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What is Jimmy to do?


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They are going to do shows past the London show, Plant is not a fool, he is a businessman too as Page is.

The main thing is to film it all and the sales from the DVD's will make them all filthy richer, let's just hope it turns out to be Led Zeppelin and not that Unleaded shit from the No Quarter era get together.

They could have done much better then if they would have got back together at that time.

:mellow:Have any shows been confirmed other than the London event?

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At the very least one world tour, isn't fair to us that were born later on and didn't get to see them in concert. But that is a hard spot for Jimmy, he would probablly continue working solo or join some bands and do Zeppelin songs, it is obvious how much he misses the Zeppelin days, but Plant is onto (not bigger and better) but new and different things, it seems like Zeppelin is in Robert's past and he may not want to live that life anymore. Hopefully I am wrong.

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There is all this talk about what Robert Plant wants to do, but lets take a look at what he does do. And What makes Robert Plant Change course faster than anything is failure.

Looking at his solo career. He started off with 2 successful albums then Shaken N Stirred was a let down and that ended that.

Solo Career Mark II - Now and Zen was very successful but that had vanished by the time he got to Fate of Nation and that was the end of that.

Page/Plant - No Quarter very successful. Walking into Clarksdale not so much so.

This is not to say that Robert Plant had any Failures. Every thing he has done has been somewhat successful, but when they loose there forward momentum he bails.

Raising Sand has been very successful so far, so what does he Do?

What if he Gets back together with LZ and the momentum fades after a tour or they record some new material and it is a flop.

I think Robert Plants biggest fear has always been getting back together and failing. A reunion has always been his ace in the hole, and if he fails at that it could be the end of his career at least in his mind anyways.

And one of the challenges especially for the fans that came after their demise is that the younger fans received Led Zeppelin as a Whole all at once. If they released new material, for it to be successful it would have to be equal to the entire sum of Led Zeppelin.

Coda is a great album, Presence is a great album, LZ II is a great album, all Led Zeppelin albums are great, but they are just a fraction of the whole. If anything new comes out I'm afraid it will be measured against the Sum of all things Zeppelin .

Edited by DBJ
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Well, to begin--calling Jimmy a diva implies that's he's deliberately withholding his abilities from us and generally acting like a prima donna, which I think is quite inaccurate--if he had new material, we'd have heard it. And I don't think we're likely to agree on anything concerning Robert, given your later reference to his "attempts to sing rock"--I think he's the best, most talented contemporary male singer we have, not least because of the experimentation he's prepared to do, and I couldn't agree less with those (not you) who think his voice isn't as good now. It's different, and in a better way.

Well, that's my opposing opinion, or all I've got time for right now!

Thanks, thats the kind of back and forth thats fun! What he is doing with Krauss, to me, is just right for where his voice is at. I agree with you about Plant and rock singing - just at different times in his career! For me, his best rock singing is the best rock singing there has ever been.

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There is all this talk about what Robert Plant wants to do, but lets take a look at what he does do. And What makes Robert Plant Change course faster than anything is failure.

Looking at his solo career. He started off with 2 successful albums then Shaken N Stirred was a let down and that ended that.

Solo Career Mark II - Now and Zen was very successful but that had vanished by the time he got to Fate of Nation and that was the end of that.

Page/Plant - No Quarter very successful. Walking into Clarksdale not so much so.

This is not to say that Robert Plant had any Failures. Every thing he has done has been somewhat successful, but when they loose there forward momentum he bails.

Raising Sand has been very successful so far, so what does he Do?

What if he Gets back together with LZ and the momentum fades after a tour or they record some new material and it is a flop.

I think Robert Plants biggest fear has always been getting back together and failing. A reunion has always been his ace in the hole, and if he fails at that it could be the end of his career at least in his mind anyways.

And one of the challenges especially for the fans that came after their demise is that the younger fans received Led Zeppelin as a Whole all at once. If they released new material, for it to be successful it would have to be equal to the entire sum of Led Zeppelin.

Coda is a great album, Presence is a great album, LZ II is a great album, all Led Zeppelin albums are great, but they are just a fraction of the whole. If anything new comes out I'm afraid it will be measured against the Sum of all things Zeppelin .

Best reply on this thread, for me! Up there with the one re. global economics, excellent perspectives!

Cool thread all around!

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Two words for ya: Logan Plant. He's smokin' hot and even sounds a bit like Dad.

Two words : NO WAY!!

There's only one Robert Plant and Logan (sure he's hot) but he isn't even half as talented as his Dad. (sorry Logan).

I already posted here so I don't want to repeat myself but...Led Zeppelin is Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham. Bonzo's dead, they 'replace' him with his son, ok, sure, I can accept that. But without Planty? No way. Robert is as big and important to the band as Jimmy.

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Best reply on this thread, for me! Up there with the one re. global economics, excellent perspectives!

