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New box sets including unreleased material


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That was what I was thinking would happen, as this press day thing came from a blog post maybe someone got a few wires crossed and Jimmy is walking around wondering why people keep asking him about a press conference.

I still think we will see something in the shops by Christmas (2014).

That's an interesting theory. I guess we'll know when we know; today is looking highly improbable for news.

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It was looking highly unlikely a few days ago. Who has a "day of press" without telling anyone about it? You think they'd say something so people would actually know about it.

I'm hopeful for something on the fb page or an announcement here...but nothing else.

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No axe to grind with nirvana either, per se. Just that many seem to think something was set in stone for today, when it was only a quote from someone, not named Jimmy Page - and was quickly removed. That's all.

I understand, and I wasn't giving him credit for the specifics that he theorized, only the base statement that he did not think it was going to happen today. In that aspect alone, it appears that he was correct, and I wanted to give him that concession.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Here's the pertinent section of the John Davis interview:

On the 20th of February we've got, like, a day of press. So, people coming in, TV, from all over the world, so he's gonna do like a sort of an interview just going through the box set and what the plans are.

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What if Davis heard there would be a presser on "Thursday the 20th" but it was actually Thursday, March 20th?

Yes, I'm grasping at straws. :tears:

I actually thought of this myself. It would sound like Jimmy to be the date of the Spring Equnoix --- and I just checked, the Equnoix is 3/20.

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Cookie, would it seem possible that they might record something today to be used later as part of a press release?

It's certainly possible that Jimmy visited a hotel in the afternoon and recorded a couple of TV interviews for use when an embargo lifts shortly before the release of the box sets.

That's not what I got from the John Davis interview, though. My guess is that Davis spooked Jimmy with those comments, so they've decided to put things off. After all, Davis said in the interview that he was surprised Jimmy works with him as he's active on Facebook and Twitter.

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It's certainly possible that Jimmy visited a hotel in the afternoon and recorded a couple of TV interviews for use when an embargo lifts shortly before the release of the box sets.

That's not what I got from the John Davis interview, though. My guess is that Davis spooked Jimmy with those comments, so they've decided to put things off. After all, Davis said in the interview that he was surprised Jimmy works with him as he's active on Facebook and Twitter.

I don,t see anything in what was said in the interview which would make Jimmy change anything, if indeed there was anything planned.

As I have not seen anything more on the subject from John Davis, I guess he had to write "Thou shall not blab on social media" 10,000 times.

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To put this all in perspective just look to the Live Aid and Atlantic 40th reunions. Jimmy Page was not ready to play at either show. Simply not prepared and the "shambolic" results showed clearly what happens when Jimmy is not in a frame of mind to be 100 percent behind an event.

I truly believe that although the Davis interview revealed little to the uneducated eye, it upset Jimmy enough that he was and is willing to wait until HE is ready. Not when the press or public says they are ready. Jimmy has learned the power of the moment and he will not be denied.

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I truly believe that although the Davis interview revealed little to the uneducated eye, it upset Jimmy enough that he was and is willing to wait until HE is ready. Not when the press or public says they are ready. Jimmy has learned the power of the moment and he will not be denied.

I could see how Jimmy would relish the chance to wave his "magic wand" and suddenly, "ta da", here's the news we've all been waiting for! Perhaps today could have been that day without the Davis slip.

We know it's coming, so the only way he can surprise us is to do it without any warning...leaks...that sort of thing.

I don't think other artists would work this way, but I could see Jimmy wanting that kind of impact and, of course, control.

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To put this all in perspective just look to the Live Aid and Atlantic 40th reunions. Jimmy Page was not ready to play at either show. Simply not prepared and the "shambolic" results showed clearly what happens when Jimmy is not in a frame of mind to be 100 percent behind an event.

I truly believe that although the Davis interview revealed little to the uneducated eye, it upset Jimmy enough that he was and is willing to wait until HE is ready. Not when the press or public says they are ready. Jimmy has learned the power of the moment and he will not be denied.

Your guess is as good as any nirvana. It doesn't matter who you are, or who you think you are; anything is possible, as we have seen today. Edited by The Dark Lord
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That's really disappointing if Jimmy delayed anything specifically because Davis mentioned the press day. It's not like Davis said "oh yeah there's an alternate version of Ramble On with Bonham on vocals and Will Smith on drums." I have to assume, if anything did in fact get delayed, as opposed to Davis just having the wrong date, then it was because of something more technical.

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That's really disappointing if Jimmy delayed anything specifically because Davis mentioned the press day. It's not like Davis said "oh yeah there's an alternate version of Ramble On with Bonham on vocals and Will Smith on drums." I have to assume, if anything did in fact get delayed, as opposed to Davis just having the wrong date, then it was because of something more technical.

Careful! That Ramble On alternate version could become "fact" once it gets repeated enough times :).

Will Smith eh? Baby prodigy?

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Careful! That Ramble On alternate version could become "fact" once it gets repeated enough times :).

Will Smith eh? Baby prodigy?

Hahaha very true Dark Lord, I should be careful with my hyperbole. Unless it happens to be 100% true, in which case Jimmy will delay this project indefinitely!

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We know it's coming, so the only way he can surprise us is to do it without any warning...leaks...that sort of thing.

It isn't press leaks he should be worried about. We'll see these Zeppelin sets on torrent sites a week or so before they hit the shelves, I guarantee it.

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I agree in that I think Jimmy wants to remain in control and will decide when he is ready to announce anything. I just hope this doesn't mean that boxsets and his archival stuff, but especially the boxsets will be delayed indefinately.

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