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What do you believe in?


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I believe...

in the madness of love

in the power of forgiveness

not all who wander are lost

Darwin was wrong

Ertegun was right

Charmane Star is perfect

taking a walk at night is underrated

man has walked on the moon

the chirping of crickets is delightful

the only thing we have to fear is fear itself

they don't make good films anymore

elegance without warmth is arrogance

Very cool and charming. Good on ya, Steve.

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Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch,

that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap.

I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter.

I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve

and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.

/Crash Davis

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I believe:

There is Good and Evil

Family and Friends

A dog can be a man/womans best friend


There is beauty in a sunrise

The world was put here for all of us

No matter our age we will make mistakes

Respect your elders and other people and demand the same for yourself

How precious life is

Giving assistance and kindness

The biggest prejudice is rich or poor

Taking responsibility for your actions

Knowledge is the past and wisdom is the future

A full moon is worth staying up late to see

A galaxy is breathtaking

How Music can touch your soul

Albums and a great sound system are still the best way to listen to music

Laughing as much as you can

Taking time for yourself

Quietness can be the most beautiful sound

Edited by Deborah J
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^ I love your answers Fool. :D

I believe all animals are sentient beings and should be treated with the same respect as we expect to be treated.

I believe social democracy is the fairest political system in the world.

I believe in the power of education to transform people's lives for the better.

I believe in climate change, rather than global warming.

I believe the most beautiful things in life are those which we take for granted.

I believe Led Zeppelin is the greatest band in the world. B)

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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I believe that laughter is the best medicine, even in the most testing times.

I believe that music is a powerful medium of communication which essentially breaks all sorts of barriers, be it racial, language or cultural.

I believe that every day of my life is a learning process of some sort.

I believe that we all will be safe and well in 2012 and that the dooms-day proposition will not come true.

I believe that a cynical attitude towards life itself, is a recipe for disaster

I believe in life-long friendships (the term "friend" itself has deep meaning to me)

I believe that "before demanding respect from others, you need to earn it and prove that you are indeed worthy of it and be humble enough to respect others".

I believe in the fact that there is nothing wrong with the phrase "I am wrong". Admitting that you are wrong, is in fact, the first step towards change.

I believe that no one can claim to know "everything".

I believe that every one has the right to either believe in "God" or not believe in "God" and no one should be persecuted for their beliefs or lack of it!

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I believe that if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all. (But Man it's hard to do!!)

I believe that you should treat others the way you would want to be treated. (Again, pretty damn hard to do!)

I used to believe that there is at least a little bit of good in everyone, but I've seen too many people that have convinced me otherwise.

I believe that life is hard, and you just have to suck it up and deal, because whining doesn't do a damn thing.

I believe that the only person that truly has your back is you, and so it's important to always believe in yourself, take care of yourself, and love yourself.

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just wondering ...... does anyone on here believe in the ancient alien astronaut theory?

some think that many times over and over a long period of time stretching waaaaaay back, we have been visited by aliens, and that they helped/taught us things, for example they may have built, or helped us build, the pyramids. and that many of the giant structures found around the world such as the easter island sculptures, stonehenge etc, were built either by aliens or by us using alien technologies.

there are many artifacts /drawings/sculptures/etc that have been found that seem to depict flying objects/man-like beings that seem to be wearing spacesuits, that i just can't think why they ( early humans ) would have depicted these things unless thay had actually seen them.

yes, i am talking about theories such as those in the book " chariots of the gods".

i find it fascinating, and i believe it to be true.

if you disagree, that's fine, but i was wondering if anyone else believes this, as i haven't seen it brought up on here before.

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I believe Led Zeppelin is the greatest band in the world. Was, Is, and Will Ever Be. Amen! That's all anyone needs to know... just kidding. But it is true.

I believe we need to blow up the two party system, and get rid of lobbyists, etc.. I believe it would take a miracle for most politicians to act in the best interests of the majority and not make decisions based on what will get them elected or re-elected, or what will make them money or more powerful.

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just wondering ...... does anyone on here believe in the ancient alien astronaut theory?

some think that many times over and over a long period of time stretching waaaaaay back, we have been visited by aliens, and that they helped/taught us things, for example they may have built, or helped us build, the pyramids. and that many of the giant structures found around the world such as the easter island sculptures, stonehenge etc, were built either by aliens or by us using alien technologies.

there are many artifacts /drawings/sculptures/etc that have been found that seem to depict flying objects/man-like beings that seem to be wearing spacesuits, that i just can't think why they ( early humans ) would have depicted these things unless thay had actually seen them.

yes, i am talking about theories such as those in the book " chariots of the gods".

i find it fascinating, and i believe it to be true.

if you disagree, that's fine, but i was wondering if anyone else believes this, as i haven't seen it brought up on here before.

