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Don't know if kids everywhere did this or what, but we would mime the motion of spraying ourselves with "repellant" so you'd be safe. You'd be like "pssshhhhh" (motion of spraying a spray can) and say "I'm safe!"

Forgot all about that shiznit.

Katie's looking at me, Matt.....


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My dad talks about his elementary school days, where they pegged a kid or two as having fleas, and every recess they'd all pretend to buy 'F.B.I.' (flea bag insurance) and write in on their hands.

It's one of my dad's many funny stories.

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When I was little we use to play a game we called 'cooties' on the playground, which was just like tag but all the boys and girls chased after the opposite sex yet stay away at the same time because if you were touched by the opposite sex it ment you had cooties and were pretty much toxic to everyone else. Kids are so stupid!:lol:

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  • 1 year later...
I was like, "WTF?"

I really didn't remember starting this thread. ROFL

Hi 'manderlyh'

Yea you did and thanks for doing it.

Is it anything like "The Lurgy" as i was always getting this desease as a kid?

Regards, Danny

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