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Conspiracy Theories...


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That idiot of a leading democrat, harry reid said that the head of the FBI might have committed a crime by reinstating a new investigation into Hillary's new emails scandals, is nothing but a fucking hypocrite.

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On 10/29/2016 at 10:56 PM, kipper said:

omg! the hits just keep on coming for the evil email lady.  Such a crooked old witch and now thousands more emails found.  Is this just a conspiracy theory or did somebody do something really illegal?


13 hours ago, kingzoso said:

That idiot of a leading democrat, harry reid said that the head of the FBI might have committed a crime by reinstating a new investigation into Hillary's new emails scandals, is nothing but a fucking hypocrite.

Relax. In the words of Gertrude Stein, "There's no there there." 

This e-mail kerfuffle is just more hot-air. The Russians and Assange are playing the FBI like a bitch violin. I like Podesta's attitude: Bring it Comey or stand down!

The fact that Putin and the Russians want so badly for Trump to win is reason enough to vote for Hilary.

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4 hours ago, Strider said:


Relax. In the words of Gertrude Stein, "There's no there there." 

This e-mail kerfuffle is just more hot-air. The Russians and Assange are playing the FBI like a bitch violin. I like Podesta's attitude: Bring it Comey or stand down!

The fact that Putin and the Russians want so badly for Trump to win is reason enough to vote for Hilary.

Without a doubt Strider. If Comey is investigating, fine, but until there is evidence you do not make an announcement, that is a violation of prosecutorial and judicial practice.

Then of course there is the massive purple elephant in the room that almost EVERYONE is ignoring. Why are Hillary's 30k emails from a private server such a scandal, yet the 22 MILLION deleted emails from the private servers of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and Rove a non-issue? We know for a fact treason was committed with the outing of Valerie Plame yet...nothing. How strange. No conspiracy here, nope, none at all.

Looks like Putin has made several government officials as well as a particular orange tinted candidate his bitches.

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5 hours ago, Strider said:

This e-mail kerfuffle is just more hot-air. The Russians and Assange are playing the FBI like a bitch violin. I like Podesta's attitude: Bring it Comey or stand down!

How's it goin' Strider. I like Podesta's attitude, Hilliary's attitude, and Trump's attitude. All of them are saying to "Bring it on, Comey". However, if Hillary would have brought it on and been as transparent as she and Podesta wish Comey to be, none of this would be happening. Had she not taken a hammer to the devices with the E-mails or bleached anything, we would not be having this wish for Comey. Does that not make sense?

5 hours ago, Strider said:

The fact that Putin and the Russians want so badly for Trump to win is reason enough to vote for Hilary.

Let's say the Russians are the culprits of the hack.


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1 hour ago, IpMan said:

Without a doubt Strider. If Comey is investigating, fine, but until there is evidence you do not make an announcement, that is a violation of prosecutorial and judicial practice.

Then of course there is the massive purple elephant in the room that almost EVERYONE is ignoring. Why are Hillary's 30k emails from a private server such a scandal, yet the 22 MILLION deleted emails from the private servers of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and Rove a non-issue? We know for a fact treason was committed with the outing of Valerie Plame yet...nothing. How strange. No conspiracy here, nope, none at all.

Looks like Putin has made several government officials as well as a particular orange tinted candidate his bitches.

Putin is to blame for the shenanigans the Democratic Party machine employed in the primaries?

Also, you are suggesting that to criticize Clinton and the Democrats necessarily obligates one to defend the Republicans.  These are the only two possible political divisions in your worldview?  Really?

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12 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Putin is to blame for the shenanigans the Democratic Party machine employed in the primaries?

Also, you are suggesting that to criticize Clinton and the Democrats necessarily obligates one to defend the Republicans.  These are the only two possible political divisions in your worldview?  Really?

Of course not, I never said such a thing. However I find it odd you glossed right over the 22 million deleted emails from private servers part though, I mean, they only proved that Valarie Plame was outed as retribution for her husband exposing a major lie told by the administration. So I guess high treason is ok but emails revealing the DNC wanted to back the candidate most likely to tote the party line is a bridge too far.

The fact is both parties suck and are to blame, however there is also a serious false equivalency  going on as I stated / proved above. 

Ok, I am done with this. Though our recent posts do fall within the conspiracy theory topic, they also may run afoul of the rules.

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13 hours ago, apantherfrommd said:

How's it goin' Strider. I like Podesta's attitude, Hilliary's attitude, and Trump's attitude. All of them are saying to "Bring it on, Comey". However, if Hillary would have brought it on and been as transparent as she and Podesta wish Comey to be, none of this would be happening. Had she not taken a hammer to the devices with the E-mails or bleached anything, we would not be having this wish for Comey. Does that not make sense?

Let's say the Russians are the culprits of the hack.


That SOB (Comey) crossed the line.  I say it still will not matter.  The guy with the money is a joke.  He has given out nothing to the needy.  Nothing.  $7 to the boy scouts to cover his sons entry.  Why does he not release his tax returns?   

