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Jimmy's manager confirms tour?


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As long as they don't call it Led Zeppelin (which I know they wouldn't), I am very excited about this. I love RP but screw him. He wants out, cool with me. No grudges or regrets. I respect his decision and look forward to RSII. This is going to be great with or without him. Can't wait to hear the new stuff!

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Jimmy Page is 65 on Friday, I don't think i'd wanna be tossing it off round the world on tours at that age, would be a bit knackering :blink: he must feel up for it though :D


I think we'd all find that a little surprising. As well as knackering.

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I'm confused, is Page's manager talking out of both sides of his mouth? Now he's saying they're not doing anything (if you believe this link from 53 minutes ago):

Page Manager Says Zep is Over

:blink: now this is really weird.

When I read your post I'd thought his words were misinterpreted and led into different directions, but then I see totally different quotes.

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QUOTE (chimp @ Jan 7 2009, 07:16 PM)

Jimmy Page is 65 on Friday, I don't think i'd wanna be tossing it off round the world on tours at that age, would be a bit knackering he must feel up for it though

I think we'd all find that a little surprising. As well as knackering.

sorry mate English slang :D

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:blink: now this is really weird.

When I read your post I'd thought his words were misinterpreted and led into different directions, but then I see totally different quotes.

It almost seems like he said they were working, then quickly retracted after Page yelled at him for blabbing or something. Who knows? What a roller coaster.

I liked the first report better. :angry:

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It almost seems like he said they were working, then quickly retracted after Page yelled at him for blabbing or something. Who knows? What a roller coaster.

I liked the first report better. :angry:

It could be. But I'll be postively surprised that the gonna-be-65-years-old dark lord has so much energy to yell so loud that his manager had to retract that quick. :lol:

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I'm confused, is Page's manager talking out of both sides of his mouth? Now he's saying they're not doing anything (if you believe this link from 53 minutes ago):

Page Manager Says Zep is Over

Too funny his comment..."Fuck if I know." :D And about "people talking about it"....well, Mr. Manager...if you would've issued a statement sooner......perhaps we would STOP talking about it!!!

Sheesh! :wacko:


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I think we'd all find that a little surprising. As well as knackering.

Hey, this is Jimmy Page we're talking about here, Knebby!

Far more powerful than your average 65 year-old.

But seriously, nice to see clear and unambiguous statements coming from the management.

Looking forward to 2009's hottest album 'Me and Mr. Jones' by Undredded....

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And all this a week before Jimmy (reportedly) goes to Sundance for the Film Festival. Sets him up nicely for some serious harassment from reporters and inquiring minds!

Ok, now...where did you hear he would come to Sundance...and if you know what date?

I'm trying to find out so I can get tickets.

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:blink: now this is really weird.

When I read your post I'd thought his words were misinterpreted and led into different directions, but then I see totally different quotes.

I'm getting frigging excited that this could mean they might still try to work it out with Plant, and then make music together under some other name than LZ out of respect for Bonzo! Of course no other singer will do, what were we/they thinking.

Edited by Zanadu
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Ok, now...where did you hear he would come to Sundance...and if you know what date?

I'm trying to find out so I can get tickets.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure about that. Thought I heard it around here. It wouldn't be a shock if he did go, he attended the Toronto Film Festival...

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I'm getting frigging excited that this could mean they will still try to work it out with Plant, and then make music together under some other name than LZ out of respect for Bonzo! Of course no other singer will do, what were we/they thinking.

En usko että tapahtuu, Robert on aika selkeesti kertonut omat suunnitelmansa. Eli ei kannata elätellä toiveita, valitettavasti. Ja onhan ne esiintyneet LZ nimellä jo kolme kertaa, vaikkei Bonzo ole mukana, olisivat hyvin voineet käyttää sitä nimeä. Kurjaa, mutta eiköhän tämä ilmalaiva ole jo lähtenyt.

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En usko että tapahtuu, Robert on aika selkeesti kertonut omat suunnitelmansa. Eli ei kannata elätellä toiveita, valitettavasti. Ja onhan ne esiintyneet LZ nimellä jo kolme kertaa, vaikkei Bonzo ole mukana, olisivat hyvin voineet käyttää sitä nimeä. Kurjaa, mutta eiköhän tämä ilmalaiva ole jo lähtenyt.

Niinpä. Innostuin vain kun muistelin miten sekä Plant, että Page ovat joissain haastateluissa 02:n jälkeenkin (muistaakseni) puhuneet kaikkien neljän korvaamattomuudesta, ja tuo viimeisin uutinen kuulosti tietyllä tavalla Plantille suunnatulta neuvottelutaktiikalta.

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I'm confused, is Page's manager talking out of both sides of his mouth? Now he's saying they're not doing anything (if you believe this link from 53 minutes ago):

Page Manager Says Zep is Over

Oh well, I guess the The Jason Bonham Band reunion is a step closer then :lol:

Jason is reportedly at NAMM next week. Sadly, I am 5000 miles away, so won't be attending :P

If anyone here is going along, see if you can get any news from the horse's mouth! (although I think J will be a little more cautious now about letting any info slip) :D

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En usko että tapahtuu, Robert on aika selkeesti kertonut omat suunnitelmansa. Eli ei kannata elätellä toiveita, valitettavasti. Ja onhan ne esiintyneet LZ nimellä jo kolme kertaa, vaikkei Bonzo ole mukana, olisivat hyvin voineet käyttää sitä nimeä. Kurjaa, mutta eiköhän tämä ilmalaiva ole jo lähtenyt.

Makes about as much sense as anything else I have read.

Edited by Page_Maniac
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