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Robert Plant - Official Statement


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Nathan, I'm coming back to this late, so no wonder the discussion has moved on. I see what you mean. By now Aqua has already said most of the things I would have said in response, and there is no need to repeat that. The only thing that makes me wonder whether it's a good idea to post when you know you're going through an excess of feeling is that you're stating things in public. But hey, not a big deal.


Nothing like a good vent Otto. I understand how he and other's must feel at the moment. At least he's being honest :)

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Excellent post Otto. And I don't think Plant doesn't care about others. (No comment on the ego thing, as you say, ego sometimes helps people accomplish amazing things.)

I'm just not going to behave as though he's done us all a favor. He milked it for what it was worth, that's just a fact. Maybe if he'd stop singing Zeppelin songs I'd believe he's over it, but, he keeps right on. He doesn't get to have it both ways, with me.

You point out he didn't have to say anything, and of course if he doesn't care two figs about how fans feel, no, he didn't. In two week's time he'd have looked a right ass if he was still quiet on the topic, though.

You ask, why hold this against him now? I'd ask, why now does he have to imply fans' interest in Led Zeppelin is "ridiculous?" Why is the level of interest frustrating at all, when it could so easily have been addressed before?

But worse, I think, is the attempt at directing us to the victims of Hurrican Ike. Thank you, Mr. Plant, for making it clear that Led Zeppelin is not as important as people losing their homes in a natural disaster - as though we can't help people, and get succor from listening to music at the same time. As though none of us has helped, already.

The condescension is stunning. I'm glad he's moving on.

Hi SC, good to see you! :wave:

Yeah, well, I have made no secret of the fact that I think you have been attacked unfairly several times on these forums. But I don't agree with you on some of these issues, and I've never had a problem with Robert or any of the former members of LZ performing LZ songs on solo gigs. They all have a right to do that as far as I'm concerned.

And as for this other thing you mention, that he should have declared earlier that he didn't want to reunite the band, I just interpret the situation differently. I am not so sure he actually had made up his mind 100% before the Alison tour. At the time of the O2 gig he didn't give us a lot of hope, but in the aftermath it wasn't really ruled out completely. I am guessing he just wanted to give it some more thought and also see how things went on the tour with the Alison. B)

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I hope it was clear that I understand too! It was just a thought on my part.

Lots of disappointment is inevitably going to be expressed, it's human nature. (Hey, I'm disappointed!)

You've been clear Aqua. I'm disappointed as well

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I sort of see Nathan's point. People weren't reacting angrily a few years ago when it seemed there would never be a reunion of any kind, but that's the point - there was nothing to get excited about in the first place, no hopes to dash. You don't miss what isn't there to begin with.

But in the space of a year we've witnessed the fanfare of the O2 gig and the creation of the official site, and that's just for starters. So it's far from unreasonable to assume that some fans - Nathan among them - might have interpreted these developments as a serious hint that Led Zeppelin was on its way back. You can say that the fans shouldn't get carried away, but you can't blame them for interpreting the 'evidence' as indicative of an imminent reunion, given the nature of the evidence in comparison with what we had before.

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Yes. I think we all are.

Hi Otto ! Nice to see you :)

I guess it's time to move on. As disappointed as I may be, I am very much looking forward to what comes as I'm sure a lot of us are. IMHO, It would have been a disaster if Robert had jumped on board and didn't bring his heart and soul with him. That would have been worse

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Hi Otto ! Nice to see you :)

I guess it's time to move on. As disappointed as I may be, I am very much looking forward to what comes as I'm sure a lot of us are. IMHO, It would have been a disaster if Robert had jumped on board and didn't bring his heart and soul with him. That would have been worse

Hey ally! :wave:

Agree entirely. Robert is the best of them all, but he can actually sound awful when he's not singing with conviction. :lol:

Jimmy and the others will come up with some good music, I'm sure of it. :)

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This is an official statement from Robert, which I've posted on his website.



