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Are cracks beginning to show

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Well, IMHO, there are no cracks showing.

Have just got back from the States after catching the Lake Tahoe, San Diego and Phoenix shows and the stage chemistry between them seems fine to me. They both are clearly enjoying it and so did I.

Had a surreal experience in San Diego. I was staying at the hotel where the gig was (Humphreys). Arrived the night before...next morning at 10.30am I opened my french windows to go out on my patio for a smoke....my view of san diego harbour had been blocked by the tour bus and the next thing I saw was Alison Krauss and her son (plus security guard) walking directly towards me. (they had to go past my room to get to theirs)...

The band (minus Robert) arrived at noon and trooped past my door. By this time though the autograph hunters had found the "arrival point" and spent the rest of the day outside my room waiting for Robert....I knew then of course that Robert would not use this entrance. I listened to the soundcheck from the swimming pool area behind the stage. (hotel guests only can get in) Later on, went to the bar which is behind the back row of the arena and overlooks the harbour......the left hand side of the arena is on the waterfront and I was amazed watching all the small boats, yachts, people on surfboards arriving cramming themselves against the quayside for a (restricted) free view. Partying all around.

During the day I had been chatting to hotel and venue security on and off ..about Robert/Zep etc...being English most of them assumed I was with the tour.... (I know my stuff....and was regaling them with anecdotes of the last 30 years following Robert around the world...this came in handy as I hadn't got a ticket...and come showtime when certain areas around the pool where being blocked off and manned by the security they left me alone and I watched from the below side of the stage. Result!!

Lake Tahoe was another good show in a spectacular setting.....As for Phoenix though...(indoors..thankfully out of the heat)...security were pretty keen on having a quiet word with people with cameras..making sure it was only photos / no flash..and no filming...but they seemed oblivious to the disturbed individual front and center who was stood glaring intently at Robert. The stage was only about three feet high and this guy first walked up to within two feet of Robert, took his shirt off and laid it on the stage in front of Robert...then turned and robotically strode back. Security never moved an inch and I found myself keeping an eye on him. 15 mins later he holds up a sign "you made my life"....eventually he approaches the stage again..right up to Robert mid number and lays the sign in front of him. ( Alison mouthed "awwww" Robert smiled but was wary. ) Again no venue security moved an inch. I knew it would happen....third time..he marched more intently towards the stage..this time he didn;t stop and climbed on the stage. Robert had seen it coming and mid song points to him...and Roberts own crew rushed on stage to smother and remove him. Venue security hadn't spotted it at all!

At the end of the show as they took their encore bow...T-Bone held up the sign "you made my life"

WOW. You came all the way over here to follow him? Interesting.

That story in Phoenix is craaaazzy! I'd have beat the crap out of that dude. In past shows I've noticed Robert does keep a keen eye out in the audience, and has spotted the trouble makers several times, and like you said, warns security and trys to get the "problem" solved before it gets out of hand.

That's funny what T-Bone did. :lol: Funny too, it is usually GUYS who do the crazy stuff around Robert, not chicks. Can't believe hotel security wasn't better keeping people away from his door.

Then again it's not the old days when Zep had the entire floors and no one could get past the gorillas stationed at the elevator.

Thanks for posting the interesting reviews. :)

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Lake Tahoe was another good show in a spectacular setting.....As for Phoenix though...(indoors..thankfully out of the heat)...security were pretty keen on having a quiet word with people with cameras..making sure it was only photos / no flash..and no filming...but they seemed oblivious to the disturbed individual front and center who was stood glaring intently at Robert. The stage was only about three feet high and this guy first walked up to within two feet of Robert, took his shirt off and laid it on the stage in front of Robert...then turned and robotically strode back. Security never moved an inch and I found myself keeping an eye on him. 15 mins later he holds up a sign "you made my life"....eventually he approaches the stage again..right up to Robert mid number and lays the sign in front of him. ( Alison mouthed "awwww" Robert smiled but was wary. ) Again no venue security moved an inch. I knew it would happen....third time..he marched more intently towards the stage..this time he didn;t stop and climbed on the stage. Robert had seen it coming and mid song points to him...and Roberts own crew rushed on stage to smother and remove him. Venue security hadn't spotted it at all!

If something like this had happened during a Led Zeppelin concert Richard Cole and his crew would have snatched this guy up and been pummeling him backstage in less time than it took Alison to mouth "awwww". The good old days, I miss 'em.

