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What is your favorite thread here?


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I enjoy reading alot of the posts here on this board because I think so many of you have a lot of interesting things to say. :D There are a couple of posters who I do miss that don't post here anymore though. It would be cool if they would come back. As far a favorite thread, there's a few to choose from. I enjoy the Hot Pics of Robert/Jimmy; Who's that Bloke with Percy; Song Name Game, This or That, Pet Peeves, What Made you happy today, Post Pics of yourself, random facts.....etc. I also like the Zeppelin Mysteries thread too. So many to choose from, it is hard to pic just one. I really enjoy this board and love to come here. There is so much I have learned about Zeppelin that you just cannot always read in a magazine.

Edited by Melanie_72
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OK credit where credit is due: And here's from me:

Coda S. and Black Country Woman and PlanetPage whose pics of Robert are most beautiful

OK have fun

P.S. Forgot: theycallmethehunter and for sure quite a couple more

Special mention - I just like them that's all! Roxie and roblindblad


I can't name all among 10,000+ members who continually come here and share whatever they want to share and make for an entertaining surfin, whatever their sentiments are.

We're all here for common reason: Led Zeppelin.

And er

ROBERT PLANT in my and many femmes case. Thank you all.

Time to go. Have a great weekend! :)

Edited by Robert's Plant
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Hi all,

My favorite threads are Zeppelin Mysteries and the ones under News. I love reading about Led Zeppelin history and the latest info on the band members activities. I also love reading the old newspaper and magazine clips and hearing the audio and seeing the videos from the days of Zepp.

I think my favorite is the audio interview with Jimmy in 1977 when he was in the Chicago hotel and on the airplane. I think it was for Guitar World. I love hearing Jimmy's voice, his mannerisms in answering the questions, how he thinks that some of the questions are kind of lame when he answers "of course" alot.

I love seeing Ross Halfin's pictures of Jimmy. a glimpse into Jimmy's everyday life.

I appreciate people's immense knowledge on all things "Led Zeppelin". Steve, Knebby, Glicine, Ninelives, Evster, SuperDave, Otto, Leddy, FrankSmith and too many to mention. (I don't mean to leave anyone out, my appologies if I have omitted any other experts.)

Manderlyh, Tangerine, Virginia, Mrs. Plant, and many others are so sweet. Wanna Be is so intelligent and reminds me of my sons. He is rarely wrong in his arguments. I misss Doublenecker. I hope that he is doing OK. I love Zeppfanforever's stories. I appreciate Jahfin's immense knowledge of all music. I love Yukons's love of sports.

I hate arguing politics. I will never change my views and others will not change their views based on my arguments. I hate it when people get insulted by others just because their views are different. Just state your views and have a civil discussion on the topics, no need to call others names and insult them. I hate trolling.

My favorite poster is Dzldoc. He is so witty. He always has a funny story, video, or picture to go with any topic. He never argues. He is such a diplomat and southern gentleman. He is greatly missed when he is off-line. The forum is not the same without him. :)

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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I think the Pet Peeves and Religious ones day have come and gone. Same as in real life people will gravitate towards the good things. I see it in real life, it's very trendy to hug and say I love you....

This is a good thing. You push and tug at virtual forelocks to see what gives. A funny example is that silly squirrel fluffy. People love that crazy thing because it's simple and fun. Not complicated just easy and fun.

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I don't really have a favorite. Anything in the Ramble On, Music, or Led Zep Live forums really. As far as poster, I'd have to say me. haha. If I was able to pick anyone else, it would have to be Wanna Be Drummer. I like him because he sticks to his guns and is a smart guy and he has good arguments/debates with the forum and me also.

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Me too!!! We all know what happened to Hermit but where the heck has Del been? Maybe it's no fun anymore for him without Hermit :(

Ha ha not exactly!

Del's doing fine, he just doesn't like this (relatively) new forum. He's still in touch with a few of us. So's Hermit. ;)

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Gee, maybe the one Hotplant just started up? Hmmmm. No way! :thumbdown:

Hey! it was just a place to vent ...OUT of the pics thread. When I DO get a chance to come on board, I like to get caught up with the pics...not three, four pages of back and forth that has nothing to do with peoples pics. :slapface:

ps: It's not nice to play favorites with people (IMHO), but I'm pleased someone choose "Robert's Jeans" ;)

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Hot Pic's of Jimmy Page...(no mystery)

really, my fav, a thread with replies to the content of the post, vs. replies to the posters (ie. you happen to like them regardless of subject, Content should never be underestimated with preconceived notions, IMO, this negativity contributes to overall quality of Forum discussion....... :D :D

In summary, best thread is the one that has contents defended to perfection, regardless of what the topic is and who is posting it :D :D

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  • 5 months later...

