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Led Zeppelin Reunion Show Too Heavy For Robert Plant


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Thus is the nature of 'celebrity'. This is what you get when you take that path, and even more so when you have the level of success that Led Zeppelin had. He can wish for a private life, and he can wish that none of his choices are going to be 2nd quessed. But that isn't the way it works.

The devil will always get his due.

I have to disagree with you on this. It's people who worship musicians, actors, athletes..etc. I would NEVER walk up to anyone and invade their personal life without being given permission. Hell, I have loved this band for over 4 decades, but they are human beings and while I love the music, and this is my band of choice I have enough sense to understand my boundries. Because of the music I will folllow and respect their choices individually.

I personally feel that the scientist who are trying to find cures for cancer are more worthy than any celebrity of any sort for real admiration as people. Just my thoughts here. :peace:

Edit: scientist who are trying to find cures for many horrible illnesses.

Edited by Deborah J
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Thus is the nature of 'celebrity'. This is what you get when you take that path, and even more so when you have the level of success that Led Zeppelin had. He can wish for a private life, and he can wish that none of his choices are going to be 2nd quessed. But that isn't the way it works.

The devil will always get his due.

You can always say that, but he doesn't read this forum and he doesn't meet masses of fans everyday, he only gets certain question asked through the press once in a while. He has a lot of privacy and every star can have it, but many don't want to, becasue they want publicity.

So Sardonicus, Robert Plant is safe from you and here is a special Robert Plant smiley with a message for you:


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but he (Robert) doesn't read this forum and he doesn't meet masses of fans everyday

Oh rats ! I guess it's back to the stone age with written letters of fan mail to let him know our likes or dislikes.

Anybody got the address ? All I remember is the zip code.


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I find it amazing that no matter what Robert says or does, people criticise him. It's like he should only do Led Zeppelin or nothing at all? I don't understand that. No one criticised John Paul Jones when he worked with bluegrass/Americana artists. No one's saying anything that he has moved on with his career. No one says anything that Jimmy has been promising a solo album for how long now and still hasn't delivered? As Knebby said, it's HIS life (Robert's) - he can do what he wants. I'm thrilled not only is he out there still passionate about recording and performing, but he's not resting on his laurels. Led Zeppelin was Led Zeppelin and they were f**king brill. But they're done and Robert AND John Paul have moved on.

Robert doesn't owe us a bloody thing - if you don't like what he's done post Zep, fine but to trash him and rip apart every word he utters (hello - he's got a sense of humor) is pointless and basically insist he should give it up or just stick with his past. How would YOU like it if people told you what to do. I don't want to relive my past. Yes I have many wonderful memories and experiences but it's over and you can't go back and expect it to be what it was.

Rant over.


No matter what Robert does, he will be criticized for it by the usual suspects on this forum.

I am getting weary of it.

These Robert bashers get banned and then they reappear again with their usual ignorance. The only way to put an end to this is to not respond to them anymore. My suggestion is to just ignore them and not give them fuel for thier disparaging comments. They are just trolling to get a rise out of people, and it usually leads to an argument, which is what they want. They don't care if they are banned, they just reappear as one or two or more characters at the same time so they can make it look like someone agrees with their assinine comments.

Just accept it. Led Zeppelin will never perform another concert. Enjoy what we are fortunate to have: induvidual members making new music and making themselves and their audiences happy.

End of my rant (which I rarely do).

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I have to disagree with you on this. It's people who worship musicians, actors, athletes..etc. I would NEVER walk up to anyone and invade their personal life without being given permission. Hell, I have loved this band for over 4 decades, but they are human beings and while I love the music, and this is my band of choice I have enough sense to understand my boundries. Because of the music I will folllow and respect their choices individually.

I wouldn't "invade their personal life" permission or no permission. What I said was that when you choose to be a public figure, you have to be able to take the comments or the criticism that come with that. And if you make snarky comments: well, you're probably going to catch some flak for it.

I personally feel that the scientist who are trying to find cures for cancer are more worthy than any celebrity of any sort for real admiration as people. Just my thoughts here. h:peace: b

Can you name any?

Edit: scientist who are trying to find cures for many horrible illnesses.

My favorite scientist was that guy who invented the twist off beer cap. I'm sure that countless lives have been saved by not having to attempt to open a bottle of beer with a Bic Lighter while driving 80mph

... and that's why I only drink Mickey Big Mouth Beer while driving. The ability to put the cap back on again comes in handy too some times.

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No matter what Robert does, he will be criticized for it by the usual suspects on this forum.

I am getting weary of it.

