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Message in Stairway to Heaven song


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OK, I've been reading the posts about the satanic, backwards words in the "Trivia" group and I want to stick my 2 cents worth in. I've been around for a few years now, just to say that I was in High school when Bonzo died tells enof about my age.

I have checked out Stairway to Heaven back wards many times and even remember (don't know the DJ's name) hearing a radio broadcast back in the early 80's of this dude who had a lot more songs with sublimital (or so he clamed) stuff in them.

The words that your supposed to hear are "Satin is our leader" and it's somewhere around the part where the forward words say "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow Don't be alarmed now", or some where around there. It's been a long time since I listened to it so I may be wrong about the location but, I'm sure about the statement your supposed to hear.

I don't know if it came out by pure coinsedince or if it was meant to be that way by the song writer, if it was written that way .... Man! Jimmy would have had to do some long and tedious writing to figure out how the make it sound that way.

Myself, I really don't care about the out come ether way, I just like the music and the way it was put together words and all.

Oh and by the way...I do think that we can and are very close to becoming immortals, at least our physical bodies can be that way.

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I have checked out Stairway to Heaven back wards many times.

The words that your supposed to hear are "Satin is our leader" and it's somewhere around the part where the forward words say "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow Don't be alarmed now", or some where around there. It's been a long time since I listened to it so I may be wrong about the location but, I'm sure about the statement your supposed to hear.

I thought it was more like Vinyl!? :slapface:

Anyways unless you play it backwards at 78 rpm on a Victrola the message gets lost in translation. :rolleyes:

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Like I have said on many othere posts similar to this, people have too much time on there hands. They think any backwards gibberish can sounds like "Satan's and My chill plan is some golf and eat Chipotle. Yea we are best friends."

So one more time, people makes this crap up and try to make samples for you to hear because they have too much time on there hands.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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Satin is our leader is the giveaway they were hoping we wouldn't pick up on, to their clandestine dressmaking operations. That fight in Oakland? Bill Graham had ordered taffeta, they delivered chiffon. Say no more. But satin was their big seller. Robert modeled some prototypes of their designs onstage, though Jimmy's were felt to be too recognizable.

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Satin is our leader is the giveaway they were hoping we wouldn't pick up on, to their clandestine dressmaking operations. That fight in Oakland? Bill Graham had ordered taffeta, they delivered chiffon. Say no more. But satin was their big seller. Robert modeled some prototypes of their designs onstage, though Jimmy's were felt to be too recognizable.


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The only thing that's backwards is this topic.

I can hear, 'You are Jimmy's lover', if I listen for it. You can hear anything you want. The fact that some people are sad enough to ruin a record scratching it backwards tells me all I need to know - the song isn't nearly important enough to just enjoy.

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If I can remember my recording classes and all those labs I went to at recording school in the late 1990's. I can assure you that for this prerecorded information, the format you play it back on will matter less, the only thing that will make any difference is the time and the dynamics that's being applied to what your hearing! It's true that a good turntable running thru a good system with a good needle can give a lot wider response (dynamically) than a tape machine but, that will reside mostly on the low end of the frequency spectrum. And being as we are listening for a human voice (that has very little in the bass and sub areas) this will not change much of what you can hear.

I was using (this was back in 1989) a 4-track tape machine with a good speed controller to play it backwards. It wasn't perfect but compared to early 1970's tape technology it was usable.

In fact I ran a few different tests that included, separately filtering out all the bass and hi frequencies, using different brands of tape and using four tracks (instead of the normal 2 tracks) for a louder playback.

There was (and still is) only two common speeds for tape machines in a studio back at the time that Lad Zeppelin's fourth record was made and that was 15 and 30 inch per secant. There are other speeds (about 3 or 4 slower ones) but they will not come out to good at the duplication plant. Remember, we are talking about 1971 here. The largest (most tracks) tape machines where no more than 8 or so track's so there was very little along the lines of massive over dubbing like today, and no loss less copying ether. Every copy you made would degrade the sound quality a bit.

Jimmy used multiple recorders with mag dubbers or syncro's in between tape machines and piggybacking mixers to do his thing back then.

I've not tried working with it on any of my DAW's (digital audio workstation) but maybe I will some day as digital will give a bit better sound quality.

So unless they sent the duplication plant two different recordings, one for the tapes and the other for LP's.....

I can hear "My Sweet Satin" here...


....where he said "there's still time to change the road your on" . I don't think that it was done intentionally, it just happened to come out that way.

Looks like I had the location right but the massage wrong! Oh well, to much time and not much to do.

More on the song from the band...


More on what some people say about the song....




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If they can make Led Zeppelin air fresheners, why can't they make Led Zeppelin flavored envelopes?

:P Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ah... oh boy I got a good laugh out of that one! Lick an envelope today and you see the band on stage...you smell the sweat from the crowd....the light's from the light show and...taste the acid from the day you went to the last concert in 70's. :D


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Here is an excellent review of stairway by a really amazing person who I guess has listened too many things backwards and made a lot of money with it too.

Too bad that he is a bit misinformed from time to time,

as far as I know there are no live performances of STH from 1976 and as far as I know Robert wrote the lyrics, and not Jimmy.

