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Robert Plant: Led Zeppelin 'a bit of a pain in the pisser'


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What's this mean?

Tony Blair's religious awakening horrified Plant to the point that he stopped writing new songs. "The last time I lifted a pen was when Tony Blair became a Roman Catholic," he says. "We were supposedly going into the Gulf, determined to sort the world out in the name of tyranny. Then, once he had to leave the throne, he became a Roman Catholic and became a peace envoy in the Middle East. That's when I knew the world was completely upside down."

(From that same link...)

He ain't dissin' Catholics, is he? :( I mean, he can diss aspects of it and he can diss Tony Blair, but, like, don't diss me, man. C'mon. :(

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What's this mean?

Sounds to me he's calling Tony Blair out for hypocrisy as oppossed to making an anti-Catholic statement. I believe the song he's referring to is 'Freedom Fries'. I'd post the lyrics but don't want to take this thread further off-topic. 'Network News' similarly expressed Robert's sentiments towards infidels waging war in the middle east.

Edited by SteveAJones
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Maybe the "commercial" country music community could somehow be related to Tin Pan Alley but so could the rock n' roll songwriting community. In the past, it's been no secret that even Heart and Aerosmith were turning to outside writers in order to score a "hit". I don't have cable so I don't see a lot of CMT but do they Plant's videos on there with any regularity? The only time I've ever seen him on there was for Crossroads with Alison Krauss.

So, on the one hand you slam him for his current musical direction and on the other you say you "hope he has given up on rock and middle eastern flavored music", so, what exactly is it that you do hope for out of Mr. Plant?

Sorry Jahfin, I meant I hope he hasn't given up on it. By the way, I'd love to see his version of Neil Young's "Southern Man" that he did with POB see the light of day. What a great arrangement,

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  • 2 weeks later...

No offence, Robert...but if you want to put Zeppelin behind you then why do you include Zep tunes in your new project???

Doing 4 Zep songs in a set that generally lasts a couple of hours is hardly on the same scale as a full blown Zeppelin reunion where those songs are the primary focus. Even then it would be an exercise in nostalgia so if ever there was a Zep reunion there would have to be new material. Perhaps to shut folks up he should just go back to not performing any Zeppelin during his concerts. Know what? People would still find something to bitch about. Chief among them would be, "why doesn't he do any Led Zeppelin songs?" He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Thankfully he could give a shit what people think and just does what he wants, as well he should.

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Well, here it goes again..enough already about bashing Robert. I fell in love with his voice in 1969 and to this day no matter what music he does it is the voice that still is music to my ears. I am just grateful he is alive and staying true to himself. If some of you would go back and listen to his interviews from the early/mid 70's he has not changed his thoughts on music..at all!! Jeez!!!!

This is not meant to be rude, just direct from a person who loves this bands music and respects that they have given us their all in their music. I have stated this before, they are so talented as individuals that there is not IMHO anything that they could do musically if they wanted. I love JPJ playing a fiddle as much as bass or keyboards. Same with Robert, it's the voice. If Jimmy comes out with new music I'll be the first in line to get to the venue. I don't give a rats ass if he does southern rock, country, acoustic, blues...It's JIMMY...same way I feel about JPJ and Robert. These guys will always be my hero's in music :peace:

Edited by Deborah J
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Doing 4 Zep songs in a set that generally lasts a couple of hours is hardly on the same scale as a full blown Zeppelin reunion where those songs are the primary focus. Even then it would be an exercise in nostalgia so if ever there was a Zep reunion there would have to be new material. Perhaps to shut folks up he should just go back to not performing any Zeppelin during his concerts. Know what? People would still find something to bitch about. Chief among them would be, "why doesn't he do any Led Zeppelin songs?" He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Thankfully he could give a shit what people think and just does what he wants, as well he should.

Bravo Jahfin!

And Deb J! x

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Planty has to keep on saying things like this because there are a lot of idiots out there who STILL don't get it.

