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Hated 99% of disco, and hated the scene even more. The ONLY so called disco I liked was the funk stuff that was more or less "extended" and dumbed down for the disco dancing.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Brickhouse though, and Let it Whip, Dazz Dazz, You dropped a bomb on me, and a few others.

The early 90s HipHop had several collaborations I enjoyed and still do. Cypress Hill, Tribe called Quest and Dr. Dre and Snoop for a few.

That aspect of rap easily is more enjoyable than the dance crap of disco to me. Plus the baggy pants and gansta wear is more appealing and wearable than the fucked up polyester suits of the 70s.

You wouldn't ever catch me at a 70s disco theme party. Dazed and Confused, YES, I'm still there ! :D

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I think I've already 'fessed up here to liking some disco, esp. Saturday Night Fever :) My all time favorite disco song is "Last Dance" by Donna Summer. It actually came on the radio earlier tonight while my older daughter and I were in the drive through at McD's. (I can't NOT sing that song, even though I totally can't sing, kwim? :lol: I think I embarrassed her .... :blink: )

Rap...I did like some of the earliest stuff. NOT the Beastie Boys or Run DMC though. Eminem is ok. I can't think of any others I would listen to. I would rather listen to hip hop than rap.

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I remember one time KC was the opening act for Aerosmith at City Park Stadium

and me and my buds were hard core rockers. They were saying they could have left them off the venue.

But after they came out and started jammin' the chicks went wild got me a few complimentary feels :D

Hafta admit it was fun and Kc kicked ass! :banana::banana:

I'm with ya on that bro !!! Had plenty of good times in the nightclubs...LOL.

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Some disco songs are absolutely terrible

and some of them are just so cheery and fun to dance to

I don't really listen to rap, I do like some rap songs though.

My absolute favorite of disco is

Keep it Comin Love

Keep it Comin Love as featured in Blow

I love KC and the Sunshine Band and had forgotten about this song until you posted that link. Thanks......straight to the iPod it goes!

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That's a joke right? Disco is less music than the rap I listen to. You're listening to the wrong stuff son

No joke, and i dont listen to it voluntary, my two youngest sons play rap on their mp3s all the time, they also play a lot of Led Zeppelin as well, both love Led Zeppelins music and go to Tribute Band Concerts with me whenever they can. I just cant return the compliment, that is how i am, i believe if you have principles you should stick to them, OK DAD?

That's a terrible thing to do. You think Robert Plant was anymore civilized than Eminem is?

What did i do thats so terrible? As for "Robert Plant being anymore civilized than Eminem" i have no comment because i know nothing personaly of either of them so i cannot and will not say anything bad about either, i will only comment on the music that i either like or dont like, OK DAD.

Regards your loving son Danny

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You werent just commenting in your own personal taste Dan, more like "this music has no place in a civilized society".

Hi Greenman,

You are right, i dont like some music, Jazz-Soul-Disco-House-Garage-Rap-Country-Bluegrass-Punk Rock, are a few Genres i find not to my taste.

Whereas, Rock-Blues-RockAndRoll-Folk-Reggie are Genres i do like.

I cannot stand and i will not listen to musical lyrics that degrade, insult or are just plane abusive to Men or Women, Religion, Race or Colour, period. I have found "Rap" to be this type of music.

I find the people who are involved in this genre of music, both writing and playing it to be so offensive to me that i believe they want no part in the civilised world that i belong to and dont want there to be a civilised world at all.

As the word "Civilised" meens to be "Civil" to each other, and they dont seem to be "Civil" to anyone except to their own kind, then i would not even give them the courtesy of listening to their work.

If you find my reasons to be wrong please say why, and why you feel that this music should not only be allowed to continue in this society but also why you like it, as it baffels me.

And for the record i dont think that this music belongs in a civilised society, i also dont think we live in a civilised society if we allow this type of freedom of expression to exist. Just my opinion, as yours is yours.

Regards, Danny

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No joke, and i dont listen to it voluntary, my two youngest sons play rap on their mp3s all the time, they also play a lot of Led Zeppelin as well, both love Led Zeppelins music and go to Tribute Band Concerts with me whenever they can. I just cant return the compliment, that is how i am, i believe if you have principles you should stick to them, OK DAD?
You're listening to the wrong stuff. You obviously don't comprehend actual rap.