Anyway, have a good laugh.........(forgive this man for eating too much acid)

Excerpt from:

Reverse Speech: Voices From The Unconscious

If there were a "Top 40" of backmasked songs, "Stairway to Heaven," by Led Zeppelin would have to be at the top of the chart. It has been quoted, misquoted, and dissected for years by religious fundamentalists as being one of the most occultic or satanic songs ever to have been released. I disagree strongly based on my research into the background of this song.

According to Stephen Davis, author of the Zeppelin saga, Hammer of the Gods, the controversy began in 1982, when a prominent Baptist used his radio pulpit to preach that "Stairway to Heaven" carried subliminal backward messages. Then, in April 1982, the California State Assembly played a backward tape of the song in a public session. Some members of the committee claimed they heard the words, "I live for Satan." Led Zeppelin were duly denounced as agents of Satan who were luring millions of teenagers into damnation as unwitting disciples of the Antichrist.

Eddie Kramer, the producer and engineer who worked on four Led Zeppelin albums, says that these charges are "totally and utterly ridiculous. Why would they want to spend so much studio time doing something so dumb?"

"Stairway to Heaven" was written in one afternoon by Jimmy Page, lead guitarist of Led Zeppelin and an Aleister Crowley devotee. The song has been reported to employ a technique of encoded words and double meanings similar to those used in Black Spirituals in which some songs were used as maps and other lyrics served to alert plantation slaves of an impending break for freedom.

Until approximately 1985, Page owned and lived in Crowley's former house, "Boleskine," a sprawling farmhouse on the shores of Loch Ness, sometimes called the "Toolhouse" Boleskine was originally purchased in 1900, by Crowley, for almost twice its value, because it met certain requirements of the Books of Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage. These requirements included windows and a door that opened to the north toward a secluded structure that was to serve as an oratory. It's commonly assumed that a small outbuilding to the far right was the oratory.

Crowley stated in his diary that "shadowy shapes" used to escape the oratory and enter the house. It's been reported that during subsequent rituals these "shadowy shapes" were unleashed with dire effects on visitors, staff, and a few hapless visitors from nearby Foyers.

According to Davis, Jimmy Page was quoted in Roadrunner magazine discussing further cases of madness and mayhem including the story that Boleskine was once the site of "a church that burned to the ground with the congregation in it." 13 This brief, historical background gives tremendous insights into the profoundly significant metaphors contained in both the forward and reversed lyrics of "Stairway to Heaven." Sung forward, the song is basically a story of a woman who's searching for the meaning of life and the path to heaven. In the forward lyrics she sees signs on the wall but cautions that words can have more than one meaning. The bird that sings from the tree tells of thoughts that are misgiven. The thoughts carry images of "smoke" (perhaps fog) in the trees and the voices of those who stand apparently watching from among the trees. This is apparently the same group that is rewarded for their long-standing with the dawn of a new day and the forest's echo of laughter. There's great significance to the lyrics when they're viewed from the perspective of Reverse Speech. When we consider the complementary nature of the song, it appears to be partially a song of hope for all those who according to the legends once suffered at Boleskine.

The lyrics also seem to be a message from the unconscious mind that details its own communicative style. In the process of writing the song the way he did, Jimmy Page unknowingly established the complementary criteria for reversals to occur that speak of their own existence.

"Words have two meanings," and "thoughts are misgiven," appear at the start of the song. Note the complementarity with the last reversal on the song. As soon as the song is reversed, it says quite clearly, "Pl-a-a-a-a-a-y backward. Hear words sung." This is not an intentionally backmasked message, but rather a genuine speech reversal. It almost seems as though the unconscious mind is calling out and saying, "Hey, listen to me. I can communicate."

The lyrics also form a reversal that says: There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan. Jimmy Page may have unconsciously used the words tool shed to refer to the small outbuilding that was the oratory (Boleskine itself was the Toolhouse). The reported "shadowy figures" may be those who have stood for so long in the smoke, but are promised the dawning of a new day.

The last stanza declares not only that there are two paths that can be taken, but also that it is not too late to change roads. This last stanza contains the reversal It's my sweet Satan, the one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is fake.

Their are references to "path," "forest," and "hedgerow" all of which are descriptive of the setting of the Boleskine mansion. The word Satan itself may be a metaphor for the suffering and pain that occurred in and around Boleskine. The parallels of these images and the legends that surround Boleskine are compelling.

Other reversals that some people have quoted in this song as a basis for their claims, include: "There's no escaping it / I will sing 'cause I live with Satan / They gotta live for Satan." These reversals are so vague and imprecise, however (validity 1-2), that only the very bold would use them as the basis for an argument.

Finally, a reversal appears on a live version of the song sung in 1976, that says: Forgive me Lord, forgive me Lord, forgive me Lord. How could this be considered satanic? Who's asking for forgiveness and why? Since when does the nature of Satan, metaphoric or otherwise, include forgiveness? Is the song a stairway to heaven, a stairway to hell, or something totally different? Stephen Davis wrote a description that may be accurate regardless of how you choose to answer these questions. He said: "It expressed an ineffable yearning for spiritual transformation deep in the heart of the generation for which it was intended."

Edited by reswati
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