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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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This made me at first ffreak out, then it made me unhappy:

My dad's driving.

I don't think the 83 year old should drive, especially that junk of the car we have. I was terrified with every red light, turning, crossroad. He is a very careful driver, my dad never drinks if he has to drive, he doesn't like to drive at night, but... It's sad. :( And dangerous these days.

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^that's scary. Old people driving is very scary--there was a man this afternon driving 25MPH in a 55MPH on a state highway today when my sister and I were on our way home from swimming.

I wouldn't be surprised if I heard about a wreck that was caused by him. He was going over 30 MPH slower than the speed limit!

1. They confirmed that the body found in the canal yesterday was that of the missing little boy. Now they're going to focus on the cause of death.

2. They arrested a man today in Boise on 20 counts of child pornography. He had FOUR external hard drives full of child porn with children as young as 2 years old.

What is this world coming to? Seriously.

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2. They arrested a man today in Boise on 20 counts of child pornography. He had FOUR external hard drives full of child porn with children as young as 2 years old.

What is this world coming to? Seriously.



They should lock these people so they can't see the light of the day EVER again.

I read in today's newspaper that a man was arrested because he went into his neighbour's house and sexually abused 5 year old and 3 year old girls.

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My dad told me earlier today that I'm not able to go to uni at Edinburgh becuase we can't afford it :(

Oh, sorry to hear that. I've heard that universities are really expensive, here they're free but it's not the same 'cause we have many problems with education..

Maybe there're scholarships you can get, I don't know .. as long as you study what you want, the place won't matter, I guess. Have you registered in any other uni?

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Having to deal with my grandma.. again. She won't admit that she has something wrong with her mind, and she's driving me crazy. She forgets how to use the phone and gets so confused on things. And then I get frustrated because she acts like nothing is wrong with her, so I end up saying stuff that I shouldn't.

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Well, I was going outside to get to the car to go to karate, but once I opened the door, there was a snake right there (I must have scared it when I opened the door because he twisted and wiggled, but I couldn't see where he went cause I ran as fast as I can inside :run: !) My dad is still in the garage trying to find it :/

And its no ordinary garden snake, it was a khaki color with stripes going vertically (I think) But I have checked that it isn't poisonous

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My mom hadme light the grill tonight and I singed off part of my hair. I am so mad about it. My hair is like my favourite thing about myself. Not to be conceited but I just always loved my hair. It probably took off like an inch by the time I cut off the burnt parts. I'm glad it's curly because you can't really tell too much it just smells bad.

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My mom hadme light the grill tonight and I singed off part of my hair. I am so mad about it. My hair is like my favourite thing about myself. Not to be conceited but I just always loved my hair. It probably took off like an inch by the time I cut off the burnt parts. I'm glad it's curly because you can't really tell too much it just smells bad.

:console: I'm sorry - I've had that happen before. Thank goodness nothing else was burnt though.

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it was a hot day, humid and was supposed to be cool, but no big deal. i unloaded about 5 or 6 granite counter tops with my brother and was so out of breath. he was like wanting to smoke and talk and i was like, alright lets not talk now, i have to go and sit down in the ac. jeez my energy just left me.

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it was a hot day, humid and was supposed to be cool, but no big deal. i unloaded about 5 or 6 granite counter tops with my brother and was so out of breath. he was like wanting to smoke and talk and i was like, alright lets not talk now, i have to go and sit down in the ac. jeez my energy just left me.

I feel your pain. I was watering plants today in 90 degree, still-as-death heat today. Not as hard as unloading granite counter tops, but hauling around full water buckets gets really old really fast when it's that hot.

This wouldn't have pissed me off if I'd been outside...there's nothing you can do about that. However, I was INSIDE, where the air conditioning was turned off because the place is attempting to "go green." The ironic, maddening twist of fate is that the AC was, in fact, on in two places: the empty break room and the empty conference room. WHAT THE $#%*?!?! So you're making everybody suffer so you can advertise what big martyrs you are and look good to the general public, but really you're just big liars who are wasting even more energy than most places because you're not even using it for the benefit of the employees? :slapface: I have a headache...

All I can say is, it's your tax dollars at work, my friends, because this is a publicly funded place. Of course. Nobody can screw up quite like the government.

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Today I found a spider in my room, I ahte spiders, have done for as long as I can remember.

So after some frantic screaming my sister came along and I told her to get rid of it, this does not mean can you spray it with disinfectant and kill it, just becuase I don't like spiders doesn't mean I want them dead. :(

Edited by Jimmy's A Legend
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My mom hadme light the grill tonight and I singed off part of my hair. I am so mad about it. My hair is like my favourite thing about myself. Not to be conceited but I just always loved my hair. It probably took off like an inch by the time I cut off the burnt parts. I'm glad it's curly because you can't really tell too much it just smells bad.

Get one of these, no lighter fluid just a crumpeld piece of new paper under the botom and fill the top with charcoal and you get ready to use BBQ in minutes :D


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I'm so sorry to hear that. That must be terrible. He's only 11 and who ever "she" is has really done quite a number on his impressionable mind. He'll come aroud someday, you are a wonderful guy and he will see that.

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She's done her deed! :angry:

Recieved a call from my 11yo son and he told me to forget visitation and that he would run away and wanted nothing to do with me ever again!

I am totally stunned :o:(

Sorry to hear this terrible news, Charlie. So sad when a parent brainwashs their child against the other. I hope you won't let her get away with this. Once you get finished with your treatments you will be ready to fight. In the meantime, i hope you keep up your strong, positive attitude. One day your son will see what she has done.

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She's done her deed! :angry:

Recieved a call from my 11yo son and he told me to forget visitation and that he would run away and wanted nothing to do with me ever again!

I am totally stunned :o:(

:( I'm so sorry, Charlie! It's like tangerine and the other posters said--first, get your treatments done. get strong again and fight for him in a way that he'll see the real you, a very decent guy and the kid'll surely come around. Just get strong again, first. First things, first. Then get him to know that he has a father, too, who loves him. This takes time, of course (undoing the damage, dammit). :angry:

Edited by Fan_S.
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