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I know people would say a 15 year old doesn't have anything to worry about.

I think I'm going through depression and I've lost 11 pounds.My mom thinks it's because I joined the throw ball team but she doesn't know that I'm a substitute and never really play.She also doesn't know I've lost 11 whole pounds.I'm losing interest in everything and I rarely come here to post.I feel like crying all the time.I never feel like staying at home in the evenings because the dim lighting in my house depresses me.It's been a while since I laughed hard or listened to Zep.

I'm not saying this because I want attention or sympathy or anything, it's really true.

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I know people would say a 15 year old doesn't have anything to worry about.

I think I'm going through depression and I've lost 11 pounds.My mom thinks it's because I joined the throw ball team but she doesn't know that I'm a substitute and never really play.She also doesn't know I've lost 11 whole pounds.I'm losing interest in everything and I rarely come here to post.I feel like crying all the time.I never feel like staying at home in the evenings because the dim lighting in my house depresses me.It's been a while since I laughed hard or listened to Zep.

I'm not saying this because I want attention or sympathy or anything, it's really true.

Sorry I don't really know you but can I just say I think teenagers today have far more pressure put on them to succeed than I or my peers ever did. Its a completely different world we live in compared to even just 10 years ago and it moves at a million miles an hour. You guys just don't seem to have the time to be just kids anymore which is a shame, exams more exams, sort ur career out etc etc....it must be a hell of alot to process for such a young mind. So please don't ever apologise for the way ur feeling just because your young. I'm no expert but I wouldn't mind betting a fair few of your friends may be feeling the same way but you should tell someone u can trust about how ur feeling if u can. A problem shared is a problem halfed as they say.

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I know people would say a 15 year old doesn't have anything to worry about.

I think I'm going through depression and I've lost 11 pounds.My mom thinks it's because I joined the throw ball team but she doesn't know that I'm a substitute and never really play.She also doesn't know I've lost 11 whole pounds.I'm losing interest in everything and I rarely come here to post.I feel like crying all the time.I never feel like staying at home in the evenings because the dim lighting in my house depresses me.It's been a while since I laughed hard or listened to Zep.

I'm not saying this because I want attention or sympathy or anything, it's really true.

Hey Minelle!I got it when i was 11,that's 4 years younger so i know what you mean,you do feel like crying,you stop doing stuff,BUT,ever onward!I got out by just doing it,whether or not you want to you have to keep active,if you don't it'll just fall completely into it.I see your parents have no idea,well if you do cover up make sure you have a lot of excuses,like joining the throw-ball team,i covered up because i was afraid and i suffered from accute self hate.Repression is not a good thing but equally how would you feel if your child had been depressed for so long and you had done nothing about it?If you love your mom,then don't come out with it,if you hate your mom,don't come out with it either.I strongly go against telling family as you either can't trust them or don't want to drag them down,i felt guilty about being born so i wasn't going to come up and say "I've been depressed for almost a year,yep i,your greedy arsehole of a son."But if you have any good,trustworthy friends (Which i didn't) then tell them,you'll just worry family members and they won't really be able to help that much but get a good friend and come out,you'll feel better,but that's a big step.Really the best thing to do is get on with your life and do more stuff,play music,art,sports etc.. You won't want to but you'll make more friends garunteed and that'll get you further into it,you'll be happier and you'll pull through,we'll be here for you.

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hello Minelle, i don't totally agree with the bomber, because i have suffered from depression and i'am on anti depression pills still. i know two teenagers both 15 one is my nephew both boys and told thier parents and it helped them because alot of parent can steer you the right way and help you . just talking about it will help sometimes parent act in different ways is because they want to take the pain away for you but don't always know how to go about it. they have help lines also for teens reach out.... i can't stess that enough, don't close your self off. i have a son 16 who has tourrette syndrome and obsesive compulsive disorder , and he is off meds now and you would'nt know that he use to have it pretty severe. so there is always light at the end of the tunnel. you will find that a lot of teens have had the same fillings. hang in there!!!!!

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hello Minelle, i don't totally agree with the bomber, because i have suffered from depression and i'am on anti depression pills still. i know two teenagers both 15 one is my nephew both boys and told thier parents and it helped them because alot of parent can steer you the right way and help you . just talking about it will help sometimes parent act in different ways is because they want to take the pain away for you but don't always know how to go about it. they have help lines also for teens reach out.... i can't stess that enough, don't close your self off. i have a son 16 who has tourrette syndrome and obsesive compulsive disorder , and he is off meds now and you would'nt know that he use to have it pretty severe. so there is always light at the end of the tunnel. you will find that a lot of teens have had the same fillings. hang in there!!!!!