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Lake Tahoe was another good show in a spectacular setting.....As for Phoenix though...(indoors..thankfully out of the heat)...security were pretty keen on having a quiet word with people with cameras..making sure it was only photos / no flash..and no filming...but they seemed oblivious to the disturbed individual front and center who was stood glaring intently at Robert. The stage was only about three feet high and this guy first walked up to within two feet of Robert, took his shirt off and laid it on the stage in front of Robert...then turned and robotically strode back. Security never moved an inch and I found myself keeping an eye on him. 15 mins later he holds up a sign "you made my life"....eventually he approaches the stage again..right up to Robert mid number and lays the sign in front of him. ( Alison mouthed "awwww" Robert smiled but was wary. ) Again no venue security moved an inch. I knew it would happen....third time..he marched more intently towards the stage..this time he didn;t stop and climbed on the stage. Robert had seen it coming and mid song points to him...and Roberts own crew rushed on stage to smother and remove him. Venue security hadn't spotted it at all!

At the end of the show as they took their encore bow...T-Bone held up the sign "you made my life"

That story was really scary to me... especially when considering what happened to Dimebag Darrell. I kind of think its really appropriate to have that "wall of security" in between the first row and/or pit area and the stage. I guess this could be considered another dynamic when discussing the pros and cons of larger venues versus smaller venues. Obviously a larger venue would have the potential for a better security setup than a club where the stage is right in front, but you do lose that intimacy that comes with being right there at the stage with a larger venue.

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Thanks Reids.....great review....you are indeed a lucky guy...glad to hear it didn't rain...

EL....I never got a wristband when I heard Robert and Strange Sensation...but I stilll have the ticket and the pic that was in the London Ontario paper...it's on my fridge...the pic..not the ticket...it's in a secret place.....

Juliet :D

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You're welcome, Juliet. :)

I can definitely see why Robert has so much security now (with all of these looney people trying to get on the stage). Folks, just let him sing and enjoy the shows. :blink:

Have a good one,

R B)

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The thing to look for is rehearsal. Pre-meditated crimes often have a rehearsal. I don't think fans should allow a 1 time nutter a 2nd chance to approach the stage. Jimmy and Robert are old hands that lived through the bad old days, the Squeeky Frommes and so on.. they know what they are doing.. Just the same, the least we can do as fans is stay alert. I think we can do plenty to isolate violent folk.

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Robert smiled but was wary. ) Again no venue security moved an inch. I knew it would happen....third time..he marched more intently towards the stage..this time he didn;t stop and climbed on the stage. Robert had seen it coming and mid song points to him...and Roberts own crew rushed on stage to smother and remove him. Venue security hadn't spotted it at all!

This makes me so mad to read this. Robert must have seen a lot of crazy shit in his time regarding over zealous fans. In this day and age, you have to be cautious of everything. Dimebag Darrell anyone?? :( I can't believe how stupid the venue security was there to not have done anything.

Edited: Just noticed that Cabal200 wrote something similar. Sorry, was just so mad that I didn't even read the responses after.

Edited by Roxie
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That story was really scary to me... especially when considering what happened to Dimebag Darrell. I kind of think its really appropriate to have that "wall of security" in between the first row and/or pit area and the stage.

I totally agree. Too many crazies out there.

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One of the best shows I ever saw was John Kay and Steppenwolf at a club that held about 500. Incredible performance. The size of the venue does not make the show.

And yet you post about how the tour is failure due to the size of the venues. Might want to do something about that split personality disorder.

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FYI, artists don't always play the largest venue available to them just because they can. Case in point, I saw Lyle Lovett at the Birchmere in October which seats a few hundred in a very intimate setting. He just played Wolf Trap last week, which seats many thousand. Both concerts were totally sold out.

I saw Robert and Allison a few weeks ago at Merriweather Post which seats 16K. The pavillion seats were sold out and the lawn was almost sold out.

Tonight I'm driving to Philly to see them at the Mann Centre...which seats 14K.

Which is a long way around to say they are not only playing small venues, and they're selling well in both small and large places.

Which is a really long way aroung to saying if you don't enjoy this, that's fine. There's plenty of us out here that do. So why in the world are we arguing about it... No one's right and no one's wrong. It's strictly a matter of personal taste.

Can't wait for tonight!!!

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They re-opened the Boston Opera House (1st time in 20 years), and I saw the White Stripes on the Get Behind Me Satan tour.. Freaking awesome. Saw Deep Purple at the Beacon Theater in NYC.

Saw P/P at Both Boston Gardens and the smaller Tweeter Pavilion (Great Woods). Smaller venues rule. The sound is much much better. If P/K can make it to Portland/Seattle, I'll be there, large venue or small.

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[...] As for Phoenix though...(indoors..thankfully out of the heat)...security were pretty keen on having a quiet word with people with cameras..making sure it was only photos / no flash..and no filming...but they seemed oblivious to the disturbed individual front and center who was stood glaring intently at Robert. The stage was only about three feet high and this guy first walked up to within two feet of Robert, took his shirt off and laid it on the stage in front of Robert...then turned and robotically strode back. Security never moved an inch and I found myself keeping an eye on him. 15 mins later he holds up a sign "you made my life"....eventually he approaches the stage again..right up to Robert mid number and lays the sign in front of him. ( Alison mouthed "awwww" Robert smiled but was wary. ) Again no venue security moved an inch. I knew it would happen....third time..he marched more intently towards the stage..this time he didn;t stop and climbed on the stage. Robert had seen it coming and mid song points to him...and Roberts own crew rushed on stage to smother and remove him. Venue security hadn't spotted it at all!

