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Zep w/o Robert?

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What about Anne Wilson of heart for a singer? She can damn sure hit the voc range.

The wife and I came up with a few others after reading this amusing thread.

like ... Jon Anderson "yes"

But The wife and I agree. Zep is not ever goin to be magic again like they once were. But what talent is still alive we shouldnt get in the way of it. I say let them do it their way. And if the gods are on our side we can reap the harvest of their talent.

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Normally I would agree with you! However, to Zep fans Robert has been a thorn in their side far too long. Sure, they all love the guy - too much! The fans just wonder why Robert doesn't seem to love the Zeppelin legacy enough to put aside anything he's doing - including the laundry.

Robert has made no bones about not going onward with Zep - and that pisses everyone off! Don't get them wrong -Robert is THE MAN, so long as he's singing with Zep.

But Robert has never had anything but love towards Zep. His not wanting to go out under that hat is not a reflection of the fact he hates it. He's always been someone wanting to move forward and Zep for him was an amazing part of his career but it ended and he chose to pursue other possibilities. It doesn't piss ME off. I have a lot of respect for his decision as well as the fact he's given us a hell of a lot of great music over the years and thankfully shows no signs of stopping. I think it's sad that you seem to feel he's only worth something as the singer of Zep when in my mind, he's proven he's much more than that.

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What about Anne Wilson of heart for a singer? She can damn sure hit the voc range.

The wife and I came up with a few others after reading this amusing thread.

like ... Jon Anderson "yes"

But The wife and I agree. Zep is not ever goin to be magic again like they once were. But what talent is still alive we shouldnt get in the way of it. I say let them do it their way. And if the gods are on our side we can reap the harvest of their talent.

Good call. I've seen Jonesy without the "Others" and it was great! They (Jimmy and Robert) definitely missed him during the '95 and '98 tours, whether they admit it or not. I'd rather see Page/Plant/Jones/youngerBonham than anything else, but it's already a HUGE STRETCH calling it "LED ZEPPELIN" already! Bonzo is gone, let it go!

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Zep without Plant AND Bonzo?

That would be like The Who still playing without Moon and Entwhistle........... oh wait......... they did that????????????

See what I mean? Yea the music is still respectable and classic..... but don't call yourselves The Who.

So I would love to hear more with or without Plant. But without , like has been said , please don't call it Led Zeppelin. That would be an insult to those that love them.

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It's becoming clear that Robert wants a true "One Night Stand" with Zep and then he will move on...to whatever project he chooses.

IF Jimmy decides to continue Zep, minus Robert, and move on with another singer - who would see the New Zep?

I, for one, would. No Doubt about it.

Having already seen John Paul Jones recently, yes!!!! Jimmy Page is still Jimmy Page and there is only one.

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probably no decision has been made....it's totally up to them of course. maybe robert doesn't even know for certain and wants to wait and see.

However, if he doesn't decide to continue imho i think Jimmy would be incorrect in selecting a "replacement" even if the name of theband were to be changed.

there are so many other things he can do...and Jonesy has his own things going on and of course Jason has Foreigner. If Robert doesn't want to (which we don't know for certain yet)...then Jimmy could:

do a David Gilmour thing and have Jimmy Page and guests/friends (very successful and professional and respected)

do a George Harrison thing: like Travelling Wilburys...get some friends in same age bracket/interests/era etc and it was a fantastic mix.

do a totally just Jimmy Page Band with no other Zep band members and they can be as young as he wants. A bunch of 20 & 30 somethings to back him up.

do a Ringo Starr Allstar type thing: Tour summers As Jimmy Page and Friends and different troupe each time.

I'm sure there are other things too.

Only in these gigs...would have to be non Zep material....Jimmy's got everything he needs to do his own thing if Robert doesn't want to continue after 12.10. I can't see Jimmy being replaced by some 20 or 30 something guitarist....that wouldn't be LZ either.

but personally from some separate comments i've read on here from interviews of each band member i predict an 08 LZ tour.........(fingers crossed) hey call it a farewell tour and make it last for years like the Eagles are doing...it's great!!! and they are doing their own projects on the side just fine.