Cool thread all around!

Totally agree, great response. Especially:

And one of the challenges especially for the fans that came after their demise is that the younger fans received Led Zeppelin as a Whole all at once. If they released new material, for it to be successful it would have to be equal to the entire sum of Led Zeppelin.

Heck, everyone who got really turned on to them after 1980 has that same experience. That is a bit daunting to contemplate!

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Yeah...I don't like it when bands tour without their singers...I mean sure Mercury is dead...well its sad to say but when he died Queen died...same goes with The Doors, Alice in Chains...

Joy Division became New Order when Curtis died, and I respect that choice. I feel that touring without the original singer is like a form of disrespect to the singer first of all, its like he's not important, and it feels like he's being taken for granted...If Zeppelin tours as Zeppelin without Plant...Man it would be like Jimmy telling Robert that he's not important. I'd hate that because that's so far from the truth. People often take Robert for granted, especially when talking about his role in Zeppelin and that's also a reason why Robert tried for so long to stay away from the band and to differenciate himself from it. He wants to be (and is) relevant as an 'artist'. So please, all you people mad at him because he's a bit reluctant when it comes to the tour, no matter what he decides, don't hate him for his choice. Understand the guy. Put yourself in his shoes for 2 seconds. Its not an easy place to be.

sorry...the post is a bit long. :unsure:

Why do bands have to disband, its utterly ridiculous. If I ever ...and it would take winning the lottery at this stage in life...if I ever have the chance to start a band it will be called "NEB". Never ending band, everytime someone leaves the band or leaves the earth they will be replaced by a new member and each time that happens, the sound changes and enters a new stage, and the band will "Remain the Same" and hopefully always be.

Wouldnt that be something, NEB founded in 2008 and still rocking strong in 3008.

"I've got a dream, crazy dream" .............

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Why do bands have to disband, its utterly ridiculous. If I ever ...and it would take winning the lottery at this stage in life...if I ever have the chance to start a band it will be called "NEB". Never ending band, everytime someone leaves the band or leaves the earth they will be replaced by a new member and each time that happens, the sound changes and enters a new stage, and the band will "Remain the Same" and hopefully always be.

Wouldnt that be something, NEB founded in 2008 and still rocking strong in 3008.

"I've got a dream, crazy dream" .............

That all sounds nice, but is hardly ever the case. The word "band" does not mean a small group of boyhood chums that are inseperable. It more often than not means a bunch of guys that look past their differences for the sake of something bigger than themselves...the music played as a group. Many notable bands have members that can hardly stand the sight of each other. When the thrill of the beginnings of a band begins to fade and the rollercoaster slows down, those differences come to a boil. Especially when the band is more of a business than an artistic portal.

I was the road mgr for a band that did over 250 shows a yrs for many years. Out of the 7 guys we had on the road, I've talked to 4 of them in the last 6 yrs. The rest I could care less about...and I had to live in VERY close quarters with them. Some people say it's like a marriage w/ kids (the kids being the music), I say it might even be worse. :P

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"When your old and grey and your eyes are dim, there aint no notion it's gonna happen again"

No to be pedantic, but FYI, the line is:

When you're old and your eyes are dim

There ain't no Old Shep gonna happen again

Old Shep is a song by Elvis Presley about a guy who had to shoot his old dog to put him out of his misery when old age has ravaged his body.

Here are the relevant lines from Old Shep:

As the years fast did roll

Old shep he grew old

His eyes were fast growing dim

And one day the doctor looked at me and said

I can do no more for him jim

With hands that were trembling

I picked up my gun

And aimed it at sheps faithful head

I just couldnt do it

I wanted to run

I wish they would shoot me instead

This has been your Led Zeppelin Minute. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. :D

Edited by infidel
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Why do bands have to disband, its utterly ridiculous. If I ever ...and it would take winning the lottery at this stage in life...if I ever have the chance to start a band it will be called "NEB". Never ending band, everytime someone leaves the band or leaves the earth they will be replaced by a new member and each time that happens, the sound changes and enters a new stage, and the band will "Remain the Same" and hopefully always be.

Wouldnt that be something, NEB founded in 2008 and still rocking strong in 3008.

"I've got a dream, crazy dream" .............


I think it's a bit naive to make a statement like that.

Put down your crack pipe.