Sorry,that was just my personal experience,what i meant is it can be hard,but you told us minelle,good start.All i know is that i wasn't even a teen so i thought my opinion would be ignored,you can share with us if you want minelle,we've been there,teenage years are hard but i still stand by my "Get on with your life" policy,you need to do stuff to stop it getting worse,it will be hard to tell a friend or family member you know and love that your depressed and i still say you should consider it strongly in your head first,then do it.I felt guilty that i was depressed so i stayed all shut up about it,i felt better when i posted my story here,it's a great psychological rock and when you've become open about it here you'll be able to reach out to people you know in person,i told no one about it,and felt worse for it.But the biggest part of my depression was my self-hate,so i was trapping myself in.I agree with Gina,don't close yourself off.

Also i noticed your from Pakistan,really?Cool!Is Zep big there?They have a good deal of popularity in Ireland,but no airplay,we don't have classic rock stations in Ireland so i don't understand people saying that these monstrous classic rock stations overplay STH.Just talk with our friends,be sociable and you'll get through it.

Gina:Sorry to hear about your depression,hope you can get off the meds soon.

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Thanks, guys so much. :)

I don't know if I can discuss it with my parents.I'm not very close with either of them and they would probably tell me to be more like my brother or concentrate on school more to forget about this nonsense. :lol:

I definitely have good friends but I've never talked to em about this.I mean, they're never depressed or anything.I don't think they could relate.It's great that I can talk to people here who are going through basically the same thing and I'm glad I decided to post all this here.I think I'm gonna come here more often now :D Anyway, I guess I feel better.

The Bomber, thankyou so much!! I loved reading what you wrote and you seriously made me feel soooo much more relaxed.

Gina, fenix, VG, It makes me happy to know you care.

Also i noticed your from Pakistan,really?Cool!Is Zep big there?They have a good deal of popularity in Ireland,but no airplay,we don't have classic rock stations in Ireland so i don't understand people saying that these monstrous classic rock stations overplay STH.Just talk with our friends,be sociable and you'll get through it.

Gina:Sorry to hear about your depression,hope you can get off the meds soon.

Yeah, they are.Most of my friends absolutely love Zep and any type of classic rock.

There's a local radio station that plays classic rock for 2 hours every Friday night including lots of Led Zeppelin.I think I'm gonna tune in tonight!

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Nice to see your pulling out! :thumbsup:

I think that it can be hard to tell anyone,you were probably right to say here,it's easier to talk to people you don't know in person,or anyone who's not attached to the situation because they won't judge you,i know from experience that it's best to just keep going,it's sooo much easier to get out if you stay active and with your friends,even if you don't feel like it,'cause you'll get over it eventually and that's the best way.

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We're luckier than some though because I bet quite a lot of us on this board would agree that we have access to one magic wand that makes things feel better....



Amen! B)

I was diagnosed with clinical depression in my 30s. Of everything that helped me through that dark time there were three things that were most helpful. One was my honey standing by my side, can't say enough about that. One was my therapist, as well as the drugs she got me on. You can't help your brain chemistry, if that's part of it, and traumas and set backs can affect it. The important thing to know is, all the talk in the world won't change it if there's a chemical imbalance, at least not fast enough. (As was once said to me, would you refuse to take insulin if you were diabetic?)

But also very important was what Merkin said: exercise. My therapist, brilliant woman that she was, got me off cigarettes and into a swimming pool and that was 50% of getting me back into life - no exaggeration. I sputtered like a drowning terrier the first time I tried to get from one side of the pool to the other, but it got better quickly. The endorphins, the oxygen, just the act of willfully moving your self around, are like magic. After awhile it was like, "stand back, get out of my way, I'm going to the pool, and you can't stop me!" Pretty soon, I had to quit smoking (which was just a form of self-medication, anyway) so I could be a better swimmer!

Merkin's idea of walking dogs is wonderful, dogs are so loving and positive it's life-enhancing just being around them. Silly too-busy rich people will actually pay you to do it, too! It's a strange world we live in... :D

One last idea - yoga is great for chronic conditions that Western medicine does not understand how to fix, and it's free. The meditation and self-control aspects are tailor made to help with depression, or even just feelin' blue...