These Robert bashers get banned and then they reappear again with their usual ignorance. The only way to put an end to this is to not respond to them anymore. My suggestion is to just ignore them and not give them fuel for thier disparaging comments. They are just trolling to get a rise out of people, and it usually leads to an argument, which is what they want. They don't care if they are banned, they just reappear as one or two or more characters at the same time so they can make it look like someone agrees with their assinine comments.

Just accept it. Led Zeppelin will never perform another concert. Enjoy what we are fortunate to have: induvidual members making new music and making themselves and their audiences happy.

End of my rant (which I rarely do).


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If Robert were to do the tour, the same people who criticise him now for not doing it, would be bashing him night in and night out for not sounding like the shrieking Viking of 1970 or having his bulge sticking out to row 7. Someone referred to it as a circus, and that's what most people in this thread are twisting it into. As I've said in several threads about this (it's getting boring rehasing), Robert's voice no longer registers in that 5 night a week, upper shriek it would take to please the naysayers. Also, he doesn't want to do it for personal reasons. Just be grateful he can still sing at all. Look at someone like Roger Daltrey or Rod Stewart even. They're both done. Robert is still sounding good and he certainly does not have to have Jimmy, Jonesy or Jason backing him to do so. I've accepted it and still enjoy the music. So should you.

The guy has earned the right to do what he wants. Don't all of us strive for these exact sentiments in our own lives? What makes him different? Because some of you feel he owes you? What does he owe you? Go to FYE or Best Buy and buy Physical Graffiti and get on with yourselves.

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Hi 'Bigstickbonzo'

I already have Physical Graffiti, thank you :D

I don't think anybody thinks Robert will sing like he used to, we only have to hear his solo albums to see that. Also I have heard some boot-legs (live recordings) from 1975 and 1977, 1979, 1980, and the 2007 show too, and I don't think he has been singing like he used to since 1972, the last time I heard him SCREAMING was How the West Was Won. Everybody knows this. But did everyone bash him from 1975-80, and 2007? No of course not, they were just happy to see the band they love, and Robert's not the only one who went 'downhill' anyway, is he?

Everyone knows what to expect from him now, we all heard the O2 show, and now songs from the new Band of Joy tour, so if anyone thinks he can't sing good enough for Zepp anymore, well, they can stay home when they tour.

And no, I don't think he owes ME anything, why should I, I was'nt even born when Zepp finished, but I would sure like to see them live with Jason now, but if Roberet doesn't want to do even a small tour, what can I do? It makes me sad, but we can still HOPE and talk about it? Can't we? And maybe he would see this forum, how much all his fans new and old want to see him with 'Zepp' again, and maybe that would change his mind?

Here's hoping!



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And no, I don't think he owes ME anything, why should I, I was'nt even born when Zepp finished, but I would sure like to see them live with Jason now, but if Roberet doesn't want to do even a small tour, what can I do? It makes me sad, but we can still HOPE and talk about it? Can't we? And maybe he would see this forum, how much all his fans new and old want to see him with 'Zepp' again, and maybe that would change his mind? Here's hoping!Thanks Toni

Hi Toni - There is nothing wrong with hoping for a reunion of some sorts. Hell, I would love to see a one off show like the O2. It is the people on this forum who bash Robert for doing what HE wants instead of what THEY want that add to the negativity here, in my own opinion of course. To some people, anything Robert does is wrong in one way or another. It's sad really.

And, Bigstickbonzo, your post was dead on! :thumbsup:

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They're both done. Robert is still sounding good and he certainly does not have to have Jimmy, Jonesy or Jason backing him to do so. I've accepted it and still enjoy the music. So should you.

Hi 'bigstickbonzo'

All i ask is "WHY?"

I'm a Fanatical Fan of Led Zeppelins Music, I'm not a Fanatical Fan of the Individual Members that made up Led Zeppelin. So if any of the Members of Led Zeppelin want to do Solo Projects without Some or All of the Former Members i have no problem with them. That said it doesn't mean that they have Carte Blanche over my Former Fanacism of Led Zeppelin and can expect Me to be as Big a Fanatic over their New Ventures as so many of you here expect people to be.

I don't like RPs New Venture one bit, in my honest opinion he has not done any justice to the Led Zeppelin Songs he is performing, i just don't like Him doing Them in that Style. I also think He would have had no trouble in doing a Tour with JP and JPJ and JB, there are many Led Zeppelin Songs that He could Perform without the necessity to strain His Voice, what I'm fed up with is Hearing that Unless their is New Music to be had with Reforming Led Zeppelin then He isn't interested, when He now does a Show with 7 songs being Old Led Zeppelin Songs and only 6 out of 20 being New Songs, its seems rather Two Faced and Hypocritical to me.

