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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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What made me unhappy today is reading about this personal attack on Knebby- here is someone who has willingly shared photos, news clippings & other info from her personal archive, and a couple of lowlifes decide to harass her & violate her privacy for whatever reason... absolutely pathetic.

Knebby, I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this. I always have appreciated what you've shared with us here on the board & hope you continue to do so.

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Forecast of more fucking snow. When will we be free of this ever depressing winter?

Sorry to hear this, CP. Maybe these clips will help lift yours and Mrs. CP's spirits...and anyone else still living in the clutches of winter.

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So tomorrow morning the weather forecast says I'm going to wake up to a white out. Last time we had snow this late in March was 1982 and I arrived back from work to find my front door kicked in and my Hi-Fi gone.

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The snow has been going on for the last hour or so, it seems to be mostly the wind at the moment as the lights and tv have been flicking on and off all night but still, I've got enough candles to put a chapel to shame if it comes to it.

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Sorry to hear this, CP. Maybe these clips will help lift yours and Mrs. CP's spirits...and anyone else still living in the clutches of winter.

Cheers Seany boy. It is absolutely dreadful. And for all other winters sufferers, here is a pic of sunset in Koh Samui Thailand


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I did not read this until tonight. I can't believe what I am reading! As I've said many times before, I think it must be a form of mental illness to keep coming back to a place you have been told you're not wanted - this just proves it! Very sorry this happened to you, Knebby. If I can be of any assistance to you in the future, don't hesitate to contact me!

Low-life jerks on this site. You win - yes, you all - MM, Better Emily, Del and all, whatever aliases you are here with now - you win the jerks prize. I hope it makes you very happy. Scouring around for my real name, sending it to people around this site, finding out one of my businesses, my address, my phone number, my daughter's name, and threatening to post it on here - and finally the lowest of the fecking low - looking up my daughter's Facebook page and stealing photographs from it to post on here in one of my threads, just to send me some kind of message.

What kind of absolute low-life asshole would do something like that????

And why?

Just because you are plain and simple jealous that I have a real-life friendship with the guys that you will never have, because of that you invade the privacy of a kid who has never had anything to do with you or this site???

You suck. You all absolutely suck and make me feel physically sick, but it's OK - I'll go back to my real-life friendships and you can go back to playing cat and mouse, returning day after day after dreary day of your sad lives to a site where you are not welcome and have been repeatedly banned, to tell us all about what your wife made you for dinner or to try to drag me into arguing with you by slagging off the football team I support. I'll go back to being personally invited to the O2.

You're pathetic. Just pathetic.


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As I've said many times before, I think it must be a form of mental illness to keep coming back to a place you have been told you're not wanted - this just proves it!

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Those morons seem to thrive on bringing people down and ruining decent discussions with their vile attitudes.

There is another member on here, who has a very high opinion of themself and borders on cyber bullying and constantly gets away with it. The thing is, regardless of their obvious intelligence or lack thereof, they are oblivious to it all.

On the upside, ignorance is bliss.

Knebby knows her friends outnumber the fuckwits on this forum.

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