Robert Plant and Alison Krauss are currently touring the USA on the last leg of their 'Raising Sand' tour. They played a benefit concert in Oklahoma City for victims of Hurricane Ike last Friday; Austin,Texas last Saturday and tomorrow they play Portland, Oregon before finishing the tour in Saratoga, California on October 5th.

After those dates, Robert has no intention whatsoever of touring with anyone for at least the next two years. Contrary to a spate of recent reports, Robert Plant will not be touring or recording with Led Zeppelin. Anyone buying tickets online to any such event will be buying bogus tickets.

“It‘s both frustrating and ridiculous for this story to continue to

rear its head when all the musicians that surround the story are keen to get on with their individual projects and move forward,” Robert Plant said.

“I wish Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham nothing but success with any future projects,” he added.

i also heard that they might have a replacement singer for the tour

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After reading Plant's media statement again, I think it is just a smoke screen. Afterall, what is he going to say while touring with someone else, "Yeah the Zep tour starts in New York and ends in LA,",....no, he is more professional than that.

But if he doesn't come back,....then forsure he is banging the fiddle player with a voice of an angel.

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After some extra time to think it over (and of course, put in perspective with our stock market's biggest crash in its entire history... EAT IT, 1929!), I have come to this conclusion:

Good for you, Robert Plant, to come out with an official statement. Thank you very much, because I was getting sick and tired of the rumors and hearsay! You have made it quite clear what I can and can't look forward to in my future.

But fuck you very much for shitting on my dream!

Why am I pissed at Plant, people? Because he's shit on my dream, that's why. I'm being an angry, selfish, 21-year-old who missed the greatest 20 years in music ever (60's and 70's) to be born in a time when music is so God-damned bad and artists are so God-damned untalented that they use computers to write music! My musical era boasts rap, hip-hop, boy-band pop, Disney, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton, none of which would be popular if not for RIAA-controlled shit like MTV, VH1, and Clear Channel. A resurgence of Led Zeppelin today might have single-handedly saved Top-40. So you'll forgive if I was hoping for a gleam of music that was actually good.


If Led Zeppelin got back on stage with Robert Plant, would I go and see it, despite my intense dislike of the man (as someone asked me back on page 8 or so of this thread)?


Does that make me a hypocrite?


Well then WORLD WIDE HYPOCRITE DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will put the banner on my fucking shirt and wear it proud, bitch! If there's a Hypocrite-Pride parade, you'll see me marching right up front, motherfucker!


What is Led Zeppelin? James "Zoso" Patrick Page, Robert "Percy" Anthony Plant, John "Jonesy Paul Jones" Baldwin, and, for the 2000's, I will accept Jason Bonham, and only Jason Bonham, as the only acceptable fill-in for his father, the late, great, John "Bonzo" Henry Bonham.

So am I being childish, immature, and just plain dickish for being pissed at Plant for saying no? Probably. Am I being a selfish, cry-baby fan? Yes. Do I give a shit? FUCK NO! I'M PROUD TO BE SELFISH, CHILDISH, AND DICKISH ABOUT IT!!!!!!

So forgive me if I don't wax poetry about a man who's shit on my dream.

Don't get me wrong. I do respect the man for giving this statement, and I appreciate his point of view and his want to go out and try new things. Hell, I've even liked a little bit of those new things (despite what I've said in the past, Mighty Rearranger is a good album, I've found some enjoyable tunes off of 66 to Timbuktu, I loved his stint with Jimmy Page [despite it's glaring lack of John Paul Jones], and I quite enjoy what he did with Allison Krauss and I'm curious as to what originals he could write with her).

I just don't understand what's so horrible about bringing in his old bandmates for some of that. Why do people (and why does Robert) insist that giving Zeppelin another go at it would be as big a travesty as the Rolling Stones 2, Queen 2, and The Who 2? Why does everyone (indeed, why does Plant) seem to think that Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones would allow that?

There is a major difference between the members of Led Zeppelin and all those other bands. The members of Led Zeppelin have dignity. Even Jimmy Page, despite questionable alliances in the past (but how much of that can we blame on Jimmy and how much on drugs?) has dignity. And none of them would allow it to become a giant commercialized franchise running purely on heroine and groupies.