SORRY IF ANY OF THIS IS REPETITIVE...IGNORE IT IF YOU ARE BORED WITH IT HEARD IT BEFORE,,,,I haven't been on a Zep forum ever but been a fan since '69 so I have a lot of interest in the band and how this all goes just as others here. just putting my 2 cents in. :)

Edited by madison
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That's crap. Why is the man not allowed to do as he pleases for chrissake?!?

He absolutely is. No way to make him do otherwise, and wouldn't want to.

But, LED ZEPPELIN fans are allowed to be frustrated that we aren't getting our heart's desire, too.

Ah well, Pete Townsend says it better than I can:

Me true feelings are - Robert can certainly go on trying to have his cake and eat it too, but I suspect it isn't going to work so well after 2007. Led Zep fans will all know that we could have had our heart's desire, if not for the guy moving ever onward, singing Zeppelin tunes with Skin & Justin instead of Jimmy Fucking Page.

Which I hasten to add, is not what I think is actually going to happen. Let's all wait and see!

Edited by SunChild
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He absolutely is. No way to make him do otherwise, and wouldn't want to.

But, LED ZEPPELIN fans are allowed to be frustrated that we aren't getting our heart's desire, too.

Ah well, Pete Townsend says it better than I can:

Me true feelings are - Robert can certainly go on trying to have his cake and eat it too, but I suspect it isn't going to work so well after 2007. Led Zep fans will all know that we could have had our heart's desire, if not for the guy moving ever onward, singing Zeppelin tunes with Skin & Justin instead of Jimmy Fucking Page.

Which I hasten to add, is not what I think is actually going to happen. Let's all wait and see!

I don't see Robert as trying to have his cake and eat it too. He's interested in making great music and exploring new ground musically that challenges him. I find it sad that so many people are making Robert out as the bad guy. For one, they haven't even done this show yet. Shouldn't we wait and see what THEY choose to do afterwards? But if Robert wants to carry on with Strange Sensation or Alison or whoever else he chooses, that's his perogative and to make him out as a bad guy for that is pretty sad.

Being disappointed you can't see this show is totally understandable. I wish I could be there too but I'm not going to be ticked off if they say that was it and continue on their own.

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Me true feelings are - Robert can certainly go on trying to have his cake and eat it too, but I suspect it isn't going to work so well after 2007. Led Zep fans will all know that we could have had our heart's desire, if not for the guy moving ever onward, singing Zeppelin tunes with Skin & Justin instead of Jimmy Fucking Page.

That implies that fans of his solo work are only biding their time until he gets back with Zeppelin. Bull. Many Zep fans are Plant fans that love his solo work in its own right. And this may not be so well known, but he has a lot of fans that are not Zep fans. A lot. Go to a show and talk to folks and you'll see. And doing stuff like Raising Sand adds to that.

Edited by infidel
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That implies that fans of his solo work are only biding their time until he gets back with Zeppelin. Bull. Many Zep fans are Plant fans that love his solo work in its own right. And this may not be so well known, but he has a lot of fans that are not Zep fans. A lot. Go to a show and talk to folks and you'll see. And doing stuff like Raising Sand adds to that.

Well said,infidel. Being a vet of many Robert solo shows, you are right - that is the opinion of a lot of Robert's fans.

One point to be made though, Robert needs to stop singing Zep songs when he tours solo now. If Zep is not in his future - neither should their songs be. It's no longer fitting if he declines further reunions with Jimmy, JPJ, and Jason.

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Well said,infidel. Being a vet of many Robert solo shows, you are right - that is the opinion of a lot of Robert's fans.

One point to be made though, Robert needs to stop singing Zep songs when he tours solo now. If Zep is not in his future - neither should their songs be. It's no longer fitting if he declines further reunions with Jimmy, JPJ, and Jason.