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Well first off, IMO the magic died some 27 yrs ago. That can never be recaptured. Sure they can tour playing from Zep's catelog,(I mean w/ Plant) but without offering something new and fresh, they IMO will only do harm to Zep's legacy and will probably be mocked as yet another dinosaur reunion act out for one last grasp of the mighty dollar bill. Since they are all wealthy enough to have their kid's kids live a comfortable life, I really don't see the need. W/o Plant, if he were to call anything Led Zeppelin, I'd lose every ounce of respect i have for the man. :( He'd never do that anyway. )

Ever since the mid 80's, I've always wished Page would do some studio production for OTHER bands......ala JPJ. Page might have a lot of new material he wants to work on, but I question just how much of it is really "new". He's known for rehashing long forgotten riffs from his past. (like the Deathwish II soundtrack main theme...clearly heard after the main solo on Communication Breakdown from 24/6/69 on the BBC sessions......or tunes he brought to the Firm taken from the XYZ jam sessions w/ Chris Squire and Alan White...etc.) Overall, I've kind of felt his peak creative output was during a 6-8 yr run during Zep's heyday. Since then, collaborators Paul Rogers, David Coverdale, and Plant have brought as much if not more to the table than Page did. Yes, he always manages to get his name on the credits, but IMO has as much to do with arrangements and such..(his solos can MAKE ordinary songs great)....hence my wish for him to lend his talents where they still shine......in the studio. Imagine some new band having their album produced by Page...with some added guitarwork from the man himself. IMO, this could do more for the current music scene than any new (3/4 of) Led Zeppelin material.....or even a Page solo album(Outrider was a flop IMO..and he sould have toured in support of it in much smaller venues.) Zep's current catelog will ALWAYS overshadow anything they could ever do today. And they will always be compared to their past...and will never be able to live up to it.

Another thing Page could do is to learn from the likes of DGM (Discipline Global Mobile)...the website of King Crimson and recording label of John Paul Jones.....which offers unoffical live high quality(flac.) recordings for download at a reasonable cost. This way only the best quality recordings get out to the masses...the greedy bootleggers get put out of business, the surviving band members can make a nice chunk of change, and the legacy of the REAL Led Zeppelin will forever burn bright. Especially if they put out a new show every 4-6 months.....they could do this for decades and Zep fans would be on the edge of their seats waiting for what release will come next. Plus, I feel there is definitely enough of a demand for actual complete unedited concerts....something Page has yet to release!

As for all the hype of a future Led Zeppelin....in any shape or form......you really need to learn about the importance of Ahmet Ertegun and what he meant to the music scene/business and how he was so highly admired and respected by Zep and everyone else to realize this reunion show is not about Led Zeppelin or the fans. This is Ahmet's night.....let's let him have it! His memory and his mark on modern music as we know it is more than worthy of one last Zep show.

(He's known for rehashing long forgotten riffs from his past.)

If you ever studied or practiced the actual Zeppelin music...most of it is recirculated riffs. Same exact ascending patterns and decsending patterns in most of the music. The opening guitar riff of "Over the hills and far away" can be found in many many other segments of Zeppelin music, black mountain side, ten years gone, the rain song.... The ascent sequence of the same tune is also in "Achilles Last Stand", Kashmir, In the light, and so many other tunes... There is very little difference between the beginning of 'Ten Years Gone' and 'Over The Hills and Far Away' and 'Black Mountainside'. It's like they are all from the same templete with slight change in nuance.

This is really easier said than done, but if one learned note for note 6 zep tunes, they can pretty much play it all.

I'm going to use the same stratigy if a miracle happens and I find myself in a band before arthuritas sets in. Though I really think its too late for that at 46. Look for "Dreamyknights" on youtube in 2009, that will be as close as im going to be able to get this time around this ball of dirt. Course I'll go one further using a snipit from mesmer...research your target audiance childhood influence, you know the cartoon background music that has already been programmed into their subconscious and use those melody lines as your rythm section...talk about instant hypnosis!

Edited by DreamyKnight
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According to Jimmy's latest Interview, he has written new material, been practising hard on his playing, and of course getting ready for 12/10/07 - and beyond.

"Beyond" meaning, if all goes well on the 10th, maybe further Zep dates at various times and places in the New Year.

However, let's suppose that Robert is firm and decides not to continue with any further Zep appearences. He tours with Alison in '08 and then heads back to Strange Sensation or maybe further studio work with T-Bone and Alison. No Zep, no more.

What can Jimmy do? I feel for him. He is ready for new Zep things but w/o Robert - he's sunk.

We all agree that there is no Zep w/o Robert - correct?

What about JPJ? Bluegrass? Jason? Foriegner? nah! After the Zep reunion night - nothing would compare!

But Jimmy - what is he to do?

I wouldn't worry if I were you. The way I look at it is we will get more music any way you thread it. Now in the past people kept saying to me "They wont reunite, or get together" "Yes they will too, you wait and see they will mend fences because they do really love each other." They want a certain amount of freedom to evolve and I see nothing wrong with doing both :blink::blink:

Rolls>>> :wacko:

And to all you doubters that kept wanting to fuss with me before? I TOOOOLD YOU SO, take that :wave:

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According to Jimmy's latest Interview, he has written new material, been practising hard on his playing, and of course getting ready for 12/10/07 - and beyond.