The setlist for the show was as follows:

01. Down To The Sea

02. Angel Dance (new song)

03. Please Read The Letter

04. House of Cards (new song)

05. Misty Mountain Hop (Led Zeppelin)

06. Monkey Additional (new song)

07. Twelve Gates to the City / Wade in the Water / In My Time of Dying (Led Zeppelin)

08. Rich Woman

09. Gone, Gone, Gone Done Moved On

10. All The King's Horses

11. Nobody's Fault But Mine (Led Zeppelin)

12. Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down (new song)

13. Central Two-0-Nine (new song)

14. Houses Of The Holy (Led Zeppelin)

15. Tall Cool One

16. Harm's Swift Way (new song)

17. Gallows Pole (Led Zeppelin)


18. Thank You (Led Zeppelin)

19. Rock & Roll (Led Zeppelin)

20. And We Bid You Goodnight

Regards, Danny

PS, Maybe RP has spent so much time hanging around with American Country Folk that he has developed a Forked Tongue and cannot help himself or distinguished between Fact, Truth and Double Talk, when RP can say what he means I'll be ready to listen, until then its Me who's on the warpath. :o;):lol:

Edited by BIGDAN
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I don't like RPs New Venture one bit, in my honest opinion he has not done any justice to the Led Zeppelin Songs he is performing, i just don't like Him doing Them in that Style. I also think He would have had no trouble in doing a Tour with JP and JPJ and JB, there are many Led Zeppelin Songs that He could Perform without the necessity to strain His Voice, what I'm fed up with is Hearing that Unless their is New Music to be had with Reforming Led Zeppelin then He isn't interested, when He now does a Show with 7 songs being Old Led Zeppelin Songs and only 6 out of 20 being New Songs, its seems rather Two Faced and Hypocritical to me.

Interesting use of capital letters.

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Hi Dan,

Here is how I look at it...Robert, Jimmy, and John Paul Jones showed everyone how much they cared for there mentor. Jason got the chance to make his dreams come true, and they all (inadvertently) gave us a gift who can buy bootlegs and view youtube. Robert plays Led Zeppelin music in his live shows and that pretty much should tell anyone who can breath he loves the music, and all the BS about putting Led Zeppelin behind him is horseshit. It's NOT just a small part of his musical career, as some like to say...That's an insult to Robert, IMO.

All this crying about why he would, or why he won't is secondary. 30 years have past now. Think about that.

Hi 'bigstickbonzo'

All i ask is "WHY?"

I'm a Fanatical Fan of Led Zeppelins Music, I'm not a Fanatical Fan of the Individual Members that made up Led Zeppelin. So if any of the Members of Led Zeppelin want to do Solo Projects without Some or All of the Former Members i have no problem with them. That said it doesn't mean that they have Carte Blanche over my Former Fanacism of Led Zeppelin and can expect Me to be as Big a Fanatic over their New Ventures as so many of you here expect people to be.

I don't like RPs New Venture one bit, in my honest opinion he has not done any justice to the Led Zeppelin Songs he is performing, i just don't like Him doing Them in that Style. I also think He would have had no trouble in doing a Tour with JP and JPJ and JB, there are many Led Zeppelin Songs that He could Perform without the necessity to strain His Voice, what I'm fed up with is Hearing that Unless their is New Music to be had with Reforming Led Zeppelin then He isn't interested, when He now does a Show with 7 songs being Old Led Zeppelin Songs and only 6 out of 20 being New Songs, its seems rather Two Faced and Hypocritical to me.

The setlist for the show was as follows:

01. Down To The Sea

02. Angel Dance (new song)

03. Please Read The Letter

04. House of Cards (new song)

05. Misty Mountain Hop (Led Zeppelin)

06. Monkey Additional (new song)

07. Twelve Gates to the City / Wade in the Water / In My Time of Dying (Led Zeppelin)

08. Rich Woman

09. Gone, Gone, Gone Done Moved On

10. All The King's Horses

11. Nobody's Fault But Mine (Led Zeppelin)

12. Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down (new song)

13. Central Two-0-Nine (new song)

14. Houses Of The Holy (Led Zeppelin)

15. Tall Cool One

16. Harm's Swift Way (new song)

17. Gallows Pole (Led Zeppelin)


18. Thank You (Led Zeppelin)

19. Rock & Roll (Led Zeppelin)

20. And We Bid You Goodnight

Regards, Danny

PS, Maybe RP has spent so much time hanging around with American Country Folk that he has developed a Forked Tongue and cannot help himself or distinguished between Fact, Truth and Double Talk, when RP can say what he means I'll be ready to listen, until then its Me who's on the warpath. :o;):lol:

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He is actually only playing 4 Zep songs, as he is playing Gallows pole and Nobody's fault but mine in the old blues arrangements and these are songs that were not originally Zep.