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3 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

That SOB (Comey) crossed the line. 

He caused this mess in the first place by playing politics and not recommending that charges be brought back in July.  Now with this latest email discovery he's just trying to cover his ass because of open dissent within the FBI and how his career might be affected if Trump wins.


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Absolutely correct!  Comey caved to the Obama Admin last July by NOT recommending a Grand Jury look at the evidence and make a determination - because they KNEW that Hilary was in trouble about mishandling classified documents.  His subordinates saw that the department had lost credibility with the public and were threatening to mutiny.  To try to save the reputation of his department, he used the Abedin information to try and save his tail.  Abedin told the FBI last Spring that she turned in all devices that had State e-mails on them - she obviously lied to them!    

She learned to lie from the best, that's for sure!



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There has never been more time and tax payer dollars spent on investigating anyone but Hillary Clinton - over 30 years of witch hunting - and yet no charges.   

Meanwhile we have someone who's been under investigation from the IRS for decades and won't show the years of taxes when he wasn't, has bankrupt small businesses dozens of times by declaring bankruptcy, has shipped almost all of his jobs to foreign nations, had a server directly linked to Russian banks this past spring, among many, many other hypocritical and morally bankrupt statements/acts, and, oh by the way, has admitted to sexual assault. 

There's the bubble in full effect. 


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On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 11:02 AM, IpMan said:

Ok, I am done with this. Though our recent posts do fall within the conspiracy theory topic, they also may run afoul of the rules.

JFK/LHO is a classic conspiracy theory topic. Plenty of others. But I hear what you're saying.

With respect to kingzoso's thread, I'll lean it more on the side of "Conspiracy Theories". So who gave the info to Julian Assange?

"This coup was done silently and very effectively through two methods. Corruption and co-optation.

0:58 of video:

In order to stop this coup, we in the intelligence community have informally gotten together, and with their permission, I am beginning to announce that we've initiated a counter-coup, through Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

2:20 of video:

I am just a small part of something bigger than myself. It was the brave men and women who were in the FBI, CIA, Director of Intelligence, Military Intelligence, and men and women in 15 other intelligence organizations who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption..

So we initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange, who's been very brave and really quite formidable in his ability to come forth and provide all the necessary E-mails that we gave him...

We do not have guns. We do not have weapons. We do not intend to kill anybody."  ~ Steve Pieczenik

Conspiracy Theory solved.  This man hasn't shown his face (that I know of) in over 20 years! And now he puts out a video on youtube?! Over 1.25 million views in 1 day?!



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i dont think it is a conspiracy when somebody gets caught lying hundreds of times over many years.  a person who says they are against some kinds of people having certain legal rights and then later lies and says she wasnt against that doesnt deserve to be accepted as being truthful not ever in my book

in other consipiracys did you hear that the earth is round.

next week I hope we can sing ding dong the witch is dead

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If Hillary Clinton is elected as "our" new President on November 8, 2016, it will mark a very sad and low turning point in the Great history of the United States of America.  The country that I reside in and Love with more passion then anyone would care to believe.  This woman is one of the most corrupt and deceitful persons in the whole history of the United States of America. 


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4 minutes ago, reswati said:

Ah wow..........we have a new political thread.

(Sarcasm off)

It's a conspiracy. 

I don't mind. I rather like having this thread...keeps all the tin-foil-hat crowd and wingnut crowd under one roof where you can see them.

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24 minutes ago, Strider said:

It's a conspiracy. 

I don't mind. I rather like having this thread...keeps all the tin-foil-hat crowd and wingnut crowd under one roof where you can see them.

Happily together under a tin-foil-hat.....................that's so cozy (and of course all the president's fault.............cause he knows the secret handshake that identifies people who know the man known as Tim the Enchanter).

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1 hour ago, reswati said:

Happily together under a tin-foil-hat.....................that's so cozy (and of course all the president's fault.............cause he knows the secret handshake that identifies people who know the man known as Tim the Enchanter).

And doesn't know the man they call Raymond from Scotland. But does know Audrey from Dallas.

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3 hours ago, Cecil. said:

While you are all getting worked up about this stuff,  has anyone investigated what happens to men's socks in a washing machine, I always seen to lose one.

According to Tinfoilhat.com it is to blame on these slightly unusual suspects.


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8 hours ago, reswati said:

According to Tinfoilhat.com it is to blame on these slightly unusual suspects.


Considering Hillel (second from the left) has been dead for nearly 30 years, perhaps you have discovered another conspiracy: Is Hillel Slovak really dead? Or was his death a hoax a la Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, and Jim Morrison?

Wow! Just think of the possibilities.

Meanwhile, I don't like to say 'I told you so' BUT...

On 10/31/2016 at 1:28 PM, Strider said:

Relax. In the words of Gertrude Stein, "There's no there there." 

This e-mail kerfuffle is just more hot-air. 

...I told you so.

Trump, Giuliani, Breitbart, Comey, and the FBI will have some explaining to do before this is all over.

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