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Pet Peeves


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I won't answer about books on this thread anymore. I don't want to be accused of hijacking the thread. But the subjects you mentioned in those books don't really interest me.

Books don't interest you, I guess Zep doesn't since you avoid talking about that too. What DOES interest you besides whining you have no girlfriend?

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Okay spats, Ihave gone through 4 pages of your thread. BTW, how do I go about getting my own thread? I wanted it to be called the Flower Princess lzfan715 thread.

And nine is right. Also please don't bore us with another rendition of your going to the movies things because we all know you think that most of them are crud.

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Of course you don't want to talk about books anymore. Because it's an interesting topic and you might learn something and you clearly don't want to do that. You'd rather discuss reality TV.

This thread is about Pet Peeves. If we continue to argue about books i might get into trouble for "hijacking" the thread.

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I know there's only so much that can be said about Led Zeppelin, but why else register here if you don't want to talk about the band? If I don't want to talk about cheese, I don't register on a cheese-lovers board.

I guess that's a pet peeve of mine, then. If you don't like talking about Led Zeppelin, maybe this isn't the place for you.

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I know there's only so much that can be said about Led Zeppelin, but why else register here if you don't want to talk about the band? If I don't want to talk about cheese, I don't register on a cheese-lovers board.

I guess that's a pet peeve of mine, then. If you don't like talking about Led Zeppelin, maybe this isn't the place for you.

We talked about this in my thread. I have talked about them.

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I don't ever see you posting outside of Ramble On. I've been a member in one form or another of this site since 2004, which is 5 years now.....and I don't EVER remember you posting outside the General Discussion section.

I do. I am not talking about it in this thread anymore. :rolleyes:

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We talked about this in my thread. I have talked about them.

You may have spoken about them in your head, but I sure as shit haven't seen you comment/post about Zeppelin.

You don't talk about anything other than you in your thread. You're that selfish that you are the only member to actually have a thread all about you.

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You're that selfish that you are the only member to actually have a thread all about you.

I still can't get over it still exists. Someone needs to do some serious Plant bashing on there so it gets removed. Figures... the ONE thread where there ISN'T any Plant bashing. <_<

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I still can't get over it still exists. Someone needs to do some serious Plant bashing on there so it gets removed. Figures... the ONE thread where there ISN'T any Plant bashing. <_<

Me neither - I refuse to read or participate in it. It only gives him the attention he seems to seek.

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Dude, I just checked out this topic cause I usually get a kick out of people's pet peeves, and having just got offa work I thought it'd be extra amusing.

But apparently spats is everyone's pet peeve, and he's not that interesting; and from the looks of it, it'd be best if we quit giving him attention.

How bout we turn this topic back around to pet peeves? My pet peeve for today is people who can't seem to understand the phrase "while supplies last". I work at a grocery store, so my job doesn't pay much as it is, and it's really not worth anyone's time to bitch at me that we are out of coupons when I already know this, there's nothing I can do about it, and if I could do something about it, bitching won't persuade me in your favor.

Fucking customers.

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I don't ever see you posting outside of Ramble On. I've been a member in one form or another of this site since 2004, which is 5 years now.....and I don't EVER remember you posting outside the General Discussion section.


About 90% of my posts are in Ramble on, but I guess that's okay, considering how many posts I used to have in the other forums on all the various incarnations of the old board. I think I can be guilty of that one, though I really don't care, despite what my smiley says. ;)

Me neither - I refuse to read or participate in it. It only gives him the attention he seems to seek.

Me too, though I can say that I've definitely been sucked into his BS more times than I'd like to admit. I accidentally went into it once, and after I read someone's post, I realized what thread it was and I booked it outta there. :D

Golden staph. Those little stinking bastards obviously decided to colonize my tonsils.

Kat! I'm sorry. I'm sure that is not fun at all.

First you post a negative comment on tv shows and then you say something like this. You're a walking paradox. :rolleyes:


(I wonder whether recommending historical fiction would be off-base? Of course it would because he's had some refute for it. )

Now for my pet peeve: I ruined our old desktop keyboard a while ago, so I upgraded to a cordless one. While it's really nice to have because it's cordless, it drives me crazy because I'm not used to it and I'm always discovering typos when I SWEAR that I hit the correct key. I think the keys are smaller than the old keyboard. And the cluster that has "home, delete, end, page up, page down" is different from my old one, so it's hard to find "delete" when you make a boo-boo.

edit to add: I also don't like that the rows of keys aren't varied much. Usually, the row above the "asdfjkl;" is a bit higher than the home keys, not so on this one. It's kind of hard to find the home keys when you're not looking at the keyboard. <_<

Edited by manderlyh
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I don't know if it belongs in here, but I need to get rid of it. There was a shooting in a school 20 km from us, 16 people were killed. I just can't believe it...16 people, so close!

The sunshine outside seems so cynical now. I feel like throwing up.

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First you post a negative comment on tv shows and then you say something like this. You're a walking paradox. :rolleyes:

Reality tv shows are not reality. The people perform for the cameras. None of it would be as dramatic if the cameras were not around.

