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LZ Memorabilia Exhibit at Knebworth House


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  • 2 months later...

Ok People - just an update on this REALLY exciting event this year. The focus, don't forget is the ABC Trust, the Organisers are taking no money from this. ALL the profits are going to the ABC. We have a TON of great memorabilia to show plus some other exciting things, BUT don't let that put anybody off if you are willing to lend the exhibit some items. These DO NOT have to be super rare or anything like that. We are considering EVERYTHING for showing. Things are continuing to move apace on a daily basis. this is gonna be a BIGGIE!! feel free to pm me if you wanna know anymore!


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Thanks for resurrecting the thread harlequin! I just don't have time to update everyone or try and keep it on the first page of the forum.

I just want to clarify that not ALL the profits will go to The ABC, as I will have to take out the money needed to set up the exhibit - mainly the cost of hiring the exhibit stand for a month, and the event insurance. I may be able to find a sponsor to cover these costs, but if not, then it has to come from the money raised. It will be as low as I can keep it, so that everything else can go to the ABC. Anyone interested in contributing towards the cost of staging this event, please step forward! A website for the exhibit will be up soon with all the details.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for resurrecting the thread harlequin! I just don't have time to update everyone or try and keep it on the first page of the forum.

I just want to clarify that not ALL the profits will go to The ABC, as I will have to take out the money needed to set up the exhibit - mainly the cost of hiring the exhibit stand for a month, and the event insurance. I may be able to find a sponsor to cover these costs, but if not, then it has to come from the money raised. It will be as low as I can keep it, so that everything else can go to the ABC. Anyone interested in contributing towards the cost of staging this event, please step forward! A website for the exhibit will be up soon with all the details.


Hey Angel!!! Great to see ya here! I just started posting on this board. I would give my right nut* to be able to attend....and I already know the fine work you do...you are incredible!! Bless you Sweetie!!

*I'm female, I don't have a right nut...but I love sayin' that! Why do guys get all the kewl things to say?! :lol:

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Hey Angel!!! Great to see ya here! I just started posting on this board. I would give my right nut* to be able to attend....and I already know the fine work you do...you are incredible!! Bless you Sweetie!!

*I'm female, I don't have a right nut...but I love sayin' that! Why do guys get all the kewl things to say?! :lol:

But if you did have a right nut, you'd give it, we know! :D

You're right, "I'd give my right ovary" just doesn't have the same ring to it... but, you know, I would give mine to go, too.

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But if you did have a right nut, you'd give it, we know! :D

You're right, "I'd give my right ovary" just doesn't have the same ring to it... but, you know, I would give mine to go, too.

Ahahahah!! What the hell, I'll give em both, not doing anything with them anyway! :lol:

Now, Jimmy 66 is doin' it up right!! Wow!! Am I jealous!! Mykonos and THEN the exhibit! :yay:

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Hi Medhb! :wave: Please keep all your body parts intact, real or longed for!

I'm so happy to hear fans are planning to come see the exhibit. We also have some amazing things for sale (not memorabilia) all for the ABC Trust, and a contest to win a couple of super prizes. A website for the event will be up shortly with all the details. I have had such a super response from collectors and people willing to donate things to sell completely free of charge for the ABC, it's fantastic. One of my favourite items comes from the bookbinder who made the gift book I commissioned for Jimmy. He is doing some handmade leather CD cases with the four symbols embossed on them - limited numbered editions! They'll be amazing.

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I thinking of paying a visit to this Exhibit over the Summer and was wondeirng how long it will be running for and if there is any accomdation near the site as I dont know the area at all.

Sorry if these questions have been asked before :)

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I thinking of paying a visit to this Exhibit over the Summer and was wondeirng how long it will be running for and if there is any accomdation near the site as I dont know the area at all.

Sorry if these questions have been asked before :)

Friday 1st August - Wednesday 3rd September

Here's a list of local hotels and such:


Cheers! :beer:

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Thanks Ev - you're hired! :D

You're very welcome! I just wish we could afford to ship my stuff over there and back, but I had it priced and frankly there'd be little left for the ABC, y'know? I'll be there in spirit though, for sure! :D

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You're very welcome! I just wish we could afford to ship my stuff over there and back, but I had it priced and frankly there'd be little left for the ABC, y'know? I'll be there in spirit though, for sure! :D

Well I know. Maybe next time? We just have to do this again in a bigger space. I've been offered so many things and I know I won't be able to display it all. Still, what I have is amazing! It's such a privilege to see all these things, and the collectors that have contributed are just the best. They're going to raise a lot of money for those children in Brazil. :cheer:

By the way - if anyone knows when they are coming, if you'd care to meet me, I'd sure love to meet as many of you as I possibly can. :)

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Cheers Annie! I would so like to be a part, and if we were in a better place financially, I'd gladly absorb the costs. But things being how they are...deeply sad not to be right there beside you. Really would love to be a part of this event. It's just the kind of thing that gives me great Zep joy. Please post pictures!!! :beer:

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ive said this before, but, I WANNA LIVE IN ENGLAND!!!!!

I want so badly to go to this. Just going to England I would be happy with! Contributing will have to do and Annie will tell us everything!

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For those of us here in the NYC area, be sure to have your radios ( if

you still have those! ) set to q104.3 for tonite's Get The Led Out at

8 pm.

It will be up as a podcast shortly on the www.Q1043.com page as they are

about 2-3 days behind. The last one is for June 8th. Or you can listen

to the live stream on there as well...

Either way...

Stay tuned!!!


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For those of us here in the NYC area, be sure to have your radios ( if

you still have those! ) set to q104.3 for tonite's Get The Led Out at

8 pm.

It will be up as a podcast shortly on the www.Q1043.com page as they are

about 2-3 days behind. The last one is for June 8th. Or you can listen

to the live stream on there as well...

Either way...

Stay tuned!!!


are you expecting to hear something tourrific??????

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are you expecting to hear something tourrific??????

No this wasn't about a tour - that wouldn't be posted in this thread. Nech is referring to the fact that the exhibit was mentioned on the radio in NYC. That's great news, and it is all thanks to Nech. The exhibit is getting quite a lot of attention, with more to come, and I am hoping that means a lot of money will come in for The ABC Trust.

Aqua - the cd cases will be on sale through our website. I'll let you know when they are ready and reserve you one if you like. But keep in mind they are expensive as they are being handmade by the man who made Jimmy's book for me. They are a limited edition and will be numbered, as he is only going to be able to make 30 or so. They are travel cases holding 10 cds and will be made of black leather with all four of the band's symbols embossed on the front in either gold or silver. They'll be lovely as I am sure anyone who has seen the work he did on Jimmy's book will know!

We'll have other things to sell too - Zep inspired jewelry, programs of the exhibit, photos given to us by the amazing Zep photographer Frank Melfi, prints by Led Zep III's album cover artist Zacron, and of course there is a contest everyone can enter. All the details will be available shortly! :D

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