"Beyond" meaning, if all goes well on the 10th, maybe further Zep dates at various times and places in the New Year.

However, let's suppose that Robert is firm and decides not to continue with any further Zep appearences. He tours with Alison in '08 and then heads back to Strange Sensation or maybe further studio work with T-Bone and Alison. No Zep, no more.

What can Jimmy do? I feel for him. He is ready for new Zep things but w/o Robert - he's sunk.

We all agree that there is no Zep w/o Robert - correct?

What about JPJ? Bluegrass? Jason? Foriegner? nah! After the Zep reunion night - nothing would compare!

But Jimmy - what is he to do?

Go back with The Black Crows. Great drummer in that band!!!!

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Why is Jimmy sunk if Robert doesn't want to continue past Monday? Isn't Jimmy supposedly working on his solo album? I agree it would be fun if they did something more and even toured too, but Jimmy doesn't need them! I just wish he would sing himself. He just doesn't like his singing as he has said. I love his singing on "She Just Satifies."

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I just want to say it's really challenging having so many new faces on this site and trying to figure out who knows what they're talking about and who's..well.

Honeydripper, I really like your style! You're well informed and don't let your opinions get glossed with zeal, hyperbole and unrealistic hopes.

Atlas, Aqua, Jahfin, Sunchild, pleasure as always! :beer:

That said, what will be will be. If Jimmy says he's got stuff in the pipe, great! I trust him! That he hints that it could only be for Zeppelin worries me though. I'd hate to think he'd not soldier on if it wasn't with Zeppelin. As for it not being Zeppelin without Bonzo, I agree. It wouldn't be Zeppelin as we know it. However, I'd rather let the music do the talking and remain positive. It's naive to expect the Zeppelin of yore. To expect that would be to erase 27 years of musical change and growth. I don't think it's an insult to Bonzo if they choose to take up the mantle and make music with the Zeppelin name. Led Zeppelin is a rock our sentiments, no matter how genuine, can't break. Why dash ourselves against it? Their legacy cannot be diminished. Were they to do a new project and sucked, it wouldn't rewrite history, but rather define the present. They cannot unmake what they did, so why worry over it? If they find joy in working together, so be it. They deserve it. If not, fine. They owe us nothing. It is we rather, that owe them the right to do as they please and hope we get something more. That would be a gift, not a debt paid.

As for those who say they owe us "one more tour". What if they did that and you didn't get a ticket? Do they owe you yet another until everyone is satisfied? :rolleyes:

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No to be pedantic, but FYI, the line is:

When you're old and your eyes are dim

There ain't no Old Shep gonna happen again

Old Shep is a song by Elvis Presley about a guy who had to shoot his old dog to put him out of his misery when old age has ravaged his body.

Here are the relevant lines from Old Shep:

As the years fast did roll

Old shep he grew old

His eyes were fast growing dim

And one day the doctor looked at me and said

I can do no more for him jim

With hands that were trembling

I picked up my gun

And aimed it at sheps faithful head

I just couldnt do it

I wanted to run

I wish they would shoot me instead

This has been your Led Zeppelin Minute. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. :D

ok ok, you got me.I dont know everything, but im so close it scares me!

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That all sounds nice, but is hardly ever the case. The word "band" does not mean a small group of boyhood chums that are inseperable. It more often than not means a bunch of guys that look past their differences for the sake of something bigger than themselves...the music played as a group. Many notable bands have members that can hardly stand the sight of each other. When the thrill of the beginnings of a band begins to fade and the rollercoaster slows down, those differences come to a boil. Especially when the band is more of a business than an artistic portal.

I was the road mgr for a band that did over 250 shows a yrs for many years. Out of the 7 guys we had on the road, I've talked to 4 of them in the last 6 yrs. The rest I could care less about...and I had to live in VERY close quarters with them. Some people say it's like a marriage w/ kids (the kids being the music), I say it might even be worse. :P

Ok, well, you educated me. It was just a dream in humor with a touch of possibility. Like any business, what would have happend if when Walt Disney died they decided to shut down Disneyland, or when Henry Ford died they stopped making Ford Autos....well that probebly would have been a good thing....it's just ashame that the song is over when they leave this place.

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A. They owe us nothing.

B. I doubt if Robert did a Zep tour, that it would be solely for the money. (sure he would take the cash, but the music would have to be good and money not the deciding factor)

C. Paul Rodgers is still a great singer

D. They get a new singer and call themselves The New New Yardbirds

E. If Robert says "Nope" and Page does something else, I hope he does something newish and not a tour of Zep Songs sans the band. He did that with the Crowes and it was great. I was at the Greek show.

F. If E is a true statement, then Page, should call Tony Franklin, Jason Bonham and find a good singer other than the guys on Outrider and play new material and old material. I think that Jones would walk from a Page only event.

G. 10 print 20 goto 10


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