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Convenience is really the only good argument for it, lol... That I can understand. It's the people who do it just because and then complain about the price and the taste. It's like... umm... duh.

Even the larger sizes of regular coffee are barely over $2. You hear about $4-$5 coffee there because that's how much those specialty drinks are. I get the dark roast too, much more flavor.

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Thank you! I was starting to worry that I was the only one... :D

To me Starbucks is the place for the non-alcoholic specialty drinks that you can't easily do at home. I also don't go there often, but I have never gotten plain coffee there, and I never will. For me, it's the White Chocolate Mocha, and depending on the season I get it either as the regular cappuccino or as a frappuccino. I always love their Winter Holiday specialties, too, like... I forget the name, but it's the mint cappuccino that comes with the pieces of... I think... candy cane or those little round red and white mints... also the Pumpkin Spice, which is always a treat at Starbucks.

Now, I don't like black coffee, period. I usually end up putting in two or three creamers and lots of sugar, simply because black coffee in general is just too bitter to me (I drink it mainly for the caffeine, although I think I've grown a tolerance to that). But even with the creamers and the sugar, doing it at home is still cheaper a cup then a cup of black coffee from any place that sells it, regardless.

Quite honestly, if I had the say in it, Starbucks wouldn't sell plain coffee at all. They'd sell bags of fresh-ground or un-ground coffee beans, but they would not sell cups of plain old coffee. At a place that sells coffee drinks, they shouldn't be wasting time trying to make their just-coffee taste better. Instead, they should be using that time to come up with new flavors of coffee drinks.

The thing is you wouldn't go to an Italian restaurant, say, and order the most basic, mundane, cheese pizza you could find. You'd go for something a little different - a little more exotic - because you know you can't/don't have it at home. When I buy food/drink anywhere, I buy the kind of food - whether it's on the go or not - that I usually don't have at home. The same applies to coffee. If I'm shelling out money for a coffee it's got to be different to what I'd drink at home. This doesn't make anyone who has just plain coffee wrong, but I, personally, would kick myself for wasting money.

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I'm upset about myself. I let myself be so easily affected by, sorry, assholes. A friend has told me that a guy from orchestra has gossiped about me in their class, that I couldn't play the viola at all and stuff. And I feel totally bad and angry now, because I know he's not right (from time to time I have a bad day and don't hit all the notes, but most of the time I'm okay), and I still feel like it is true and I am worth nothing (music is my damn life!).

So now I'm so confused and angry, and I just HAVE to improve to perfection, only that this creep has nothing to gossip about anymore.

How pathetic is THAT?!?

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I'm upset about myself. I let myself be so easily affected by, sorry, assholes. A friend has told me that a guy from orchestra has gossiped about me in their class, that I couldn't play the viola at all and stuff. And I feel totally bad and angry now, because I know he's not right (from time to time I have a bad day and don't hit all the notes, but most of the time I'm okay), and I still feel like it is true and I am worth nothing (music is my damn life!).

So now I'm so confused and angry, and I just HAVE to improve to perfection, only that this creep has nothing to gossip about anymore.

How pathetic is THAT?!?

Well, you know, guys that tease/mock girls usually do so because they have a little crush on them.

Or he could just be a dickhead.

But, even if that is the case, no one should make you feel like you're worth nothing or that you're not good enough at what you do. You could spend you whole time practising to show this guy up, or you could just let it go and decide that the most important person to listen to is yourself. When people make fun of others it's because they're jealous/insecure about themselves. He's either jealous of you, or he has a thing for you. Either way, it's only a reflection of himself.

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THanks, longdistancewinner.

I try to say that myself too (besides, I really doubt he has a crush on me...he has mobbed my friend really bad, and is aweful to everyone). But it's so hard to believe that!

Well, I guess I just have to ignore it somehow...

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THanks, longdistancewinner.

I try to say that myself too (besides, I really doubt he has a crush on me...he has mobbed my friend really bad, and is aweful to everyone). But it's so hard to believe that!

Well, I guess I just have to ignore it somehow...

No problem :)

You just have to remember that whatever they say doesn't reflect how you are. Only you know how good you are, so don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Besides, he sounds like he has a rotten attitude, so just let him be a dickhead. He'll realise it soon enough.

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Even the larger sizes of regular coffee are barely over $2. You hear about $4-$5 coffee there because that's how much those specialty drinks are. I get the dark roast too, much more flavor.

You're right, of course. I only said $4 'cause that's what I'm used to paying because I don't get plain coffee. But $2.00 is still pathetic compared to doing it at home.

Although I think the prices for the specialty drinks are actually generally worth-it because I am friends with a manager at a Starbucks near me and I've seen, and experienced, first-hand how much the flavors and such cost and what goes in to making them (I have actually done it myself... between the prices of the syrups, the prices on the machines, the prices of the cups and straws and such, the prices of different powders to put on the coffee, the whipped cream, the creamer, other such products that are used to make the coffee, the cost of labor, the cost of indirect materials and labor, etc, that $4-$5 price tag only makes them around a $0.10 profit on the specialty drinks alone... that $4 price tag per cup is about how much it costs to make that one specialty coffee drink, once you add in all the relevant costs).

