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Know any band member alias' ?


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Again, let me say that I am and always have been curious about the other side of Jimmy Page and or/Led Zeppelin. Beyond the Music we all know and LOVE. I am obviously not as "knowledgable" as some of you. To be perfectly honest with all of you, I do not know what a "Thelemite" is. I consider myself to an "Agnostic". ANY and ALL kinds of religion means nothing to me. Sorry, that is just the way I feel. Catholicism, Judiaism, Muslim, Hinduism, Satanism, etc.. Means absolutely nothing to me. If I had to choose a religion it would be and is the musical religion of Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin's Music. And what I mean by that is that I consider Led Zeppelin's music more spiritual than any religion that is taught and preached every Sunday morning.

Even though I have started topics about Led Zeppelin and Drugs, Aleister Crowley, Backstage antics, etc... it seems a majority of You take offense to such subjects or topics. Why? These things seem to have happened. Some of You have good or decent replies. Others are just so "offended" it actually makes me laugh.

None of that offends me, but intellectual laziness does. Your moving in the right direction just put it all together.

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None of that offends me, but intellectual laziness does. Your moving in the right direction just put it all together.

COOL. I am glad no offense was taken. However, even though you took no offense to what I just displayed, I do consider my to be very "intellectual" in a "Whole Lotta" different aspects. And I know you were just using a phrase, but I am anything but "lazy". I hope we seem to be on the same "PAGE".

I am sure I will seek your wisdom sometime in the near future. LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN..

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Might be helpful, or not.


lzzoso, I won't simply call Thelema a "religion", it's always more like a "philosophy" to me. And while it means nothing to you, it might have influenced Jimmy Page, heavily. It was just very natural that he would pick things from that field.

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.......From Catherine James author of Dandelion..... Page 184

Miss Pamela was in New York.......she casually mentioned that Led Zeppelin was in town to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame......I hadn't seen him in over ten years, nor did I have a clue where he was staying. She said he was at the Essex House on Central Park, but didn't know the secret password to get through to his room. I was hesitant to call. Such a long time has passed, but I eventually relented and tried the moniker he has used twenty years ago. I was sure the hotel operator would tell me nobody was registered under that title, but then I heard Jimmy's unmistakable, angelic, soft voice..."Hello, Jimmy, this is Catherine."....It was like we'd spoken yesterday....

** Catherine saw Page last time when they attended L.A. Forum Shows...Aug.21/22, 1971

Edited by PlanetPage
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No dispute of your facts nor any offense intended, Mr. Jones, but frankly, until or unless Jimmy Page himself states the reasons, it's all conjecture why he picked the aliases he used. Could be through his readings of Crowley, could be through his mum reading Beatrix Potter to him, or he could have had a pal named MacGregor or any other of his aliases.

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Jimmy gigged with Red E. Lewis & The Redcats for about a year before vocalist Lewis was replaced by Chirs Tidmarsh, who changed his name to Neil Christian…Jimmy's stage name was Nelson Storm. Shortly after the lineup change, Christian took the band into the studio for a two-hour session and recorded four demos towards securing a recording contract.

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I didn't post a theory, I posted the fact of the matter. I forget I'm serving the kiddie table; thanks for the reminder.

You posted a (convincing) theory. That's all.

I am not the only one who finds your attitude at the moment totally intolerable, Steve. You may know a lot about Zeppelin, but not as much as you think you do (much of your information being taken from elsewhere and posted without attribution)--and even if you were Jimmy Page's twin brother, it's not enough to excuse this attitude of superiority, not just in this thread but seemingly in all of them right now. There are other people here who are extremely knowledgable but don't feel the need to treat others like dirt--you don't increase your reputation in the slightest by acting in this way. Plus it encourages others to behave in the same way, if they think they can get away with it (like the members I was complaining about the other day), hence the present downward turn in the tone of the forum.

As I've said, I'm taking time out from posting because it's no pleasure right now. But I finally felt your attitude shouldn't pass without comment, and as nobody else wanted to be the first, I dived in. I know you don't care in the slightest what I or anybody else thinks, but I wanted to say it anyway. You have much to offer, and I'm as interested in the (verified) information you have to share as anyone, but you're alienating so many people right now that the notion of you starting a "membership drive" really is a huge irony.

Edited by Aquamarine
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some people claime to know it all, I am not impressed, plus a lot of information

is found in lots of books, available in any shops and on the internet, I know someone]

who focused all their time on the history of Led Zeppelin, they knew it all, that nothing

else in life mattered,sad really that they now live in a remote village in the UK with nothing]

to do in life than to know more about Led Zeppelin, that the next person. weird. I say chill

there is more to life.smile.gif

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You posted a (convincing) theory. That's all.

I am not the only one who finds your attitude at the moment totally intolerable, Steve. You may know a lot about Zeppelin, but not as much as you think you do (much of your information being taken from elsewhere and posted without attribution)--and even if you were Jimmy Page's twin brother, it's not enough to excuse this attitude of superiority, not just in this thread but seemingly in all of them right now. There are other people here who are extremely knowledgable but don't feel the need to treat others like dirt--you don't increase your reputation in the slightest by acting in this way. Plus it encourages others to behave in the same way, if they think they can get away with it (like the members I was complaining about the other day), hence the present downward turn in the tone of the forum.

