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Ted Nugent On Meeting Pagey.....Why I hate Ted

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Ted Nugent had 3 "good" songs at best. You gotta give him credit for milking his career for so long with so little talent or accomplishment. With so very little relevant output in his career, it's amazing people actually care about what he has to say or ever remember him, for that matter. The only way he can get people to listen to him is if he talks shit about everybody else.

Are you counting StrangleHold Twice?

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Cat Scratch Fever


Free For All

At one point, when he's describing how he gave a Crawford vandal so frightening a telling-off that the teenager had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, he is shouting inches from my face, reliving the scene. The experience is alarming.

"I'm feeling sorry for that kid," I tell him.

"That's your Limey coming out in you." Nugent is trembling with fury at the memory of the confrontation. "I think I'm going to have an aneurysm."


:blink:I guess I know who's in charge in that tranquil community.

Edited by eternal light
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I'm very happy how well Page looks now, but I lost alot of respect for him after finding about his drug habits. I know JPJ did it also, but i look up to him now. I still have enormous respect for Page.

Well, if you consider that the entertainment industry(music being part of that) is SATURATED with alcohol and drug use, i might suggest that you have lost respect for about 75% of the industry as a whole.

That doesn't leave much to choose from.

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Well, if you consider that the entertainment industry(music being part of that) is SATURATED with alcohol and drug use, i might suggest that you have lost respect for about 75% of the industry as a whole.

That doesn't leave much to choose from.

Not just in showbiz, either. Shit, I don't know anybody who isn't addicted to something. I'd be rich if I had a dime for all the upstanding suburban citizens I've known who were drunks or druggies at some point.

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Not just in showbiz, either. Shit, I don't know anybody who isn't addicted to something. I'd be rich if I had a dime for all the upstanding suburban citizens I've known who were drunks or druggies at some point.

Bingo. People like Jimmy, or your M.D., or Joe the Bus driver just need to escape the cerebral prisons we all find ourselves in at times. The key is to know and understand when it's time to revisit reality....and face it. Some don't know when to come back and it's those people who need assistance, not ridicule and humiliation.

Isn't that right Ted?????

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Bingo. People like Jimmy, or your M.D., or Joe the Bus driver just need to escape the cerebral prisons we all find ourselves in at times. The key is to know and understand when it's time to revisit reality....and face it. Some don't know when to come back and it's those people who need assistance, not ridicule and humiliation.

Isn't that right Ted?????

YEAH :) exactly.

Ted, go over there and hug Pagey now....

Okay, that would never happen :lol:

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Ted eats what he kills. So anything about him killing animals is childish.

Why is it 'childish'? Nugent doesn't live in a cabin out in the wilderness hundreds of miles from civilisation and shops with no money to spend on food. He tries to come over all moralistic............but he enjoys killing animals for fun. He doesn't hunt because he needs to. He hunts because he gets his kicks from it. That is sad and pathetic.

Edited by Mangani
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And people that don't like Ted because he hunt's can KISS MY FUCKIN' ASS !!!

I don't dislike him because he hunts. I dislike him because he hunts.............then preaches about other people as if he has the moral high ground when in fact he is a pathetic bell end who should grow up and stop thinking he's Tarzan Lord of The Jungle, creeping around with a bow. :rolleyes:

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That is a really funny clip, and very typical of Nugent. I believe the first time I read an article about Ted Nugent was way back in the early 70's, and Ted was talking about how he used to spit chewed up Oreo Cookies in those books the Hare Krishners used to try to sell you at the airports. From that point on I always thought the guy was great. Back when there were so many liberal drugged out nut jobs in Rock and Roll, Ted was always there to give a different point of view.

Besides, just as Ted pointed out, who doesn't think Jimmy Page has a limp hand shake anyway? I just think Nugent was pointing out the obvious wierdness that he saw in the man at the time. A guy who was messed up on drugs and barely able to function.

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I never said he wasn't a dick, but people are attacking him unfairly.