Yes I do! Very good post. Ancient Aliens is one of my favorite shows on the History channel. I agree with you and am fascinated about the carvings, drawings and depictions that do show what these ancient civilizations saw and then put down in such renderings of flying objects and "beings" wearing what does look like spacesuits, etc... Very fascinating stuff. Even if you do not believe, I say watch this program whenever you can and I will tell you that it may not make you a believer, but it really will make you think.

I also believe that Planet Earth is constantly being visited by UFO's somewhere, anywhere in the world on a daily basis. Do I have proof? Of course not. Do I believe that? Yes I do. Am I crazy? Maybe, however, if believing in UFO's and Extra-Terrestrials makes me crazy, then I know that I am not the only crazy person in the World.

Edited by lzzoso
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It only takes one seed for a tree to grow.

There are many other perverted churches in America and here too in Oz that brainwash their children and that perpetuates the beliefs of the members and promotes the growth of ignorance and intolerance exponentially.

I think the more people who do know about them the better because they are seen exactly how they are, bigoted, prejudiced and intolerant.

God is about love and forgiveness, not hatred towards man.

The hate in the Bible is directed squarely against evil and sin.

To me they are as close to being as anti-christian as you can get but who am I to judge, it's not up to me or anyone else.

I am in no way a deeply religious person but I do have faith and I believe in live and let live.

It was simple at first with the 10 commandments and they weren't hard to understand or follow, but we chose to ignore them and here we are with all the trouble in the world taking place and people are wondering why.

It used to be, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and now like everything else it's all about (mis)interpretation or just plain ignorance.

I found it amusing how they are confined to their little play area.

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More beliefs I believe. In no particular order (except the first and second) and these are coming at me right now off the top of my head:

Led Zeppelin was, is and will always be the Greatest Rock and Roll Band EVER. 43 years ago and 430 years from now...

The United States of America was, is and will alway be the Greatest Country EVER. 235 years ago and 2350 years from now...

Robert Johnson did sell His Soul to the Devil...

Osama bin Laden deserved what he got...

Cocaine is one helluva drug...

Pornography should not be as taboo as a subject as it is (unless)...

RUSH should have been nominated and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame the first time they were eligible...

All the passengers on Flight 93 are "Heroes"...

No two Vaginas are alike...

Robert De Niro is the Greatest actor of all-time...

Budweiser, Marlboros and Coca-Cola are the very best of their respective markets...

The SR-71 Blackbird was/is the baddest MotherFucker in the U.S.A's Air Force arsenal... (If you are unfamiliar with it, google it and see for yourself).

Led Zeppelin.com and YouTube.com are my favorite websites...

It is my belief that there is more to Believe in sometime in the near future...

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I believe other life exists in the universe.

I believe primitive life forms (read: bacteria and microbes) exist in the universe, but I do not believe in little green men in spaceships flying around, abducting people from West Virginia just to anal probe them.

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I believe primitive life forms (read: bacteria and microbes) exist in the universe, but I do not believe in little green men in spaceships flying around, abducting people from West Virginia just to anal probe them.

I believe other life must exist but its too distant for us to detect. And probably not advanced. There could be planets with life even dinosuars out there somewhere? But if they were as advanced as us they too would be trying to find us. Vast distances could certainly prohibit this from happening. It would take years for a signal to reach a distant planet. But we woulld have heard something by now if there were any life in reasonable proximity? Meaning a few light years. It would be quite an event if we were ever to get a sigbal. That is the best I would expect. A radio eignal from far far away. A spaceship, I dont believe it either . But as advanced as we are, we still cannot get to Mars without great difficulty and that is iin our own solar system. So if you believe in random genetic selection, there has to be life. If you believe strictly in a God that made all of this. Maybe not. But both could be possible.

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I believe:

~In spirituality but not necessarily in organized religion(for myself)

~I want to believe in the power of positive thinking but I still have the "I will believe it when I see it" mentality.

~That music is the best GCD the world has to offer.

~That the Feminist Movement was about the right to make choices, not women acting like men.

~That for a woman, sex, as you get older, only gets better.

~In evolution. Not necessarily that humans came from chimps. Most animals evolve over time.

~That travel opens the mind and makes you a better person.

~That I don't have to look like a 12 year old boy in order to look pretty. I can have curves, exercise and still look half decent. But that I have to look good for myself and be healthy.

~ In having a small group of close friends rather than a larger group of superficial relationships.

~Laughter is a must in life. If you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?

~ That I am putting this list together as a diversion from going to the gym.

Edited by MissMelanie
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It's a big universe, but we haven't seen any proof so far that I can tell.

There are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on the earth. To think there isn't life out there just seems unrealistic imo.

Even though we don't yet have scientific proof of other life out there, anyone who has the audacity to think we are the only living organisms in our universe does not have a grasp of its true size.

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