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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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Thanks for the good wishes :) Nowadays they all seem to start out as swimmer's ear (all 3 do swim team; he's 13). He has drops and an antibiotic so hopefully later today he will feel better.

I hope you will be able to use your living room again soon; that must be frustrating!

I hope he is feeling better by today. :) Luckily the living room is pretty much done, but the kitchen is still under construction. We haven't had a kitchen sink in 2 months. It's my mother in laws house, but if it were mine I would have done the sink before the tile. <_< So if I don't have enough dishes for a load in the dishwasher, I have to wash them in the bathroom.

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The passing of Air McNair


Yeah, I was very sorry about that, too. It's been an extremely rough week for famous people. May you rest in peace, Steven. :(

Edited by Fan_S.
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Over the weekend i went to the harbourfront centre with some friends. They met a couple women there and i was the odd man out so i had to go eat perogies and sour cream all by myself. The perogies were good. But still... <_<

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I watched someone whom I have come to love puking blood due to her excessive drinking. When I tried to get her to go the emergency room, she took off and vanished.

When someone decides to self-destruct, there is nothing you can do about it. They have to save themselves. I know it sounds harsh but the only thing you can do is save yourself. Don't get sucked into the abyss with them. If this person does decide to change then it is imperative that you be there but not until they do.

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Thanks for the good wishes :) Nowadays they all seem to start out as swimmer's ear (all 3 do swim team; he's 13). He has drops and an antibiotic so hopefully later today he will feel better.

I hope you will be able to use your living room again soon; that must be frustrating!

I hope your son feels better soon. I have swimmer's ear for the first time ever. I'm taking antibiotic drops but since i haven't seen the dr. and my ear still feels a bit clogged i may have to get to one. That makes me unhappy... i can't swim and hate wasting time at a dr's. office.

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I watched someone whom I have come to love puking blood due to her excessive drinking. When I tried to get her to go the emergency room, she took off and vanished.

Sometimes, hard as it may be, you gotta let someone go. If that person doesn't want to change, no amount of caring and supportiveness is going to make them change.

My sister, is going through her second bout with cancer right now, and she still won't take care of herself. She's used drugs since she was about 14--she's 39 now--and has no intention of quitting. The first time she had cancer, she would go to chemo every other Monday, and so she'd have one week where she would feel bad, and one where she felt good. And let me tell you, on the off weeks, she'd go out drinking and "partying" like there was no tomorrow. And to make matters worse, she won't hardly eat. And even though the Dr told her that smoking cigarettes would lessen the effectiveness of the chemo, she continues to this day to smoke. I kinda think that's why the cancer came back so soon like it did--she was in remission in October, and it came back in March. The past few weeks she's been in the hospital for a bone marrow procedure, and Mom caught her sneaking out for cigarettes. One time she ran away from the hospital, and they had to call my other sister to help them locate her...

And it's hard, but What can you do? She's an adult, and she obviously doesn't want the help.

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Yeah, it just makes you wish that you could give her daddy back to her somehow.

:( :'( Aww I wish some how there could be! I just wanted to give her one huge bear hug

That was one of many, very touching moments of this tasteful memorial. :(

It defitenly was, and when Jermaine Jackson sang that song "Smile".


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small things

I frankly find your continued use of "small things" in light of what people like Bonnie and Savethelastdance have shared a new low of shallow. Do you think it's funny? People are expressing their pain about cancer and loss of life, and you're just funny guy?

You'll excuse me if I have no sympathy for the "small things" that made you unhappy today.

But hey, everyone can express themselves, right? Pity you do so so poorly. Your constant hourly posting of "small things" borders on spam, but it's not my forum. I will say this though, must be nice and at the sametime incredibly sad that you have no "big things" making you either happy or unhappy. What a dull life. Just "small things". Life's an adventure man! Have some "big things".

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The part's I ordered for one of my digital recorder's came in about an hour ago, let's just hope it goes back together and I get it back to working again!

Oh.....$%#@!!!! I meant to put this in the "What made you happy today thread!!!!

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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I had an MMR vaccine this morning :( thing is I have a phoebia of saringes so it wasn't very nice for me, and what's worse is that I have to have another vaccine in 2 weeks, can't remember what for. :(

Ouch!!! I hate shot's!! I'm glad I was to young to remember all the immunization's I got when I was a baby. I did get the Chicken Pock's as an adult in the mid 1990's :chickeddance: , what a sight I was! 30 some years old and the Chicken Pock's....Ha Ha!

Hope it's not to bad for ya Jimmy's A Legend. :console2:

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