He is an asshole, it's the reason i like him.

Okay. I like JP because he isn't.

:D Right on.

Page's music does the talking... Ted just blathers on.

Why is it 'childish'? Nugent doesn't live in a cabin out in the wilderness hundreds of miles from civilisation and shops with no money to spend on food. He tries to come over all moralistic............but he enjoys killing animals for fun. He doesn't hunt because he needs to. He hunts because he gets his kicks from it. That is sad and pathetic.

Nice post.

Nugent doesn't see the dark side in his own behavior. If he can bag on musicians for abusing drugs, we can bag on him for boringly inflating his penis ego with a gun.

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Why is it 'childish'? Nugent doesn't live in a cabin out in the wilderness hundreds of miles from civilization and shops with no money to spend on food. He tries to come over all moralistic............but he enjoys killing animals for fun. He doesn't hunt because he needs to. He hunts because he gets his kicks from it. That is sad and pathetic.

He eats what he kills.

What is the difference from eating a quarter pounder at McDonald's and killing a deer eating it. Nothing. Whats sad and pathetic that you couldn't survive more than a day without a cell phone, while people like Teddy respects what was taught to him as a boy. Are you sure you're not obama and thinking people like teddy are bitter and they hold on to their guns. Isn't being a rich, and a well educated man like page, who was taken over by drugs, sad and pathetic.

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Ted first pissed me off in the early 80's when he characterized Page as a "guy who wanted to be the next Jeff Beck but fell flat on his stoned face" in a Guitar World interview. First of all, saying Page wanted to be the next Beck is a joke; they're contemporaries and childhood friends. Secondly, Page was at one of his lowest ebbs when this interview came out.

Show me a guy who will kick a man when he's at his lowest and I'll show you a weak individual with no integrity. I thought it was delicious, sweet irony when Ted had to learn Page's riff and play Out on the Tiles with Jason on "Supergroup."

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I watched the link and I thought it was funny at first, coz it sounded somewhat lighthearted, yeh we all knew Jimmy did drugs. But as it went on it got less and less funny because he just went on for so long about it. Sad, and not cool.

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He eats what he kills.

What is the difference from eating a quarter pounder at McDonald's and killing a deer eating it. Nothing. Whats sad and pathetic that you couldn't survive more than a day without a cell phone, while people like Teddy respects what was taught to him as a boy. Are you sure you're not obama and thinking people like teddy are bitter and they hold on to their guns. Isn't being a rich, and a well educated man like page, who was taken over by drugs, sad and pathetic.

For the most part the difference is the meat is fresher taken from unspoiled wilderness, rather than processed by McDonald's. Ted has a skill as a hunter and gatherer. Jimmy has a different set of talents, equally as important. Both are individuals who matter. Each has his own weaknesses and strengths. Jimmy Page has adjusted. Nothing in this world is perfect forever, so there are always challenges.

I ask myself, in a hypothetical situation, in the wilderness where there is no doctor available for days, what would happen if a woman suddenly, prematurely went into labor, began to give birth, and it became soon apparent that the birth would not be a normal one, to the point where a Caesarian section would be required for her to survive. She is alone in the wilderness with only Jimmy and Ted to help her. They don't have time to reach a doctor. How do you think Jimmy and Ted would deal with that hypothetical?

From his exposure to drugs, Jimmy knows about painkillers. From his hunting experience, Ted knows how to cut and clean animals. But this hypothetical situation of a woman giving birth in the wilderness would require a meeting of the minds, and a healthy outcome is the goal.

By the way, they are still going to need that cell phone to call a doctor to get quick how to advice over the phone.

Edited by eternal light
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Show me a guy who will kick a man when he's at his lowest and I'll show you a weak individual with no integrity. I thought it was delicious, sweet irony when Ted had to learn Page's riff and play Out on the Tiles with Jason on "Supergroup."

I think you described it perfectly. Nugent was kicking Page at his lowest. Dirty stuff...

