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Most powerful scenes in movie history.


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Scenes my ass,try the whole fucking movie:


A lot of swearing and waving guns at people................but no true powerful show stopping acting scenes in my opinion.

I can't think of one scene in that movie that really stays in my mind off the top of my head....and I've seen it twice. ;)

Edited by Mangani
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The scene from 'On The Waterfront' when Brando tells Eva Marie Saint that he was involved with her brother's death and as he's trying to explain the ship's whistle drowns out most of what he has to say to her and Karl Malden's reaction when he sees her running away.

Hollywood just can't make movies like that anymore.

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Saving Private Ryan

The German soldier pushing his knife (slowly), into the American soldiers heart and "shhhhushing" him while he's doing it...get's me every time.

It get's me too ! There are so many scenes in that movie that put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just recently came across another scene that I would say makes the "most powerful scenes in movie history". That is the scene in "Apocalypse Now" when Robert Duvall and his Air Cavalry unit are flying over the ocean and he starts to play Wagner, "Ride of the Valkyries". A few moments later the air cavalry are bombing the shit out of a Vietcong village. The whole scene last about 10-15 minutes. It pretty much ends when Robert Duvall says, "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. It smells like...VICTORY. You know one day this war is gonna end". Thanks to Francis Ford Coppola for such great movies.

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I enjoyed pretty much every scene in the movie Andrei Rublev http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Rublev_(film)

But the scenes where the Tatarans ransacked a small village with a Cathedral was insanely brutal. Apparently Tarkovsky (the director) got ahold of a horse that was scheduled to be slaughtered in a glue factory, but instead used it in a battle scene where it gets killed (cue animal rights activists).

Another scene is where a bellmaker's son who has been labouring making this bell in a filthy foundry pit for months with the workers, is waiting for the bell to ring out and hoping that it does. The tension is unbelievable, and Tarkovsky makes it absolutely perfect when it does ring out, and the subsequent events leading to the end of the film.

I HIGHLY recommend this movie to anyone, ANYONE. It's a classic of cinema, and one of the greatest films of all time.

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I don't think these would be powerful, but these are my favorite classics.

When Harry Met Sally-Meg Ryan's orgasmic scene in the cafe. "I'll Have What She's Having".

Singing in the Rain- Gene Kelly dancing in the rain soaked streets. " What a glorious feeling."

Its a Wonderful Life-The end when the town shows Jimmy Stewart that is is a wonderful life."When a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. That a boy Clarence"

Casablanca- The ending scene at the airport.

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Saving Private Ryan

The German soldier pushing his knife (slowly), into the American soldiers heart and "shhhhushing" him while he's doing it...get's me every time.

See, now I enjoyed that. I was willing the panzer grenadier on. Mellish just annoyed the heck out of me. :D:P

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  • 3 months later...

Here is another "scene" in movie history that I consider to be "Powerful".

I do not know how many of you have seen the Quentin Tarantino movie, "Inglorious Basterds". Great Fucking movie. Anyway, the first scene in the movie when Nazi SS man Hans Landa interrogates the Frenchman about the whereabouts of some Jewish family is simply (in my opinion) both "Powerful" and "Amazing".

Edited by lzzoso
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  • 2 months later...

Another "Powerful" scene in movie history is the last 20 or 30 minutes of the movie, the "Professional" with Jean Reno, Natalie Portman and Gary Oldman. The whole movie is great but when the NYPD and the SWAT teams come after Leon in his little apartment and the ensuing gun fights between them is "Powereful". Also pretty sad near the end of the movie. If you have seen the movie you know what I am referring too.

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The scene in 'Crash' when the guy goes to shoot the locksmith and his little girl jumps in his arms just as the gun goes off little realizing the bullets are blanks.

The scene in "La Strada' when Anthony Quinn hears the song that Gelsomina used to play on the trumpet and finds out that she is dead.

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Off the top of my head..

- Heston discovering the Statue of Liberty on the beach in Planet of the Apes.

- The climatic lightsaber duel in Empire Strikes Back that stunned everyone in 1980.

- In a film that's become so satirized since its debut, the scene where Forrest meets Jenny at the Mall during the anti-war rally is probably the film's best moment out of so many memorable ones.

