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Jimmy Page in Beijing

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Can someone tell me what guitar Jimmy was "playing" can't think he would have taken No1 to Beijing? I thought he looked great. :D

Difficult to really nail this but it certainly looks like a 59 LP and the tuners are grovers (which I think he has fitted to No1).

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No I don't think that the "selling out" comment was too harsh. Besides the fact that I think the Chinese government is adverse to many of the ideals of free expression and independent thought that I'm sure Mr. Page values. It still wasn't even a very good performance.

My fan credentials with Led Zeppelin are pretty much without question. But as a fan I am entitled to make a critisism where I think it is appropriate.

And why Whole Lotta Love? Who figured that was a good song for this theme? Did they pick the song just because of the reference to "love' in the title? Everyone know that the theme of the song is not about 'romantic love' but SEX.

sorry dude, but my opinion is just as valid as yours.

Are SEX and LOVE mutually exclusive?

I think not, but you can have one without the other, both ways.

I'm not knocking your credentials at all and yes you have a valid point about some of the performance.

It's just the politics coming into the discussion.

There are other forums to air that sort of emotive talk.

Nobody wins arguing about politics or ideologies.

If the only thing to come out of this is, it inspires Jimmy to take the show on the road, with whomever.

That would be a good thing right?

BTW, WLL would not have been my choice, Kashmir for me.

Edited by Reggie29
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Come on Ev, being a Led Zeppelin fan means being able to critisize them when they are less than exceptional too.

And just to clear my mind of that bad performance by Page I'm going to watch your guitar solo video of the 'Lemon Jam' at Hermosa Beach again, and have a beer just in honor of you bud.


(not an Ev's beer but cheers anyway)


Hey-Up "Del",

If it was a Led Zeppelin performance, then yep..Critisize away, but it wasn't.

It was "Sir"Jimmy havin a coulpe of minutes, to bring the "Over Priced-Waste of Money"

Olympics in 2012 to the UK (not just England).

What ever the event though, we must all agree, its wonderful to see the "GREAT-MAN",

Good on you Jimmy.

Hang-man. :ph34r:

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Possibly so, but insofar as Jimmy knew he relates he was intially approached only about allowing the use of the song, then it was suggested he could perform, and THEN he was informed Leona Lewis was going to be singing it.

I was wondering about this protocol- but Steve do you know if Jimmy gave the OK for the miming before of after he left London? It was clear he wasn't playing live, and she lip-synced like she had gum stuck to her teeth.

(ps-Jimmy always had a generous heart, and this show proved it ten fold. :) )

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I think it's pretty sad that the one place where people gather to celebrate all things Zeppelin has become the a haven for negativity. Why can't we enjoy the fact that Jimmy is alive, healthy and willing to "play" in front of a billion people. This isn't 1973 when it was cool to be mysterious. It's easy for any of us to sit home and criticize every decision or bad note that he plays, because everyone knows how perfect we are. We can discuss the multitude of reasons why he should or should not have played at Beijing, but who in their right mind would turn down that opportunity.

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Okay, now NBC is going through the motions with the closing ceremony bit, but after looking at the PICTURES I have got to ask: WHAT AND WHY IS THAT POLE STICKING UP JIMMY'S ASS??

See this post for pics

Don't know about that pole, but Jimmy would've jumped Leona if he were younger I reckon. She did a good job - not easy balancing on that tiny hydraulic platform. I was worried about whether Jimmy would knock her over with a swing of his guitar. The sound was great...we got the broadcast in Asia live...

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Nicely said Hang-man. How are you doing?



Thank You for that, But thats just what I think, & we are all entitled i guess.

It was just Wonderful to see "Sir" Jimmy, being what he is... A Legend ...Wikipedia Say's...

A legend (Latin, legenda, "things to be read") is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legend, for its active and passive participants, includes no happenings that are outside the realm of "possibility", defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happened, within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.

Keep going Jimmy....

Seems so long ago since we were all at the "Wembley Plaza" Waiting to see One of the "Other Great Men" with Alison Krauss.