Its really a case of you head says stop, its time, its over. But your head says no, its not over, and we dont want it to be over. Led Zeppelin I mean. You cant condemn Led Zeppelin fans for wanting Robert to play with Page again. As fans, they have that right to wish. I am one of the wishers but have come to the realization it is probably not going to happen. To me it just plain sucks. But I have to accept it. If the Rolling Stones can still play, then so too could Page and Plant. But if Robert is really starting to feel his age, i sadly respect it. Its just a sad thing to me.

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I just saw Robert and really up close. He loves the zep songs he does. Don't people realize he loves all that music but he just needs to sing those songs in different keys and different arrangements appropriate to the music he's into now. After he sang "Tangerine" people were standing, screaming in a roar and the look on Robert's face was just beautiful. He looked like he was in ecstacy and happy beyond belief. It's just so amazing to watch him because he always projects exactly how he feels in concert and I believe he's going to be with BOJ for a long, long time. He's totally in love with the music and all the very talented people performing with him. And I watched him change it up even right before THEIR eyes, telling Patty exactly how and what he wanted her to do and SHE just "gets it" and is just amazing. When they harmonize together, the sound is thunderous, intense and really beautiful. And another thing. Buddy, Darryl and Patty all have really great, beautiful voices but when Robert sings, the power, passion and intensity he possesses totally blowes them away. You don't really get that listening to the album. He has great love for ALL his music, past and present and future. And every arrangement of every song he did, whether from BOJ or not, changed from whatever he did before. He I believe called it something like the "ever-changing Band of Joy" and I've never seen him this happy.

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Bravo for everyone having their own opinion , for those who like to moan about why Robert will not join Zep for a tour, to those who do not want him to do songs from the Zep cannon in his solo tours or how many how many he does.

You can't keep everyone happy and some you can't keep happy at all.

I am happy for all the great music he has contributed too over the years, even a couple from this country phase he is going through, even if its not really my thing.

To Debs on here, it doesn't matter that people say things about Robert you or I agree or not agree with, its people have a chin wag about stuff, otherwise what would we talk about, there is only so much you can chat about the 8 albums they did in the studio while they were together.

We are all here for the love of the music of Led Zeppelin, not them as themselves, some on here may well know them, thats cool but its the music that speaks.

Some people are just to series, this music, its a gift :)

Edited by leddy
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We are all here for the love of the music of Led Zeppelin, not them as themselves, some on here may well know them, thats cool but its the music that speaks.

Yes, we're ALL here because of the music. No-one says anything else.

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Its really a case of you head says stop, its time, its over. But your head says no, its not over, and we dont want it to be over. Led Zeppelin I mean. You cant condemn Led Zeppelin fans for wanting Robert to play with Page again. As fans, they have that right to wish. I am one of the wishers but have come to the realization it is probably not going to happen. To me it just plain sucks. But I have to accept it. If the Rolling Stones can still play, then so too could Page and Plant. But if Robert is really starting to feel his age, i sadly respect it. Its just a sad thing to me.

No one's condemning people for wishing RP would play with Page again. It's the damning of him for playing Zep tunes when he says he isn't interested in reforming Zep that people get angry about. He was part of Zep - why shouldn't he play them? If Page toured on his own, I would bet a hefty sum that he'd play Zep tunes. Wonder if anyone would say anything about that. I don't think the reason he's not forming Zep again has anything to do with his age. He seems pretty active to me. My feeling is it has more to do with the fact that he's not interested in resting on his laurels or staying stuck in the past- he's not gotten back with any of his prior bands and he had some great ones on his own. When he does revisit the Zep tunes or even his own solo material, it's always reworked to bring a fresh element to it.

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I just saw Robert and really up close. He loves the zep songs he does. Don't people realize he loves all that music but he just needs to sing those songs in different keys and different arrangements appropriate to the music he's into now. After he sang "Tangerine" people were standing, screaming in a roar and the look on Robert's face was just beautiful. He looked like he was in ecstacy and happy beyond belief. It's just so amazing to watch him because he always projects exactly how he feels in concert and I believe he's going to be with BOJ for a long, long time. He's totally in love with the music and all the very talented people performing with him. And I watched him change it up even right before THEIR eyes, telling Patty exactly how and what he wanted her to do and SHE just "gets it" and is just amazing. When they harmonize together, the sound is thunderous, intense and really beautiful. And another thing. Buddy, Darryl and Patty all have really great, beautiful voices but when Robert sings, the power, passion and intensity he possesses totally blowes them away. You don't really get that listening to the album. He has great love for ALL his music, past and present and future. And every arrangement of every song he did, whether from BOJ or not, changed from whatever he did before. He I believe called it something like the "ever-changing Band of Joy" and I've never seen him this happy.


