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Jimmy's 2 new interviews from Japan


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After watching both clips it seems that Jimmy has become more confident when talking to the press and in general. Its good to see that he has become more assured when speaking.


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I don't mean to go off-topic or nuffink but did anyone else notice the professional quality of the O2 footage shown? There were quick cuts between band close-ups + audience reaction shots. And it makes me wonder...

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Best Freudian slip ever! :lol:

I won't give it away, but if you watched the first one, you'll know what I mean (it's in the last minute).

I don't think one can really take that literally, but I sure as hell burst out laughing when I watched it last night. Naughty Jimmy... :rolleyes:

Oh, and I def. noticed the O2 footage. Hope we get to see more!

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I don't mean to go off-topic or nuffink but did anyone else notice the professional quality of the O2 footage shown? There were quick cuts between band close-ups + audience reaction shots. And it makes me wonder...

I noticed it.....lookin good! :D

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Best Freudian slip ever! :lol:

I won't give it away, but if you watched the first one, you'll know what I mean (it's in the last minute).

OH gee, I get it-Robert can`t "DO" LED ZEPPELIN ? till September cause....(hint I do not think Jimmy was implicating anything other then music). ..................Robert Plant,ONE show,BBC,25/2/08 the interview with 1:11 mins. ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PVKL12i3jm&feature=related {32 SECONDS AND ON YOU`LL GET it} while your at youtube ,watch Alisons Video with that other Englishman John Waite......Missing You

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anyone else get the distinct impression that jimmy wants to ring roberts neck??? It sounded like the other 3 were truly (as rumored) ready to go and tour..and robert had put everything off. If it was out of respect for his tour with Krauss, I totally respect that...but it sounded like he may be just being coy and keeping his options open with the others as well...Jimmy looked pretty steamed to me.....

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anyone else get the distinct impression that jimmy wants to ring roberts neck??? It sounded like the other 3 were truly (as rumored) ready to go and tour..and robert had put everything off. If it was out of respect for his tour with Krauss, I totally respect that...but it sounded like he may be just being coy and keeping his options open with the others as well...Jimmy looked pretty steamed to me.....

I'll help him :lol:

Great videos btw!

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I like the 1st interviewer...he was much more switched on than some of the others who seem pretty clueless.

Jimmy continues to leave open the very real possibility that there will be more Led Zeppelin, and all he is saying is that it cant possibly happen before Robert stops doing Alison Krauss (haha). That doesn't mean that he's upset with Robert - Robert had plans before the O2 thing happened, and he is a pro and not going to just leave a fellow musician in the lurch after making a commitment.

Jimmy wants to do it, that is clear. And that's a very good thing. If he didn't there would be no hope.

Someone asked about the quality of the footage in the 2nd clip. This is the pro-shot footage from the O2, which was released to the media only a few hours after the show finished. They only released Black Dog. It looks amazing and we all wait with baited breath for the rest to be released!

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I found it interesting that Jimmy mentions that there was a possibility of creating new music until he broke his finger.

It would be very, very cool if they created an album entirely of new stuff.

...until September then. B)

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Ok, I watched that first one again and it reminded me of this mind game my friends and I would play with each other when we were kind of lit, back in the day. You'd be sitting next to someone, then you'd lean forward toward them... well, they'd lean toward you. Then you'd lean back... and they'd lean back. Then you'd lean forward, and so on until either the instigator could no longer keep a straight face or your target got wise. Heck, you could get a couch full of people to all sit a certain way sometimes (god we were weird in the 70s).

Anyway, that interviewer was SO playing that game in that interview. He stayed leaning in towards Jimmy and got him to also lean in and talk. By the end, Jimmy sat back, but still with very open body language. Got to hand it to the interviwer, he got Jimmy to say some interesting stuff, didn't he?

Nice to see someone who knows their job, instead of a gushing teenager. (And no wonder people don't like to do press.)

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Best Freudian slip ever! :lol:

I won't give it away, but if you watched the first one, you'll know what I mean (it's in the last minute).

Oh boy , this must be why tbone or the rest of raising sands band can`t " Do" any other project now either, marmorek are you 12 ? edit to add :this interview was in Japan , Jimmy Page was speaking in a way that he could best be understood , by the end of the questions he was being brief about why there has not yet been anymore Led Zeppelin activity.

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