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Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones to give rare interview on 'Letterman'


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"We come from the land of the ice and muck, to find some hobbits to go and...".

Zeppelin SO needs a Rutles-type tribute... :P

...that would be funny!....I love the Rutles!...it would be a tip of the hat to the Zeps to have a really good mockumentary made. They've always had a good sense of humour so why not.....
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Here's a clip from GuitarWorld:


It wasn't a bad interview, but Letterman was obviously unprepared. It was great to see them happy and joking (especially Jonesy!) without the tense undertones as in the press conference. John Krasinski's comments were great, too!

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Had some time to think about the Letterman interview. I think all three guys had a good time. I think Dave did a descent job but maybe he/his staffers could have prepared the questions a little better. But, they too, are all basking in the Kennedy Award hangover themselves. I didn't expect a "Pulitzer prize winning" interview but "the drummer died" comment made me cringe a little. The guys, to their credit, didn't hang him out to dry with that comment.......

I'm enjoying seeing our favorite band out in the forefront and receiving some well deserved accolades for such a great interactive career. A living legacy we're in the midst of that will carry on after they, you and I are long gone...Seeing the three of them together lately is in the memory bank and I'm happy to keep that with me if/when this Zep-mania subsides. I'm sure they have carried heavy hearts with them throughout all of this latest stuff in not having John with them. I can only imagine what it would have been like to have had him with them through all of this. That would have been awesome...........................Maybe one day they'll hit the stage again together somewhere......Now that would be heaven.

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This may be the first time some of you in the rest of the world have seen David Letterman, but believe me, this was in no way representative of his work. Remember, this guy got a Kennedy Center honor the same night as Led Zeppelin, so there must be SOMETHING good about him.

His original 1980's TV show is regarded by many Americans of my age as the Led Zeppelin of TV shows. His show set the tone of American TV comedy for the last 30 years. Some people taped the old show every single night and had trunks full of VHS tapes; it was that good. I, myself, started watching him when I was just 11, and know his biography backwards and forwards just like I do Zeppelin. Seeing Jimmy Page and David Letterman, my two biggest heroes, having a chat was surreal and thrilling.

All that being said...Dave blew this interview big time. "The drummer" died? Dave, it was JOHN BONHAM! Did they play with other musicians? Page and Jones were session musicians! They played with EVERYBODY! Couldn't Paul Shaffer have prepped Dave for this in the elevator? If it had been Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, or the Stones, would it have felt like such an afterthought? This ain't Kings of Leon, Dave!

Well, maybe Dave isn't a big music aficionado, he follows sports more closely, but still great to see all my biggest heroes conversing. Whether Jonesy had fun or not*, I hope they do it again.

* Dave has said he loves it when a guest can serve it back to him. The only thing he hates is a guest that doesn't entertain and sits there like a roll of carpet.

Edited by Tadpole in a Jar
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By the way matinee means quick secret sex over here.

I had a feeling it was. :D I also could tell Letterman didn't know much but I loved how they played along. :D

Now we have to wait to find out more about the Charlie Rose interview which will be just as interesting.


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Long time Letterman fan and obvious Zephead. It was awesome and like someone else said I smiled ear to ear thru the whole thing. How often have we fans EVER gotten a TV interview with all the boys together? So good grief lighten up everyone. Dave hosts an entertainment program, it was meant to entertain, and mission accomplished. The boys were laughing and enjoying themselves, Jimmy was cracking up at times. By the looks of things they certainly enjoyed it so let them be the judge. (If you aren't aware Dave has had some guests who did not quite enjoy it.)

As far as the "drummer died" comment, he paused and apparently the name slipped him for a moment. Unlike some of the rest of us, Dave has not spent the better part of his life pouring over every detail of Zep so he forgot a name (he didn't forget it later when he was brought up again). If they were upset at his "inexcusable" gaffe they got over it pretty quick apparently.

Jonesy was great. The hobbit comment was classic. It reminded me of an interview he gave several years ago. He was asked about Ramble On or lyrics, can't recall, and his response - "You would have to ask Robert. He was into that fairy stuff." Hilarious.

Just watched it again. Loved every minute and thanks to the boys for going on.

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I never liked Letterman and this was the last straw for me for that jackass. Led Zeppelin should never go on his show again. Go on with Jay Leno. At least Leno is funny. Robert and Jimmy were nice to him under the circumstances. Letterman acted clueless abot their music, history and everything else. Letterman sucks.

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I just finshed watching this. I thought it was great! I think Dave knows much more about Zeppelin that he let on. He was there on Sunday night and I feel certain that he watched the video tribute and heard Jack Black's speech. I just can't believe that he forgot John Bonham's name or that he didn't know where the O2 concert took place. Maybe a little acting on his part? Who knows! JPJ was classic with his one liners...loved it!

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You are my new hero fdm12 because your story mirrors mine to a T!

I'm not a Zep expert, and I swear since discovering them everyday's like Christmas to me.

I am in awe of the learned fans and those who have been there from the beginning etc. etc.