I really don't see too many more tours left in him anyway. If the itinerary or the music doesn't take him off the beaten path he doesn't seem interested in going at all.

Edited by SteveAJones
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Well said,infidel. Being a vet of many Robert solo shows, you are right - that is the opinion of a lot of Robert's fans.

One point to be made though, Robert needs to stop singing Zep songs when he tours solo now. If Zep is not in his future - neither should their songs be. It's no longer fitting if he declines further reunions with Jimmy, JPJ, and Jason.

Well I don't agree with that, either. Ain't I a pain in the ass? :D

I don't see why he can't sing Zep songs if he wants. He does have a way of putting his own 'solo' spin on them.

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Well I don't agree with that, either. Ain't I a pain in the ass? :D

I don't see why he can't sing Zep songs if he wants. He does have a way of putting his own 'solo' spin on them.

no, it's cool. you don't agree - and i see your point. he does put his spin on zep songs. but, i'm not sure the zep audience at his shows are going to be so forgiving now, knowing what could have been.

funny, he recorded a "crossroads" thing with alison for CMT last month and they are doing, of all things, zep songs! supposedly black dog and when the levee breaks are on the agenda - along with raising sand songs and alison's songs.

i'll always love the guy no matter what.

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Someone has to wear the black hat once and a while in any relationship. Over the years, in the eyes of Zeppelin fans, it has been Robert. What most do not realize is, that it wasn't always a selfish move.

Also quite possible, not what his heart wanted.

He more then likely saved many people a lot of pain that only he had the foresight in his choosing so. If the time is right, if he feels it, he will make his move.

If not, ramble on.

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I think what I meant was that, even though they wouldn't call it Led Zeppelin officially, I would still think it odd for them to play Zeppelin songs.

For some reason, I find it more normal for Jimmy to play with the Black Crowes and do Zeppelin songs than for Jimmy/John Paul Jones/Jason Bonham to do Zeppelin songs without Robert.

Why is that?

Well, Robert could be busy touring with Alison Krauss...on their website looks like this is in the cards


But maybe he could juggle a bit of both, who knows. B)

Led Zep without Robert ? "Whacha talkin' about Willis" ? :blink:

Furget abouddit.

Edited by TravellingRiversideWoman
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One point to be made though, Robert needs to stop singing Zep songs when he tours solo now. If Zep is not in his future - neither should their songs be. It's no longer fitting if he declines further reunions with Jimmy, JPJ, and Jason.

Precisely the point I was trying to make. Sorry, but I really think he's been having his cake and eating it too, for years. More than half the show he did at Greenman was Zep songs. I'm not saying it was bad, I really enjoyed them. I enjoyed Page & Plant's versions too. But given a choice between seeing solo Robert with Strange Sensation doing WLL, and seeing the remaining, enthusasitic, committed remaining members of Zeppelin performing WLL, well, that's a no brainer. Zep, all the way!

I just don't understand any longer why that is apparently NOT a no brainer to Mr. Plant. I got it perfectly in 1980, I just don't get it anymore.

He has a choice to make, and like it or not, fans are going to respond accordingly.

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Jimmy has been semi-retired for over 7 years now. Why he's suddenly got the bug to tour again I don't know. It seemed like he was procrastinating on his solo album and focusing on his charity work and LZ archiving projects. But in recent interviews he does say he really enjoys playing the songs live. So one way or another I expect him to go out on a tour within a year. JPJ also has a long-delayed solo album in the works. So the opportunity is there for them to merge their creative efforts which I'd personally like to see.

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I definitely think that Jimmy Page should continue Led Zeppelin even if Robert Plant doesn't want to be oh so bothered! Adios loser! The rest of the world would KILL for your spot! LEAVE ungrateful one! There are many great singers and performers for Page and whomever to work with! I am not closed minded at all! You would think it were haters of Zeppelin who come up with creative ideologies for them to not continue! Go Led Zeppelin!

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