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No Fun


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Well, at this time last Saturday I was in the emergency room with a serious case of 'Atrial Fibrillation'. It came on right after I woke up and an hour later I was hooked up to more wires than a Grateful Dead sound check board. :D It was damned scary and I really thought I was going to die. There was no pain or anything but my heart was beating at 170 beats per minute and flip flopping all over the place. :o NO FUN!!! I was there for 6 hours until I was fairly stabilized and before releasing me they gave me a capsule of medicine and by the time I got home my heart was at a normal beat. I've had one minor episode since but now it feels pretty good and I feel good too. So I got an EKG and next week I go in for an echocardiogram. My electrolytes were pretty low plus they have me on potassium and some other stuff that keeps my heart rhythm steady. The doc was trying to explain it to me how the one part of the heart is miscommunicating and that causes the weird beat. It was sort of like a twitch and after a while it really got irritating. But I think the worst part of the whole ordeal was having to go pee in the bottle and also right down the hall they had a little girl and I don't know what they were doing to her but she was screaming and crying and this really got to me and I myself broke down crying for her because I felt so sorry for her. :( It was awful to hear. Hospitals are definitely NO FUN!!

But I guess this shows our mortality as we get along in years. On a positive note though I am back at my guitar and the doc made me give up coffee (anything with caffeine) because he said that is a major contributor to the fibrillation. So now I have to go to decaf or just give it up entirely. I'm sure sleeping a lot better without the caffeine so I guess that's a benefit. :D But I feel good now and that's what counts. Not really looking for sympathy but I just wanted to let you guys know. Thanks for listening.

PS-With the new board I guess I lost all of my biography? Damn!!

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Oh god, Redrum. I'm glad to hear that you're okay.

That must have been quite scary.

On a lighter note:

you can access the board to get your biography thread off. It will take a while, but it's worth the effort, isn't it? I'm sure it means quite a bit to you.


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Glad you are doing better Red. My father in-law had a similar thing happen last year after having the flu. Turned out he was a bit deyhrated and his electrolites were too low. After they got that in order he turned out too be fine and his 'ticker' has been operating good ever since.

Hope your thing turns out to be okay too buddy.


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"A no fun.. my babe... no fun.... no fun to hang around... freak out...... for another.. day"

I thought of the same thing :lol:

Sorry to hear that, Redrum. I'm glad you're alright now though :). I was just thinking the same thing about your biography thread, but like Mandy said you can get it back :)

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Thank you all for the kind words. :) I'm feeling pretty good now and am even riding my bike around town, weather permitting. I go in on Weds. for the echocardiogram and hopefully nothing else is out of whack. I'll let you all know. Hell, I want to live to 100!! :D But I feel great right now and am sleeping very well since giving up the caffeine. :D

If some of you also have the symptons, a simple blood test will show a lot.

Thanks again all.



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Glad to hear you're ok Red. I read your bio (or at least part of it) once on the old board and it was interesting just to hear how things were "back then". What kind of bike do you have (motorcycle i'm assuming?) I have a 2000 Buell Blast.

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Glad to hear you're ok Red. I read your bio (or at least part of it) once on the old board and it was interesting just to hear how things were "back then". What kind of bike do you have (motorcycle i'm assuming?) I have a 2000 Buell Blast.

I'm going to try to pick up on my bio where I left off (the beginning of the 70's) :D

I don't ride anymore but I had an old Sportster, Shovelhead and the failed Super-Vee. I just couldn't afford them anymore. :(

These days it's all about pedaling and today I'm riding an older Raleigh made in jolly old England. :D

I need the exercise.

Buells are hot!!


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Its good you're taking care of this now. Just listen to whatever your doctors tell you. A-Fib can be quite serious, especially as we age (I'm NOT calling you old :lol: ) It's not teribly uncommon for A-Fib to lead to stroke if left untreated. Good to hear you're taking the right steps.

Yes, I don't ever want to go through that again. :unsure:

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Yes, I don't ever want to go through that again. :unsure:

Oh Red! Thanks heavens you're okay!

Those heart problems can come from seemingly out of nowhere and get real serious real fast. My 38-year-old perfect-health brother had a heart attack a couple months ago. Luckily he was about two blocks away from a hospital, so he just drove himself to the ER. He said the walk from the parking lot to the ER was the longest walk he ever took in his life. It's genetic. My dad had a quintuple bypass, and he's a marathon runner! Anyway my bro is OK now, but he's also had to make some difficult changes in his lifestyle. Getting off caffeine is hard for about a week, then you realize how much it was fucking you up. I used to be seriously addicted to caffeine. I tapered off it to avoid the mother of all headaches. I noticed an almost immediate improvement in memory function and decrease in mental fogginess.

I'm really glad I got off it.

It seems like you're doing all the right things. Getting plenty of exercise by biking! And chasing cats around!

Edited by tangerinedream
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