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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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Just announced. Doesn't exactly come as a surprise.


One of my friends on another site just posted this (said it was drinking, not drugs although the cause is not confirmed)...my friend knew her and and had briefly worked with her...heartbreaking waste of talent...dead in her North London flat.

Edited by MadScreamingGallery
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And the sun rises in the east.

Totally predictable. Having seen her live, she was overrated from the get-go. She owed her success to Mark Ronson. It was his production that made her a hit. Out of the studio and on the stage, without his help, she was a wreck.

And I think she knew it, which partly explains her self-destructive behavior. She knew without Ronson, she'd been exposed as a fraud...kind of like when Toto reveals the Wizard of Oz.

Sharon Jones could sing circles around Amy, yet didn't get 1% the media coverage that attention whore Winehouse received.

For true soul, Sharon Jones is your woman. Adele and Joss Stone are also better than Amy, who thankfully will be consigned to the cutout bin of history.

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Another member of the 27 club.. :(

That's the first thing I thought. She's joined Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin. And, like the others, it's tragic and we are left saying the same thing: "What a waste of talent and of a life." 27 is far too young to die.

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And the sun rises in the east.

Totally predictable. Having seen her live, she was overrated from the get-go. She owed her success to Mark Ronson. It was his production that made her a hit. Out of the studio and on the stage, without his help, she was a wreck.

And I think she knew it, which partly explains her self-destructive behavior. She knew without Ronson, she'd been exposed as a fraud...kind of like when Toto reveals the Wizard of Oz.

Sharon Jones could sing circles around Amy, yet didn't get 1% the media coverage that attention whore Winehouse received.

For true soul, Sharon Jones is your woman. Adele and Joss Stone are also better than Amy, who thankfully will be consigned to the cutout bin of history.

I usually enjoy your posts, Strider, and you are obviously entitled to share your opinions - which I usually agree with. But you have to admit, this post should've been made on a different day.

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And the sun rises in the east.

Totally predictable. Having seen her live, she was overrated from the get-go. She owed her success to Mark Ronson. It was his production that made her a hit. Out of the studio and on the stage, without his help, she was a wreck.

And I think she knew it, which partly explains her self-destructive behavior. She knew without Ronson, she'd been exposed as a fraud...kind of like when Toto reveals the Wizard of Oz.

Sharon Jones could sing circles around Amy, yet didn't get 1% the media coverage that attention whore Winehouse received.

For true soul, Sharon Jones is your woman. Adele and Joss Stone are also better than Amy, who thankfully will be consigned to the cutout bin of history.

Really, really couldn't disagree more. I saw her live several times and worked with her, she was a lovely woman, lost in her own demons at times, and those times just took over. I also think leaving a time of respect after a person's death has a lot going for it. Your post is horrible.

Edited by Knebby
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Never having heard Amy's music until about a year ago, I didn't expect to like it.

But was I surprised, this lady can sing a song. One of the songs I saw on YouTube was "Wake Up Alone."

Never released as a single, but what a pretty number with a genuine late 50's early/60's almost doo-wop feel.

Right then I didn't care what the tabloids said, and wished her continued success based on the music.

R.I.P. Amy, your music lives on.........missy

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Kind of off-topic, but still appropriate:

The news reports are saying that the cause of her death was unknown, but that it's common konwledge that she had struggled with drugs and drink problems.

The implication that drink is not a drug always pisses me off. It's a far bigger killer than all the illegal drugs put together; usually they're not sudden deaths, but protracted ones, and they add up to an enormous strain on healthcare resources, not to mention the impact on the families concerned. But if you want a sudden death, it's cheaper and easier to achieve with alcohol than smack or coke. Just walk into practically any grocery store with £20, buy a couple of bottles of whisky and down them - job done.

The only real difference between alcohol and 'drugs' is that alcohol is legal.

Rant over.

Edited by bouillon
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I don't think liquor contributed to her death. Her former husband (?) is rumored to have been the one who introduced her to cocaine and heroin, so it's more likely that she died from an OD, whether intentional, accidental, or administered by someone else, which is what I'm presuming the police are working on finding out.

It sucks she had to die young (I'm only a year older than her), but she had ample opportunities to clean herself up and didn't. I can't feel bad for people who have loads of talent, which she did, and then piss it all away. That doesn't mean I'm happy she's dead, only that I accept the reality that people who live their lives a certain way will many times die that way.

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It's very sad, but, as boullion led off with, not much of a surprise.

I really liked her.

Frank and Back To Black were absolutely awesome CDs, and are still on my iPhone and work computer.

I liked her because she seemed so genuine in her music and lyrics.

I know she looked a mess a lot of times, but I thought her straightforward, almost fierce sexuality made her extremely sexy.

It's like she didn't try to be uppity or pretentious.

Kinda like she wasn't afraid to be seen as slutty (As opposed to the intentionally slutty personas some female singers assume) if that's the way people saw it, even if it was actually just being real about her sexuality.

Her music and lyrics felt intensely personal, much the same as the way I feel about Trent Reznor's / NINs first release Pretty Hate Machine.

You Should Be Stronger Than Me, What Is It About Men?, Amy, Amy, Amy, You Know I'm No Good and Back To Black are incredibly honest and personal tunes.

Again, it's really sad, but not very unexpected.

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I liked Amy Winehouse. I was never a big fan or anything but her music did put a smile on my face. I liked her because she had such a bluesy tone. She is not overrated garbage, in my opinion. Her style was pretty unique if you ask me. This is sad news indeed, but as mentioned earlier, it was not very suprising! R.I.P Amy! You had something unique to offer the music industry but unfortunately your life was cut short. May you find peace.

I know that some people would readily point out that her death was rather "inevitable" since she was on a path of self-destruction and that you pretty much "reap what you sow" and that people with such out of control lifestyles often die young and so on, but for goodness sake, can we just put aside all the so called "conspiracy theories" surrounding her death for one freakin' day? I mean c'mon! The poor woman has been dead for what? 24 hours or a little more?! So, can we please just let it go atleast for a couple of hours? Or is that too much to ask? :rolleyes:

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