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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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13 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Alright I may have been wrong on the Old Sac. But Philz is legit crack! Or Crank. I had a cup recently and was told to slow down while I was talking more than a few times that day. As well as couldn’t sleep worth shit that night. That’s a random thought for you. What the hell do they do with that coffee. I’m convinced the Hells Angels own that Franchise and have a bunch of additives to say the least in it. No need for adderall! Slug down a large Philz! 

Haha, yeah their coffee is no joke. That Winter Bliss blend they had recently was fantastic. And they actually have great iced tea, too.

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11 hours ago, redrum said:

I used to ride too in Cali. I remember when the helmet law came into effect. I rode in freezing weather the night before in Modesto sans helmet.

My old Sportster. 


Very nice!! Love the classic look of those bikes.

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11 hours ago, redrum said:

Old Sac 😄


Beavis and Butt-Head will be returning this year (2022) with a brand new movie and more on Paramount. No exact date yet, but soon. They need some time to get back in shape.


Uh - huhuhHUHhuh ... huuuhHUHhuhhuh .. "Old Sac" ... huh huh HUH

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8 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

Beavis and Butthead returning, will this be vintage material, like when they first started on MTV or will it be as lame as the last reboot they did on that network....

I believe it's all new stuff, but don't know the plot. Be great to see them on the big screen again. 

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3 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

I have a horrible feeling that Putin is going to Nuke Europe.

I remember being in Europe in the early 1980s and everybody felt that way about Reagan. But nothing happened. Reagan was not the maniac some people feared he would be.

Putin would not only have to be a monster, he would have to be an idiot of the highest order. What would be the point of Putin nuking Europe? There is no end scenario where Putin comes out on top in that event. None. He..and Mother Russia...would lose every time.

Edited by Strider
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Today I put 2 small amps for sale on Craigslist. One for $125 and the other for $50. I always put in my ads: SCAMMERS TAKE A HIKE! Here's the first response I got.........

"I want to buy it. are you the original owner and is it your final price? actually, I don't reply from cl mail. so, let me know at  james.ccollins.45@gmail.com"
He never mentioned which one he was looking at. I replied with which amp are you asking about? Here's the 2nd reply..........
Thanks for returning my husband's message regarding your item.  I'm satisfied with the price and the condition on the list, kindly withdraw the advert from the list and consider it sold.  I'm currently not in town for now, so I won't be able to meet with you due to my work frame and also in the process of moving but my husband will proceed in issuing a Cashier's Check to you and when  it is received  and it clears your bank, I will make  arrangements for pickup. An additional $70 will be added to the original asking price for reservation till the check gets to you

 To facilitate the payment to you, I will need you to get back to me with the details below:
Name to be on the payment ....... 
Address to mail the check to ...... 
City, state and Zip code ....... 
Fine Asking price And the Cell # to contact you ........ 
 Thank you in anticipation of your understanding and awaiting the information requested to overnight out through USPS and delivered to you within 48 hours.
My response was a simple: Oh, please!! 
Fucking morons. 


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On 3/4/2022 at 12:34 PM, redrum said:

I believe it's all new stuff, but don't know the plot. Be great to see them on the big screen again. 

I believe you are correct that it is all new and has nothing to do with that show from the other Network. If I’m not mistaken isn’t it by the original creators of the show? I could be wrong but thought I had read that. It’s funny, I did not appreciate Beavis and Butthead for what they were while they were on/current. I have always been like that with most things. I don’t like to get into what everyone else is into at the time. I watched the reruns like many of us did and that show was hilarious. 

It is crazy that TV is just rebooting all of the shows from my youth. The shows and the movies. 

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41 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

I believe you are correct that it is all new and has nothing to do with that show from the other Network. If I’m not mistaken isn’t it by the original creators of the show? I could be wrong but thought I had read that. It’s funny, I did not appreciate Beavis and Butthead for what they were while they were on/current. I have always been like that with most things. I don’t like to get into what everyone else is into at the time. I watched the reruns like many of us did and that show was hilarious. 

It is crazy that TV is just rebooting all of the shows from my youth. The shows and the movies. 

Hoping it's in the theaters. I never did see the episode where they were killed. I'm sure their love for Tod hasn't waned. 😄

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1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

I'm with this guy 100%:

WATCH: UFC Star Says He Won't Fight 'These Wars For These Politicians' | ZeroHedge

There is no real American interest at stake in the Ukraine, and our war-mongering politicians are just disgusting.

Damn straight! F those silly Ukrainians! Who told them to live there anyway!!! So what if their children are being murdered, their women raped, their whole country getting blown to shit. Not our problem, right chief?  

F Putin, that midget chicken-hawk pile of offal. and now a word from our sponsor...


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1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

Damn straight! F those silly Ukrainians! Who told them to live there anyway!!! So what if their children are being murdered, their women raped, their whole country getting blown to shit. Not our problem, right chief?  

When the people YOU voted for stop importing 232 MILLION barrels of Russian oil annually, we can talk. Until then, it's all hyperventilating virtue signaling to me.

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20 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Damn straight! F those silly Ukrainians! Who told them to live there anyway!!! So what if their children are being murdered, their women raped, their whole country getting blown to shit. Not our problem, right chief?  

F Putin, that midget chicken-hawk pile of offal. and now a word from our sponsor...


Put simply, no, it's not our problem.  The US is not the world's policeman, I thought you agreed with me on this?  In truth, it is stupid US policy (not to mention the utterly corrupt Ukrainian government) that bears a lot of responsibility here.  The situation is ultimately no different from the Cuban Missile Crisis, or if Mexico tried to enter into a military alliance with China.  (Do you have any idea what would happen to Mexico City in such a case?) The Russians said clearly:  no more NATO on our doorstep, and instead of sensibly backing down (what US security interest requires having Ukraine in NATO, anyway?) and dealing with our own numerous problems, the US government encouraged the Ukrainians to keep pushing the matter.  And now they continue to provide false hope to the Ukrainians, when it is obvious none is forthcoming.  The US values Ukraine more as a propaganda device than a real ally.  

And BTW:  where is your concern for the horrendous humanitarian crisis inflicted on Yemen by the Saudis with our full support?  The amount of crocodile tears and hypocrisy here is just appalling.  

I do not support the Russians here, I simply say it's none of our business.  I will say this much:  you can expect to see many more "Russian trolls" when gasoline hits 10 $/gal.  What will you do then?

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21 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Damn straight! F those silly Ukrainians! Who told them to live there anyway!!! So what if their children are being murdered, their women raped, their whole country getting blown to shit. Not our problem, right chief?  

F Putin, that midget chicken-hawk pile of offal. and now a word from our sponsor...


BTW, you should be pro-Putin, he did something the vaccines couldn't:  he cured covid.



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How's everyone's gas prices?

Today I saw 3.79-3.99/gal. in my area.
Glad to be retired... this would be ripping me a new one
as my business involved much travel mileage.
I feel for those who have to commute to-and-fro daily.

On the bright side: *"Transitory Inflation."*

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