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Unexpected Encounters with Band Members Thread

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I've been lucky to meet him several times...but those were not unexpected as such as I was trying/hoping to meet him at gigs/hotels etc but today was unexpected. I was in WH Smiths on Kensington High Street at lunchtime today and he wandered in!


Was he with anyone?

Miss Tress

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I have had the pleasure of meeting John Paul Jones.

I was fortunate enough to attend the o2 gig and even more fortunate to get into the after party (not the ingo2 event but the back stage drinks). My good friend's mother happens to work for Robert.

Anyways after moseying around a very dimly lit and otherwise boring post show drinks I see a few people huddled by the entrance. I walk over to find a load of american record comany exectuives and John Paul Jones himself. I couldn't believe it.

It was a bit akward for me. I was clearly out of place (Led Zep t-shirt, Long hair, Jeans etc) standing in what can only be a corporate line-up

Anyways John Paul Jones is doing the rounds shaking hands with all these guys who seem to be reciting the same old "Hi! *insert name* Atlantic Records *insert date*". This goes on until he finally gets to me. I say "Hi. My name is Tom. Thank your so much for the gig. It really was a dream come true. Cheers" to which he replies with a grin on his face "Oh that's refreshing. Thanks for coming." I got a pat on the shoulder and a hand shake before he was ushered off by his 7ft tall 7ft wide body guard.

I had a beer with Chad Smith and then left.

It was a fantastic end to a fantastic evening.

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Well no encounters here yet, and there was as good a chance as any to bump into them here in New Orleans as Jimmie's son went to school down here. I believe they may even own some real estate down here. Don't know what their status would be now after the storm, a lot has changed since then although the uptown area was spared major damage from the flooding for the most part.

I think the celebs like it down here because they can walk amongst the common folks with out being constantly hounded.

Always keeping an eye out.

Maybe we can get one of them to be King Bacchus one year for Mardi-Gras

I have often thought about about how fabulous it would be to go down to New Orleans and run into Robert Plant. I know he hangs down there, and loves it.

I've never been there......Sad.......so many places, so little time (and $$)

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I can't believe you didn't talk to him....!!! I would have.

I wonder what sort of books he would read?

I would've done the same ....leave him to this shopping. I would not have bothered him. However, my heart would be beating a mile a minute and the memory would last a lifetime. :D

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I would've done the same ....leave him to this shopping. I would not have bothered him. However, my heart would be beating a mile a minute and the memory would last a lifetime. :D

And that's exactly what I did do when the same thing happened last summer. But the heart did indeed beat apace!!

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And that's exactly what I did do when the same thing happened last summer. But the heart did indeed beat apace!!

You saw JP in person too??!! When & where was this? How exciting. The best encounters are the unexpected ones.

It would make my day just to see him. If we happened to acknowledged me with a smile, that would be like cherry on an ice cream sundae! :D

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I have often thought about about how fabulous it would be to go down to New Orleans and run into Robert Plant. I know he hangs down there, and loves it.

I've never been there......Sad.......so many places, so little time (and $)

Well Hell, Com'on down the city is kickin' Mardi-Gras will be Feb. 5 this year but you can start catching the parades as soon as the last week of Jan. Never Know who you'll run into. If the weather is nice should be the biggest since the storm. Plenty of stars hang'n out down here. Our latest neighbors are Brad and Angelina if your a fan.


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Well Hell, Com'on down the city is kickin' Mardi-Gras will be Feb. 5 this year but you can start catching the parades as soon as the last week of Jan. Never Know who you'll run into. If the weather is nice should be the biggest since the storm. Plenty of stars hang'n out down here. Our latest neighbors are Brad and Angelina if your a fan.


I've encountered JPJ a few times. The first time was outside the venue after the Diamanda Galas concert in Philadelphia in Nov of 94. The next time was in New Orleans in 2000 and the last time was after the O2 gig.

I also met Richard Cole there but didn't actually talk with him. He was seated just in front of me and walked in to the backstage area right in front of me. I wanted to say Hi but I didn't want to intrude.

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You saw JP in person too??!! When & where was this? How exciting. The best encounters are the unexpected ones.

It would make my day just to see him. If we happened to acknowledged me with a smile, that would be like cherry on an ice cream sundae! :D

It was last July, the day I got back into London from Montreux, all disappointed that he didn't make that show. He was just out shopping and en famille, so I thought it was really not the time to say hello. It was really great to see him right at that particular moment, though, I can tell you! ^_^

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It was last July, the day I got back into London from Montreux, all disappointed that he didn't make that show. He was just out shopping and en famille, so I thought it was really not the time to say hello. It was really great to see him right at that particular moment, though, I can tell you! ^_^

Did you mean to say July 2006, not 2007?

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Slightly off topic but last night I met Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden at a Pig Iron gig in Camden Town! Stoked.

Well Hell, Com'on down the city is kickin' Mardi-Gras will be Feb. 5 this year but you can start catching the parades as soon as the last week of Jan. Never Know who you'll run into. If the weather is nice should be the biggest since the storm. Plenty of stars hang'n out down here. Our latest neighbors are Brad and Angelina if your a fan.


Back on topic, running in Robert Plant or any of the band for that matter in New Orleans would be the dream scenario.

