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What Made You Happy today?


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I think you'd be a great mom, Mandy. Don't wait too long...those eggs start to decrease every year.

And it gets harder to keep up with the physical demands of mommyhood. Seriously. I had the first two in my early 20's (a breeze), the younger two in my mid thirties - not so breezy.

but maybe you're more energetic than me ;)

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My first was when I was 25...last 32. Yeah, I think your twenties are best suited for motherhood. I can't imagine having the energy too much later than say 35.

I'm 29 now. ;)

My mom had me when she was (too) young, and my last sister was born when she was 29. She didn't want any more after that. HER cousin and her sister both had kids after 40; my cousin had all of her kids in her 40's, and my aunt had two generations of kids: her youngest kid was born being an aunt. I don't want to have them much past 30-35. ;)

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I'm 29 now. ;)

My mom had me when she was (too) young, and my last sister was born when she was 29. She didn't want any more after that. HER cousin and her sister both had kids after 40; my cousin had all of her kids in her 40's, and my aunt had two generations of kids: her youngest kid was born being an aunt. I don't want to have them much past 30-35. ;)

I had my first a month shy of 28, second at 30, and 3rd at 35. There was a big difference in my energy level, but on the other hand, I was waaay more laid back with #3 (and she is by far the pistol of the bunch!). :) I did have to see a high risk specialist with her because of "Advanced Maternal Age" <_< but just as a precaution.

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Wow, I haven't posted in here in ages. So, lately, a few things that have made me happy:

- Spent last weekend with a good friend of mine who had just returned to the US after spending 10 months in Guantanamo Bay. It was awesome catching up with her...I missed her a ton!

- Met a new guy; our first date is tomorrow night. :)


- Going to New York City in June! I've never been...so excited!

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