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What the heck is he doing on JP's site? :wtf: Can't figure it out! It reminds me of traveling into Queens NY to Mets games on the 7 line and seeing his graffiti image on a building. Man that guy is ugly! :faint1: Never thought much of Biggie Smalls. Never a big rap fan, but I did like some of the creativity of it during the 80's and early 90's...now, forget it. Tough, how he had to lose his life with the whole East Coast and West Coast thing and the battles of and Tupac being a part of this as well!

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^^ Biggie?

That's what I got too via duckduckgo.

But why today? YouTube has that video "mashup" called Ramblize first appearing in May 2011 if I remember correctly (it's been more than two minutes since I looked at it, I must be getting old!) so why is it On This Day today?

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What the heck is he doing on JP's site? :wtf: Can't figure it out! It reminds me of traveling into Queens NY to Mets games on the 7 line and seeing his graffiti image on a building. Man that guy is ugly! :faint1: Never thought much of Biggie Smalls. Never a big rap fan, but I did like some of the creativity of it during the 80's and early 90's...now, forget it. Tough, how he had to lose his life with the whole East Coast and West Coast thing and the battles of and Tupac being a part of this as well!

Oh he's 'that' guy the whole Tupac Shaq thing. It's neat that Jimmy is in Biggie's sunglasses like that though. But why today? I'm at a loss but I usually am so nothing new there...

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What the hell?

Do not want.

Ditto. Seriously, WTF? :dont:

Surely they should do a new feature - "Jimmy's mash-up Page" (can you see what I did there?) - instead of 'On This Day', which is still littered with errors the third time around despite knowledgeable people bombarding them with corrections, and seems to be becoming less and less relevant.

In January Jimmy will have been alive for 25567 days.

If we ignore his first 20 years (7305 days) and the last 13 (4748 days. Well, he's not done a great deal really, and I'm looking for excuses to cut down the numbers), and the weekends for the intervening 37 years (3848 days), that still leaves leaves us with 9666 possible choices for 'on this day'.

Even if he only did something exciting on ONE DAY A WEEK for all of those 9666 days he should still have enough material for 1933 original choices for 'on this day'.

But they're struggling to fill 365 days with stuff.

And then we get this crap. Grr.

Sorry..... rant over. i needed to get that out of my system.

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Sometimes OTD nails it. Today - if only by chance - would seem to do exactly that.

They performed two songs, 'Same Old Rock' and 'Hangman'. The real story here was Jimmy's refusal to name the other members of his new band (The Firm) who by this time had already completed the recording of their debut album.

For the benefit of anyone seeking to make a pilgrimage, compare the first few seconds of the clip above to the map below:


Edited by SteveAJones
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How bad does it have to be before Jimmy's (mis)management puts an end to Makowski's On This Day nonsense? The mainstream press is now reporting Jimmy Page, the most iconic rock guitarist of the 1970s, has been reduced to producing You Tube mashups for his official site content.


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How bad does it have to be before Jimmy's (mis)management puts an end to Makowski's On This Day nonsense? The mainstream press is now reporting Jimmy Page, the most iconic rock guitarist of the 1970s, has been reduced to producing You Tube mashups for his official site content.


Ross is right about Peter Makowoski being useless.

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It's a repeat, but one I love. I feel so bad for Roy.

I couldn't believe this today, when I saw the news story regarding him. Just hope it's not true, but I'm not going to make a judgement on this. Let it play out and hopefully things will work out as they should.

Don't want anyone here to bank a rush to judgement and convict one before all justified evidence has been heard. Don't know how else to say this. Just don't convict a person before they're certified guilty! :dont:

With a lot of cases like these, there is usually evidence to back them up as for one to bring such forth a case, doing it in a fraudulent way will not be beneficial to the accuser monetarily. Too much to lose unless they have a case. But there can be exceptions and try to extort money out of an individual, when they feel they can do it and get it!

What do you think? I don't know what to make out of this as, there isn't much info on this. :unsure:

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I couldn't believe this today, when I saw the news story regarding him. Just hope it's not true, but I'm not going to make a judgement on this. Let it play out and hopefully things will work out as they should.

Don't want anyone here to bank a rush to judgement and convict one before all justified evidence has been heard. Don't know how else to say this. Just don't convict a person before they're certified guilty! :dont:

With a lot of cases like these, there is usually evidence to back them up as for one to bring such forth a case, doing it in a fraudulent way will not be beneficial to the accuser monetarily. Too much to lose unless they have a case. But there can be exceptions and try to extort money out of an individual, when they feel they can do it and get it!

What do you think? I don't know what to make out of this as, there isn't much info on this. :unsure:

Like you, I am hoping the best always for Roy. I couldn't believe this either.

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I like it. Sue me. Although I have heard better LZ mashups, this one isn't that bad...it's got bounce.

I haven't thought of the Jimmy Page website in ages, so of course it was already gone by the time I saw the story on the web today. Thought someone would have been nice enough to archive it here (after all, I thought that was what this thread was for?)...but I guess everyone has rap-phobia. So I had to scour the internet to find a link to the song that worked.

Edited by Strider
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I like it. Sue me. Although I have heard better LZ mashups, this one isn't that bad...it's got bounce.

I haven't thought of the Jimmy Page website in ages, so of course it was already gone by the time I saw the story on the web today. Thought someone would have been nice enough to archive it here (after all, I thought that was what this thread was for?)...but I guess everyone has rap-phobia. So I had to scour the internet to find a link to the song that worked.

Who's your lawyer? I'll see you in court. :bubble:

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I like it. Sue me.

I like it too.

What has not been established is who made it. Away from this site, many people seem to believe ( perhaps because it appeared on the site) that JP mixed it himself, that he is the actual author. Certainly on Twitter, that's what they all think.

Is there any evidence that he did ?

I assumed that only the image in the glasses was the JP contribution, not the actual audio work.

There is now a view out there that JP spends his time doing rap music mashups.... ( well I don't know that he doesn't. and it would explain the delay in the new Zep stuff!)

If he didn't, and I presume he didn't, especially as it was available on youtube so long ago, the site needs to make that clear, because it alters the public perception of him.

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