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Yeah, it does move pretty quickly - I'm almost done with The Fellowship of the Ring. So far, I'm really enjoying it! :D I also noticed that the movie follows pretty closely with the book - except I wish that they would have included Tom Bombadil in the movie. He seems like an interesting character! :)

Aww, you're reading LOTR for the first time - how cool is that?! Glad you're liking it so far. Yeah, it went pretty quickly for me too until I hit the part where Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are in Mordor. So they're walking slowly across a boring landscape, annoying the crap out of each other because they all have low blood sugar. Joy. Ha, sounds like an average day at my house, come to think of it...no wonder it seems boring. :rolleyes: Anyway, don't tell anybody, but I usually skip their scenes whenever I re-read it. ;) Other than that, though, it's pretty attention-keeping all the way through. Have fun!

I just bought a book called Uther by Jack Whyte. I was re-reading The Mists of Avalon (which is like the best book EVAR, by the way) the other night, and I love the first part that focuses on Arthur's parents, but they're not really the main stars of the book, so I thought I'd look for something that was entirely about them. This was the the first thing I found...I hope it's good.

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I just finished a "cozy" mystery (cute, but title and author already forgotten). Still haven't done my re-read of the 6th Harry Potter book, which I want to do before I see the movie and hope to start in the next day or 2.

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I saw this interview with -jim harrison on pbs the other night, seems like a very interesting character and writer. his new book is called, -in search of small gods. alot of the poems are based in nature. he goes on walks and has seen the same flock of mexican crowes for years and years and sometimes they follow him. he gives voices to nature in the poems.

i had never heard of him before, but he seems like a real character, sort of an old fashioned writer in a way, heavy drinker and smoker. he and his wife of 50yrs love cooking and they made a big dinner for the interviewer in their modest home.

he was an unknown writer until he wrote the movie -wolf for jack nicholson, which got him noticed as a writer.

i have the new book on order.

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I started to read this book called The House Of Garibaldi Street which is about the capture of Adolf Eichmann, the lead head of Auschwitz.

My mom is pissed 'cause I also wanted to read, if it's possible, the documents on Nuremberg Trials.

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I'm a Hemingway convert after this book. Very relaxed style of prose.


Mandy: I had to read the Grapes of Wrath 2 years ago for class. I love the symbolism and the layers of the book. I hate the prose, but it's really deep, good lit. Right now I'm picking through the symbols in The Sun Also Rises from a formalist standpoint.

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I'm a Hemingway convert after this book. Very relaxed style of prose.


Mandy: I had to read the Grapes of Wrath 2 years ago for class. I love the symbolism and the layers of the book. I hate the prose, but it's really deep, good lit. Right now I'm picking through the symbols in The Sun Also Rises from a formalist standpoint.

I've never read The Sun Also Rises, but I've read other Hemingway books. I like him, but I'm not a HUGE fan. There are too many things that point to him being a man's man writer and I'm too much of a feminist to be able to deal with Ernie in large doses. ;)

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