- The car chase in The French Connection. The power of the scene lays within the emotion of Gene Hackman's face.

- Steve McQueen attempting his escape from Nazi capture via motorcycle in The Great Escape.

- Remembered more for its infamous dialogue between Goldfinger and 007, the scene in Goldfinger where Bond is held captive on a table with a "frickin" laser beam between his legs would forever change the franchise and up the anty for all future Bond villains and films.

- The T-Rex assault on the Ford Explorers in Jurassic Park. It was the first of its kind using state-of-the-art special effects and is easily the most memorable scene of the movie next to the kitchen scene with the raptors.

- The last 15 minutes of GFII.

- Every second Robert Duvall is in Apocalypse Now.

- The church scene in The Graduate.

And of course, Quint's monologue in Jaws.

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Hi all,

Off the top of my head..

- Heston discovering the Statue of Liberty on the beach in Planet of the Apes.

- The climatic lightsaber duel in Empire Strikes Back that stunned everyone in 1980.

- In a film that's become so satirized since its debut, the scene where Forrest meets Jenny at the Mall during the anti-war rally is probably the film's best moment out of so many memorable ones.

- The car chase in The French Connection. The power of the scene lays within the emotion of Gene Hackman's face.

- Steve McQueen attempting his escape from Nazi capture via motorcycle in The Great Escape.

- Remembered more for its infamous dialogue between Goldfinger and 007, the scene in Goldfinger where Bond is held captive on a table with a "frickin" laser beam between his legs would forever change the franchise and up the anty for all future Bond villains and films.

- The T-Rex assault on the Ford Explorers in Jurassic Park. It was the first of its kind using state-of-the-art special effects and is easily the most memorable scene of the movie next to the kitchen scene with the raptors.

- The last 15 minutes of GFII.

- Every second Robert Duvall is in Apocalypse Now.

- The church scene in The Graduate.

And of course, Quint's monologue in Jaws.

Awesome list Brother!!! :yourock:


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This is an interesting thread and many worthy scenes are mentioned... and I loved the post about Goodfella's... scenes? How about the whole fucking movie... LOL Classic! I'll list some here and try to post actual links to the scenes to make it easier for all.

Starting off... the OP asked for Powerful scenes and that leaves a wide array of possibilities. Sex can be used as a very powerful tool {no pun intended} and nobody pulls this off better than Salma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn. The band playing on stage is a real band, named Tito & Tarantula, and this song, combined w/ Salma's dance is quite intoxicating.

Next up is one of the greatest movies of all time and has not been mentioned in this thread yet. I'm here to rectify that! The film is titled American Beauty and this is the scene with the floating bag. Sadly, this clip on You Tube isn't synched up perfectly, but the scene is still powerful. If you've never seen the movie you may not understand this. If you have seen the movie, you will.

Now, I see a lot of posts mentioning DeNiro and Pacino... well here's one of the greatest action sequences of all time w/ both of them. From Heat... the shoot-out scene...


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Continuing on...

And now, from the classic Amadeus, we have Salieri describing the music of Mozart...

Next is the amazing movie titled Downfall, about the final days of Adolph Hitler in the bunker. This scene has had the audio deleted but it really doesn't matter, because the scene is so chilling. Fast forward to 1:28 to see this scene from the movie. It should end at 4:27. It's the scene where Magda Goebbels kills her children. Sad and incredibly powerful.

On a lighter note, and another movie that could easily be described as... scenes? How about the whole movie??? We have Mia's Overdose from Pulp Fiction. Truly classic.


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Here is another "scene" in movie history that I consider to be "Powerful".

I do not know how many of you have seen the Quentin Tarantino movie, "Inglorious Basterds". Great Fucking movie. Anyway, the first scene in the movie when Nazi SS man Hans Landa interrogates the Frenchman about the whereabouts of some Jewish family is simply (in my opinion) both "Powerful" and "Amazing".

Also the scene where he has the girl try on the shoe (like Cinderella?) and he ends up strangling her to death and enjoying it because despite being 'pleasant and reasonable' he was at heart a true SS killer.

His swastika 'tattoo' at the end was great comeuppance.

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