Who says Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, with Jason Bonham on the drums, can't foray into new musical territory? Who says they can't "try new things?" Who says Led Zeppelin can't be a vehicle for something new, fresh, and exciting?

I think the problem Robert Plant and you purists out there have is that when it comes to music (and this music in particular), you won't look at the future, but the past. You all say "Led Zeppelin is the past" and "Led Zeppelin died in 1980." But you refuse to acknowledge the possibility that even a Zeppelin can be sent on one more flight no matter how many years its been docked.

Telling me Led Zeppelin is dead is like saying the Blues is dead and that no one can play it anymore, despite it's current underground revival. Telling me Led Zeppelin is dead is like telling me Jimi Hendrix's music and Stevie Ray Vaughn's music is dead. Telling me Led Zeppelin is dead is like telling me that Jim Morrison does not live on through his words, his poetry, and his lyrics. Telling me Led Zeppelin is dead is like telling me their music never stood the test of time and does not resonate today.

A Zeppelin doesn't die. It simply gets docked... put away. And the only problem with this Zeppelin is that it needs a captain. And that captain is Robert Plant. So why not give it one more flight? Why not?


i haven't really been interested in participating in this discussion for a bunch of reasons-the main one being, it ain't gonna change nothing or provide any insight. there are, however, catalystic things that happen or get said that can speak for many. when an actor (or singer) on stage displays an emotion that the audience feels, he or she can feel it, too.

although, intellectually, i cannot say a bad word to an artist for NOT providing me with MY dream, one does have these feelings. although jimmy page is the dealer in emotions for me when it comes to music, i love robert plant (and led zeppelin.)

i can understand the feelings expressed above by nathan.

however, there is not much to be done about it.

but remember, there is always the music. the emotional response you get when you hear our band will never fade, only intensify with age. it's that powerful.

see robert, see jimmy, john paul, and jason. listen to your music library and collection of boots. enjoy it and thank God they are still alive to give you that.

and no matter how sad the idea is, perhaps led zeppelin isn't theirs to give anymore.

edited for spelling. hopeless....

Edited by beatbo
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I'd like to point out, if I'm coming across as an arrogant ass to you, Aligula, I fully apologize. I never intended to be that way. My emotions and opinions are strong and I defend them quite heavily. It's just who I am. I hope you don't take it personally.


In response, I use Reggie1971's post:

If it was good enough for Bonzo then, it's good enough for me now.

No problem. :)

I know I'm being selfish. It's not something I would deny.

*falls on the floor kicking and screaming*



Yeah, that's a good explanation for it... a temper tantrum. :D

Initially i took your very first post for what it was, a rant, a temper tantrum, it was clearly that from someone feeling let down angry and disappointed. And you recognised that and apologized to some extent and good for you for doing that.

You then spoiled it for me personally and this is me personally when your disappointment was soured by the fact that you never liked Robert posts Zep musical career or even Robert himself. I'm not going to highlight all the quotes you made on that. But it just highlighted that the intensity was really fuelled by the fact that the guy you liked least in Zep has somehow screwed up your dream.

You were doing ok right up to that point inyour posts.

You then reverted back to the temper tantrum Nathan and came across the very person you were trying not to be.

Everyone is disappointed Nathan for different reasons and to different intensities, you are not the only one here who wanted Zep as it is to reform and tour.

So don't keep throwing your dummy out of the pram cos the intense frustration you feel isn't too helpful for someone to carry around.

You have managed to take a step back once and Ibet you wil do so again.

many of us here have learnt to deal with disappointments in life, love. music and lke some people are saying for themselves its time to move on.

Ihope this doesn't come across as patronisisng as its not intended that way at all. Cos you would be able to spot the difference if I was intending it to be like that. it's not subtle.

Try not to take RP's decision too personally is I guess what its about its not aimed at any of us but we feel the disappointment too.

I hope you get to see Jimmy and Jonesy on stage soon.