I don't think I'd be as excited about Brad and Angelina though.... :)

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It was last July, the day I got back into London from Montreux, all disappointed that he didn't make that show. He was just out shopping and en famille, so I thought it was really not the time to say hello. It was really great to see him right at that particular moment, though, I can tell you! ^_^

How about that!!! You got your wish a day late!!! :D Was he limping or walking with a cane? I recall he couldn't make the Montreux show because he had to have or had knee surgery.

"En famille" as in he was with family? If I saw him with his family, that's a definite no-no for me not to approach......but I wouldn't do it regardless even if he were alone.

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No, he wasn't with anyone else.

I didn't approach him this time.....left him to his shopping. Funny watching him walk past all the magazines...he was on the cover of about five of them.....!!

That's so funny. It would've been even funnier if you were looking at one of the magazines with him on the cover AS he walked by. :D

I would've approached him, but I completely understand why you wouldn't of out of respect for his down time. I probably would've discreetly followed him to see what he was buying! Ha

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I've been lucky to meet him several times...but those were not unexpected as such as I was trying/hoping to meet him at gigs/hotels etc but today was unexpected. I was in WH Smiths on Kensington High Street at lunchtime today and he wandered in!

Is that the bookstore near the tube stop?

Feel free to share about the other times you've met JP also, if you feel like it :)

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I've met Robert in France a couple of years ago after a gig but it wasn't unexpected!!! :lol: most unexpected thing is that I dared look at him and talk to him! I'm so shy and I mean its ROBERT! Anyway, it was awesome! He's sooo nice! I couldn't believe how nice and funny he was. He made me feel totally at ease. We talked for about 10 minutes and he cracked a few jokes. One that I remember is him telling me his hotel room number after I said bye to him and that I hope to meet him again someday! :lol: Needless to say that I blushed... :)

I'm usually the kind of person who doesn't dare talking to artist...I'm always afraid to bother them. 2 years ago in Lyon I went to see The Strokes play and the afternoon before the gig my sis and I were visiting the city and suddenly saw Julian Casablancas. He was with his girlfriend visiting the city as well...my sis wanted to go say hi but I just couldn't. In my mind, he was doing the exact same thing as me and I know I wouldn't want people to come to me all the time. I didn't want to bother him... :/

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Okay, I've seen a few other stories knocking around here, so thought why not start a thread (ummmmmmmm, if there isn't one already). I have had a few enounters with Robert Plant over the years and met John Paul Jones at a London Borders signing of "Thunderthief", but am most fond of this one where I bumped into Jimmy Page.

One December (think it was 2004), I was walking away from Harrods, Knightsbridge, London, towards Harvey Nichols and became aware of someone looking at me. I'm pretty tuned-in, as I have done a lot of meditation over the years and my eyes connected to a middle-aged man walking towards me, who looked rather familiar. It took several seconds to register why..... it was none other than Jimmy Page. I could never had lived with myself if I had not said something to him, so, I hesitantly blurted out, "Excuse me, are you Jimmy Page?" To my astonishment he said yes, smiled widely and extended his hand to shake mine. I was truly taken aback but such a gesture and promptly extended mine too. There was a decided energy transfer in the hand shake (I know this sounds nuts, but that is what I felt), which was quite something and altogether different from what I have felt shaking anyone elses hand, ever. I asked him how the DVD was coming along (as he was editing it at that time) and he mubbled a few positive words and I also asked (rather hopefully) if he was planning on playing any little gigs soon, to which he said no and smiled. I sensed he didn't really want to take the conversation anywhere else and started to move away; he probably was frightened I'd ask him about his Crowley regalia or something (JOKE) and he was off.

I have met quite a slew of famous people (mainly rock stars) and I'd say with no hesitation he radiated a certain special charisma and energy that no others had, you could literally feel it physically!! The only people I have met who possessed such a quality were spiritual teachers I have been fortunate to have met over the years.


I've never met JPP : ( but he seems like a genuinely nice person. Maybe it's the smile, his willingness to shake a stranger's hand, or put an arm around their shoulder for a picture. That's a huge part of his charm. I haven't had time to read this entire thread, but I hope my intuition is correct.

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How about that!!! You got your wish a day late!!! :D Was he limping or walking with a cane? I recall he couldn't make the Montreux show because he had to have or had knee surgery.

"En famille" as in he was with family? If I saw him with his family, that's a definite no-no for me not to approach......but I wouldn't do it regardless even if he were alone.

Yes, with one of the offspring. And I certainly would never have bugged him when he was shopping even if he hadn't had company. I generally don't like it when my students do that to me, so I'd never do it to someone else!!!!

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I saw him queuing in the rain for something to eat... can't remember if it was a candy floss van or a pig roast bap thingy!

John Renbourn is a really nice guy - very generous and thoughtful. We have a mutual friend who is another guitarist, a real JR enthusiast and student. I have seen JR play several times over the last 20 years or so, and he always recognises and chats to my wife and me when we make ourselves known after the gig.


That's really good to know--both about JR, and about the fact that RP doesn't consider himself to be above queuing for grub!

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I was lucky enough to meet Jimmy back in 2001. He was doing some kind of guitar promotion at Mars Music in Ft. Lauderdale at the time. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time (which is EXACLY what he said to me while autographing my Page/Plant shirt!) Later, I attended the ABC Trust dinner event down there and got to say hello again. Jimmy was quite friendly, and I made sure not to take up too much of his time. But it was cool meeting my guitar hero, I must say!

Must be the now defunct one on Davie Blvd. Always thought it was an odd location given the area.

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