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Ted Nugent On Meeting Pagey.....Why I hate Ted

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<_< its like a mosquito criticising a blue whale. <_<

Nugent - have a listen to yourself, take a long hard look in the mirror, and with any luck you will see why YOU will never be spoken about, thought of , or remembered in a tiny fraction of the awe which is associated with the ONE AND ONLY Jimmy Page.

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it sounds like he is making fun of Page's drug use in the 80s more so than he is making fun of Page himself, let alone Page's playing. From what I've heard about Page, his description might not be too far off! But he didnt need to attack the guy and take it that far. Jealousy does play a role here.

Nugent will bad mouth any rock and roller who took drugs and he loves to brag about the fact that he was always sober. Who really cares about him though, the guy has like one or two (at most) memorable licks he's ever played compated to Page's thousands.

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I can tell you Ted has always maintained he never used drugs. Having worked for him in the past, I do believe him. I can also add he's never held Jimmy Page in high regard.

We all have some type of vice in life. Ted likes to pork hot young chicks. A lot. It's not a bad hobby. :D

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it sounds like he is making fun of Page's drug use in the 80s

well, in some way,i know that drugs are bad and all, but in some way you can't have a go at page because weren't those the times when everyone was into drugs............or am i a complete idot and don't know the time line to life.

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Ted Nugent played at my town summer festival. It's only a town of 12,000, but its one of the bigger festival in the Chicago land. He put on a great show, but only because he's Ted Nugent. He played really well, but it was his "plantations" that made it a great show.

Not many people from that era holds either page or zep in high regard. Ted does like the little girls a bit too much, but it's not something that jimmy couldn't be accused of with Lori Maddox.

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Ted Nugent is an Aries, and Jimmy Page is a Capricorn; Aries and Capricorn frequently act as obstacles to one another. Jimmy is better off with the Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo natives; he's an earth sign kind of guy.

On the other hand, the Real Don Steele was an Aries, and he always had nice things to say about the British Invasion. I don't remember him saying anything mean about the Yardbirds or Jimmy Page.

Edited by eternal light
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I can tell you Ted has always maintained he never used drugs. Having worked for him in the past, I do believe him. I can also add he's never held Jimmy Page in high regard.

He once said " I can't believe that smoking, drugs or alcohol are more powerful than p*ssy" in a conversation where he was explaining why he never drank or took drugs.

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I'm not really that pissed off because that's probably pretty accurate about how Page was in the 70s and 80s. Even in the 90s he was still pretty bad at times.

And Nugent has ever done drugs. So yeah he's never been high.

Also it seems like this is in a different context. It's about a minute and a half of an interview that may have been making fun of rocker's drug uses or something. Nugent seemed to respect Zeppelin's music from what little I saw of the Rock Band thing he did on VH1.

Edited by NickZepp
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Jimmy Page is cooler falling over with boogers coming out of his nose than the Nuge will ever be on his best day.

Well it's obvious to me you never been in a duck blind with Ted. Ted is a pretty cool cat, probably more personal, but i think he does put on a small act. Jimmy is just smart, funny guy, but a bad jimmy is still a bad jimmy.

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I'm not really that pissed off because that's probably pretty accurate about how Page was in the 70s and 80s. Even in the 90s he was still pretty bad at times.

And Nugent has ever done drugs. So yeah he's never been high.

Also it seems like this is in a different context. It's about a minute and a half of an interview that may have been making fun of rocker's drug uses or something. Nugent seemed to respect Zeppelin's music from what little I saw of the Rock Band thing he did on VH1.

I saw that- are you talking about the supergroup with Jason? As I recall someone in that group was complaining that what they were working on sounded too Zeppelin-y. I don't remember who it was, but I about fell over.

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I saw that- are you talking about the supergroup with Jason? As I recall someone in that group was complaining that what they were working on sounded too Zeppelin-y. I don't remember who it was, but I about fell over.

I think that was the bassist/porn guy that was in some metal/rap group.

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He once said " I can't believe that smoking, drugs or alcohol are more powerful than p*ssy" in a conversation where he was explaining why he never drank or took drugs.

I'm glad Don Steele didn't talk like that; he was nice, and he nearly always had an attractive young woman by his side, however ditzy she might have been. I remember a cool-looking one with long, black hair who was probably a model, plus she wore really hot make-up and hip clothes, and she smiled a lot and looked really happy.

Edited by eternal light
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That that there is quote of the day. :)

Thanks! Seriously, Ted can be funny, but he doesn't have the ultimate-cool-rock-star vibe that Pagey has in spades. How many people do? Ted ain't sexy, Pagey is.

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