Trust me there is nothing quite like the reaction to Jimmy Page when he appears whether with Zep or not. B)

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"Dummy out of the pram" = "pacifier out of the stroller."

I speak fluent American. :D (Yes, I know a pram isn't exactly the same as a stroller, but I've never seen a pram over here.)

What do you expect I am English and pram is short for perambulator :blink::huh::D

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"Dummy out of the pram" = "pacifier out of the stroller."

I speak fluent American. :D (Yes, I know a pram isn't exactly the same as a stroller, but I've never seen a pram over here.)

Glad you translated that one Aquamarine. I got the "pram" part but didn't know a "dummy" is a pacifier, thought it meant "throw the baby out of the stroller".

This forum gives me such a broad education. And by "broad" I mean vast or extensive, not some old lady.


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Glad you translated that one Aquamarine. I got the "pram" part but didn't know a "dummy" is a pacifier, thought it meant "throw the baby out of the stroller".

This forum gives me such a broad education. And by "broad" I mean vast or extensive, not some old lady.


Isn't the Anglo/American language something? :D

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Glad you translated that one Aquamarine. I got the "pram" part but didn't know a "dummy" is a pacifier, thought it meant "throw the baby out of the stroller".

This forum gives me such a broad education. And by "broad" I mean vast or extensive, not some old lady.


Glad you made that clear, Angel. :D;)

I know it's short for perambulator, ledded1, I speak fluent English too. B)

Edited by Aquamarine
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Glad you made that clear, Angel. :D;)

I know it's short for perambulator, ledded1, I speak fluent English too. B)

If I was rich I would talk affluent English. :P

But as I speak such shit at times I guess I can call it effluent English ;)

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We'll be lucky if they ever do lunch together again, let alone anything else.

That they may never break bread again,was this a festering or close to full blown situation pre O2?Or,was the road sort of wide open prior to the O2?

Just timeline curious.

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Part 1!

Initially i took your very first post for what it was, a rant, a temper tantrum, it was clearly that from someone feeling let down angry and disappointed. And you recognised that and apologized to some extent and good for you for doing that.

You then spoiled it for me personally and this is me personally when your disappointment was soured by the fact that you never liked Robert posts Zep musical career or even Robert himself. I'm not going to highlight all the quotes you made on that. But it just highlighted that the intensity was really fuelled by the fact that the guy you liked least in Zep has somehow screwed up your dream.

Not least liked in Zep. Least liked post Zep. Let's be clear about one thing. I consider the Plant of Led Zeppelin a very different person. On stage, in interviews, and on CD, Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant is an exceedingly likeable character.

You were doing ok right up to that point inyour posts.

You then reverted back to the temper tantrum Nathan and came across the very person you were trying not to be.

I was never trying not to be anybody. My mood was mellowing over time, to be sure, but I was being me the whole time. I never reverted back anywhere. I simply vented my frustrations. Is that not allowed, now?

Everyone is disappointed Nathan for different reasons and to different intensities, you are not the only one here who wanted Zep as it is to reform and tour.

Did I say I was? If so, I'm sorry, because I don't believe that.

But I do not recall ever making the assumption that I'm the only one, here.

So don't keep throwing your dummy out of the pram cos the intense frustration you feel isn't too helpful for someone to carry around.

I have to admit I have no idea what you mean here. My frustration is gone. I no longer have to "carry it around" because I've thrown it off. I've accepted the fact that I will never see Led Zeppelin live and I'm moving on.

I don't see how it applies to anyone else.

You have managed to take a step back once and Ibet you wil do so again.

I have managed to get over my frustration. If you see that as "back-flipping," then I really don't want to know how you get over your frustrations, if you do at all.

many of us here have learnt to deal with disappointments in life, love. music and lke some people are saying for themselves its time to move on.

I have. If that's not evident to you then you aren't reading my posts.

Ihope this doesn't come across as patronisisng as its not intended that way at all. Cos you would be able to spot the difference if I was intending it to be like that. it's not subtle.

I don't feel patronised, but I feel like you have utterly misread me and, as such, completely misunderstand my intent.

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