Edited by SunChild
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Sorry,that was just my personal experience,what i meant is it can be hard,but you told us minelle,good start.All i know is that i wasn't even a teen so i thought my opinion would be ignored,you can share with us if you want minelle,we've been there,teenage years are hard but i still stand by my "Get on with your life" policy,you need to do stuff to stop it getting worse,it will be hard to tell a friend or family member you know and love that your depressed and i still say you should consider it strongly in your head first,then do it.I felt guilty that i was depressed so i stayed all shut up about it,i felt better when i posted my story here,it's a great psychological rock and when you've become open about it here you'll be able to reach out to people you know in person,i told no one about it,and felt worse for it.But the biggest part of my depression was my self-hate,so i was trapping myself in.I agree with Gina,don't close yourself off.

Also i noticed your from Pakistan,really?Cool!Is Zep big there?They have a good deal of popularity in Ireland,but no airplay,we don't have classic rock stations in Ireland so i don't understand people saying that these monstrous classic rock stations overplay STH.Just talk with our friends,be sociable and you'll get through it.

Gina:Sorry to hear about your depression,hope you can get off the meds soon.

thanks bomber for understanding and for the care, everyone goes through it their own way, i wish i did not have to take meds but they say iam chemicaly unballanced, and it does help

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thanks bomber for understanding and for the care, everyone goes through it their own way, i wish i did not have to take meds but they say iam chemicaly unballanced, and it does help

Okey Dokey then,it's hard and the meds sometimes have side effects (Don't think about this too much or it might be some sort of reverse-placebo) but if you need them then you take them,whenever i feel upset i listen to "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong,it just has this feeling to it.Being chemically unbalanced must be hard,but if you have friends you should get through it without being too depressed to keep going,it's good that your open because it's (I assume) nearly impossible to get through it alone like that.


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thanks bomber for understanding and for the care, everyone goes through it their own way, i wish i did not have to take meds but they say iam chemicaly unballanced, and it does help

Talk to your doctor about how you feel on the meds. Dosages and even brands can be altered or changed. Most meds take a while to kick in but I can tell you, it can also be a bit of a hit and miss experience. Share how you feel with your doc and demand that they pay attention to you. Meds don't alway's have to be taken forever and they are pointless unless you start to feel better. As I've said it can take a few tries to find the correct one. :)

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For any young ones out there that's going trough this or even thinks they are.... Tell a/or both of your parents. So much can be done to help and meds are not alway's needed. If you really feel that you can't talk to either, Tell the person closest to you. I'm glad my son talked to me

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I was kinda hoping other depressed bastards would comiserate with me! :lol:

I suffer from severe depression. Often, life seems so empty for me. I could be in the best place on the planet, with the best company ever...but I could be miserable. It is a disease with me. I inherited it off of my dad. I think though that I handle it well, I mask it with humour and so many many people are so suprised when I tell them that I suffer from it so much. I don't want to depress others with my mood and so that is why I hide it I guess. So I totally empathise with you on this one Ev. Hope things pan out for you. :thumbsup:

Edited by redeyedrichard
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It takes a long long time before you even start to realise that maybe after all these years you've actually had depression. But you get so used to living with it, and handling the bleak times, that when people start suggesting medication, I think to myself, I'd rather feel something than nothing at all. I don't want to be an emotional robot. At least with the depression I'm feeling something

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It takes a long long time before you even start to realise that maybe after all these years you've actually had depression. But you get so used to living with it, and handling the bleak times, that when people start suggesting medication, I think to myself, I'd rather feel something than nothing at all. I don't want to be an emotional robot. At least with the depression I'm feeling something

That's understandable Gainsbarre but most antidepressants aren't designed to take away feeling anything. They balance things out so the lows aren't so low. You'll still be sad and happy and angry and any other emotion. It will just make coping with them less difficult. And if you do have that reaction, talk to your doctor and have them switch to something that will work better. There's a huge amount of choice nowadays.

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When i suffer i get it bad,real bad.But ReR is right,don't bring others down,keep getting on with life,keep active etc... But if you still don't feel better as you say Rich,talk to someone.I never knew real depression until my Granddad was diagnosed with prostate cancer,that basically crushed my soul,i didn't know what to do,he was alright at first,then he got a stomach pain,he coped with it well,but it turned out it was the cancer and then he was put on these damn meds that almost killed him,he got a little better over time,but he couldn't walk and needed a wheelchair,he had trouble walking and a long walk became 400 steps,it broke my heart to see him like that,i get depressed a bit,but i just keep going,my release comes through the guitar and piano,when my granddad got cancer,i wrote my first song,i use my emotions to compose,it cheers me up to play,other people use other methods,thats what does it for me though.

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