But then, I have yet to see a website crash when over a million try to get Nugent tickets for an O2 gig. I rest my case B)

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Bingo. People like Jimmy, or your M.D., or Joe the Bus driver just need to escape the cerebral prisons we all find ourselves in at times. The key is to know and understand when it's time to revisit reality....and face it. Some don't know when to come back and it's those people who need assistance, not ridicule and humiliation.

Isn't that right Ted?????

That was my thought; a little compassion/concern would be the right way to go when someone is in trouble.

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"In 1990 I had a little South African red wine. I developed a refined taste for that beverage, but with baby shots."

Ted Nugent


There it is. In his own words. He didn't 'have a drink and quite like it'. Oh no. Not Ted. He"developed a refined taste".Pretentious twerp. Nothing wrong with him having a drink, hypocrisy aside, except for the self-aggrandizing terms in which it's described. Why does he always have to elevate his perceptions,his experiences[however ordinary they are] and his personal choices into a great moral and aesthetic drama? His sense of insecurity must be very nearly overwhelming for him.

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In a nearby field there are battered, life-sized sculptures of animals including a wolf, a deer and a coyote. He fires at a Styrofoam bear using his weapon of choice, a traditional bow and arrow. "Straight through the heart... dead bear," says Ted, as his heavily pitted target submits to yet another onslaught. "Both lungs... dead bear." The arrows, which he makes himself, keep flying. "Dead bear... dead bear... dead bear."


If you ever needed protection from a Styrofoam bear, you would be in good shape at Ted's house.

KATMAI: Many had warned Treadwell that his encounters with browns were too close.


Anchorage Daily News

Published: October 8, 2003

A California author and filmmaker who became famous for trekking to Alaska's remote Katmai coast to commune with brown bears has fallen victim to the teeth and claws of the wild animals he loved.

Alaska State Troopers and National Park Service officials said Timothy Treadwell, 46, and girlfriend Amie Huguenard, 37, were killed and partially eaten by a bear or bears near Kaflia Bay, about 300 miles southwest of Anchorage, earlier this week.

Scientists who study Alaska brown bears said they had been warning Treadwell for years that he needed to be more careful around the huge and powerful coastal twin of the grizzly.

Wildlife author killed, eaten by bears he loved (10-08-03)

Mama Bear Attack

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So many people getting so worked up.

Was Ted as great as Zeppelin? Of course not.

No one was in most of our opinions.

But if you weren't around in the 70's you have no idea how big Nugent was during that aforementioned "Cat Scratch Fever" period.

For a few years towards the end of the 70's, he was top dog.

And for good reason.

Because although he wasn't the virtuoso Page is, what he DID do, and incredibly well, was put on a fan-fuckin-tastic show.

Every time.

I saw him 3 times, and he never failed to deliver.

His shows were super intense, rock your face off, pure sex and adrenaline.

So he WAS a contemporary of Page and the rest, he can comment as he wants, I didn't care for it, but it doesn't change how I feel about him. That was pretty much EXACTLY what I'd expect from him. He's always been excessively alpha, he's who David Lee Roth learned how to be Davis Lee Roth from.

And anyone who lets their anger cause them to say things like Nugent is a nobody is just exposing how little they know about him.

In fact, one of the absolute ultimately coolest memories I have OF ANY BAND/MUSICIAN/WHATEVER is during the 78 Florrida World Music Festival, while Ted is bare-chested in the wide-legged head-thrown back guitar solo of Stranglehold, and a girl gets onstage, runs up to him and drapes herself around his legs. He never missed a lick, just kept wailing like "this kinda shit happens all tha time", until a couple stagehands rushed over and pulled her off him and carried her off.

He embodied everything you could think of in a hard rock guitarist, and if you try listening to Double Live Gonzo, Great White Buffalo and Wang Dang Sweet Poontang will give you a better idea of how hard his shows rocked.

You don't like what he said about Page, fine.

But don't let it make you say even stupider shit in return.

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