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Who didn't deserve to go?

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I'm gonna give you my own pick,Paris Hilton,that slut should never have gone,i can't stand that she went and i didn't,i'm also upset about Kate Moss going,and i heard Tyra Banks went there.And Marilyn Manson!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Yeah, it is very unfair. I think the same think watching the baseball World Series. And it's not only celebrities at the WS, you see people in the stands who look like they haven't been to a balllgame in decades.

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It certainly would have saved a lot of face with the original date being postponed. Your correct about the poor handling of this whole event. It stinks of greed and ego. If this is what we could expect from any proposed tour....God help us

To me, it was the stench of "personal agenda" in regards to the problem with touts.

That is a serious problem affecting the industry, but you don't hi-jack a one-off Led

Zeppelin concert to resolve, let alone even make that point.

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It's just the pitfalls of having predetermined historical events in a day and age of easy worldwide access. To many, just being able to say "I was there" is as important as the event itself. :rolleyes: But overall, $$$ and status has always been a easy in for anything under the sun.

If you are bitter about seeing celebs at an event you wish you were at.......either start saving or get famous somehow. Me?, I'm not losing a minute's sleep over it. I did enter the lottery, but if I had won, I would'nt have been able to make it anyway because of my work.

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I don't see what was unfair about the lottery, I had a better chance winning the lottery than getting through to buy a ticket before they were sold out, by the time I found out they were reuniting the website had crashed already, at least I was guaranteed, what, a week to register? and I was guaranteed a chance of winning. if it was first come, first serve, I would have been shit out of luck before I even knew they were going to play. what steams me is the celebrities who most likely didn't have to enter the lottery to get their tickets. how are they any different from us? at a regular concert they should have to buy a ticket from the box office, and at the O2 they should have had to enter the lottery. I don't give a shit who they are, unless they're good friends with Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham or Ahmet, they're no better than I am. I realize this is how the world works, but that doesn't make it ok, or me any less mad about it. I can deal with it, but it's still unfair.

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I don't see what was unfair about the lottery, I had a better chance winning the lottery than getting through to buy a ticket before they were sold out, by the time I found out they were reuniting the website had crashed already, at least I was guaranteed, what, a week to register? and I was guaranteed a chance of winning. if it was first come, first serve, I would have been shit out of luck before I even knew they were going to play. what steams me is the celebrities who most likely didn't have to enter the lottery to get their tickets. how are they any different from us? at a regular concert they should have to buy a ticket from the box office, and at the O2 they should have had to enter the lottery. I don't give a shit who they are, unless they're good friends with Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham or Ahmet, they're no better than I am. I realize this is how the world works, but that doesn't make it ok, or me any less mad about it. I can deal with it, but it's still unfair.

and as I noted earlier....you don't have to be friends with Page,Plant or Jones...you only need mgmt that knows someone in mgmt somehow indirectly involved. And futhermore, Page, Plant, and Jones are just as guilty when it comes to making a call and getting access wherever and whenever they please. In fact, they are on the very top of the celeb food chain along w/ Jagger and McCartney etc...

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And IMO....I still feel this whole event should have had tickets on sale in England only. If they do decide to tour, it would be a kick in the nuts to everyone who won the lottery and sold the family farm to cross oceans to go to this "one off" event...just to have them in their own backyard a yr later for a $150 ticket. They would probably do the same setlist anyhow....just tighter. ;)<_<

God yeah it would be a kick in the nuts to any Zeppelin fan to have them play in their back yard. And wow, to have seen Zeppelin twice in a year - what a fucking nightmare! They'd have every right to be mad!