In my time of dying is only a part of a medley and also an old blues song!!

And the tour would still be succesfull, if he would just play his solo songs.

And he did leave Zep behind, mainly because of Bonzo death, but he still loves Zep songs, he just doesn't want to play them with Zep and when he plays them solo, he rearranges them, to make them more excitng for him and to give them new life in the style of his current project and also because if Bonzo would still be alive, he wouldn't really have to play the old hits that much, because there would be so many new

and most importantly the key member would still live and so Zep would function and so Robert would have no problem playing with them and he probably wouldn't bother to play some of the old hits, becasuse it would still be the same band and he would never leave it all behind.

Zeppelin is a band with irreplacable members!! This kind of bands are rare and so there are many bands that can replace a member or two and still work fine, especially if the replaced member is not the main songwriter. But not in the case of Zep!!

I wonder how many of you on this forum, would still go see a band called Led Zeppelin if only Jimmy would be the original member in it, or perhaps Jimmy and Jonesy or Jimmy and Robert!! They would still play the same songs and the replacements would still play it all profesionally, so you could still kind of enjoy the show. But it would not have the true essence of Zep, infact it would be far from it!!

For those of you, who would enjoy such a show with replacements, you can go see Jason's Led Zep experience and be pleased. After all it' Bonzo's son, so there is still some connection with someone of the original band, so it's pratically a Zep reunion, right!?:rolleyes:

Edited by Matjaz1
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There are just to many contradictions and inaccurate (stupid) statements here to reply to, but that is the beauty of opinions, and the people who have them.

He is actually only playing 4 Zep songs, as he is playing Gallows pole and Nobody's fault but mine in the old blues arrangements and these are songs that were not originally Zep.

In my time of dying is only a part of a medley and also an old blues song!!

And the tour would still be succesfull, if he would just play his solo songs.

And he did leave Zep behind, mainly because of Bonzo death, but he still loves Zep songs, he just doesn't want to play them with Zep and when he plays them solo, he rearranges them, to make them more excitng for him and to give them new life in the style of his current project and also because if Bonzo would still be alive, he wouldn't really have to play the old hits that much, because there would be so many new

and most importantly the key member would still live and so Zep would function and so Robert would have no problem playing with them and he probably wouldn't bother to play some of the old hits, becasuse it would still be the same band and he would never leave it all behind.

Zeppelin is a band with irreplacable members!! This kind of bands are rare and so there are many bands that can replace a member or two and still work fine, especially if the replaced member is not the main songwriter. But not in the case of Zep!!

I wonder how many of you on this forum, would still go see a band called Led Zeppelin if only Jimmy would be the original member in it, or perhaps Jimmy and Jonesy or Jimmy and Robert!! They would still play the same songs and the replacements would still play it all profesionally, so you could still kind of enjoy the show. But it would not have the true essence of Zep, infact it would be far from it!!

For those of you, who would enjoy such a show with replacements, you can go see Jason's Led Zep experience and be pleased. After all it' Bonzo's son, so there is still some connection with someone of the original band, so it's pratically a Zep reunion, right!?:rolleyes:

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As they say Matjaz, "Worts and All" . :lol:

Regards, Danny

Tough call on what's worse - someone who laughs at their own jokes in person, or online. Definitely a coin toss.

Robert's never going to satisfy some people. And he's far too subtle and clever for the all too many thick heads out there who have no clue when it comes to detecting sarcasm and irony, and can't handle anything that isn't completely literal.

Lots of people wanted a successful reunion gig. Well, you got it. At least 20,000 got it. A very safe, very stiff, clearly uncomfortable reunion gig, but all in all, a very successful venture for all involved. Considering the tension on stage for various reasons, I'm proud of our boys for pulling it off as well as they did.

The others wanted to do more, Robert didn't. Case closed. Next. Roll on Plant/Krauss, Band of Joy, Them Crooked Vultures, The JB Experience, Black Country Communion. Everyone's busy, everyone's out there doing something musically. Well, almost everybody...

Those of you pining and whining away for a band that broke up 30 years ago - get a life, people. It's over. You missed it. Deal.



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He is actually only playing 4 Zep songs, as he is playing Gallows pole and Nobody's fault but mine in the old blues arrangements and these are songs that were not originally Zep.

In my time of dying is only a part of a medley and also an old blues song!!