The main point is that he is very happy! :)

I appreciate that I have the opportunity to see him perform. Let's be grateful for what we have and quit mourning for what will never be.

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The main point is that he is very happy! :)

I appreciate that I have the opportunity to see him perform. Let's be grateful for what we have and quit mourning for what will never be.

Hi Doc, you mean, "But What Is And What Should Never Be. " don't you? :Thinking:

Kind Regards, Danny

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Doing 4 Zep songs in a set that generally lasts a couple of hours is hardly on the same scale as a full blown Zeppelin reunion where those songs are the primary focus. Even then it would be an exercise in nostalgia so if ever there was a Zep reunion there would have to be new material. Perhaps to shut folks up he should just go back to not performing any Zeppelin during his concerts. Know what? People would still find something to bitch about. Chief among them would be, "why doesn't he do any Led Zeppelin songs?" He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Thankfully he could give a shit what people think and just does what he wants, as well he should.

Jahfin Knebby, Deborah J:

I offended you so I deleted my original post ...j......

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Bravo for everyone having their own opinion , for those who like to moan about why Robert will not join Zep for a tour, to those who do not want him to do songs from the Zep cannon in his solo tours or how many how many he does.

You can't keep everyone happy and some you can't keep happy at all.

I am happy for all the great music he has contributed too over the years, even a couple from this country phase he is going through, even if its not really my thing.

To Debs on here, it doesn't matter that people say things about Robert you or I agree or not agree with, its people have a chin wag about stuff, otherwise what would we talk about, there is only so much you can chat about the 8 albums they did in the studio while they were together.

We are all here for the love of the music of Led Zeppelin, not them as themselves, some on here may well know them, thats cool but its the music that speaks.

Some people are just to series, this music, its a gift :)

Hi leddy, great post !!^^ I will always speak up when it comes to them. Isn't it grand how passionate we all get about the music :-)

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I just saw Robert and really up close. He loves the zep songs he does. Don't people realize he loves all that music but he just needs to sing those songs in different keys and different arrangements appropriate to the music he's into now. After he sang "Tangerine" people were standing, screaming in a roar and the look on Robert's face was just beautiful. He looked like he was in ecstacy and happy beyond belief. It's just so amazing to watch him because he always projects exactly how he feels in concert and I believe he's going to be with BOJ for a long, long time. He's totally in love with the music and all the very talented people performing with him. And I watched him change it up even right before THEIR eyes, telling Patty exactly how and what he wanted her to do and SHE just "gets it" and is just amazing. When they harmonize together, the sound is thunderous, intense and really beautiful. And another thing. Buddy, Darryl and Patty all have really great, beautiful voices but when Robert sings, the power, passion and intensity he possesses totally blowes them away. You don't really get that listening to the album. He has great love for ALL his music, past and present and future. And every arrangement of every song he did, whether from BOJ or not, changed from whatever he did before. He I believe called it something like the "ever-changing Band of Joy" and I've never seen him this happy.

I have to agree with this post wholeheartedly. I also got to see him really close, and he and the band have great synergy. They all look like they are having so much fun. During Ramble On, before the "Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor", you could see him laugh a little, like he was thinking "I can't believe I wrote these silly lyrics, and I'm singing them 35 years later!", and the whole band was grinning.

I agree that even though they were all great singers (esp Patty), he blew them away. I, of course, am very biased. And quite frankly, it's hard to take your eyes off him. My boyfriend, who is not a big Zep fan, really enjoyed the show. At one point the bassist was spinning his bass, and him and the drummer were grinning at each other. After the show I mentioned it to my boyfriend, and he said he didn't notice and that he had a hard time watching anyone but Plant. He's really the ultimate front man. I just don't remember ever seeing a band enjoy themselves so much.

When they finally left the stage, he said something like "ever-changing, always changing."

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