Nothing at all personal to those who have suggested it, but I think the idea of a UK-only ticket sale for the O2 is ludicrous and would have caused absolute uproar - quite rightly. And I said so at the time it was first suggested, so I'm quite cleatly a proud piece of broccolli in this debate. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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None of you deserved to go because I didnt get a ticket........so there :P

My sentiments exaxctly~ <_<:rolleyes:

All in jest~really~ apart from the fact that I am more about the fact that I know who did deserve 2 go..ME 4 1~ :D

Tho I was not at the 02 physically speaking~I had out some of body experiences, that day and all of the night~I was there in every other way possible~not quite the same but I am still over the top that it happened and happy as hell some of us were there 2 represent~ B)

Edited by mladyria
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I think it's unfair that the first Zep gig in 27 years should be a rigged lottery,i can deal with it but how fair is it that people who are more famous could take the ticket from a bluecollar guy who won the lottery with no questions asked,they could come up in the middle of the street to the ticket office and take it and there would be no consequences at all.If you can buy a ticket to derail a lottery and force your way in without giving anyone else a fighting chance.

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The real truth we are seeing here is that life isn't fair to everyone at all times, and there isn't any way possible to overcome that fact. You can try as hard as you like, but no matter what you do, someone will be left out. If Zeppelin started playing every major city from now until they couldn't do it anymore and gave all the tickets away to the most deserving, the most loyal the most whatever category you choose, they still would not be able to please everyone or even get everyone in who wants to see them play. You just have to let these things go, enjoy the music and count yourself lucky you have access to it. You'll be so much happier then. :)

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I don't really think this is about pleasing everyone, it's about some people having a better chance of getting tickets to an event regulated by a lottery, which is supposed to provide equal chances to everyone. we know that not everyone in the world is going to be able to see any specific concert, we're not stupid. I'm sure the actual lottery was quite fair, what wasn't fair was that I had to enter the lottery in order to go to the O2, but most of the famous people there most likely just made a big donation. if I had called up the Ahmet organization and offered a $10,000 donation for a ticket, they'd probably laugh at me, saying sure, you can give a donation but it's not fair of us to give you a ticket. but I bet when one of those famous people called up to make a donation for a ticket they were more than willing to oblige. this was more than just a fundraising concert, this was something that many many ordinary people were looking forward to for a very long time, they could have at least made sure that everyone who got tickets had to go through the lottery system.

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I see what you're saying Zephyrus. You want things to be fair because so many ordinary people wanted to go and celebrities got to go who didn't enter the lottery, people bought tickets, etc. All I am saying is that no system will be fair to everyone, someone will always go that you didn't think deserved to, or someone will cheat the system or the method chosen to give out the tickets will not be fair to some. See what I mean? :)

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"The front section of the floor was a mix of a hollywood's who's who's entwined w/ a who's who in the music business....sprinkled w/ big name models and paprazzi hounds. I seriously doubt any of them entered any lottery. "

This is not true!!! I was up front on the barricade just right of center. Brian May, Marilyn Manson and mosst of the other celebrities were in the first level seating on the right side of the arena!! Myself and the other Zepaholics that had waited in line (some for two days) had better "seats" than most of the celebrities.

I'm also a little tired of hearing the whiners exclaim "I would have given ANYTHING to get a ticket". No you wouldn't! If you had, you would have been there!!! I'm not a celebrity, I don't have music exec connections and I wasn't lucky enough to win the lottery I entered. Instead I worked my ass off entering every Led Zep ticket contest there was, checking ticket broker sites and finally just watching eBay, Craigslist, Zep fan sites and The Gumtree postings for an available ticket. It took a lot of work and a little luck but through perseverance and some cash, I got a companion ticket from a guy in Ireland and for $1200 US was able to be front row almost center for the BEST SHOW ON EARTH!

From what I've seen, the O2 holds 23,000 fans. Each band member was given 100 tickets. 4 thousand tickets were held back for VIP's. That lkeft about 18,000 tickets for the "blue collar" fans. Realistically, since each fan could purchase two tickets, that means 9,000 names were drawn from the over 1 million entries!!

So please stop whining and give yourself a swift kick in the arse for NOT trying hard enough or taking a chance to score a ticket!!!