You takecare, we'll meet up again...

Hang-man :ph34r:

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I think it's pretty sad that the one place where people gather to celebrate all things Zeppelin has become the a haven for negativity. Why can't we enjoy the fact that Jimmy is alive, healthy and willing to "play" in front of a billion people. This isn't 1973 when it was cool to be mysterious. It's easy for any of us to sit home and criticize every decision or bad note that he plays, because everyone knows how perfect we are. We can discuss the multitude of reasons why he should or should not have played at Beijing, but who in their right mind would turn down that opportunity.

Truthfully, his decision to do this ceremony came as a shock for many of us old timers who remember Jimmy from 1973. And I'm sure the younger fans loved the way he pulled it off. Either way, whatever you're reading on these threads, be it positive or negative, most of us have one thing in common: we care about Jimmy in 2008.


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does anyone have a working link to a video?

The previously posted ones have been taken down.

I tried watching it last night but was rudely interrupted (:angry:) and figured I could watch it later.

Silly me.

Edited by guitarmy
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Thank You for that, But thats just what I think, & we are all entitled i guess.

It was just Wonderful to see "Sir" Jimmy, being what he is... A Legend ...Wikipedia Say's...

A legend (Latin, legenda, "things to be read") is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legend, for its active and passive participants, includes no happenings that are outside the realm of "possibility", defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happened, within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.

Keep going Jimmy....

Seems so long ago since we were all at the "Wembley Plaza" Waiting to see One of the "Other Great Men" with Alison Krauss.

You takecare, we'll meet up again...

Hang-man :ph34r:

Hi Hang-man! :wave:

Wembley does seem a long time ago, doesn't it--but isn't it great to see the guys out there performing, in one way or another? :thumbsup:

Hope you're feeling well these days!

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does anyone have a working link to a video?

The previously posted ones have been taken down.

I tried watching it last night but was rudely interrupted (:angry:) and figured I could watch it later.

Silly me.

Yeah, I missed it as well: I'd been travelling, and couldn't stay awake much past midnight to see the re-broadcast.

Blast these copyright hoarders! Would it really hurt them to just let us watch a white-haired gent with a pony tail play guitar for 4 minutes? The world won't end (not until December 2012).

The brief snippet I saw on the news this morning looked good. It was interesting to hear a woman sing that mighty sex anthem - it worked, from what little I heard.

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Hi Hang-man! :wave:

Wembley does seem a long time ago, doesn't it--but isn't it great to see the guys out there performing, in one way or another? :thumbsup:

Hope you're feeling well these days!


Aquamarine :D how nice to hear from you aswell, Hope all is good with you. My Spine/Back is still a problem, but I'm better off than some, so i have that to be thankful for.

As Iv'e said on here today, like many others, wasn't it just wonderful seeing "God" :notworthy: take Centre stage.

I guess it's "1432 Days" until the "UK" (NOT Just England) :o Waste of Money Games kick-off, so we could always get the "Rumors" started now?? What you think??

Lovely to hear from you,

Hang-man :ph34r:

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Sorry to hear you're still having back problems, Hang-man :( , but at least your back looks much cooler than most people's!

It sure was wonderful seeing the Golden God in action--and hearing you comment on it! ;)

Yup, time to crank up those rumors. I predict the Games will kick off with Jimmy running the hurdles around the stadium, then being hydraulically lifted into the air where he will join JPJ and Jason on a giant revolving platform, they will play the Olympic hymn with violin bow inserts, then a blimp will appear overhead, and Robert will be lowered via trapeze onto the platform for an encore of Hot Dog. Sound good to you? :lol:

Great to hear from you too. :wave:

Oh, and FireOpal, I nicked the link from PZ. :ph34r: But you're welcome. :D

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ahh thank you! Way down inside, I know I needed that. I mean what a treat that was.

I really love the energy Jimmy plays with. I keep waiting for him to falter for some silly reason and he always disappoints (thankfully).

I'll take watching Jimmy Page do his thing any day.

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