But it's also so much fun to see new fans straggling in and trying to understand what all the fuss is about and eventually converting to their music.

In the end, that's what it's really all about: the music.

Thank you so much - I love that we have the same story! When the music is so good (and I can't pretend their charisma factor didn't play a role, too!) it really doesn't take much to get hooked. I'm just sad that I was never able to see them play live -together or individually. At least there are the DVDs and YouTube.

Thank you!
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I kept waiting for a few obvious answers from Jimmy to a few of Dave's questions:

When asked to describe Led Zeppelin's music, I expected Jimmy to say "it is like 'light and shade' ".

And when Dave asked if they hung around with The Beatles or The Who, I expected Jimmy to tell him the story of naming the band after the Keith Moon "Led Balloon" comment.

Did these thoughts occur to anyone else at the time?

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I kept waiting for a few obvious answers from Jimmy to a few of Dave's questions:

When asked to describe Led Zeppelin's music, I expected Jimmy to say "it is like 'light and shade' ".

And when Dave asked if they hung around with The Beatles or The Who, I expected Jimmy to tell him the story of naming the band after the Keith Moon "Led Balloon" comment.

Did these thoughts occur to anyone else at the time?

Keith Moon with them at the forum and Jimmy with Bad Company, JPJ with Roy Harper. Probably moments its hard forget for them!

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This may be the first time some of you in the rest of the world have seen David Letterman, but believe me, this was in no way representative of his work. Remember, this guy got a Kennedy Center honor the same night as Led Zeppelin, so there must be SOMETHING good about him.

His original 1980's TV show is regarded by many Americans of my age as the Led Zeppelin of TV shows. His show set the tone of American TV comedy for the last 30 years. Some people taped the old show every single night and had trunks full of VHS tapes; it was that good. I, myself, started watching him when I was just 11, and know his biography backwards and forwards just like I do Zeppelin. Seeing Jimmy Page and David Letterman, my two biggest heroes, having a chat was surreal and thrilling.

All that being said...Dave blew this interview big time. "The drummer" died? Dave, it was JOHN BONHAM! Did they play with other musicians? Page and Jones were session musicians! They played with EVERYBODY! Couldn't Paul Shaffer have prepped Dave for this in the elevator? If it had been Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, or the Stones, would it have felt like such an afterthought? This ain't Kings of Leon, Dave!

Well, maybe Dave isn't a big music aficionado, he follows sports more closely, but still great to see all my biggest heroes conversing. Whether Jonesy had fun or not*, I hope they do it again.

* Dave has said he loves it when a guest can serve it back to him. The only thing he hates is a guest that doesn't entertain and sits there like a roll of carpet.

....great review......Maybe Brother Theadore, or Chris Eliott, should have been asking the questions...
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I had a feeling it was. :D I also could tell Letterman didn't know much but I loved how they played along. :D

Now we have to wait to find out more about the Charlie Rose interview which will be just as interesting.


Do you know when this will air?? I can't find anything about it.

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I kept waiting for a few obvious answers from Jimmy to a few of Dave's questions:

When asked to describe Led Zeppelin's music, I expected Jimmy to say "it is like 'light and shade' ".

And when Dave asked if they hung around with The Beatles or The Who, I expected Jimmy to tell him the story of naming the band after the Keith Moon "Led Balloon" comment.

Did these thoughts occur to anyone else at the time?

....I know how I would of answered it, wish I had the chance, but maybe they were a little caught of guard to be asked that question at this stage in their lives....it was a lame question and could have been enhanced.
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And when Dave asked if they hung around with The Beatles or The Who, I expected Jimmy to tell him the story of naming the band after the Keith Moon "Led Balloon" comment.

Did these thoughts occur to anyone else at the time?

JPJ gave a good answer given the circumstances. He could have shared it was David Bowie who introduced him to marijuana. It's true and would have gotten a laugh. Jimmy may have thought of mentioning Roy Harper but given Letterman had no idea who Sonny Boy Williamson is...

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JPJ gave a good answer given the circumstances. He could have shared it was David Bowie who introduced him to marijuana. It's true and would have gotten a laugh. Jimmy may have thought of mentioning Roy Harper but given Letterman had no idea who Sonny Boy Williamson is...

JPJ gave a great answer. He was pretty quick on his feet with the comebacks to Dave. I am fairly confident that Dave would not know who Roy Harper is, but we will never know for sure. The Bowie comment would have gotten a good laugh!

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On the "drummer died" comment: a few days ago Dave had the singer of Maroon 5 on the show. When the interview was done and they were going to commercial, Dave just said, "He's on The Voice." I don't know if maybe Dave thought it was more important to advertise the name of the show then the guy's name, but I had a feeling Dave blanked out on who he had just been talking to. Another time recently he was interviewing somebody and blanked out on something and the guest had to fill it in for him, and Dave said, "Thanks, I'm having a ...," and pointed at his forehead. Let's keep in mind Dave is about 65 and could be having some problems.

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