And as to your sanity, I will share with you my "feelings" (just based on my observations of your comments)--- I believe your mental heatlh is in question. I don't have a window into your medicine cabinet, but I would lay odds that you probably need perscription drugs just to "keep it together" don't you?

Normally I would not be comfortable making a charge like that, however, since you have no problem with calling people racists without any logical cause to do so. I am going to go out on a limb here and charge that you are probably a mental health patient.... (based on my opinion).

And it's not just the debate, and his cynical choice of a flaming right wing reactionary as running mate (to bring in the lily-white conservative base).

You are the bigot. You are the only one using racist language.

Nut job!

Just in this last two days, the McCain camp has been trying to raise doubts about Gwen Ifill as the moderator for tonight's debate because she's a black journalist who's written a book about black politicians. Now, he was completely unconcerned when a white journalist who has spent a lifetime covering white politicians was the moderator for his debate. Love to hear your take on that, which I'm sure you will make without the slightest sense of irony.

The McCain camp has said no such thing. YOUR ARE LYING!

The McCain campaign has stated their confidence that Gren Ifill is a professional and fully capable of moderating a fair debate.


There is nothing "so-called" about identifying a white man as a redneck when he is so enormously stupid as to think NATIVE AMERICANS should "go back where they came from." He would've been most surprised had he gotten home that night to find a bunch of Paiutes living on his property, since that is in fact where they came from... LOL!

One guy making an abusrd comment at a gas station in a small town in the middle of nowhere is not enough to base your entire accusation against "lily white" people. If one comment is enough for you brand a man a racist (and much less considering you kooky logic about John McCain); then what about Joe Biden's comments about Indian people who work in convienece stores? Biden pretty much said you can't even shop at a convenience store in Delaware unless "you have a New Deli accent."

Do you want to respond to that? Are you going to call "lily white" Joe Biden a racist?

I doubt you will appreciate the irony....


Yes, I know that in conservative circles even mentioning things like slavery, murder, rape, theft, apartheid, and flat-out genocide is not politically correct, and furthermore, history is apparently no reason for anyone to be upset at the white people who perpetrated such things, and continue to perpetrate them.

If you don't see why the notion that history is meaningless is both ridiculous and self-serving, you're worse off than I thought.

A lot of things happened "in history" but I didn't have anything to do with them. Neither did my father or my grandfathers.

I suppose you could find some Greek who is still pissed off at the Romans..

Get over it!

BTW, I'm one of the few people I know who, like the Paiutes, has an unmixed racial lineage. Pure Dutch, back several generations. My skin couldn't be more white, in other words.

Now, why does that matter to you?

It doesn't other than I was wondering where your racial bias and bigotry comes from.

But being a kook pretty much explains it all anyway.

Have a lithium and diet coke....

Good night you nutter bigot!

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Prove that John McCain is a racist. Not just your "feelings" of him based on his body language. You made a very significant charge, so why don't you back it up?

And as to your sanity, I will share with you my "feelings" (just based on my observations of your comments)--- I believe your mental heatlh is in question. I don't have a window into your medicine cabinet, but I would lay odds that you probably need perscription drugs just to "keep it together" don't you?

Normally I would not be comfortable making a charge like that, however, since you have no problem with calling people racists without any logical cause to do so. I am going to go out on a limb here and charge that you are probably a mental health patient.... (based on my opinion).

Congratulations. Just when I thought you couldn't get any lower.

Sun Child makes the claim that McCain is a racist, so to man yourself up, you attack her instead?

You're not McCain, I doubt you know McCain, he is only the leader of the political party - which most people will never have any direct contact with - so when someone makes a claim, that, frankly, could have a little truth in it (Yes, we dirty Europeans saw the debate as well), instead of laughing it off or ignoring it, you attack them in a much more personal way?

Why? Are you scared there's truth in it?

You have absolutely no regard for anyone. You call Horsey 'Sparkles', you're calling Sun Child a 'nutter', liberals are 'dirty' to you, and I have no doubt you'll say much worse.

Why are you making every little comment so personal? Why can't you let someone live/support a particular lifestyle or political party?

Jesus, your kind are scaring me more by the day.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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