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This thread is nothing more than petty whining. Paris Hilton was there and you weren't. Get over it. I wasn't there either and you don't see me getting all huffy that celebrities were there too. It was a concert, a concert that within 5 hours of ending, was all over the internet so that those who weren't there, could see it anyway. So rather than crying about how you didn't get to go, be thankful we live in an age where bootlegged concerts can be viewed by the mass populace a hell of a lot faster than 30 years ago.

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Sorry, but unless they do a concert where, as Ev said, everyone has to pass a Zep test, this is the way it is. Concerts, sporting events, plays, or whatever aren't for only the "best" fans, there's no way to determine who "deserves" to be there and only let them in. Admittance isn't based on merit. Super Bowl tickets were going for up to $10,000. Should the Super Bowl be limited each year to only the best fans of the 2 teams playing? Neat idea, but in reality it winds up being rich people, VIP's, people with connections, corporate types, and hangers-on. Whether it's the Super Bowl, or the first Zep concert in 20+ years, some events are exclusive and hard to get into, and most "average" fans are going to be left in the cold. That's the way it works.

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It's a concert. If Paris Hilton got a liver transplant over you, and you needed it far more than she did, you'd have a point. That is a case of someone getting preferential treatment in a life or death situation for no other reason than the fact they are famous. You would be right to be pissed.

But a concert? Boo-hoo, wah wah, sob sniffle sob. You got to see videos and hear audio from the show, right? So it's not like you will be forever unable to experience the show, right? Okay then.

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Just because it's the way the world works doesn't make it fair,as a rule,the world isn't fair,i can live with it,but that doesn't mean i have to like it.

OK, but what's the alternative? Entry should be based on who is the biggest fan, in descending order? So the 18,000 biggest fans get to be there, based soley on merit? How would that work?

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Just because it's the way the world works doesn't make it fair,as a rule,the world isn't fair,i can live with it,but that doesn't mean i have to like it.

Unfortunately sometimes life isn't fair. So if Paris Hilton and other celebs that some claim aren't "real" fans didn't get tickets, that still would leave millions of fans without a ticket. I dunno - it just seems a bit pointless to keep harping on something that is a no win situation and a done deal. I'm happy they did the show at all because it's been 27 years since their last full show. Yeah I wish I was there but I wasn't and I'm happy some of my mates were and that's it. It was a great moment in musicaly history - they played their asses off as Zep does but for me, it's ever onward and I'm looking forward to Robert and Alison's tour.

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"The front section of the floor was a mix of a hollywood's who's who's entwined w/ a who's who in the music business....sprinkled w/ big name models and paprazzi hounds. I seriously doubt any of them entered any lottery. "

This is not true!!! I was up front on the barricade just right of center. Brian May, Marilyn Manson and mosst of the other celebrities were in the first level seating on the right side of the arena!! Myself and the other Zepaholics that had waited in line (some for two days) had better "seats" than most of the celebrities.

I'm also a little tired of hearing the whiners exclaim "I would have given ANYTHING to get a ticket". No you wouldn't! If you had, you would have been there!!! I'm not a celebrity, I don't have music exec connections and I wasn't lucky enough to win the lottery I entered. Instead I worked my ass off entering every Led Zep ticket contest there was, checking ticket broker sites and finally just watching eBay, Craigslist, Zep fan sites and The Gumtree postings for an available ticket. It took a lot of work and a little luck but through perseverance and some cash, I got a companion ticket from a guy in Ireland and for $1200 US was able to be front row almost center for the BEST SHOW ON EARTH!

From what I've seen, the O2 holds 23,000 fans. Each band member was given 100 tickets. 4 thousand tickets were held back for VIP's. That lkeft about 18,000 tickets for the "blue collar" fans. Realistically, since each fan could purchase two tickets, that means 9,000 names were drawn from the over 1 million entries!!

So please stop whining and give yourself a swift kick in the arse for NOT trying hard enough or taking a chance to score a ticket!!!

Amen!! :-)

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