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Which Zeppelin DVD is better?


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    • The Song Remains The Same
    • Led Zeppelin DVD

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I couldn't really answer that question. DVD is a really wonderful compilation, and perhaps in a sense better than TSRTS. But the thing is, TSRTS came out when the band was still active, and it has meant so much to me over the years, ever since I saw it in the cinema back then. I still love it, wholly apart from the shortcomings. The scenes they made, for example, may be a bit Spinal Tap, but all these years later they also in a way add charm to it, and they underline that this is something that was done in the 1970's.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I like the TSRST video but I am not that crazy about it, despite I have always loved their '73 concert era.

The 2003 DVD is the closest to a perfect Zep compilation of the musical path of the band (even if it's missing some '77 bits).

I remember the sales guy at the store where I bought it, he just said to me :" IT'S UNBELIEVABLE AWESOME, girl! You're gonna love it! " and that's what happened.

The first disc with all the "vintage" stuff (Royal Albert Hall, the Denmark show, the Supershow, etc) is a gem! Priceless.

Edited by AMAZONIC
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I've got them both, but DVD takes priority 75% of the time.

I hate the editing of TSRTS. It's a bummer the guys didn't wear the same clothes all 3 nights so when they switched between nights they wouldn't all the sudden have different clothes on... editing 3 concerts together just kills the overall flow and energy of the concerts there. I'm a strong believer that the whole is more important that it's parts. So what if this song was better on a different night... I like the group and don't care if they flub up once in a great while.

On the other hand, RAH is from the same night but songs are cut out and set-list rearranged... I like this form of editing a little better as the general energy level of the concert as a whole is not lost. This performance being my favorite part of DVD, it gets my vote.


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I hate the editing of TSRTS. It's a bummer the guys didn't wear the same clothes all 3 nights so when they switched between nights they wouldn't all the sudden have different clothes on... editing 3 concerts together just kills the overall flow and energy of the concerts there. I'm a strong believer that the whole is more important that it's parts. So what if this song was better on a different night... I like the group and don't care if they flub up once in a great while.

i totally agree with you...

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Led Zeppelin DVD by a long shot. There's just so much incredible footage that I personally had never seen before. I had seen the footage from TSTRS before the DVD came out. So it wasn't new to me.

I would tend to agree though the SRTS was the first glimpse I had of them live so there's always a special place it will hold for me.

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  • 1 year later...

If you would ask "Which do you prefer" it would have been a tough question (is Zep, so I love them, both). But since the question is "which is better", I'm affraid that it will be the DVD (DVD's material > the musical material from TSRTS - in quantity and quality)

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Zep DVD easily. Although both are Zep DVD's so they are great automatically.

I agree with that statement totally but i lean towards TSRTS just because it goes back in time to the day for me, really good memories (for what i can remember). :P


Edited by comrickZep
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I voted for "DVD", but I wouldn't want to be without "TSRTS". I think it was the first VHS I ever bought and it cost £20 back in 1985! I only had £8 on me and my parents paid the other £12. :) I still have it, but it's long been worn out as I must've played it hundreds of times in my youth and they don't last forever. I've since bought it on DVD twice.

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