As I've said, I'm taking time out from posting because it's no pleasure right now. But I finally felt your attitude shouldn't pass without comment, and as nobody else wanted to be the first, I dived in. I know you don't care in the slightest what I or anybody else thinks, but I wanted to say it anyway. You have much to offer, and I'm as interested in the (verified) information you have to share as anyone, but you're alienating so many people right now that the notion of you starting a "membership drive" really is a huge irony.

Way to go Aquamarine! I too feel that some people in this great forum who comment on my topics or posts feel some sense of "superiority". Why is that? I believe that none of us is more "superior" than the other. Some people may be more "knowledeable" about the history of Led Zeppelin, but why try and act more superior? Complete Nonsense. After having listened to, read, seen and studied the music of Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin over the past 25 years, I consider myself to be EXTREMELY KNOWLEDGEABLE about Jimmy Page and the "Mighty Led Zeppelin". Not superior. I would never claim that or act as such.

If you look back a couple of posts ago (#33), Mr. Jones said something like he has to remind himself that he is "serving the kiddie table". What does he mean by that? (Or, more specifically, what do You mean by that?). In my Opinion, that is a very condescending statement to make without any kind of explanation. Me, personally, I really do not give a Fuck what or how someone negatively replies to my topics or posts. I can take it all. Positive or Negative. I say "keep 'em coming".

However, it does seem that some people either have some explaining to do or simply lay off the "holier than thou" attitudes and comments. Obviously, I am not the only one that feels this way.

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"...much of your information taken elsewhere and posted without attribution..." rolleyes.gif

Rather tired of that old chestnut. I tell you what, if you can find an "elsewhere" anywhere that can refute even a single one of my posts to this thread I myself will take a life long sabbatical from further posting to this forum. I mean it. Please show me, indeed everyone, just who I have failed to attribute for knowing for a FACT Jimmy signed in to Sunset Marquis as 'James MacGregor" on a specific date. Please show the same for the studio rehearsals he booked as The MacGregors. But stop insisting I deny what I KNOW to be true. If what I post

doesn't pass your personal verification standards that's fine, but that doesn't make it a theory. It makes it something you have elected not to believe.

It's obvious the membership drive thread was done entirely tongue in cheek. Good God, just look at it. There

is a Jerry Lewis telathon button in the first post. Even so, it would be nice to draw in a couple lurkers provided

they are dissimilar to some of the tedious, miserable dullards I already encounter on a routine basis. I can

see a not to distant future where - with the exception of about five people - I put everyone on ignore. I give

far more than I ever receive from these exchanges.

I got to be me and you can be you but there are are no prizes to be won regardless what you elect to do.

My point again about all this, SteveAJones, is why does it seem that you have a negative attitude or comment about some of the retorts to to your comments. You may know more about JP and LZ than I do but how do you know that I may not know more than YOU do? You don't. Just because you have over 7,000 posts to my 190? If you feel that or think that way, then you must feel that you are more "superior" than the me or the majority of us. Again, complete nonsense.

I respect anyone's opinion on this forum about any topic, but I consider it a complete insult to be talked to or treated as an imbecile when someone thinks that they know nothing about or disagrees or questions your comments or "facts".

Edited by lzzoso
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Why not ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Are you not responsible for your own feelings? Do you mean to tell me you are little more than an automaton guided only by external stimulous? Have I claimed, ever, to be

superior? To anyone? Anything? Cite such claims; be specific but bear in mind the context in which it was said.

First of all, how does my reply to you suggest anything about me being an "automaton guided by external stimulous". What the fuck does that even mean? That, to me, seems to be one of the lamest comebacks of all-time. Of all your 7,000 posts, even though I would not want to read even 100 of them, I am sure you have come across as being superior. Why do I say that? Because from the posts I have read, your sentencing, phrasing and tone of what you type is very CONDESCENDING. Look it up. It describes your attitude about these topics very well.

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"...much of your information taken elsewhere and posted without attribution..." rolleyes.gif

Rather tired of that old chestnut. I tell you what, if you can find an "elsewhere" anywhere that can refute even a single one of my posts to this thread

Even so, it would be nice to draw in a couple lurkers provided

they are dissimilar to some of the tedious, miserable dullards I already encounter on a routine basis.

Just taking up on a points you mentioned their Steve.

A lot of what you do write about is indeed fact, although some is spiced up with a good splash conjecture/fantasy. But the facts you do write about are already published works which you give little or no credit to the original publisher for. I am not a frequent visitor to this site anymore because of the terrible state it got itself into not long after it changed format, but the last time I looked in you had written a piece about 'your theory' on the meaning of 'Them Crooked Vultures' band name. Although it was an interesting perspective it was a direct lift from Wikipedia. In fact if you cut and paste the first sentence of most your work it will generally present the user with a vast amount of search results. None of which pertain to a certain Mr. Steve A Jones.

