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Good News


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As some of you know I had a bad episode of 'atrial fibrillation' last month and it was the scare of my life. But things are going well now and I feel great. :)

I got my echocardiogram results back and my heart is fine except for one minor thing that comes with age and is nothing to worry about. Also, my cholesterol has gone down from a 323 to 156!! (150 is normal) and my 'good' cholesterol has also jumped about 5 points. I go back in February for another check and I'm also trying to drop some weight which is going down slow but sure (6 lbs in 2 months).

So Yayyy!!


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that's wonderful news! thank God. may I suggest Bikram Yoga to aid in your weight loss..? 90 minute moving meditation in 102 degree heated room...it's the best thing you can do for your body. you work every muscle (including your heart), every organ, and skeletal structure. I've been hooked ever since I discovered it three years ago. no need for gyms or insane cardio classes.

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Good to hear things are getting better. The weight loss may come in stages - you'll lose some kinda quick, and then it flattens out for awhile, but if you keep attacking it'll keep coming down stage by stage. Lowering cholesterol over 50% was very important; good job.

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Good to hear things are getting better. The weight loss may come in stages - you'll lose some kinda quick, and then it flattens out for awhile, but if you keep attacking it'll keep coming down stage by stage. Lowering cholesterol over 50% was very important; good job.

Yeah....the plateau stage is really fun...


Still stuck on my plateau...I think I'm scared to climb down! :o

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that's wonderful news! thank God. may I suggest Bikram Yoga to aid in your weight loss..? 90 minute moving meditation in 102 degree heated room...it's the best thing you can do for your body. you work every muscle (including your heart), every organ, and skeletal structure. I've been hooked ever since I discovered it three years ago. no need for gyms or insane cardio classes.

I've never tried that and I'm not sure I could stand the heat. :) Thanks though.

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If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen !!

How do you cook ? Microwave ? :lol:

Hey man...you're lookin' good....How's the coffee withdrawal coming....still able to abstain ? I'm hooked..... :'(

The coffee withdrawal wasn't too bad. :blink: But I'm glad I'm off it because I sleep so much better. I now drink decaf Tetley tea. I have an electric stove that I cook on and a woodstove for when the power goes out. :D

Back tomorrow.


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Yay !!!!!

Good Health is the BEST thing in life !! Makes everything else so much more enjoyable...ehh ? :lol: Fiber optic will be as good for your health as eating Shredded Wheat ! No more stressin' on the computer !!!!! :computertrash:

Happy for ya man !! Long live redrum !!!!! :thumbsup:

Bring on the fiber (optics) :D

I still have that pic of you and the girl and kids by the lake.

My nephew put it on a CD before my old computer died.


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Bring on the fiber (optics) :D

I still have that pic of you and the girl and kids by the lake.

My nephew put it on a CD before my old computer died.


Ha !! That was Hotplant's daughter and grandkids out in Salt Lake City !! :D They were all sweeties !

Hey red....would you post your ole pic of you and your motorcycle ? I didn't save that one and really liked it....got it handy ?

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Hey Red.

I only just re-joined a day or so ago, so it's all news to me about your


So glad to hear that your doing well and getting the green light.

(as opposed to the green card, much harder).

As for the cwofee. I'm with Joel on that particular roller coaster.

There's an unsettling tension laced with barely concealed panic in our house

whenever the dancing granules run out.

Keep up the good work.


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Awesome, man! Ugh, don't you hate EKGs? That little effing ball really hurts when they grind it into your ribs...oh well, all for the good of your health, I guess.

Yeah, it was pretty weird, especially all the goo they slather on you. :blink: That and when he turned on the sound so I could hear it beating. But it was kinda cool as we started talking about old films and the battle of analog versus digital sound. :D

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