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Have you ever met Zep hater?


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Most of the "Zep haters" I have run across fall into two categories: 1.) They prefer bands like Rush, clean sounding and very consistent, so Zeppelin is not for them, or 2.) They say Zeppelin "stole" all of their songs from others. I can't even begin to argue with either of the groups because they just don't get it.....

I have, like henrybonzo said, come across a few that don't like Robert's "shrieking" (as they put it), which I can understand because there are some bands that the lead singer totally ruins any possibility of me liking their music. REM for one.

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Most of the "Zep haters" I have run across fall into two categories: 1.) They prefer bands like Rush, clean sounding and very consistent, so Zeppelin is not for them, or 2.) They say Zeppelin "stole" all of their songs from others. I can't even begin to argue with either of the groups because they just don't get it.....

I have, like henrybonzo said, come across a few that don't like Robert's "shrieking" (as they put it), which I can understand because there are some bands that the lead singer totally ruins any possibility of me liking their music. REM for one.

Man, ain't that the truth. I love Rush but you nailed it there, also, there would arguably be no Rush without Neal Peart (he really is Rush). Neal is the principal songwriter and only lyricist in the band and on stage he is the leader. I highly doubt Rush would have put out another album after their first had Rutsey stuck with the band, not that he was not good but if you listed to that first album (which is awesome) and compare it to Fly by Night or Caress of Steel, fuggetaboutit! The first album was pretty much rehashed Zeppelin riffs, melodies, and solos with average to below average lyrics. Enter Peart and a whole new musical landscape is born.

Though I know I am in the minority here there is one point I have to agree with some of the haters regarding Plant's vocals. That is if he would have kept his range and not developed as a singer and consistently sang like he did on the first Zeppelin album I would not be thrilled. I much, MUCH prefer Plant's vocals as he aged and actually lost his high register. I thought his best singing was post 75' TBH. The man has a great mid-range and a killer lower register he rarely uses, when he was in the 68' - 70' era in particular he was almost a male Mariah Carey, vocal acrobatics simply for the sake of vocal acrobatics. However beginning in 71' a new Plant begins to emerge, much more controlled and less wild. By 1973 I am sure he realized his screeching days were coming to a close and he needed to embrace a different approach. By 77' his vocals were, IMO, the best ever, period. He could still hit many of the high notes when he wanted to, but his mids and lows were just killer!

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  • 2 months later...

That's great! Zeppelin as a litmus test.

I have two friends who like Zeppelin and one family member but most people I know don't like them or don't get them or just don't like rock music. One friend told me she doesn't like their "vibe" and image, for example. Another thinks they are too loud and raunchy.

I try to get these friends to listen and appreciate the *music* but some might never come around.

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I know a lot of people who don't like rock music -- particularly "heavy" rock music -- and many people view Zep as being too heavy. (or too loud, vulgar, raunchy, "dark", etc) Also, the plagiarism allegations seem to have recently gained much wider acceptance. In just the past 4 or 5 years, I've noticed that whenever I'm together with a group of people in a social or professional setting, and the subject of Zep is casually mentioned, someone in the group will always invariably say something like, "Didn't Led Zeppelin steal a lot of their music?" Then, a few other people in the group will invariably murmur, "Yes, I've heard that too." etc, etc.

Edited by Pagefan55
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I know a few people who downright refuse to listen to Zep because of the ''stealing''. Shame, because they're missing out on so much good music, and what are they gaining? I get the impression some of them think they're better than me for not listening to them, which I think is a bit stupid, to say the least.

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The only people I know that don't like Zepp are non-musicians that (in my opinion) listen to some pretty cheezy garbage. And anything that they don't like, they think the band "sucks".

Edited by JLee93
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I know a few people who downright refuse to listen to Zep because of the ''stealing''. Shame, because they're missing out on so much good music, and what are they gaining? I get the impression some of them think they're better than me for not listening to them, which I think is a bit stupid, to say the least.

I can't stand people like that. Acting like they're on some higher plain.

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I had this guy that had a locker next to me during gym class in middle school, I can't quite remember how we got on the subject, but for some reason almost every day he would mention to me that "Led Zeppelin sucks". I don't know if he was serious or was just being obnoxiously idiotic, but either way that is the closest I got to a "hater".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't stand people like that. Acting like they're on some higher plain.

Agreed Zep didn't outright steal anything... blues is universal and the reason Zep settled out of court with Willie Dixon was because they loved the blues and the bluesmen behind the music... that's why Robert used those lyrics... not because he thought oh those farts will never know and ill use their lyrics... those lyrics dripped from his lips because that's what moved him that's what he was into... it was what was cool to him... his homage... not a thought in anyones mind back then of the lawyers that would turn it around on them... and to go back to an earlier statement Zep paid Willie Dixon cause they loved the guy and the music he made really had an affect on them... other than a few blues lines from Robert any other examples??? Maybe the Jimmys black mountainside but again homage is not theft...

...in terms of haters my best friend growing up was a huge Bob Dylan fan and I liked Bob too but to get a rise out of me he would talk about Zep being a sellout/commercial for Rock and Roll being used in a Cadillac commercial... time goes on and what happens with Dylans music... Pepsi commercials ... a single for Victorias Secret you could buy on CD... Chrysler etc. ate his words... i still like Dylan and one day out of the blue my friend starts telling me how badass Zeps When the Levee Breaks is... people change with age... if people dont like em wait a few years... in a mind altering situation once they get a little older crank some remasters and watch... wait... boom minds blown... minds converted ... keep the faith Zepp heads unite!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually, these days I do not have Led Zeppelin haters among the people around me.

My mom, she actually still likes Led Zeppelin as well as other bands from roughly the same era (The Who, The Kinks, etc. She also loves Queen).

My stepdad feels some of their music is a bit too heavy for his tastes, but he likes Stairway to heaven and even The battle of Evermore.

My band-buddies (from my band-coaching project) also do not complain about my musical tastes, but they do admit when they first met me, they couldn't believe my taste in music,

nor did they believe the fact that my guitar skills are actually pretty decent for a hobby-guitarist. You know, I am a shorty and for 37 years of age I have a young face, so many people consider me younger and they

usually also see me as sweet and adorable (I am, just not always..., lol!). See my profile picture, I was about 34/35 when that picture was taken.

LOL! I don't care anymore, but when I was still in high school I often got remarks about me liking "old folks music". This was was the 90's, so house, modern dance music, hip-hop and rap were coming up and

a 14 year old rock chick wanting to learn to play the guitar was absolutely not cool. I now laugh at all this, as I am happy about the life I lead and I am proud of myself for my still improving guitar skills and my growing confidence on stage.



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Never have met a Zep "hater." Not in the 39 years I've been listening to them.

If you discussed the subject with moe people, Scarlet -- particularly with people connected to your psychology practice -- I'm sure you would find some haters.

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If you discussed the subject with moe people, Scarlet -- particularly with people connected to your psychology practice -- I'm sure you would find some haters.

LOL! Perhaps I should include a question on my initial data form--along with insurance info, have you been psychiatrically hospitalized--and do you like Led Zeppelin? A "no" will suggest a low IQ or a personality disorder!

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LOL! Perhaps I should include a question on my initial data form--along with insurance info, have you been psychiatrically hospitalized--and do you like Led Zeppelin? A "no" will suggest a low IQ or a personality disorder!

LOL. Such a question does seem like it would be a great diagnostic tool.

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