Allow me to nitpick. If you're suggesting that Robert including those particular "old blues songs" in his 2010 setlist has nothing to do with the fact that they were performed by Led Zeppelin, I say you're daft. Respectfully of course.

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Tough call on what's worse - someone who laughs at their own jokes in person, or online. Definitely a coin toss.

Hi Billy,

You're mistaking me for someone who gives a shit, :o so toss away me old fruit, ;) oh yea forgot to laugh. :lol:

Those of you pining and whining away for a band that broke up 30 years ago - get a life, people. It's over. You missed it. Deal.

Not me, i was there, Knebworth twice and Munich 1980, so i missed nothing, but i still miss THEM. ;):lol:

Regards, Danny :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by BIGDAN
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This protagonism is getting tedious. I grow weary of it.

And yet you continue to post in this thread. Uncanny. Can't help yourself?

Loved the bit about Celebration Day. "Never very popular, though." That Percy. He is cheeky.



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I'm not sure I would agree that Robert felt pressured to re-create the magic of the past - that was a moment in time. Seems to be the goal of all of them was to put on a fantastic show in honor of Ahmet - a friend, inspiration and mentor. Which they quite successfully did.

I guess you're right...but one thing's for sure though...being a relatively new fan of Led Zeppelin, it really really pains me to think that there is practically a 0% chance of another reunion show! I guess fans like myself would just have to learn to deal with it in some way, be thankful for the music, youtube.com (where we get the chance to watch interviews and concert footage) and just respect Robert's decision to move on to other projects! :(

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There are just to many contradictions and inaccurate (stupid) statements here to reply to, but that is the beauty of opinions, and the people who have them.

I would really like to know more about these statements and contradictions!

Allow me to nitpick. If you're suggesting that Robert including those particular "old blues songs" in his 2010 setlist has nothing to do with the fact that they were performed by Led Zeppelin, I say you're daft. Respectfully of course.

Well i think his tour would still be succesfull, even without those songs, his eighties tours were!! But yes, he did pick those songs partially because Zep played them, but mostly not to atract the audience, but because he likes them and i think he specifically picked Nobody's fault but mine, In my time of dying and Gallows pole, because they were originaly old blues-folk songs, that fit well in his current set.

There are just so many Zep hits he could have picked, if it would be just for attracting audiences! But besides the blues ones, he picked Misty mountain, Houses of the holy, Thank you and Rock and roll and yes Rock and roll is very well known, but that is just one big Zep hit in the entire set!!

Edited by Matjaz1
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I don't like RPs New Venture one bit, in my honest opinion he has not done any justice to the Led Zeppelin Songs he is performing, i just don't like Him doing Them in that Style. I also think He would have had no trouble in doing a Tour with JP and JPJ and JB, there are many Led Zeppelin Songs that He could Perform without the necessity to strain His Voice, what I'm fed up with is Hearing that Unless their is New Music to be had with Reforming Led Zeppelin then He isn't interested, when He now does a Show with 7 songs being Old Led Zeppelin Songs and only 6 out of 20 being New Songs, its seems rather Two Faced and Hypocritical to me.

That, it is. I suggest you sue him. Some Creed fans sued them for putting on a sucky concert and WON. You do have a chance to retaliate against the evil Plant, go for it!

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That, it is. I suggest you sue him. Some Creed fans sued them for putting on a sucky concert and WON. You do have a chance to retaliate against the evil Plant, go for it!

Hi Jahfin,

I'm No Ambulance Chaser but you do have a Point, and without the Even Eviler Mr Grant around i might just have a chance of some compo. :yesnod:

Now as i haven't spent any money on seeing him lately what exactly would i sue him for? i need witnesses as well, if anyone can help i would be much obliged. ;)

Regards, Danny

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Now as i haven't spent any money on seeing him lately what exactly would i sue him for?

Apparently you (along with many, many others) here feel as though you've been slighted by Robert Plant for various and sundry reasons. This could form the grounds for a lawsuit. I say go for it. It's not as though you'll be without supporters, they're crawling out of the woodwork on the board these days.

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Now as i haven't spent any money on seeing him lately what exactly would i sue him for? i need witnesses as well, if anyone can help i would be much obliged. ;)

Hi Bigdan

As you did not purchase a ticket for any of his shows, there is no valid contract upon which you can rely.

There must however be many thousands of people who have watched his rendition of Houses of the Holy on youtube.

Although Robert himself did not record or post the clips, there might still be a case for a Class Action against him for failing to prevent the filming of himself in the act of knowingly or recklessly performing in a manner likely to cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I shall consult my weighty tomes forthwith on arrival at my Chambers tomorrow.


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