What did i do thats so terrible? As for "Robert Plant being anymore civilized than Eminem" i have no comment because i know nothing personaly of either of them so i cannot and will not say anything bad about either, i will only comment on the music that i either like or dont like, OK DAD.
you certainly don't know the civility of those that make those lyrics yet you already made your opinion well-known.

Regards your loving son Danny
I apologize, that's just the way I talk sometimes.
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I find the people who are involved in this genre of music, both writing and playing it to be so offensive to me that i believe they want no part in the civilised world that i belong to and dont want there to be a civilised world at all.

It's just their way of getting revenge for the way white people ruined funk for them, when disco hit the scene. The sooner we embrace rap, and imitate it, the sooner it will pass. Then they'll pick up instruments and become creative, again. You need to do this, for the sake of all music in the future.

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Why do people take it so personally when someone says what they do/don't like? God, lighten up.

Me? Out of the two, I personally prefer Disco, but that's not saying much. Though Rap has had it's moments as well, however, I can't say I'm a regular listener to either.

And BigDan, Jimmy Page once said of Rap music, 'They steal your music and shout at you'.


Edited by longdistancewinner
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When my boys (now grown) were teenagers living at home, there was constant loud music thumping and pulsating from their rooms -- hard rock music (which I love) interspersed with rap music (which I hate). I was forced to listen to a lot of rap music. I thought was vile back then, and I still think it's vile. I have a hard time even calling it "music." But to each his/her own, I guess. Somebody must like it, it sells lots of CDs.

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You're listening to the wrong stuff. You obviously don't comprehend actual rap.

I aint "listening to the wrong stuff" at all, i just aint listening to it, PERIOD.

Your right, i dont comprehend Rap, and i dont want to, its offensive to me, PERIOD.

you certainly don't know the civility of those that make those lyrics yet you already made your opinion well-known.

If they make references to Women as "Ho's" and "Bitches" then it aint civil to me or anyone else so i dont give them airtime, PERIOD.

I apologize, that's just the way I talk sometimes.

No apology needed mate, i was just playing with you.

Regards, Danny

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It's just their way of getting revenge for the way white people ruined funk for them, when disco hit the scene. The sooner we embrace rap, and imitate it, the sooner it will pass. Then they'll pick up instruments and become creative, again. You need to do this, for the sake of all music in the future.

"Revenge" for white people ruining funk for them, just as well white people dont want "Revenge" for the way they have ruined our society aint it?

"The soones we embrace Rap", i would rather be transported back to the middle ages and have to listen to "Gregorian Chant Music" than have "Rap" imitated by good musicans and lyricists. It wont happen, Rap will die out because it relies on fashon in music to sustain its self, just like Disco and Pop, but good music will always traverse time just like the "Blues" and "Led Zeppelin" do.

And i dont "need to do this", i need to fcuk off from this forum and get a life thanks. For the sake of music Rap must die. :lol:

Regards, Danny

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So you like to pass judgement on things you don't even atempt to understand?

No your wrong there, i have attempted to understand it, and i still dont like it, just as many people i have met dont like Led Zeppelin, i dont know why they dont but i do understand that they can have their opinion as i have mine.

I pass judgement because that is my right, i dont have to understand why shit stinks before i ban it from my house, do you get the picture now, i dont like it because?

Regards, Danny

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Why do people take it so personally when someone says what they do/don't like? God, lighten up.

Me? Out of the two, I personally prefer Disco, but that's not saying much. Though Rap has had it's moments as well, however, I can't say I'm a regular listener to either.

And BigDan, Jimmy Page once said of Rap music, 'They steal your music and shout at you'.


Hi 'longdistancewinner'

Here we are again, i have to agree with Jimmy there, 'They steal your music and shout at you' if he said that then he has the right to be pissed off, why? because thats how he started out with Led Zeppelin, he stole the "Blues" and Robert "Shouted" it back at us. :lol: Oh the irony of it all. :lol:

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