The thing is you wouldn't go to an Italian restaurant, say, and order the most basic, mundane, cheese pizza you could find. You'd go for something a little different - a little more exotic - because you know you can't/don't have it at home. When I buy food/drink anywhere, I buy the kind of food - whether it's on the go or not - that I usually don't have at home. The same applies to coffee. If I'm shelling out money for a coffee it's got to be different to what I'd drink at home. This doesn't make anyone who has just plain coffee wrong, but I, personally, would kick myself for wasting money.

Exactly! Thank you!

I'm upset about myself. I let myself be so easily affected by, sorry, assholes. A friend has told me that a guy from orchestra has gossiped about me in their class, that I couldn't play the viola at all and stuff. And I feel totally bad and angry now, because I know he's not right (from time to time I have a bad day and don't hit all the notes, but most of the time I'm okay), and I still feel like it is true and I am worth nothing (music is my damn life!).

So now I'm so confused and angry, and I just HAVE to improve to perfection, only that this creep has nothing to gossip about anymore.

How pathetic is THAT?!?

There are two answers to this question.

1. Don't be so hard on yourself. I guarantee you you are better then you think you are right now.

2. What your feeling is not entirely a bad thing. I believe it is bad to be fully satisfied with your playing. Why? Because in an effort to be the best, you will constantly be challenging yourself, which means you will constantly be getting better.

As a guitarist, I will never be happy with my playing. I will always be forcing myself to go to new heights, challenging myself to be better. Because to the day I die (which, hopefully, won't be for a very long time... I at least want to meet my great-grandkids when they're old enough to remember me before I die) I will constantly be improving my playing. The goal I've set for myself I don't think is possible for a living human being, but I set it so I'd always be improving.

That is how you get better. So, instead of being depressed about it, use what you're feeling now to improve and get better. And if you do that, by challenging yourself, one day (maybe very soon if you put your mind to it) you'll play that Viola in such a way that will wow them all (but never let that adoration you worked for go to your head, either).

Just remember this: There are people who will think you suck, people who will think you're amazing, and people who will think you're too good, and should probably consider not playing for a while.

You have to be the person who says "I'm good, but I could be better" because no one else will ever think that about you. And always, always, always want constructive criticism. One piece of constructive criticism is better then a thousand pieces of praise. Why? Because constructive criticism tells you what you did wrong, and gives an idea of how to improve. And that is invaluable to everyone who has a talent. Knowing you can improve, and knowing you want to improve, is how you become the best.

Edited by Nathan
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Well it started out to be what made me happy today and quickly turned into a pet peeve :o

Parents that do everything they can to sabotage communications and visitations with the ex's and the children :(

The Outlaw's <_<

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I'm upset about myself. I let myself be so easily affected by, sorry, assholes. A friend has told me that a guy from orchestra has gossiped about me in their class, that I couldn't play the viola at all and stuff. And I feel totally bad and angry now, because I know he's not right (from time to time I have a bad day and don't hit all the notes, but most of the time I'm okay), and I still feel like it is true and I am worth nothing (music is my damn life!).

So now I'm so confused and angry, and I just HAVE to improve to perfection, only that this creep has nothing to gossip about anymore.

How pathetic is THAT?!?

Take heed of what Eleanor Roosevelt said:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

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A lot of things today.

1. I had a standardized test this morning to certify me in a second subject (for teaching). The test was at a college in a different town, a town I'm not very familiar with because I've never had the need to be too familiar with. Though I've been familiar with the area in the past, I haven't been out there in YEARS. So I print out the map to the university that the UNIVERSITY published.

What's wrong with this?


They told me to get off the wrong exit from the freeway, and not only that, the street names on the cross streets were wrong! I was driving around town, turning around, going back and forth, etc. It was ridiculous, because if they had JUST told me to get off at the correct exit, it would not have been an issue at all. As soon as I hit the road it was one, I knew where to go. The issue is that the directions to GET to the road were so wrong that I was driving around a SMALL town for about 20 minutes, lost!

2. People who don't remember ANYTHING that you have talked about. Seriously. I'm a little sick of repeating myself and saying, "I JUST TOLD YOU THAT!" about thirty times a day, while trying NOT to fly off the handle because it's not that hard to remember something like, "I'm going home after a beer with M____. " I keep getting replies like, "you didn't tell me that..."

Yeah, I fucking did. Like six times. :rolleyes:

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A lot of things today.

1. I had a standardized test this morning to certify me in a second subject (for teaching). The test was at a college in a different town, a town I'm not very familiar with because I've never had the need to be too familiar with. Though I've been familiar with the area in the past, I haven't been out there in YEARS. So I print out the map to the university that the UNIVERSITY published.

What's wrong with this?


They told me to get off the wrong exit from the freeway, and not only that, the street names on the cross streets were wrong! I was driving around town, turning around, going back and forth, etc. It was ridiculous, because if they had JUST told me to get off at the correct exit, it would not have been an issue at all. As soon as I hit the road it was one, I knew where to go. The issue is that the directions to GET to the road were so wrong that I was driving around a SMALL town for about 20 minutes, lost!

