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What would you do to be 20 and be at MSG in '73?


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Anything I would give up anything for that concert.

Well, I woudn't say quite anything...

I'd give up a lot though. Any number of things. Luckily, I have the memories of my father to hang on to. He went to the July 29th show at MSG.

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Attended all three nights and it did not cost Me anything.My Uncle got all three tickets and took Me.Yes He was the Man.Stubs are posted on the Main site and in the Post your ticket stubs thread.

He died of Cancer a few years ago and I was at His side there was never a better Man nor Will there ever be.

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I was 14, not 20, and like Alwizard, I was at all 3 MSG concerts. Unlike Alwizard, however, my tickets cost me.

It's an interesting question because I just told someone earlier today that occasionally one of my friends who was with me at those concerts will say to me: "MSG, what would you give to be back there for one more night?" or "MSG, I wish I had a time machine so we could spend one more night back there." I wouldn't give anything to go back again (certainly not my husband or my children or the wonderful life I've had since then) but I am happy to have my memories of those experiences.

Attended all three nights and it did not cost Me anything.My Uncle got all three tickets and took Me.Yes He was the Man.Stubs are posted on the Main site and in the Post your ticket stubs thread.

He died of Cancer a few years ago and I was at His side there was never a better Man nor Will there ever be.

Alwizard, I agree with "IluvJimmyPage", it was so touching to read what you wrote about your uncle.

^alwizard03 that is such a sweet and wonderful thing to say about your uncle :)

I definitely wanted to go in '73 but was not allowed to go until the '77 tour (my parents were very strict back then :lol: )

I wasn't allowed to go either but that didn't stop me. :bagoverhead:

Edited by MadScreamingGallery
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I was 16 and saw the second Chicago show a couple of weeks or so prior to the three famous MSG shows.... If I would have had the means in those days, I'm sure I would have loved to have done a road trip to see the band in N.Y.

I do know this.... I spend alot of time thinking about being able to go back, those were the headiest, funnest times a 16 year old kid have. There isn't much I wouldn't do for the chance to go back and see one of those shows with the friends I saw Zep with back then. :D

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I was 19 going on 20 in '73 but on the other side of the planet.

Sure would've liked to have caught it though.

I am quite happy in the thought that I was lucky enough to see them in my home country the year before.

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I was 14, not 20, and like Alwizard, I was at all 3 MSG concerts. Unlike Alwizard, however, my tickets cost me.

It's an interesting question because I just told someone earlier today that occasionally one of my friends who was with me at those concerts will say to me: "MSG, what would you give to be back there for one more night?" or "MSG, I wish I had a time machine so we could spend one more night back there." I wouldn't give anything to go back again (certainly not my husband or my children or the wonderful life I've had since then) but I am happy to have my memories of those experiences.

Alwizard, I agree with "IluvJimmyPage", it was so touching to read what you wrote about your uncle.

I wasn't allowed to go either but that didn't stop me. :bagoverhead:

Well I will tell you the truth if I could give up all my Led Zeppelin experiances in exchange for Him to be back healthy and Happy I would He helped raise Me and was really like a Big Brother .

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Well I will tell you the truth if I could give up all my Led Zeppelin experiances in exchange for Him to be back healthy and Happy I would He helped raise Me and was really like a Big Brother .

Nicely said Al. As great as Zeppelin were, they don't compare to the people that have touched our lives so significantly. I'd trade all my Zep experiences to have a few back as well

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I wouldn't want to be 20 then, the guys wouldn't have taken a second look! :lol: J/K!!!!!

I was 17, almost 18 on the 73 tour. Almost legal :shifty::D

At least you could stay visible. :shifty:

:lol: Yeah I probably should have done that too!!! :lol:

I'm at least fortunate to have seen them when I did though :)

As your sig shows, you've had some great Zep experiences! Definitely worth the wait! :D

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1973? Heck yeah....I'd go back to 73 in a Heartbreaker heartbeat. I'd experience Zep live in NYC,like a fan should, AND on my birthday, no less! (July 29th) and you know that movie called Sliding Doors?.....well, I would open the doors I left closed and lock up the ones I wrongly chose.

Too bad, tho'.....can't go back and change a damn thing.

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