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Reality tv shows are not reality. The people perform for the cameras. None of it would be as dramatic if the cameras were not around.

Gotta agree with you there. It's a nice fit for the "All About Me..Look At Me Ma" world that we live in though

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I don't know if it belongs in here, but I need to get rid of it. There was a shooting in a school 20 km from us, 16 people were killed. I just can't believe it...16 people, so close!

The sunshine outside seems so cynical now. I feel like throwing up.

:console: I'm so sorry to hear that. It's just beyond words when such a senseless act happens, especially when it hits so close to home. Do they know who was responsible?

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You may have spoken about them in your head, but I sure as shit haven't seen you comment/post about Zeppelin.

You don't talk about anything other than you in your thread. You're that selfish that you are the only member to actually have a thread all about you.

I still can't get over it still exists. Someone needs to do some serious Plant bashing on there so it gets removed. Figures... the ONE thread where there ISN'T any Plant bashing. <_<

Hey, I started that thread, and I'm damn proud of it!!!

Folks should thank me for it instead of griping about it. It was started to get those various discussions regarding spats and his love life/opinions of women, etc. into ONE thread instead of having several threads get repeatedly derailed (hence the thread title it has). It's even been semi-successful at doing that. I shall be peeved if folks get it deleted because they find spats tiresome. We have 18 bazillion threads on Zep reforming, not reforming, they should reform, they should tour, they should get so and so to be the singer, no they shouldn't get so and so to sing with them, whose fault is it if they don't tour, why don't they tell us something, why don't we beleive whomever when they DO tell us somethingetc. A lot of those threads get posts griping about their redundancy but many/most of them don't get deleted.

Geez, I do a favor for the benefit of humanity... :slapface:

...and just for the record, I started a thread for Atlas or whatever username Hetware was using, but it didn't go very far. Het's preoccupations are a bit different than spats'. I think Het's thread is still around but buried way back. (The fact that spats' thread is still going strong shows its usefulness).

...and yes, I'm kidding... sorta...

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Hey, I started that thread, and I'm damn proud of it!!!

Folks should thank me for it instead of griping about it. It was started to get those various discussions regarding spats and his love life/opinions of women, etc. into ONE thread instead of having several threads get repeatedly derailed (hence the thread title it has). It's even been semi-successful at doing that. I shall be peeved if folks get it deleted because they find spats tiresome. We have 18 bazillion threads on Zep reforming, not reforming, they should reform, they should tour, they should get so and so to be the singer, no they shouldn't get so and so to sing with them, whose fault is it if they don't tour, why don't they tell us something, why don't we beleive whomever when they DO tell us somethingetc. A lot of those threads get posts griping about their redundancy but many/most of them don't get deleted.

Geez, I do a favor for the benefit of humanity... :slapface:

...and yes, I'm kidding... sorta...


No good deed goes unpunished......Oh the humanity. :)

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Hey, I started that thread, and I'm damn proud of it!!!

Folks should thank me for it instead of griping about it. It was started to get those various discussions regarding spats and his love life/opinions of women, etc. into ONE thread instead of having several threads get repeatedly derailed (hence the thread title it has). It's even been semi-successful at doing that. I shall be peeved if folks get it deleted because they find spats tiresome. We have 18 bazillion threads on Zep reforming, not reforming, they should reform, they should tour, they should get so and so to be the singer, no they shouldn't get so and so to sing with them, whose fault is it if they don't tour, why don't they tell us something, why don't we beleive whomever when they DO tell us somethingetc. A lot of those threads get posts griping about their redundancy but many/most of them don't get deleted.

Geez, I do a favor for the benefit of humanity... :slapface:

...and just for the record, I started a thread for Atlas or whatever username Hetware was using, but it didn't go very far. Het's preoccupations are a bit different than spats'. I think Het's thread is still around but buried way back. (The fact that spats' thread is still going strong shows its usefulness).

...and yes, I'm kidding... sorta...


edited to say we do appreciate that LoS

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Pet peeve - When you tell people DIRECTLY not to do something for GOOD REASON and they go right ahead and ignore you putting themselves and you in a bad position...

We work around kids that can have a pretty terrible home life so it is easy to feel sorry for them BUT it is important not to let them into your house BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL ANYWHERE ELSE to invite small children into our house!! And that shouldn't change out here for good reason!

If the kids get used to going into peoples houses who have good intentions what happens the day someone with BAD intentions invites them in? (It happens A LOT - more than you realize)

do you follow?

Anyway I told some people working for us NOT to let kids into their house...

I made it totally clear and this afternoon they were practically having a tea party with half the school in their house! what the?

Also what happens when they decide that they don't want the kids there one day? the kids will TURN on them - it has happened before...

and ANOTHER REASON is that they are only temporary people here they aren't able to offer long term useful support for the kids... WHY are they inviting them into their house???

VENT OVER but I will be grilling them about it tomorrow...

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