2. People who don't remember ANYTHING that you have talked about. Seriously. I'm a little sick of repeating myself and saying, "I JUST TOLD YOU THAT!" about thirty times a day, while trying NOT to fly off the handle because it's not that hard to remember something like, "I'm going home after a beer with M____. " I keep getting replies like, "you didn't tell me that..."

Yeah, I fucking did. Like six times. :rolleyes:

We've discussed this before Ms Mandy :P:D


TomTom Refurb

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A lot of things today.

1. I had a standardized test this morning to certify me in a second subject (for teaching). The test was at a college in a different town, a town I'm not very familiar with because I've never had the need to be too familiar with. Though I've been familiar with the area in the past, I haven't been out there in YEARS. So I print out the map to the university that the UNIVERSITY published.

What's wrong with this?


They told me to get off the wrong exit from the freeway, and not only that, the street names on the cross streets were wrong! I was driving around town, turning around, going back and forth, etc. It was ridiculous, because if they had JUST told me to get off at the correct exit, it would not have been an issue at all. As soon as I hit the road it was one, I knew where to go. The issue is that the directions to GET to the road were so wrong that I was driving around a SMALL town for about 20 minutes, lost!

2. People who don't remember ANYTHING that you have talked about. Seriously. I'm a little sick of repeating myself and saying, "I JUST TOLD YOU THAT!" about thirty times a day, while trying NOT to fly off the handle because it's not that hard to remember something like, "I'm going home after a beer with M____. " I keep getting replies like, "you didn't tell me that..."

Yeah, I fucking did. Like six times. :rolleyes:

I know you told me something about this, but I can't remember what . . . :huh:

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I'm upset about myself. I let myself be so easily affected by, sorry, assholes.

Good advice from longdistancewinner, and i especially liked what Nathan said. I think you should take his advice into consideration! You sound like a nice girl with a great future ahead of you, so my advice is believe in yourself! A quote i heard on an episode of one of my new favorite shows really struck me, "The most important relationship you have in your life is the relationship you have with yourself, because know matter what happens, you will always be with yourself"... Diane Von Furstenberg

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I'm upset about myself. I let myself be so easily affected by, sorry, assholes. A friend has told me that a guy from orchestra has gossiped about me in their class, that I couldn't play the viola at all and stuff. And I feel totally bad and angry now, because I know he's not right (from time to time I have a bad day and don't hit all the notes, but most of the time I'm okay), and I still feel like it is true and I am worth nothing (music is my damn life!).

So now I'm so confused and angry, and I just HAVE to improve to perfection, only that this creep has nothing to gossip about anymore.

How pathetic is THAT?!?

Sorry, just saw this - it's not pathetic at all but I wouldn't take the words of others as truth. My feeling is the person who is gossiping is probably jealous of your talents and feels the need to belittle you in order to make himself feel better. Working hard to improve is great but no one will achieve perfection and I would say do it for yourself, not to show this guy he's wrong. Just believe in your abilities - obviously you wouldn't be part of this group if you weren't a great player (which I bet you are). It's very difficult to not let what other people say dictate how we feel about ourselves but they can only do that if we let them. :console: Chin up!!!

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Our air conditioner is not working upstairs. Our downstairs unit runs just fine, but the other one is spitting out only "coolish" air, not cold.

Which sucks because while it's not humid outside, it's really warm and as you know, heat rises. So it's stifling upstairs, even with windows open, fans and ceiling fans on.


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Just wanted to thank you all for those nice words and great advices! longdistancewinner, nathan, Electrophile, ninelives...I appreciate it so much!

Today I practised for two hours, until I felt that I was better than before. And I decided that this guy can kiss my...um...heini (thanks, Mr. Zappa;- )

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Just wanted to thank you all for those nice words and great advices! longdistancewinner, nathan, Electrophile, ninelives...I appreciate it so much!

Today I practised for two hours, until I felt that I was better than before. And I decided that this guy can kiss my...um...heini (thanks, Mr. Zappa;- )

That's the spirit :cheer:

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Shedding <_<

Every year at this time I blow a gasket over dog hair. I have the sweetest dog, but the shedding is unbelievable (black lab mix). I brush her with one of those zigzaggy brushes and still sweep up a dustpan full. Ugh. And it doesn't seem to bother anyone but me <_<

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I was saddened to learn earlier today that my wife's sister's best friend passed away suddenly two days ago. Internal bleeding, had many many stomach problems and surgery. The damn hospital of all places had fired her earlier in the year for calling in sick often. I hope the bastards are happy now. It sucks. I am fed up with employers not caring for people. My wife just had a hysterectomy, and her uncaring boss's are giving her the run around. Wouldnt give her the week's vacation they had promised her. She has 2 weeks coming and has worked there for 9 yrs. She applied for the disability. They cant get by without her. She basically runs the place. I hope she never works another day there.

Yukon, I"m so sorry on both cases; that is so wrong :( It takes 6 weeks to recover from a hysterectomy; what's wrong with those people? I don't know what the FMLA rules are in a situation like that but shame on them :(

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