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The Dawg Can't Sleep....


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This may sound odd, but the thing that helps me is a cup of hot coffee (with a hefty dose of cream and sugar in it).

Haha I can drink coffee and sleep like a baby, right after I finish this beer B)

really though I have a cup before bed every night.

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Melatonin washed down with Crown Royal.

If that fails trying reading all 271 pages of The Next President thread here.

As a last resort slap in a copy of There Will be Blood in The DVD player.

Most boring movie I saw this year.

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Well, it takes the human brain half an hour to relax after being on the computer. I like to listen to calming music like most of Raising Sand, some Robert Plant songs, a few Zep songs, etc. That calms me. Have tried drinking a cup of chamomille tea? That should help, and also the scent of lavender.

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I've tha experience that you can't force yourself asleep. When I really can't sleep, I just stay awake and do something exhausting like working on a new song or practising guitar/French etc...maybe a good book will help too. After music I think it's hard to sleep, I always breathe in the rhythm.

After a time-and if it is 3 in the morning-you're so tired you sleep like a stone.

Sweet dreams! :)

PS: Absolute No-go: Wachting Hot Pics Of whoever!

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Ronniedawg,I have the remedy.Keep a bottle of Dramamine(motion sickness pills)on hand.Wal Mart has a good generic.No pill induced hangover in the morning either.Very relaxing,inexpensive solution.

Also helps to reduce barfing on deep sea fishing excursions.

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No meds! (Hops can make me sleepy) I streach all my muscles as hard as I can, it seems to make me relax. But don't try to sleep for an hour or two after using the computer or watching TV. Don't lay in bed if you aren't sleepy. Regular exercise in the day and skin exposure to sunlight also seem to help.

You could just say screw it and listen to some Zep!

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Tried listening to music with headphones...can usually fall alseep with them cranked, tried watching chick flicks on the womens channel, hot shower and nothing.

Any suggestions?

Hi 'Ronniedawg'

I cant quite believe all these people are telling you to take pills/drugs, its absurd, as there is a really good remedy out there that has no side effects.

Put five drops of "Oil of Marjoram" on a tissue and place it between your pillow case and your pillow so you can inhale the vapour while you relax. I have had the most uninterupted sleep ever with this method. During the nineties i studied Aromatherapy and found that these essential oils have very unique properties and if used correctly can enhance your well being.

Also i have found out that taking a long hot bath before going to bed will help you relax and so aid restfull sleep. You may also find that taking some exercise will drain you of pent up energy, and it is this that stops you from sleeping.

If you cant sleep there is always a good reason for this, it is better to tire the body out than the mind as its the body that needs the sleep time to recuperate wheras the mind can go on for much longer in a tired state.

I hope this helps, let me know one way or the other, Regards, Danny

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Try getting rid of all light sources, pitch darkness usually puts me out.

Also, I second the idea of coffee, despite the caffeine it actually does help me get to sleep.

Exercise and then a shower and then bed might work...

I also try and kill ALL noise, music keeps me awake and aggravates me rather than calming me, even if it is the mellowest and most soothing thing in the world. However this might just be the way I process music, it stimulates my brain rather than putting it to sleep.

Edit: To be clear, obviously I enjoy music, but it does not help sleepiness, and rather hinders it. I would suggest you try getting rid of the music, because I used to need music to help me sleep as well, but I believe I've changed the way I process music in my brain, so this might have happened to you as well. Just a suggestion.

Edited by Jarlaxle 56
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