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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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26 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

Nearly 4-in-10 Illegal Aliens Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine  as  Americans Hit with Mandates

Nearly 4-in-10 Illegal Aliens Refuse Vax as Americans Face Mandates (breitbart.com)

sobering, what is even more mind blowing is how many aren't even  accounted for? so 4 out of 10 refuse vax mandates but 10 of 10 will gladly take all the tax payer money team Biden will take from us and give them, ya know after 60 years of doing everything right to the best of my abilities I think i'll travel down to southern border, spray paint my face, wear a Biden tee shirt, fly to wherever they fly me, and wait for my money, 6 months, I can do that

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There were mass protests in France yesterday against vaccine mandates, of course completely ignored by the MSM.  This was particularly heartening:

I thought Antifa was supposed to be anti-capitalist/anti-big business?  Interesting...

Edited by JohnOsbourne
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The Djokovic saga continues:

Australian Lawyers' Alliance weighs in on Novak Djokovic controversy (tennisworldusa.org)

What's interesting is that they're not even trying to concoct some specious, bullshit "public health" rationale for barring him entry.  They're coming right out and saying that they're worried his opinions might influence Australian subjects to question the government's dictates.  In other words, that dissent as such is inherently criminal.

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17 hours ago, SteveAJones said:



so just watched and was laughing so hard my wife walks in, watched it with me, she has no idea I joined last week, showed her some post and she read some of ours going back and forth and she said to me  "apparently you have a twin in tokyo" lmao, she also said she hopes the nazis won't knock on our door and take me away

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16 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Must see.


anyone who doesn't believe that democratic governors helped kill elderly patients by putting positive covid patients in long term care units should watch this video to be enlightened on just how mosterous the left are, distribution of life saving drugs or therapeutics based solely on your skin color is scary shit , yet its going on everyday, whites are thrown to the back of the line , does anyone want to wager this equity based rational doesn't apply to the folks in washington dc? the only show I watch on woke fox anymore starts with Tucker, Hannity, can't stomach them until 8pm

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1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

There were mass protests in France yesterday against vaccine mandates, of course completely ignored by the MSM.  This was particularly heartening:

I thought Antifa was supposed to be anti-capitalist/anti-big business?  Interesting...

they hide behind social justice  when in fact they are after the money, Soros pays them very well in an effort to rid us of police , rule of law, making the take over that much easier, where they are promised riches for eternity

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52 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

The Djokovic saga continues:

Australian Lawyers' Alliance weighs in on Novak Djokovic controversy (tennisworldusa.org)

What's interesting is that they're not even trying to concoct some specious, bullshit "public health" rationale for barring him entry.  They're coming right out and saying that they're worried his opinions might influence Australian subjects to question the government's dictates.  In other words, that dissent as such is inherently criminal.

people like Djkovic, Aaron Rodgers, even Clapton all need to be silenced which is why the media and gov't try to  shun them and make  their lives a living hell, we can't have everyday people questioning big gov't or dr. Fraudcci,  mid summer is when I first heard of  " THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

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1 hour ago, custard pie man said:

mid summer is when I first heard of  " THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

The phrase is often traced back to Virgil, whose fourth eclogue included the phrase "novus ordo seclorum", accurately translated "new order of the ages" but often mistranslated "new world order". During the 20th century many politicians, such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, used the term "new world order" to refer to a new period of history characterized by a dramatic change in world political thought and in the balance of power after World War I and World War II.

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14 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

The Djokovic saga continues:

Australian Lawyers' Alliance weighs in on Novak Djokovic controversy (tennisworldusa.org)

What's interesting is that they're not even trying to concoct some specious, bullshit "public health" rationale for barring him entry.  They're coming right out and saying that they're worried his opinions might influence Australian subjects to question the government's dictates.  In other words, that dissent as such is inherently criminal.

That is bullshit.

Typical lawyerspeak, twisting words and taking them out of context. What the government said right or wrong, is that if you mislead or lie about your vaccination status or getting the virus regarding medical exemptions and he got away with it, it would set a dangerous precedent.

He had his visa cancelled (twice) and was deported because he lied on his visa application, so it's all on him. Had he told the truth in the first place he would be competing in the AO. His defence, it was an "accident" that the wrong box was ticked by an associate. Every online application whether it be setting up an account or submitting information to whomever, there is always the question, "is the information correct?" before finalisation of the transaction. Incompetency is no defence nor is ignorance. If it happened to a foreigner in Serbia they (the Serbian Government), would do the same thing and most likely imprison, not detain in a hotel.

Furthermore, Djokovid blatantly lied about giving children a tennis clinic the day after testing positive to the virus negligently exposing them to infection and in total defiance or stupidity, videoed the event.

All this may bite him on the arse when it comes to Wimbledon and US Open. France (still spewing over the submarines), has given him the green light for Roland Garros but that could change.

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@Reggie29 :goodpost:

He will play at Wombledon as we let any fucker into this Country. If he does struggle, he can get a small boat from France and row over. Loads of people do it every day and we welcome them in with a house and a wad of cash. They then fail to learn even modicum of the language and work illegally. Inevitably they end up in rival gangs (usually in London) and end up in Prison, at the tax payers expense. On release, the court states that they should be deported. However, as they came over from France and not Iraq, they end up still in the UK asking for spare change on the street or work at hand car washers. 

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9 hours ago, Reggie29 said:

That is bullshit.

Typical lawyerspeak, twisting words and taking them out of context. What the government said right or wrong, is that if you mislead or lie about your vaccination status or getting the virus regarding medical exemptions and he got away with it, it would set a dangerous precedent.

He had his visa cancelled (twice) and was deported because he lied on his visa application, so it's all on him. Had he told the truth in the first place he would be competing in the AO. His defence, it was an "accident" that the wrong box was ticked by an associate. Every online application whether it be setting up an account or submitting information to whomever, there is always the question, "is the information correct?" before finalisation of the transaction. Incompetency is no defence nor is ignorance. If it happened to a foreigner in Serbia they (the Serbian Government), would do the same thing and most likely imprison, not detain in a hotel.

Furthermore, Djokovid blatantly lied about giving children a tennis clinic the day after testing positive to the virus negligently exposing them to infection and in total defiance or stupidity, videoed the event.

All this may bite him on the arse when it comes to Wimbledon and US Open. France (still spewing over the submarines), has given him the green light for Roland Garros but that could change.

Talk about lawyer-speak, this is all irrelevant.  The Australian government is explicitly saying that they're concerned with his potential for spreading ideas they don't like, not a virus.

“I consider that Mr. Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests which may themselves be a source of community transmission,” Hawke added.

Djokovic detained in Australia again — RT World News

This is a carbon copy of the ridiculous "Russian hackers" narrative American liberals are obsessed with.  Civil unrest and widespread discontent have nothing to do with the actions of the Australian (or US) government, it's all the fault of some nefarious outsiders.

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