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LZ songs just you don't like...


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...C'mon, we all have some that you just don't like or won't listen to. I know we're all LZ fans here, but there has to be a few songs on your list.

Here's my list, as much as I hate to admit it:

In no particular order...

  • Hot Dog
  • Carouselambra
  • Celebration Day
  • South Bound Suarez (Saurez; mis-spelled on the record label)
  • Tea For One
  • White Summer (can only listen to it a few times before I'm ready to move on to the next song)
  • Out On The Tiles

I know this may rub a few LZ fans raw, but I have to be honest. I love LZ's music, but those are just a few songs of theirs that I just can't listen to. Believe it or not, even D'yer Mak'er doesn't float my boat sometimes.

Fire away!


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I could probably live without The Crunge & D'yer Mak'er, but then again, the drums are so huge that I still listen for that reason...I like some versions more than others, eg The Ocean from Madison Square Garden over the album version; which doesn't quite do it for me. Ditto, Celebration Day from TSRTS over LZ 3.

Everything in their canon has some merit to it, for me. Whereas say, The Beatles, I only really like their post Rubber Soul work...I can appreciate the songcraft of their early work but I don't want to listen to it....

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Carouselambra: the first 20 seconds is ok, then it's just too much for the remaining 10 minutes

I'm Gonna Crawl: don't care for it at all - too synth heavy

Boogie With Stu: just don't like it

Bonzo's Montreux: the first minute is awesome, the rest...not so much

Walter's Walk

Ozone Baby

Wearing and Tearing

^ Plants vocals ruin these songs for me

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The only song worthy of ire is "Tea for One." There might be others I don't really listen to, but that's the only one I actively dislike.


Dyer Maker

You Shook Me

Hats off To Roy Harper

Huh?! "You Shook Me"?!

Edited by Melcórë
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Some of the songs folks have mentioned are certainly not my favorites: Hats Off; Carouselambra; Out on the Tiles; Ozone Baby.

But the only ones I'd say I really don't like are Darlene and Livin' Lovin' Maid.

I'm interested - and a little puzzled - to see Boogie with Stu, Friends, Fool in the Rain, and You Shook Me mentioned. The first three are among their most inventive songs. But to each his or her own.

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I really like Zep's music, but there are a few I'm not into...

Example A: Poor Tom... not that interesting

South Bound Saurez(or Suarez, however it's spelled)... just not hitting it

Walter's Walk... meh..

Everything else I will willingly listen to nowadays, although the above I just can't seem to grasp as well as all other Zep songs


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been a fan since 1968 and I have NEVER skipped over a track I have all of their studio albums on vinyl. I don't like lots of singers and groups so I simply do not buy their albums. When Zeppelin were still making albums I didn't think...Oh I better not buy that as I may not like some of the tracks.

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LZ 2 Thank you. Its too sweet for my Zep.

HOTH Dyer maker I am not into Reggae

Presence R Orleanes/Candy Store Rock/Hots for no where/Tea for one

ITTOD- Hotdog/Southbound Surarez

With ITTOD. Zep sound tired and it does feel like 1979. The guitar sound just feels like lets put something out for the sake of it. Its not like When Zep get together they play stuff from ITTOD.

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Its not like When Zep get together they play stuff from ITTOD.

And just how often have Zeppelin gotten together since they broke up in 1980? Not Zep but Page & Plant have played tunes from In Through the Out Door haven't they? I know they've at least done "In the Evening".

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I never got into Traveling Riverside Blues.

I have to be in the mood for Hot's on for Nowhere... even though Page's guitar solo is pretty freaky and Bonham is on fire.

Robert to me sounds weak.

I used to hate Hot Dog till I saw Knebworth footage of it.

That's about it.

A different take on Hat's off to (Roy) Harper..

I love it.. I consider it to be one of Robert's most powerful vocal tracks.

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I dont know why.... but ive never liked kashmir, ive tried for years and years to get into that song but i truly cannot

Wait...what? Kashmir? Really?

Personally, the only one I can think of that I will skip over (with my ipod on shuffle) is Hats off to Roy Harper.

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