First let me say that I have talked with some really great people here. I have been a die hard follower of the music of Led Zeppelin for 4 decades and since I joined this forum in June I have learned quite a bit of new things.

There are only a few real idiots, but that's in every crowd, but the majority here are interesting or fun.IMHO, my take is this:

Led Zeppelin Master Forum : Mostly educational and with some fun added topics as well. My highest respect goes to quite a few who post here as they take the time to do the time consuming efforts to research and share their knowledge with all. I am constantly amazed at what I learn here :thanku:

News This is exciting and such a great place to learn about any current projects. Whether you are a long time loyal fan or a new Led Zeppelin fan, this is proof that they are still receiving our loyalty. :yay:

Led Zep LiveI love to read the threads here. I had the luxury of seeing them twice in 1973/75. Even if you never did, it's a great place to learn and enjoy memories and share what Led Zeppelin was the best at...LIVE PERFORMANCES :yesnod:

Pre/Post Zeppelin Another place to learn more history and detail of what these men and those associated with them have done and are doing. Great threads here :D

Led Zeppelin Newbies I love to see so many young people want to learn about LZ. Great place for their questions and to get responses/answers from the long time followers. A lot of fun and wild topics here as well.

Photo's This is very enjoyable, whether you are an educated long time fan, new fan---or a female enjoying not just the musical genius but the physical beauty that these men have. There are some great photo's here in regards to our band!

Zep Polls This is the place for opinions to be expressed. Some crazy, fun topics here.

Trivia More of a place for fun threads with a quite a few great suprises as well.

02 Arena So jealous of any of you there. Anything related to that event can be found here.

Ramble On Anything goes here! Fun threads. Threads that lead to a little tension sometimes :duel: and threads where we learn about one another! :friends:

Meet and Greet: Post a picture is great as it's always nice to put a face with a name. Love to meet the new fans and another place to learn about each other.

Other Bands/Music Though most of us rightfully so love and respect Led Zeppelin above any other band, this is a place to share our love for all music. I have discovered a lot of great music from many of these threads.

Musicians Corner Even though I cannot play an instrument I enjoy many of the threads, and we have some talented people here.

But I must admit that my favorite is from the 02 Arena-Topic: LET'S SAY THANKS TO THE BOYS- After all, it is our love and respect of these men and their musical genius that we are all here! :notworthy::thumbsup:

Edited by Deborah J
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I probably post more in this part (Ramble On) of the group as there is more than just Led Zeppelin in it. Now don't get me wrong! I am one of the bigger Led Zeppelin fans here as well as being a musician who has, and still does play some of there great music in a live act. But, I do look at a discussion group as more than a single topic, we are still people here and the only way to understand how some one (who you are reading a post on there ideal's) thinks, is to find out more that one bit of information on them. So that's where this section shine's and why I like it more than the regular posting area's. B)

There's lot's of people that I have made friend's with here so I can't pick favorite's, I don't want to start a...... "mommy and daddy like you or me best", thing.

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  • 1 year later...


Sorry guys but I just have to contribute :blush:

Well, my favourite threads here are

1. That hilarious thread on the other bands / music section about whether some Paul Mccart fellow really died or something :lol:

2. The Misunderstood Lyrics thread

3. Songs Which Make You Laugh thread

Oh and as far as members are concerned, being relatively new here, I don't want to be partial to anyone, so, I'll just say that I have made some lovely friends here. :)

Edited by Emily008
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Well mine iss a thread that almost was but the person who thought of the title said nah which is a shame, but my fave thread title that isn't yet a thread is "PISSHEAD AND NUTTERS", also any thread that has my contribution B) . The thread which had BIGDAN come up with the classic is this "SPEARMINT RHINO" line to a pic, I had to reach for oxygen :D , cannot remember what thread it was, but worth a littl old visit.

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