At the end of the show as they took their encore bow...T-Bone held up the sign "you made my life"

That story terrifies me. I still have vivid memories of the awful tragedy caused by a deranged fan who got too close to John Lennon. :'(

Even I have the sense to stay off the stage.

Same here. Even as a young teen, I had enough sense to stay off the stage! Trying to get to the front of the stage or even backstage was one thing but on stage? Never. Never occurred to us (although there were fans who did try and sometimes succeeded for an instant before security whisked them away).

Hi all,

It only takes one crazy.Management also has to be looked at.It's their job to review every aspect of a show/concert.I know Robert misses Peter and maybe Cole(?) ;)


That's what is so frightening - the fact that it only takes one. I imagine that the Zep guys do miss Peter. Cole? I don't know - I'm not sure that, other than security, Robert is still interested in the things that Cole provided to the band. ;)

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North Carolina Observer

Plant on Zeppelin:

“I wouldn’t subscribe to that,” he says wearily. “You know, I work and work and work and work and work, and I have good intentions. And sometimes, it’s very simple, the way the media will manipulate an idea or a story. In the end, a lot of artists are moved into spaces they do not need to go by the force of others’ opinions. Every dog has his day. I had a wonderful time with the guys in December. But right now, this is what I’m doing, and it’s spectacular and a joy. In my time and my career, joy is the greatest commodity that I have.”

Plant on next Krauss project:

“We’re looking at material, writing bits and pieces of things as we go on,” he says. “Grooves appear during soundtrack, and we note them. ‘Raising Sand’ crossed several different idioms and classifications of music, and we’ll do more of that. Categories are such a bind, so unnecessary. It’s all about catalysm, a guy bringing one thing to a party that causes an effect and turns something into a mutated form.”

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That story terrifies me. I still have vivid memories of the awful tragedy caused by a deranged fan who got too close to John Lennon. :'(

Same here. Even as a young teen, I had enough sense to stay off the stage! Trying to get to the front of the stage or even backstage was one thing but on stage? Never. Never occurred to us (although there were fans who did try and sometimes succeeded for an instant before security whisked them away).

That's what is so frightening - the fact that it only takes one. I imagine that the Zep guys do miss Peter. Cole? I don't know - I'm not sure that, other than security, Robert is still interested in the things that Cole provided to the band. ;)

I remember the 70 and 71 tours in Vancouver where people were camped on the stage at one time or another. The band were totally cool with the vibe that was happening. Reality kicked in in 73 when Jimmy was getting death threats and having firecrackers thrown at him. Security became very tight and understandably so. I remember one audience member trying to do it and he was hammered back into the audience. The crowd didn't really understand why. It was amazing that so much had changed in only 2 years. It was the sad reality though and I remember thinking that things really had changed for the worse. It hasn't been the same since.

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Same here. Even as a young teen, I had enough sense to stay off the stage! Trying to get to the front of the stage or even backstage was one thing but on stage? Never. Never occurred to us (although there were fans who did try and sometimes succeeded for an instant before security whisked them away).

My first memory of a fan who succeeded in reaching the stage is of a girl at the Rolling Stones concert in 1966 at the Hollywood Bowl. Security tackled her and she ended up flat on her face on the floor with them on top.

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WOW. You came all the way over here to follow him? Interesting.

That story in Phoenix is craaaazzy! I'd have beat the crap out of that dude. In past shows I've noticed Robert does keep a keen eye out in the audience, and has spotted the trouble makers several times, and like you said, warns security and trys to get the "problem" solved before it gets out of hand.

That's funny what T-Bone did. :lol: Funny too, it is usually GUYS who do the crazy stuff around Robert, not chicks. Can't believe hotel security wasn't better keeping people away from his door.

Then again it's not the old days when Zep had the entire floors and no one could get past the gorillas stationed at the elevator.

Thanks for posting the interesting reviews. :)

Thanks Hotplant.

As for hotel security in San Diego, Alison's actual room was covered OK by security..she spent the day there but was gone on the bus sometime after the show. Robert was not there during the day...he arrived shortly before the gig.

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Thanks Hotplant.

As for hotel security in San Diego, Alison's actual room was covered OK by security..she spent the day there but was gone on the bus sometime after the show. Robert was not there during the day...he arrived shortly before the gig.

That confirms something I heard earlier, that they are traveling separately with their own assistants and staff, and that in many cities they are not even booked in the same hotels. She has her people, he has his people, etc.

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