Secondly. I too was shocked at your nastiness towards other members who dared to question you or even tried to expand on your posts. I remember when you first joined the old board and in fact you have stated that you lurked for a long time before signing up. Prior to this new board/forum commencement you were a very quiet member who (if I remember correctly) was one of the group who became quite upset about the use of the term ‘newbie’ by the more established members. If the term 'newbie' had upset you then can you comprehend the upset you could cause to junior members of this forum by using your derogatory, often inflammatory, put-downs?

Thirdly. "don't damn me when I speak a piece of mind..." ?????????

Are you really that big a megalomaniac or just a complete twat?

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Regarding the aliases: My former post was not as to WHAT aliases were picked but WHY these particular aliases were selected. Yes, yes, it's a well known fact that Jimmy Page was interested in the occult and a reader of books by Crowley and others, but the name MacGregor is a fairly common name. He could have picked it for a lot of reasons. While the aliases used are well documented, has there ever been any specific mention (i.e., JP quote in a magazine article or newspaper interview, etc.) as to why certain names were used back in the day? Mere curiosity on my part.

Edited by King Tubbo
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I just went through this thread and I'm going to give my idea on this matter.

I don't come around here any more for a reason, and it's this crap that goes on. SteveAJones, you may have all the answers to life but you don't need to treat people like they aren't as good as you. You aren't any better than anyone else on this board. You should give a little respect to people and maybe you'd get some. When you joined you hated how some people used the term "newbie" how is that any better than your comment about the kiddie table. You may judge people on the caliber of their posts, but I form my opinions on people on how they treat others. Quite frankly, I don't think very highly of you because you don't treat others well. You can try to use your large words and excessivly proper grammar to increase your "caliber" but I'd rather talk to someone who hardly knows anything about Zep and is friendly than someone who thinks they know everything there is to know about Zep and is arrogant. It's not about who knows what around here, it's about good times and friends. You aren't helping with either.

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Some people do but I've never made such claims and I guarentee you cannot refute that either. As I stated to Aquamarine, go find these so called books and articles that present this information. I'm dying to see what I

have said substantiated or refuted, for I already know it to be true because of the source.

I find you very annoying,and a little bit of a know all.

I think you have met your match so to speak, I know certain things about lz that I would never

tell on this forum, a case of I never kiss and tell.

you just post here to be above everyone and everything else, you may know a lot, but your information comes from internet s sources, or books, how else would you know so much.

this is not an arguement, we are after all talking about a group, from a long time ago, unless you were really around at that time, can you know, exactly what you are truly talking about.

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Steve, you didn't get an apology because you did in fact say I was too young to be a real fan. You don't have to admit to it, that's fine with me. You won't be getting a pm or public apology because I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn't the one who says people of certain ages can't be real fans, nor do I walk over people like you do.

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Hello All!

This is IMHO- and I by no means mean to offend anyone as I love this forum. But after reading this I feel compelled to say something.

Steve has posted the most informative and knowledgeable post out of anyone I know on this forum. I always appreciate the fact that he does this as I never grow tired of leaarning something new about Zeppelin and other music/things as well. I have been a Zeppelin fan for 40 years and since joining this forum back in June,I have learned more from Steve than anyone just by reading his postings. It is very time consuming to do what he does. And I have read many a topic where he tries to answer most if not all questions posed, or to add in additional information to a certain topic.

We will always have people that we have personality conflicts with, but the knowledge he brings to this board is to me invaluable.

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If ever I was to concern myself with how I resonate it would be with your peer group, those who have remained

loyal to Led Zeppelin thru good times and bad from inception, who absorbed the original vibe, who were once and still remain the ocean - that I would give due consideration to.

Are you saying that those of us who weren't old enough to have been around from the beginning of Zep aren't worthy? I think it's great that there are young fans on the board who have come here because they discovered Zep and want to learn about them. Why are they not worth your consideration? Unless I'm misreading what you wrote, it sounds very elitist. Steve I'm not going to get involved in all this except to say I find it curious that of late there have been more than one member who finds your recent tone offensive in various threads and you seem to ignore it and try to blame them, rather than perhaps take some consideration that maybe you could tone things down. There are many people here with just as much if not more knowledge of the band who don't come across as above others and are happy to share. You're (and by the way, it's you're as in you are, not your) all about collaboration and that's what people are about. You don't have to like the questions posed or find them repeats but they have just as much a right to ask. It takes the same amount of effort to be kind as mean so why not be nice or just ignore it. I'm not trying to start an argument but I needed to just say what I said.

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If ever I was to concern myself with how I resonate it would be with your peer group, those who have remained

loyal to Led Zeppelin thru good times and bad from inception, who absorbed the original vibe, who were once and still remain the ocean - that I would give due consideration to.

You know...over time PLENTY of people who met the above criteria, have disagreed with your methods, and made their opinions known. Care to tell Deborah J what happened to them?? ;)

Yeah I know...aliases? Bueller,bueller.

You don't want a thread hijacking, stay on topic yourself...unfortunately the only time you sound diplomatic is when your verse was pasted into place. I'd be much more into the subject of Led Zeppelin and their aliases, if you'd eliminate the constipated professor vibe twoards the younger fans.

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